Changelog for
jna-javadoc-4.1.0-7.1.noarch.rpm :
Mon Nov 3 13:00:00 2014
- Updated to 4.1.0. See the changelog on:
- Updated jna-3.4.0-build.patch into jna-4.1.0-build.patch
- Added libjnidispatch.rpmlintrc to silence warning about explicit
library dependency between jna and libjnidistach: rpm doesn\'t
detect library dependencies on Java packages, we need to force it.
- Removed libffi patches: now using the libffi package.
* libffi-aarch64.patch
* libffi-ppc64le.patch
- Added rpmlint filters:
* libjnidispatch-rpmlintrc
Tue Jul 8 14:00:00 2014
- Do not depend on ant-trax and run spec-cleaner.
Mon Dec 9 13:00:00 2013
- enable ppc64le
- added patches:
* libffi-ppc64le.patch
Wed Sep 11 14:00:00 2013
- use add_maven_depmap from javapackages-tools
Mon Sep 9 14:00:00 2013
- Move from jpackage-utils to javapackage-tools
Thu Apr 11 14:00:00 2013
- libffi-aarch64.patch: import aarch64 support for libffi
Wed Dec 12 13:00:00 2012
- enable ppc and ppc64 builds
Wed Nov 14 13:00:00 2012
- fix a build for non-suse distros
Tue Jun 19 14:00:00 2012
- fix a build with jdk7
- rename to libjnidispatch to follow packaging policy (provides jna-native)
- jna and jna-javadoc are now noarch subpackages of it
- don\'t strip a binary during a build
Thu Feb 9 13:00:00 2012
- Update to 3.4.0
* moved object creation out into pure Java code reduce JNI crossing
* add native peer value accessors for Pointer
* avoid loading any system-provided JNA via jna.nosys=true
* override default jnidispatch library name with jna.boot.library
* throw an error if JNA is not with a library
* linux/arm and linux/ppc 32-bit support
* preliminary linux/ppc64 support
* linux multi-arch support (kohsuke).
* add to `platform.unix.x11`: `XGrabKey`, `XUngrabKey`, `XSetErrorHandler`.
* and a lot of bugfixes (see /usr/share/packages/doc/jna/
- fix bnc#745571 enable build of jna-native as well
Thu Apr 8 14:00:00 2010
- update to 3.1.0 (jna-3.1.0-2.jpp6.src.rpm)
* raw JNI mapping of static Java methods increased performance
* library option to allow passing/return of Java Objects.
* handling of uncaught callback exceptions (Issue 63).
* object oriented interface to X server (see contrib/x11)
* Memory class more accessible.
* allow implicit library access to current process on linux (issue 98).
* open all shared libraries with RTLD_GLOBAL, if applicable. This was the default behavior on OSX and changes the default behavior on linux.
* allow NIO Buffer as Structure field (with limitations) (Issue 57)
* add size_t size.
* Bug Fixes
Mon Jun 1 14:00:00 2009
- fixed bnc#507734: jna declared LGPL but contains GPL files and binaries
* removed all jars from source archive
* added gpl to docdir
Tue May 19 14:00:00 2009
- \'Initial SUSE packaging from 5.0\'