Changelog for genius-lang-1.0.20-3.1.noarch.rpm :

* Thu Mar 12 2015 Update to version 1.0.20: + Add more sizes of icons including SVG, and add Keywords to the .desktop file. + Documentation updates. + Fix PeriodicExtension function. + ErrorFunction (erf) is using MPFR for real values so it is far more precise and faster. + The Fourier series example is no longer using a hand coded graph and hand computed series, so it can now be easily modified to show series for different functions. + Fix GCC 5 compilation. + A couple of minor fixes in the plotting code including one possible crasher. + Updated translations.
* Wed Sep 24 2014 Update to version 1.0.19: + New menu: Examples. These are annotated programs that show some mathematical concept. Generally taken from the classes I have been teaching. They are installed under prefix/share/genius/examples/ and are mostly using graphics so only work in the graphical GNOME/GTK version + New plotting functions: SurfacePlotDrawLine, SurfacePlotDrawPoints, SurfacePlotClear, PlotWindowPresent. + New rotation animation in the surface plot window. + Fix string constants from compiled library starting with \'E\'. + A few fixes. + Updated translations.
* Sat Sep 13 2014 Update to version 1.0.18: + New general functions: KroneckerProduct (alias TensorProduct), NewtonsMethod, HalleysMethod, LambertW, LambertWm1, NonzeroColumns, NonzeroElements, DisplayVariables, PrintTable, SetElement, SetVElement. + New plotting functions: PlotCanvasFreeze/PlotCanvasThaw to improve flicker if doing animations with genius, and LinePlotDrawPoints function to draw just points without the line. While plotting errors are no longer forced into a dialog, and presence of errors is indicated in the graph window below the graph. + Allow setting color in LinePlotDrawLine with RGB vector. When the vector building notation is done with floats and the final number is within 2^-20 times the step size of the goal, assume there were roundoff errors and still add it, just like for loops, so something like 1.0:0.1:3.0 now works. + Implement subsecond precision in wait function. + Fix memory corruption error triggered in nested floating point for loops with a floating point step. + Few minor bug fixes and fix some more compile warnings in gtkextra. + Streamline the compiled file format (saves about 30kb). + A few improvements to the documentation. + Updated translations.
* Thu Jun 27 2013 Update to version 1.0.17: + Better precision for graphs especially when zoomed it a lot, and make font smaller if needed. + Line plots and parametric plots now allow \"fit dependent axis\" automatically when y limits are unspecified. And this is the default in the UI. + Add export of graphs to PDF directly. + Line plot step size is adaptive, also line plots now detect jumps and do not draw a connecting line, try plotting UnitStep for example. + Use arrow keys to move around a line plot. + left-right arrow keys rotate surface plot. + All plots are now antialiased on the screen (due to GtkExtra update and cairo usage). + Update internal GtkExtra to 3.0.5, and forward port all our changes/fixes (this gets us closer to supporting GTK+3 at some point). + Completion for \"help on function\" in the GUI. + Fix FindRootBisection and FindRootMullersMethod. + Factors is now a lot faster on very large numbers (as fast as Factorize). + Fix placement of labels on surface plots. + A few small fixes and updates to the documentation. + A few minor bugfixes. + Update mersenne primes (new one is known). + Updated translations.
* Mon Dec 17 2012 Update to version 1.0.16: + Add SurfacePlotData and SurfacePlotDataGrid functions to draw arbitrary surface data, to allow more complicated 3d plots and 3d plots from data. + Add LinePlotDrawAxisLabels and SurfacePlotDrawLegends parameters and add corresponding UI checkboxes + Add ExportPlot function to export the current contents of the plot window to a file from GEL + Surface plot now allows \"fit dependent axis\" automatically when z limits are unspecified. And this is the default in the UI + Add sinc, BesselJ0, BesselJ1, BesselJn, BesselY0, BesselY1, BesselYn functions + Plot window slightly bigger (700x500 now) and there are wider side margins in the lineplot (2D) version to make tick labels always fit. + In both 2D and 3D plots, tick labels now use scientific notation when needed to avoid ugly labels + In surface plot the gradient always shows only the range of the function, so color is more useful when zoomed out. + Simpler output when typing \"help foo\" when foo is neither defined nor documented. + When for/sum/prod loops are in terms of floating point numbers and the final number is within 2^-20 times the step size of the goal, assume there were roundoff errors and still execute the body + Handle wider matrices than 2^15 columns in expansion + Fix flicker when plotting surfaces to allow animations with 3d plots + Fix possible uninitialized crash when reading badly formed standard library (should never happen, but ...) + Fix LinearRecursiveSequence and allow it to take vector for n + Fix crash on uninitialized variables in conjugate transpose + Fix crash on extreme zoom out or zoom in of a graph + Fix derivatives of Im and Re + Fix file chooser dialogs not starting in current directory + Avoid double error about uninitialized variables + Spelling fixes and documentation fixes + Require MPFR at least 2.3.0 + Updated translations.
* Wed Mar 28 2012 Update to version 1.0.15: + New functions CurrentTime, MacaulayRep, MacaulayLowerOperator, MacaulayBound. + Fix rational powers of negative numbers, and exact negative rational powers. + Fix zooming in graphs using the mouse when the functions take long to run. + Accept log instead of ln for symbolic derivative when used with only one parameter. + Updated translations.
* Mon Oct 03 2011 Add explicit shared-mime-info BuildRequires since we use the %mime_database_
* macros.
* Sun Jul 31 2011 Update to version 1.0.14: + Fix some compilation warnings + Fix a crasher + Optimize and quantize the new pngs for a smaller file + Updated translations.- Drop genius-fix-warnings.patch: fixed upstream.
* Fri Jul 29 2011 Update to version 1.0.13: + Add ShuffleVector + Add increment and swapwith operators + Require gtk 2.18 and fix up some deprecated function usage + Slightly more cache friendly matrix traversal + Optimize Combinations, Permutations, SortVector, IntegerQuotient + Lots of tiny random optimizations + Open help even if the URI api is broken + Make pngs in the distribution smaller yet + Make the compiled library slightly smaller + Some more vector functions accept null properly + Minor portability fixes + Updated translations.- Add gnome-doc-utils-devel BuildRequires for new dependency.- Add genius-fix-warnings.patch: fix build warnings that make the build fail.
* Thu Apr 28 2011 Move to pkgconfig()-style BuildRequires: + Old ones: gtk2-devel, gtksourceview-devel, vte-devel. + New ones: glib-2.0, gtk+-2.0, gtksourceview-2.0, vte.
* Mon Feb 14 2011 Added support for translation-update-upstream.
* Sat Feb 12 2011 Call relevant macros in %post/%postun: + %desktop_database_post/postun because the package ships at least one desktop file. + %icon_theme_cache_post/postun because the package ships themed icons. + %mime_database_post/postun because the package ships a mime type definition.- Pass %{?no_lang_C} to %find_lang so that english documentation can be packaged with the program, and not in the lang subpackage.- Change Requires of lang subpackage to Recommends, since the english documentation is not there anymore.- Remove shared-mime-info Requires: if it\'s not there, then we simply don\'t need to update the mime database.
* Thu Nov 25 2010 Update to version 1.0.12: + Recently used files menu + Only run ps2epsi on eps output if selected, it can be very slow and I\'ve realized it\'s not commonly needed + Fix handling of comment at the end of file when running from the IDE + Fix handling of newlines in the lexer + Fix CrossProduct + Some self tests were missing in the distro + Fix 64 bit build to be warning free + Fix buld on Make 3.82 + Updated translations- Drop genius-make382.patch: fixed upstream. As a consequence, also remove the autoreconf call in build.
* Sat Sep 11 2010 Add genius-make382.patch: Fix build with make 3.82- Add autoreconf call in build section.
* Fri Sep 10 2010 Update to version 1.0.11: + Build fix for some versions of ncurses + Minor documentation updates.
* Thu Sep 09 2010 Update to version 1.0.10: + Allow changing variable names for all plotting functions + Add SlopefieldTicks, VectorfieldTicks, LinePlotVariableNames, and SurfacePlotVariableNames, parameters + Add AskButtons interactive function + CHANGE: spelling fix: AuxiliaryUnitMatrix doesn\'t have two l\'s + Support for setting legend on LinePlotDrawLine with a \"legend\" parameter + Allow comparisons (== and !=) with null, treating it as an empty matrix + Uses GIO instead of GnomeVFS + Fix compilation without gtksourceview + Fix some crashes in plotting code + Allow slopefield solutions to leave plot window by a small fudge factor. + Fix zooming plots so that we can zoom by moving mouse in any direction + Fix compilation with newer sealed vte + Fix up some typos in the documentation + Updated translations.- Drop genius-sealed-vte.patch, fixed upstream.- Remove gnome-vfs2-devel BuildRequires.
* Mon Aug 30 2010 Add genius-sealed-vte.patch to fix build with latest vte, which seals the vte API.
* Wed May 12 2010 PreRequire shared-mime-info- Do not package .omf files twice.
* Fri Dec 25 2009 Update to version 1.0.9: + Fix matrix expansion. This also fixes AuxilliaryUnitMatrix and JordanBlock. + Fix several possible crashers. + Fix a minor memory leak.
* Fri Nov 13 2009 Update to version 1.0.8: + Buildfixes for Cygwin and parallel builds + Check events before executing a command line, fixes a race which results in display anomalies on new vte. + Documentation updates + Require GTK/GLib 2.12 and use the new tooltips API.
* Fri Jul 31 2009 Update to version 1.0.7: + SYNTAX: Added a possibility to exactly specify which variables are copied into a function\'s extra dictionary when it is being returned. E.g. \"`(x) [x0] = (x-x0)\" will copy x0 from the current context. This is a lot more efficient than the current behaviour which tries to copy everything referenced. + SYNTAX: Add \"local\" variables by specifying \"local x,y,z\" or \"local
*\" as the first statement in a function. Local variables are not visible from higher contexts (functions called within) + CHANGE: all system parameters are now protected and cannot be redefined using the \"parameter\" keyword + Add UserVariables, UndefineAll, ProtectAll, and add Undefine as an alias to undefine. + Add trigonometric Fourier series related functions: NumericalFourierSeriesFunction, NumericalFourierSineSeriesFunction, NumericalFourierCosineSeriesFunction, FourierSeriesFunction, NumericalFourierSeriesCoefficients, NumericalFourierSineSeriesCoefficients, NumericalFourierCosineSeriesCoefficients, PeriodicExtension, EvenPeriodicExtension, OddPeriodicExtension + Fix changing floating point precision! + Fix uninitialized variable in graphing + Improve variable substitution for returned functions to be more efficient. Slightly changes behaviour with respect to global functions and variables used. + Plot windows now not treated annoyingly as dialogs + Fix compilation/decompilation of all function attributes. + Parse/Evaluate with a syntax error at end of string no longer terminate genius + Updated Mersenne stuff for the newest data from and fix MersennePrimeExponents + Fix opening new files from the command line. + Update the gel library to use the new language features. + Various other minor fixes + Translation updates.
* Sun Jun 14 2009 Clean package for Contrib.