Changelog for
python3-numpydoc-0.5-3.1.noarch.rpm :
Sat Jan 10 13:00:00 2015
- specfile:
* update copyright year
* update url
* remove 1220 ifdef
* autosummary_generate doesn\'t seem to be shipped anymore, removed it.
* removed update-alternatives (not needed w/o autosummary_generate)
* README.txt -> README.rst
* added nose
- update to version 0.5 (taken from git log):
* DOC link to NumPy/SciPy documentation guide
* BUG: Use getfullargspec() on Python 3
* DOC: add travis link to readme
* listcomp -> for-loop (listcopms create a new scope in py3), bypass
AttributeError on Pandas.str
* TST: skip tests on Py3 for modules that have not been ported
* MAINT: add Travis CI
* BUG: fix config loading in SphinxDoc
* Use .rst extension for README so it gets rendered on Github
* Document numpydoc_class_members_toctree option
* Add config option for adding :toctree: on autosummary lists.
* Point URL to something that actually exists
* Bump version since 0.4 has been released
* Handle Unicode docstrings on Python 2.x correctly
* Add .gitignore
* MAINT: Remove outdated version checks.
* ENH: Allow unnamed return values in Returns section of doc string
* Fix np domain to avoid duplicate module indices in docs
* BUG: sphinxext: fix sphinx extensions broken recently
* BUG: Fix typo in import.
* 2to3: Apply unicode fixer.
* 2to3: Apply next fixer.
* 2to3: Apply zip fixer.
* 2to3: Apply `print` fixer.
* 2to3: Apply `imports` fixer.
* 2to3: Add `from __future__ import ...` to new files.
* 2to3: Use absolute imports.
* DOC: Used regex to find colons missing spaces which render wrong
online, also other spacing or formatting mistakes
* 2to3: Put `from __future__ import division in every python file.
* 2to3: Apply `funcattrs` fixer. Closes #3058.
* 2to3: apply exec fixer results.
* 2to3: Fix callable.
* 2to3: Remove `has_key` use that was missed.
* 2to3: Updata `except Exception, msg:` syntax in files not in
numpy/ .
* BUG: numpydoc: check that it works with sub-classes
* TST: numpydoc: more class tests
* BUG: numpydoc: fix bugs in attribute docstring extraction +
improve presentation
* TST: numpydoc: add stub test files, to check that files at least
* ENH: numpydoc: Python 2 & 3 in single codebase, restructure as a
* ENH: numpydoc: deal with duplicated signatures
* DOC: numpydoc/linkcode: mention that the extension will be in
Sphinx upstream
* BUG: numpydoc/linkcode: do not detect linkcode config changes
* DOC: Used regex to find colons missing spaces which render wrong
online, also other spacing or formatting mistakes
* sphinxext: remove mention of old files in LICENSE.txt
* sphinxext: some cleanup in
* DOC: generate links to source code
* DOC: was still using old, scipy trac url in docstring
* sphinxext: expose __call__ in the documentation, if it is present
Sat Jan 10 13:00:00 2015
- specfile:
* update copyright year
* remove ifs for opensuse version <=1220
Sat Nov 8 13:00:00 2014 Led
- fix bashism in pre script
Thu Oct 31 13:00:00 2013
- Implement update-alternatives
Thu Aug 15 14:00:00 2013
- Buildrequire python3-2to3 only on 12.2
- Rename spec / changes file to project name
Mon Aug 12 14:00:00 2013
- Initial version