Changelog for
python-ipy-0.81-6.1.noarch.rpm :
Sun Dec 8 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 0.81
* Correct reverseName() for IPv6 addresses, so IP(\'::1\').reverseName()
returns correct.
* Add network mask awareness to v46map()
* Fix Python 3 errors in IPSet class
* Make IPSet base class be object when MutableSet isn\'t available, fixing
errors in Python 2.5
- Changes from 0.80
* Drop support of Python older than 2.4
* Python 3 does not need 2to3 conversion anymore (same code base)
* Fix adding of non-adjacent networks: + made
* Fix adding networks that don\'t create a valid subnet: + made
* Fix adding with an IPv6 address where .int() was < 32 bits made
IPy believe it was an IPv4 address:
::ffff:0/112 + ::1:0:0/112 made
* Add support of IPSets
* Add support for subtracting a network range
* Prevent IPv4 and IPv6 ranges from saying they contain each other
* Add a .v46map() method to convert mapped address ranges
such as IP(\'::ffff:\'); RFC 4291
* Change sort order to more natural:
IPv4 before IPv6; less-specific prefixes first (/0 before /32)
- Changes from 0.76
* ip == other and ip != other doesn\'t fail with an exception anymore if other
is not a IP object
* Add IP.get_mac() method: get the 802.3 MAC address from IPv6 RFC 2464
* Fix IP(\'::/0\')[0]: return an IPv6 instead of an IPv4 address
- Changes from 0.75
* IP(\'::/0\').netmask() gives IP(\'::\') instead of IP(\'\')
- Changes from 0.74
* Fix tests for Python 3.1 and 3.2
* ip.__nonzero__() and (ipa in ipb) return a bool instead of 0 or 1
* IP(\'\') + IP(\'\') raises an error
- Changes from 0.73
* Support Python 3: runs 2to3
* Update the ranges for IPv6 IPs
* Fix reverseName() and reverseNames() for IPv4 in IPv6 addresses
* Drop support of Python < 2.5
- Changes from 0.72
* Include examples and in source build (add them to
* Remove __rcsid__ constant from IPy module
- Changes from 0.71
* Use xrange() instead of range()
* Use isinstance(x, int) instead of type(x) == types.IntType
* Prepare support of Python3 (use integer division: x // y)
* Fix IP(long) constructor: ensure that the address is not too large
* Constructor raise a TypeError if the type is not int, long,
str or unicode
* is now public (belongs to APNIC)
- Change Group for standard devel/languages/python
- Remove AUTHOR section
- Remove redundant %clean section
- Remove --record=INSTALLED_FILES option and replace it with
%{python_sitelib} in %files
- Use download Url as source
Fri Nov 25 13:00:00 2011
- license update: BSD-3-Clause
SDPX format (
Wed Mar 31 14:00:00 2010
- Update to 0.70:
* New \"major\" version because it may break compatibility
* Fix __cmp__(): IP(\'\') and IP(\'\') are not equal
* Fix of the network \"::/0\": \"::\" instead of \"\". IPy 0.63 should fix this bug, but it wasn\'t.
Aditional changes from 0.64:
* Create to fix bdist_rpm, fix by Robert Nickel
- Spec file cleaned with spec-cleaner;
- Building as noarch for openSUSE >= 11.2.
Wed Aug 19 14:00:00 2009
- Update to 0.63
* Fix formatting of \"IPv4 in IPv6\" network: IP(\'::ffff:\')
- Version 0.62 (2008-07-15)
* Fix reverse DNS of IPv6 address: use \"\" suffix instead of
deprecated \"\" suffix
- Version 0.61 (2008-06-12)
* Patch from Aras Vaichas allowing the [-1] operator
to work with an IP object of size 1.
- Version 0.60 (2008-05-16)
* strCompressed() formats \'::ffff:a.b.c.d\' correctly
* Use strCompressed() instead of strFullsize() to format IP addresses,
ouput is smarter with IPv6 address
* Remove check_addr_prefixlen because it generates invalid IP address
Fri Mar 28 13:00:00 2008
- Initial release