Changelog for
google-cloud-sdk-doc-0.9.44-3.1.noarch.rpm :
Sat Jan 31 13:00:00 2015
- Add patches:
+ gsutil_noVersioCheckOrUpdate.patch
+ gsutil_respectBotoCfgKeyword.patch
+ hidePathMangeling.patch
Remove patches:
- gcloudFixPath.patch
- gsutilSupportBotoCfgKeyword.patch
- Update to version 0.9.44 bnc#915479
+ Fixes applied to the google/appengine-gobase image for managed VMs.
+ Tab completion for gcloud SQL commands.
+ Support added for authenticating service accounts with JSON keys.
If using JSON keys, PyOpenSSL is no longer a dependency.
+ Suport for local ssds in instance templates for gcloud compute.
+ Progress Bars.
+ Compute Instances start/ stop commands.
+ Bug Fixes.
+ Added support for local SSD.
+ Added support for Google Compute Engine Instance Templates in
compute component.
+ Overhaul of \'gcloud sql\'
~ Updated the output for all commands.
~ Updated usage for \'gcloud sql ssl-certs create\'.
+ Added support for creating and maintaining Cloud SQL read replica instances.
~ Added --master-instance-name property that can be set during replica
creation to indicate the replication master for the read replica instance.
~ Added --enable-database-replication, --no-enable-database-replication
flags that can be used to start, stop replication for the read replica
~ Added \'promote-replica\' command that promotes a read replica instance into
a stand-alone Cloud SQL instance.
+ Added several new features to the compute component:
~ Implemented new subcommands for interacting with HTTP load balancing:
- gcloud compute url-maps add-host-rule
- gcloud compute url-maps add-path-matcher
- gcloud compute url-maps remove-host-rule
- gcloud compute url-maps remove-path-matcher
- gcloud compute url-maps set-default-service
~ Added support for automatically generating initial Windows username and
password when creating a virtual machine instance from a Windows
image or a disk initializaed from a Windows image.
~ Added a new scope alias for Cloud SQL administration: \'sql-admin\'.
+ The compute component is now in General Availability.
~ Added new \'compute/zone\' and \'compute/region\' properties that
can be used to set a default zone and region. To set the
properties, run \'gcloud config set compute/zone ZONE\' and \'gcloud
config set compute/region REGION\'.
~ Added support for overriding disk auto-deletion during instance
~ Updated the output of commands that mutate resources to be more
human-friendly. The --format flag can be used for more verbose
~ Replaced all \'get\' subcommands with \'describe\' subcommands (e.g.,
\'gcloud compute instances get\' has been replaced with \'gcloud
compute instances describe\').
~ Renamed the \'firewalls\' collection to \'firewall-rules\'.
~ Added support to the \'addresses\' collection for interacting with
global addresses.
+ Updated gcutil to 1.16.3 and various AppEngine runtimes to 1.9.7 binaries.
+ Support running several modules by gcloud app run and fixed output errors.
+ Limit gcloud upgrade nags to once per day.
+ Bring help files up to date (for example improved the documentation
for DM \'templates create\' and \'deployments create\').
+ Added prompting for regions and zones to most subcommands of the
compute component.
+ Added new subcommands to the compute component for adding and removing
backends from backend services.
+ Added --ssh-flags to \'gcloud compute ssh\' for passing additional flags
to ssh.
+ Added image alias support for the --image flag in the compute component.
+ Added --shell mode to all gcloud commands
~ Type a partial command followed by \'--shell\' to drop into a sub shell
at that point in the command tree.
~ Eg:
$ gcloud compute --shell
gcloud compute $ instances list
gcloud compute $ copy-files ...
+ Updated gsutil to 4.3
+ Allow installed crcmod to be used by default with gsutil by enabling
site packages
Fri Jun 27 14:00:00 2014
- Disable the Google built in \"component\" management and version upgrade
+ add hideImplicitVersionMgmt.patch
Sat Jun 21 14:00:00 2014
- Fix setup file to properly include package data embedded in
googlecloudsdk package, previously
*.json files were missing
Tue Jun 17 14:00:00 2014
- Remove debug print from
- Include templated html files as data files, these are used by the
auth setup workflow
Fri Jun 6 14:00:00 2014
- Remove unnecessary dependency on python-oauth2
Thu Jun 5 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version 0.9.25
+ \'gcloud preview app deploy\' and \'... run\' argument updates.
+ \'gcloud config
*\' argument updates.
+ Updated all AppEngine tools to 1.9.5
+ gcloud now has App Engine and Cloud Datastore integration.
- Commands can be found under `gcloud preview app` and
`gcloud preview datastore`
+ New `gcloud compute` tool for working with compute engine (RC)
- Run `gcloud components update compute` to install
- Run `gcloud help compute` for more information
+ Updated all AppEngine tools to 1.9.4
+ Added color to error and warning messages (on Linux and Mac)
- To disable, run `gcloud config set disable_color true`
+ New \'gcloud help command\'
- Displays man style extended help for commands (where available).
+ New \'gcloud auth activate-service-account\' command
- Used to authenticate with gcloud using a service account key file.
- See:
- Enable \"big query\" install and use
+ add patch bqHideDeps.patch
- Fix use of gcloud command
+ add patch gcloudFixPath.patch
Thu Mar 6 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version 0.9.18
+ Updated all AppEngine tools to 1.9.0
+ New \'gcloud init\' command
- Creates a local workspace for your project with a git clone of
your Google hosted repository.
+ Updated gcutil to 1.14.0
- Switched to new, single API call for creating a virtual machine instance
with a root persistent disk.
- Added new command, \'setinstancediskautodelete\', that sets the
auto-delete option for persistent disks attached to virtual
machine instances.
- Added support for specifying a disk size when creating a disk using
a snapshot.
- Decreased the time spent waiting for SSH keys to propagate
during initial instance creation from 120 seconds to 10 seconds.
Thu Mar 6 13:00:00 2014
- Disable gcutil internal version check
- add patch: gcutilNoInternalVersionCheck.patch
Thu Mar 6 13:00:00 2014
- Support the new boto config option and recognize the \"system\"
keyword. Set the certificates file to None to use the system
- add patch: gsutilSupportBotoCfgKeyword.patch
Thu Feb 27 13:00:00 2014
- Add missing dependency to python-setuptools
Thu Feb 27 13:00:00 2014
- Include in SLE 12 (FATE #316168)
Wed Feb 26 13:00:00 2014
- Add missing package dependencies
Wed Feb 26 13:00:00 2014
- Remove the dependency on python-oauth2, this is only needed when using
the oauth2client delivered with the sdk tarball. However, we use the
already packaged version of the client google-api-python-client which
does not have that dependency. Thus the dependency is superfluos.
Mon Feb 24 13:00:00 2014
- Fix the gcutilHideDeps.patch to hide requirements on python versions < 2.7
this fixes build on SLE 11
Mon Feb 24 13:00:00 2014
- Use the code of the \"integrated\" gsutil and gcutil code
the toplevel gsutil and gcutil commands are useless wrappers that play
extremely stupid tricks with the path and other stuff.
- Add patch gsutilHideDeps.patch and gcutilHideDeps.patch to hide the
hard dependencies for gsutil and gcutil, respectively
Thu Feb 20 13:00:00 2014
- Adjust version settings for obsoletes and provides
Wed Feb 19 13:00:00 2014
- Initial build