Changelog for
perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-7.10-1.1.noarch.rpm :
Fri Mar 11 13:00:00 2016
- updated to 7.10
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker/Changes
7.10 Thu Sep 10 19:38:55 BST 2015
Bug fixes:
- Fix an issue with quoting of dist_ci target on Win32
7.08 Tue Sep 8 20:24:15 BST 2015
This release reverts all the changes since v7.04 until such time
as the regressions we have found in the \"wild\" of CPAN can be
ExtUtils::Command has been included in this release as it was
reincorporated in v7.06
The following bug fixes have also been included:
- RT#100268 fix wrong variable being used
- Check exit status for commands in \"make ci\" target
- Fix distsignature dependencies for parallel make
- The bundled Encode::Locale has been updated to 1.04
7.06 Mon Aug 31 18:54:14 BST 2015
- version ranges are now supported for PREREQS, etc.
- Metadata is now represented internally as Meta Spec 2.0
- Use intermediate files to store META.
* and
*.ppd files
- ExtUtils::Command has been re-incorporated at 1.19 of that module
- Refactored XS handling
- XSMULTI=>1 - put multiple
*.xs under lib, it \"just works\" and XSBUILD
for refined control of XSMULTI
- can do \"make test\" without first doing \"make\"
Bug fixes:
- Handle new warnings from File::Path
- Resolve RT#106572 specifying AUTHOR via command-line is broken
- Sanitise make_type on Win32
- Cygwin rebase fixes
- Makefile starting comments reflect decoded AATTARGV, not raw
- Add various targets to .PHONY to avoid disk IO with dmake
- Fixed race condition in realclean
- improve static-build lib detection
- Eliminate non-error STDERR
- Make WriteEmptyMakefile Makefile functional when called in subdir
- manifypods fixes
- perllocal.pod generation \"Perl in Space\" fix
- PASTHRU fixes
- Fix distsignature dependencies for parallel make
- Check exit status for commands in \"make ci\" target
Dist fixes:
- Made %ExtraPrereqs match bundled prereqs
- Included MANIFEST.SKIP from ExtUtils::Manifest
- The bundled Encode::Locale has been updated to 1.04
Test fixes:
- test PL_FILES of a \"module\"
- Various tests no longer require a separate .pm file for testing
- Support v5.6.1 in various tests
- test static build if $ENV{AUTHOR_TESTING}
- XS tests now pluggable
- test for \"Perl in Space\"
Doc fixes:
- better document for PL_FILES, oneliner method
- FAQ updated
7.05_29 Mon Aug 24 16:00:14 BST 2015
Bug fixes:
- Handle new warnings from File::Path
- Resolve RT#106572 specifying AUTHOR via command-line is broken
7.05_28 Wed Aug 19 18:56:25 BST 2015
Bug fixes:
Dist fixes:
- Removed .perlcriticrc
- Cleaned up Makefile.PL
7.05_27 Wed Aug 5 10:31:56 BST 2015
No changes since 7.05_26
Testing dist build
7.05_26 Tue Aug 4 20:36:18 BST 2015
Bug fixes:
- Reverted pure_all changes due to bug in gmake and
parallel building perl core
7.05_25 Tue Jul 7 18:13:13 BST 2015
No changes since 7.05_24
Testing dist build
7.05_24 Wed Jul 1 19:18:11 BST 2015
Bug fixes:
- Fix missing pipe in Cygwin rebase command
7.05_23 Wed Jun 24 20:17:09 BST 2015
Bug fixes:
- Sanitise make_type on Win32
- Cygwin: do not mess with the image base and do an ephemeral rebase on i686
7.05_22 Sun Jun 14 14:06:36 BST 2015
Dist fixes:
- eval $VERSION in all modules
7.05_21 Sat Jun 13 14:57:44 BST 2015
- Intermediate META.
* and
*.ppd files now stored under blib/
Test fixes:
- fixed an executable bit on one of the tests
7.05_20 Sat Apr 4 16:20:54 BST 2015
Test fixes:
- Disable the unicode filename tests for now
7.05_19 Fri Mar 27 16:48:15 GMT 2015
Test fixes:
- Also skip t/basic.t unicode test on Win32
7.05_18 Fri Mar 27 12:16:05 GMT 2015
Bug fixes:
- Fix LINKTYPE => \'\' backwards compatibility
- Have Makefile starting comments reflect decoded AATTARGV, not raw
Test fixes:
- Restore t/basic.t unicode test, except on BSD
7.05_17 Tue Mar 24 12:11:47 GMT 2015
Bug fixes:
- Fix RT#103042 - maniadd failure needs \"die\" to stop make
7.05_16 Mon Mar 9 11:17:40 GMT 2015
Bug fixes:
- Add non-overridable \"config\" target for subdirs_manifypod\'s benefit
Test fixes:
- Fix Cygwin tests for manifypods() changes
- Skip a Mkbootstrap test on Cygwin
7.05_15 Thu Mar 5 19:22:51 GMT 2015
Bug fixes:
- Resolve core integration regression with META handling
- Make \"manifypods\" go into subdirs
- Add various targets to .PHONY to avoid disk IO with dmake
7.05_14 Fri Feb 20 16:43:30 GMT 2015
Bug fixes:
- Add static/dynamic no-ops - needed by nmake and others
Test fixes:
- PL_FILES of a \"module\" was untested
7.05_13 Wed Feb 18 22:17:53 GMT 2015
- do proper conversion to 2.x for META_ADD/MERGE
Bug fixes:
- Resolved [RT#102009] subdir override of top_target lacking pure_nolink
Test fixes:
- Various tests no longer require a separate .pm file for testing
- Handle unicode correctly in hash2files() function
7.05_12 Sat Feb 7 15:00:09 GMT 2015
Bug fixes:
- Fixed race condition in realclean
- Fixed race condition with subdirs_$linktype
Dist fixes:
- Made %ExtraPrereqs match bundled prereqs
- Included MANIFEST.SKIP from ExtUtils::Manifest
7.05_11 Sat Jan 31 16:11:06 GMT 2015
Bug fixes:
- Don\'t make Makefile.aperl until static done so find
*.a in blib
- Fixed precedence issue in linkext
- Make WriteEmptyMakefile produce Makefile compat with subdirs-test_
- Relaxed the requirements for v5.6.1 in bundled version
Test fixes:
- Support v5.6.1 in various tests
Doc fixes:
- Clarified XSBUILD documentation slightly
7.05_10 Mon Jan 26 15:06:37 GMT 2015
Test fixes:
- Update XSBUILD test to work when compiling under C++
7.05_09 Fri Jan 23 10:15:47 GMT 2015
Bug fixes:
- pure_nolink as dep of dynamic/static in top_targets in case override
( fixes a build issue in core)
- Only add DynaLoader to makeaperl if -Dusedl
7.05_08 Tue Jan 20 10:00:01 GMT 2015
- Add XSBUILD option: control XSMULTI per XS type and per-object
- Cache is_make_type results for performance (196 in normal WriteMakefile)
Bug fixes:
- Eliminate non-error STDERR
- Use $from (rename to $object) param not $(OBJECT) in xs_make_dynamic_lib
- Eliminate unnecessary MM_NW5 const_cccmd override
- Make WriteEmptyMakefile Makefile functional when called in subdir
- WriteEmptyMakefile rmtree _eumm, clean target removes Makefile
- WriteEmptyMakefile not recurse by default
- Make manifypods dep on blibdirs as needs it to function
- Back-compat linkext -> subdirs_(perl-linktype) if LINKTYPE= and some DIR
- Eliminate leak of dirhandles in ExtUtils::Liblist::lsdir
- perllocal.pod generation \"Perl in Space\" fix
- quote_literal PASTHRU_
* as can have \"\" in
- Switch to using version->stringify, never ->normal
Test fixes:
- Introduce use of $ENV{AUTHOR_TESTING} - don\'t skip some if true
- Skip static tests if not static perl and not author - false negatives
Doc fixes:
- PL_FILES better documented
Dist fixes:
- The bundled Encode::Locale has been updated to 1.04
7.05_07 Fri Jan 9 15:58:49 GMT 2015
Bug fixes:
- Dynamic and static targets now depend from pure_nolink
Test fixes:
- Skip XS static on Haiku as well
- Correctly skip static linking test on shrplib perls
- Handle an occasional race condition in pm_to_blib.t
7.05_06 Thu Jan 8 19:03:48 GMT 2015
- Refactored XS handling
- XSMULTI=>1 - put multiple
*.xs under lib, it \"just works\"
- pure_all target split so can do \"make dynamic\" and \"make static\"
Bug fixes:
- dist_ci target fixed for nmake
- Avoid dmake warning with XS
- Borland and GNU compiler can be specified with full path
- Fix parallel-build problems with split of pure_all target
- Make Win32 miniperl tests pass if no chcp
- Fix metadata extraction problem with
*.pm with CRLF
Test fixes:
- Now tested: XS builds of static, bootstrap code system
- XS tests now pluggable
- Win32 t/basic.t now tries Win32 module before chcp
Doc fixes:
- FAQ updated for XSMULTI
- Improve doc for oneliner method
7.05_05 Wed Dec 31 22:42:17 GMT 2014
- Metadata is now represented internally as Meta Spec 2.0
- Use intermediate files to store META.
* and
*.ppd files
- ExtUtils::Command has been re-incorporated at 1.19 of that module
Bug fixes:
- the SHELL env var needs to be set if gmake is used on Win32
- No longer manify top-level README.pod document
- Some \"dubious code\" in the shebang fixin has been fixed
- Lots of XS-handling code tidyups
Test fixes:
- Ensure that tempdirs get tidied up after tests
- ExtUtils::Command tests have been added
Doc fixes:
- Lots of changes to the FAQ document
Dist fixes:
- Bundled CPAN::Meta, CPAN::Meta::Requirements and Parse::CPAN::Meta
updated to latest versions
- No longer bundle CPAN::Meta and prereqs on perls < 5.008001
- \'version\' added to the no_index declaration
7.05_04 Wed Dec 24 14:31:17 GMT 2014
Core fixes:
- Fix for lack of B module at build time when in core
7.05_03 Wed Dec 24 11:45:58 GMT 2014
Bug fixes:
- Revert LibList to a previous working state
- Fix distsignature dependencies for parallel make
- Check exit status for commands in \"make ci\" target
- RT#100268 fix wrong variable being used
- Make open_for_writing() exportable for utf8 encoding
- Made prereqs work minus version-range if no CPAN::Meta::Requirements
Test fixes:
- vstrings test was recfactored
- prereqs test acquired labels for all tests
QA fixes:
- use containerised travis builds for extra speed
- blead build has been prioritised as it takes the longest
7.05_02 Mon Dec 15 20:06:12 GMT 2014
VMS fixes:
- Unixify path in t/INSTALL_BASE.t
Test fixes:
- perl_lib calls fixed in tests
- t/Liblist_Kid.t fixed for Win32 and others
7.05_01 Sat Dec 6 15:44:55 GMT 2014
- version ranges are now supported for PREREQS, etc.
Bug fixes:
- Also quote linker paths to handle spaces
- Avoid cmdline duplication if ARCHLIB and LIB are identical
Test fixes:
- Removed done_testing from a number of test files
- Added a subdir with a space test
Wed Jul 8 14:00:00 2015
- recompile against perl 5.22
Fri Mar 20 13:00:00 2015
- Do not set LD_RUN_PATH by default; (bnc#841204).
+ Add Do_not_set_RPATH_by_default.patch
Sun Feb 8 13:00:00 2015
- updated to 7.04
Doc fixes:
- Corrected MAGICXS documentation
- Remove Module::Build encouragement
7.03_04 Thu Nov 27 14:35:15 GMT 2014
Core fixes:
- Do not use ccstdflags with the core extensions
7.03_03 Tue Nov 25 16:37:57 GMT 2014
Win32 Fixes:
- Eliminate sub-process spawning when checking make type
7.03_02 Mon Nov 24 13:18:09 GMT 2014
VMS fixes:
- Fix a couple of missing vendor targets
- Remove VAXCCURSE from ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid::_vms_ext.
7.03_01 Tue Nov 18 21:29:40 GMT 2014
VMS fixes:
- Handle spaces in install targets
- Allow spaces in eliminate_macros and fixpath
- Remove fixpath call from ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid::_vms_ext.
- Override is_make_type() as checks as unnecessary
Core fixes:
- Wrap parse_abstract() call to Encode in eval() to
avoid build failures
- Fix issue with CCFLAGS in core
- replace fix-provides.diff with a grep call
Fri Jul 18 14:00:00 2014
- update to 6.98
Dist fixes:
* Removed redundant File::Spec check from Makefile.PL
Bug fixes:
* Resolve another regression related to not recursing into distdirs
* Work-around v5.10.1 for the MIN_PERL_VERSION v-string handling
* Make MIN_PERL_VERSION handle v-strings properly
* Resolved a regression in
* Libraries are not transitive on Android
Test fixes:
* Make meta tests more robust to changes in CPAN::Meta
- fix deps and avoid build loop
* push all \'BuildRequires\' (taken from Makefile.PL) into
perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-mini as \'Requires\' and now
BuildRequire: perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-mini
Sat Feb 8 13:00:00 2014
- update to 6.88:
* disable make parallelism for pure_all target
* Enable bootstrapping to work on v5.10.x again
Bug fixes:
* Don\'t recurse into stale dist dirs
* RT#90780 fix Macro `BOOTSTRAP\' redefined warnings
* Only enable automatic OBJECT generation if MAGICXS is true
* harden xsubpp locating loop in MM_Unix
* RT#91540 PREREQ_FATAL not recognised on command line
* Export \'configure\' section of prereqs when meta-spec version 2
* Explicitly require dynaloader before using mod2fname
* Expanded test coverage for metafiles
* Get rid of unused printf arguments in dir_target
* Get rid of unused printf arguments in dynamic_bs
* On Android, pass PERL_LIB through rel2abs().
* Synchronisation with blead to remove old cross-compilation model
New Features:
* OBJECT can now be specified as an array
* build C_FILES/O_FILES/OBJECT automatically from XS
* Added MAGICXS attribute to explicitly enable automagic
XS building.
to PPD generation
Doc fixes:
* Correct the documentation for MAGICXS
* Document BUILD_REQUIRES defaults
* Documentation expanded to mention JSON metafiles
* mention that TEST_REQUIRES is in v6.64 and above
* Update documentation for LICENSE attribute.
Tue Nov 26 13:00:00 2013
- updated to 6.82
* Special-case the bundling of version, so
that XS versions don\'t get overwritten
Doc fixes:
* Update XSPROTOARG docs for changes in xsubpp
* Clarify heir-apparent in FAQ
* Changed GNU-Style to Unix-Style
* VMS will now report \'make\' style
* Updated bundled JSON::PP
* Updated bundled Test-Simple
Bug fixes:
* Add CP_NONEMPTY to the list of tools in Makefile
* don\'t copy .bs portably :)
* RT#28992 don\'t copy .bs files if they are empty
New feature:
* Made UNINST an attribute, so removing shadowed modules
can be set \'perl Makefile.PL UNINST=1\'
Bug fixes:
* do not set default switches in Test::Harness; not even -w
Fri Jan 25 13:00:00 2013
- update to 6.64
* Update the home page in the meta file. has been
unmaintained for a while.
- fix deps for building on SLE_11
- rebase provides patch
Thu Feb 16 13:00:00 2012
- this module bundles a bit too much
Sun Dec 11 13:00:00 2011
- update to 6.62, see Changes
Tue Nov 30 13:00:00 2010
- switch to perl_requires macro
Mon Nov 29 13:00:00 2010
- remove /var/adm/perl-modules
Tue Oct 19 14:00:00 2010
- add perl as explicit buildrequire
Mon Jul 26 14:00:00 2010
- also exclude .3 man pages for SLE <= 10, as it conflicts with Perl too
Mon Jul 26 14:00:00 2010
- exclude instmodsh, as it conflicts with Perl itself
Fri Dec 18 13:00:00 2009
- Update to 6.56
- Stable release of 6.55_03
Mon Dec 7 13:00:00 2009
Mon Sep 7 14:00:00 2009
- Update to 6.54