Changelog for python-eventlet-0.18.4-1.2.noarch.rpm :
Fri Feb 26 13:00:00 2016
- update to 0.18.4:

* wsgi: change TCP_NODELAY to TCP_QUICKACK, ignore socket error when not available

* wsgi: Use buffered writes - fixes partial socket.send without custom
writelines(); Github issue #295

* wsgi: TCP_NODELAY enabled by default

* wsgi: Fix data loss on partial writes (socket.send); Thanks to Jakub Stasiak

* IMPORTANT: do not use Eventlet 0.18.0 and 0.18.1

* patcher: Fix AttributeError in subprocess communicate()

* greenio: Fix \"TypeError: an integer is required\" in sendto()

* IMPORTANT: do not use Eventlet 0.18.0 and 0.18.1

* greenio: Fixed a bug that could cause send() to start an endless loop on
ENOTCONN; Thanks to Seyeong Kim

* wsgi: Fixed UNIX socket address being trimmed in \"wsgi starting\" log; Thanks
to Ihar Hrachyshka

* ssl: Ported to Python 3; Thanks to Victor Stinner

* greenio: Made read() support buflen=-1 and added readall() (Python 3);
Thanks to David Szotten

* wsgi: Made the error raised in case of chunk read failures more precise (this
should be backwards compatible as the new exception class,
wsgi.ChunkReadError, is a subclass of ValueError which was being used there
before); Thanks to Samuel Merritt

* greenio: Fixed socket.recv() sometimes returning str instead of bytes on
Python 3; Thanks to Janusz Harkot

* wsgi: Improved request body discarding

* websocket: Fixed TypeError on empty websocket message (Python 3); Thanks to
Fukuchi Daisuke

* subprocess: Fixed universal_newlines support

* wsgi: Output of 0-byte chunks is now suppressed; Thanks to Samuel Merritt

* Improved the documentation; Thanks to Ramakrishnan G, ashutosh-mishra and
Azhar Hussain

* greenio: Changed GreenFileIO.write() (Python 3) to always write all data to
match the behavior on Python 2; Thanks to Victor Stinner

* subprocess: Fixed missing subprocess.mswindows attribute on Python 3.5;
Thanks to Josh VanderLinden

* ssl/monkey patching: Fixed a bug that would cause merely importing eventlet
to monkey patch the ssl module; Thanks to David Szotten

* documentation: Added support for building plain text documentation; thanks
to Levente Polyak

Mon Jun 22 14:00:00 2015
- update to 0.17.4:

* ssl: incorrect initalization of default context; Thanks to stuart-mclaren

Wed Apr 22 14:00:00 2015
- update to 0.17.3:

* green.thread: Python3.3+ fixes; Thanks to Victor Stinner

* Semaphore.acquire() accepts timeout=-1; Thanks to Victor Stinner

* wsgi: Provide python logging compatibility; Thanks to Sean Dague

* greendns: fix premature connection closing in DNS proxy; Thanks to
Tim Simmons

* greenio: correct fd close; Thanks to Antonio Cuni and Victor Sergeyev

* green.ssl: HTTPS client Python 2.7.9+ compatibility

* setup: tests.{isolated,manual} polluted top-level packages

* greendns: fix import and Python3 compatibility

Tue Feb 24 13:00:00 2015
- update to version 0.17.0

* Full Python3 compatibility

* greendns: IPv6 support, improved handling of /etc/hosts

* tpool: make sure we return results during killall

* semaphore: Don\'t hog a semaphore if someone else is waiting for it

* green.socket: create_connection() was wrapping all exceptions
in socket.error

* Make sure SSL retries are done using the exact same data buffer

* greenio: shutdown already closed sockets without error

Mon Feb 2 13:00:00 2015
- update to version 0.16.1:

* Wheel build 0.16.0 incorrectly shipped removed module eventlet.util.

Thu Jan 8 13:00:00 2015
- update to 0.16.0:

* Fix SSL socket wrapping and Python 2.7.9 compatibility; Thanks to Jakub Stasiak

* Fix monkey_patch() on Python 3; Thanks to Victor Stinner

* Fix \"maximum recursion depth exceeded in GreenSocket.__del__\"; Thanks to Jakub Stasiak

* db_pool: BaseConnectionPool.clear updates .current_size #139; Thanks to Andrey Gubarev

* Fix __str__ method on the TimeoutExpired exception class.; Thanks to Tomaz Muraus

* hubs: drop Twisted support

* Removed deprecated modules: api, most of coros, pool, proc, processes and util

* Improved Python 3 compatibility (including patch by raylu); Thanks to Jakub Stasiak

* Allow more graceful shutdown of wsgi server; Thanks to Stuart McLaren

* wsgi.input: Make send_hundred_continue_headers() a public API; Thanks to Tushar Gohad

* tpool: Windows compatibility, fix ResourceWarning. Thanks to Victor Stinner

* tests: Fix timers not cleaned up on MySQL test skips; Thanks to Corey Wright
- Remove README.twisted from docs (removed upstream)

Tue Sep 2 14:00:00 2014
- update to 0.15.2:

* greenio: fixed memory leak, introduced in 0.15.1; Thanks to Michael Kerrin, Tushar Gohad

* wsgi: Support optional headers w/ \"100 Continue\" responses; Thanks to Tushar Gohad

* greenio: Fix second simultaneous read (parallel paramiko issue); Thanks to Jan Grant, Michael Kerrin

* db_pool: customizable connection cleanup function; Thanks to Avery Fay

* Python3 compatibility --
*not ready yet
*; Thanks to Astrum Kuo, Davanum Srinivas, Jakub Stasiak, Victor Sergeyev

* coros: remove Actor which was deprecated in 2010-01

* saranwrap: remove saranwrap which was deprecated in 2010-02

* PyPy compatibility fixes; Thanks to Dmitriy Kruglyak, Jakub Stasiak

* green.profile: accumulate results between runs; Thanks to Zhang Hua

* greenthread: add .unlink() method; Thanks to Astrum Kuo

* packaging: Generate universal wheels; Thanks to Jakub Stasiak

* queue: Make join not wait if there are no unfinished tasks; Thanks to Jakub Stasiak

* tpool: proxy __enter__, __exit__ fixes Bitbucket-158; Thanks to Eric Urban

* websockets: Add websockets13 support; handle lack of Upgrade header; Thanks to Edward George

* wsgi: capitalize_response_headers option

Thu Oct 24 14:00:00 2013
- Require python-setuptools instead of distribute (upstreams merged)

Tue Sep 17 14:00:00 2013
- update to 0.14.0:

* wsgi: handle connection socket timeouts; Thanks to Paul Oppenheim

* wsgi: close timed out client connections

* greenio: socket pypy compatibility; Thanks to Alex Gaynor

* wsgi: env[\'wsgi.input\'] was returning 1 byte strings; Thanks to Eric Urban

* green.ssl: fix NameError; Github #17; Thanks to Jakub Stasiak

* websocket: allow \"websocket\" in lowercase in Upgrade header; Compatibility with current Google Chrome; Thanks to Dmitry Orlov

* wsgi: allow minimum_chunk_size to be overriden on a per request basis; Thanks to David Goetz

* wsgi: configurable socket_timeout

Wed Jul 3 14:00:00 2013
- update to 0.13.1:

* hubs: kqueue support! Thanks to YAMAMOTO Takashi, Edward George

* greenio: Fix AttributeError on MacOSX; Bitbucket #136; Thanks to Derk Tegeler

* green: subprocess: Fix subprocess.communicate() block on Python 2.7; Thanks to Edward George

* green: select: ensure that hub can .wait() at least once before timeout; Thanks to YAMAMOTO Takashi

* tpool: single request queue to avoid deadlocks; Bitbucket pull request 31,32; Thanks to Edward George

* zmq: pyzmq 13.x compatibility; Thanks to Edward George

* green: subprocess: Popen.wait() accepts new `timeout` kwarg; Python 3.3 and RHEL 6.1 compatibility

* hubs: EVENTLET_HUB can point to external modules; Thanks to Edward George

* semaphore: support timeout for acquire(); Thanks to Justin Patrin

* support: do not clear sys.exc_info if can be preserved (greenlet >= 0.3.2); Thanks to Edward George

* Travis continous integration; Thanks to Thomas Grainger, Jakub Stasiak

* wsgi: minimum_chunk_size of last Server altered all previous (global variable); Thanks to Jakub Stasiak

* doc: hubs: Point to the correct function in exception message; Thanks to Floris Bruynooghe

Fri Feb 8 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 0.12.1:

* zmq: Fix 100% busy CPU in idle after .bind(PUB)

* greenio: Fix socket.settimeout() did not switch back to blocking mode

* greenio: socket.dup() made excess fcntl syscalls

* setup: Remove legacy --without-greenlet option and unused httplib2 dependency

* wsgi: environ[REMOTE_PORT], also available in log_format, log accept event

* tests: Support libzmq 3.0 SNDHWM option

Tue Jan 15 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 0.11.0:

* ssl: Fix 100% busy CPU in socket.sendall() (thanks to Raymon Lu)

* zmq: Return linger argument to Socket.close() (thanks to Eric Windisch)

* tests: SSL tests were always skipped due to bug in skip_if_no_ssl decorator

Fri Nov 23 13:00:00 2012
- Update to version 0.9.17:
+ ZeroMQ support calling send and recv from multiple greenthreads
+ SSL: unwrap() sends data, and so it needs trampolining
+ hubs.epolls: Fix imports for exception handler
+ db_pool: Fix .clear() when min_size > 0
+ db_pool: Add MySQL\'s insert_id() method
+ db_pool: Close connections after timeout, fix get-after-close race
condition with using TpooledConnectionPool
+ threading monkey patch fixes
+ pools: Better accounting of current_size in pools.Pool
+ wsgi: environ[\'RAW_PATH_INFO\'] with request path as received from client
+ wsgi: log_output flag
+ wsgi: Limit HTTP header size
+ wsgi: Configurable maximum URL length

Fri Sep 2 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 0.9.16:
+ SO_REUSEADDR now correctly set.
- Don\'t package unittests
- Fix non-executable script rpmlint warning

Wed Feb 2 13:00:00 2011
- bumped version to 0.9.14

Fri Nov 26 13:00:00 2010
- initial package (version 0.9.9)