Changelog for
tellico-lang-2.3.11-1.1.noarch.rpm :
* Wed Jun 15 2016 Use shared-mime-database macros (boo#979301)
* Sat Jan 09 2016 Drop the dependency on kdepimlibs4 and kdepim4-runtime for Factory/Tumbleweed to free the way to move fully to the KF5 based PIM suite
* Sat Jan 02 2016 Update to 2.3.11: Features:
* Improved support for importing PDF files from Science Direct.
* Enabled optional build support for QImageBlitz library. Bug Fixes:
* Fixed scrolling problem with large tables (kde#348189).
* Fixed HTML exported titles with quotation marks (kde#348381).
* Fixed crashing bug with file listing importer (kde#345458).
* Fixed crashing bug with importing MODS files with external fetcher.
* Fixed accelerator key conflict (kde#351226).
* Fixed bug with image importing for Discogs data source.
* Thu Feb 19 2015 Update to 2.3.10: Features:
* Updated Discogs fetcher to new API (kde#342827).
* Updated Moviemeter fetcher to new API.
* Added filter rules for Greater than and Less than numbers.
* Updated BoardGameGeek fetcher to new API.
* Added capability to import a BoardGameGeek collection.
* Added a data source for Mathematical Reviews. Bug Fixes:
* Fixed crashing bug with some ISBNdb results (kde#339063).
* Updated Producer results for IMDb and TheMovieDB fetchers (kde#336765).
* Fixed bug with Allocine API search using punctuation (kde#337432).
* Fixed bug with importing Goodreads collection.
* Mon Nov 10 2014 Led
- fix bashisms in post/postun scripts
* Mon Jun 23 2014 Update to 2.3.9: Features:
* Improved GCstar import and export to handle custom GCstar fields.
* Updated TheMovieDB fetcher to API version 3. Bug Fixes:
* Fixed bug with writing link-only images in HTML exporter (kde#330649).
* Fixed character encoding in Allocine fetcher (kde#334527).
* Removed IMDb country choice since it\'s now unavailable (kde#330641).
* Fixed CSV importer bug, causing a hang (kde#329677, deb#729503).
* Fixed crashing bug in IMDB fetcher (kde#330591).
* Fixed crashing bug in command-line importing (deb#729499).
* Corrected user dialog text with Google Book Search results (kde#323475).
* Fixed error in setting modified date for entry in certain cases (kde#326911).
* Updated IMDb fetcher for website changes (kde#325673).
* Mon Jul 08 2013 Update to 2.3.8
* Updated fetcher to use v2 of API.
* Updated GiantBomb fetcher for XML changes in responses.
* Added to MusicBrainz data source.
* Updated Allocine fetcher for website changes.
* Added fetcher for
* Added Dewey Decimal and LCC to results.
* Added Bibtex importing for drag/drop text (kde#319182).
* Fixed Entrex/Pubmed fetcher for summary requests (kde#319501).
* Fixed bug with retaining allowed values when adding entries from data sources (kde#317905).
* Fixed bug with not properly escaping text in CSV exporter (kde#317473).
* Fixed regexp in Google Scholar fetcher to set cookie (kde#316550).
* Fixed character encoding in IMDB results list (kde#314113).
* Fixed crashing bug with OpenLibrary and DVDfr fetcher (kde#319681).
* Fixed memory leak when updating entries (kde#316449).
* Thu Jan 24 2013 Update to 2.3.7
* Added data sources for and
* Added import capability for VinoXML files.
* Added capability to enter Google API key for book search.
* Fixed a bug with adding new fields when importing bibtex (KDE#304767).
* Updated the IMDB fetcher.
* Corrected character encoding and title data for DVDfr search.
* Corrected actor and role results from Allocine search.
* Improved the Delicious Library importer.
* Fixed a bug with editing the toolbar configuration in KDE 4.9.2+.
* Fixed a bug with a number field not detecting a modified value (KDE#313304).
* Fixed a bug that caused loans to fail to get checked-in (KDE#307958).
* Mon Jul 16 2012 Update to tellico 2.3.6: Features:
* Added simple importer for CIW files from ISI.
* Added data sources for IMDb in French, Spanish, German, Italian, and Portuguese.
* Added API data source for Hathitrust.
* Added API data sources for Allocine, ScreenRush, FilmStarts, SensaCine and Beyazperde.
* Added API data source for Springer Link.
* Added API data source for Microsoft Academic Search.
* Updated KDE library dependency so Tellico works with KDE 4.4 and KDE 4.5 again. Bug Fixes:
* Fixed an intermittent crash when entering multiple ISBN values in search.
* Improved Amazon search for US UPC values from non-UPC sites.
* Fixed formatting bugs in search.
* Fixed a bug for saving images when using a local image directory (kde#299130).
* Fixed a bug with loading images from Google Book Search (kde#299789).
* Mon May 07 2012 Fix taglib requires for older distros
* Thu Apr 19 2012 fix build for older distros
* Mon Jan 16 2012 Update to tellico 2.3.5: Features:
* Added data sources for China, Spain, and Italy.
* Added filter rules for dates before and after.
* Updated GCstar exporter to include images.
* Updated Discogs fetcher to use API v2.
* Updated fetcher to use API v2.
* Updated fetcher for Bug Fixes:
* Fixed bug that always showed checkmark for boolean field values (kde#283444).
* Fixed importing of multi-line notes from Alexandria (kde#289022).
* Fixed bug with merging entries (kde#289346).
* Fixed bug with Cancel not working in the Entry Merge dialog.
* Fixed broken script for searching Dark Horse Comics.
* Fixed a crashing bug when using the scanner dialog.
* Improved support for importing movies and music from Delicious Library.- Removed \"boolean_fields_fix.patch\" (included in the new version).- Spec file updates:
* Changes based on spec-cleaner run.
* Sun Oct 16 2011 Added a patch \"boolean_fields_fix.patch\" (taken from upstream) to fix \"Boolean fields are always shown with checkmark in list view, no matter the value\" (bko#283444).
* Mon Sep 26 2011 Update to tellico 2.3.4: Features:
* Added data sources for Google Book Search and
* Added capability for searching French, Spanish, and German data from
* Added importer for Goodreads collection.
* Added icon cache for improved performance with large images (bko#272583).
* Added UI controls for changing icon size (bko#250907).
* Added shortcut keys for showing full-screen and hiding menubar (bko#251157). Bug Fixes:
* Fixed bug with image link in Tri-Column report template (bko#272744).
* Fixed crashing bug with CSV importer and changing delimiters.
* Fixed bug in year from data source.
* Fixed TMDB search for multiple person results.
* Updated filter rules to match against values without diacritics for \"Contains\" criteria (bko#222400).
* Fixed showing a doubled filter count (bko#281082).
* Fixed bug when editing month in the date widget in KDE 4.7 (bko#281365).- Spec file updates:
* Changed License: to GPL-2.0+.
* Added libxml2-devel and libxslt-devel in BuildRequires:.
* Removed support for openSUSE < 1120 from spec file.
* Mon May 09 2011 Spec file updates:
* Added libv4l-devel in BuildRequires: and enabled compilation with it (support for using a webcam to scan barcodes).
* Removed bookcase Provides:/Obsoletes: (name change was done at 2004-09-20).
* Added suitable %post/%postun scripts for the mime file installed by the package.
* Fixed locales removal if suse_version is not set.
* Mon Apr 11 2011 Update to tellico 2.3.3:
* Added data sources for Filmaster and Douban.
* Added capability for importing ADS format from z39.50 sources.
* Added check for duplicate Bibtex keys (bko#245225)
* Added manga search for
* Improved performance for loading and sorting large collections.
* Fixed parsing bug for some IMDb results (bko#262036)
* Fixed parsing bug for empty table values (bko#261108)
* Fixed parsing bug with results.
* Fixed bug when editing existing filters (bko#268829)
* Fixed crashing bug for editing some values (bko#269044)
* Fixed bug with loans not being updated for removed entries (bko#270129)
* Fixed build for Linux kernel 2.6.38+ when using newer libv4l library.
* Fixed build with GCC 4.6.
* Sat Feb 26 2011 switch back to recommends for tellico-lang
* Sat Feb 12 2011 Spec file updates
* Updated Group:, Summary: and %description.
* Minor updates in BuildRequires: and %install sections.
* Fixed tellico.desktop Categories entry.
* Fixed fdupes macro usage (which fixed rpmlint warning for files-duplicate).
* Moved the english help files in the main package.
* Mon Jan 10 2011 Update to version 2.3.2
* Fixed bug with list view settings not being saved between sessions (Bug 256373)
* Fixed bug with updating groups for derived values (Bug 256374)
* Made Nepomuk support optional
* Added cover art support for MusicBrainz source
* Fixed Google Scholar data source to properly fetch Bibtex
* Fixed bug with FreeDB results not using track artists (Bug 258541)
* Fixed bug with importing Bibtex file with keyword and keywords fields (Bug 258269)
* Fixed sorting multiple numeric values in column view
* Fixed sorting for numeric values in group view
* Updated Allocine script to version 0.7.3 (Bug 258281)
* Updated Bibtex importer to translate non-breaking spaces- Spec file updates
* Changes based on rpmdevtools templates and spec-cleaner run.
* Updates in BuildRequires: and %install sections.
* Use Suggests: instead of Requires: for the tellico-lang package.- Removed the patch for Bug 256373 (fixed upstream).
* Fri Dec 10 2010 added patch for Bug 256373
* Mon Nov 08 2010 Update to version 2.3.1
* Fixed the Edit Dialog to have consistent behavior when discarding edits (bko#255938).
* Fixed issue in Italian translation that caused an error for HTML export (bko#254863).
* Updated the IMDb search for new layout (bko#253549).
* Updated Freebase search for new music schema.
* Changed HTML output for URL fields to truncate link text (bko#250880).
* Improved the matching algorithm for updating entries when multiple good matches exist (bko#250886).
* Fixed crash with searching z39.50 servers (bko#250795).
* Updated GCstar plugin reader to use a separate thread for speed and robustness.
* Improved GCstar import and export for wine and comic book collections.
* Fixed bug with adding new fields during CSV import.
* Updated the DTD to match recent changes in collection fields.
* Fixed filter view to apply filter when item is selected (bko#248657).
* Updated the export dialog to allow limiting the number of exported fields (bko#246390).
* Added data source for searching
* Added options in the CSV importer and exporter to read and control table delimiters.
* Increased the maximum visible cover icon size to 256 pixels.
* Sun Aug 08 2010 Update to version 2.3
* Added data sources for OpenLibrary and Freebase.
* Added new fetcher for combining results from multiple sources
* Added filter for collection type to data source list
* Added clear button for rating widget
* Changed Amazon Japan video search to include DVDs
* Added Dewey Decimal and LoC Classification to z3950 MODS import.
* Changed entry ID values to start with 1 instead of 0
* Several bug fixes
* Sat Apr 03 2010 another dir for bnc#457908 workaround
* Wed Mar 31 2010 Update to version 2.2
* Enabled KOrganizer integration for adding loans to calendar
* Enabled KAddressBook integration for adding borrowers from the address book.
* Improved performance for modifying many entries at once.
* Added data source for Giant Bomb.
* Added data source for The Movie DB.
* Updated CrossRef data source to allow authentication via email only (bko#224619).
* Added option for disabling webcam support. Bug fixes:
* Fixed some hyphenation issues for 978 ISBN values.
* Fixed bug in en_GB translation that affected file selection.
* Fixed adding \"link-only\" files (bko#220645).
* Fixed Discogs track download and title search.
* Fixed setting correct permissions of backup file (bko#219259).
* Fixed formatting of multiple people with auto-formatting (bko#219268).
* Fixed updating from Amazon to include book title or album title in search.
* Fixed crashing bug for sorting during HTML export.
* Fixed multiple selection in entry view (bko#216122).
* Mon Mar 08 2010 Prune build dependencies, add kde4_runtime_requires
* Wed Nov 25 2009 update to version 2.1.1: several crash and bug fixes and
* Updated allocine search script
* Updated IMDB search to include director and writer.
* Added data source for searching
* Added PAM/PRISM translator for SRU fetcher.
* Changed Amazon and Crossref data sources to store passwords locally instead of in the KWallet.
* Updated GCstar importing for video games and board games.
* Added feature for exporting to GCstar format.
* Updated ISBNdb & Discogs data sources to allow user access keys
* Tue Sep 22 2009 Update to version 2.0
* First release for KDE4
* Relicensed under GPL2/GPL3
* Document loading and image handling was improved for large collections
* Amazon search was updated for new API (requires users to register at Amazon for secret key)
* Webcam support was updated for newer kernels.
* New fields were added for tracking entry id, creation date and last-modification date.
* Dependent fields were improved to allow them to be any field type.
* HTML export was fixed to use correct image location, as well as full locale sorting.
* Adding multiple ISBN values using an unmodified CueCat barcode reader now works.
* A crash when loading some large images was fixed.
* Support for sending citations to was removed.
* Wed Aug 12 2009 updated to newer SVN Snapshot
* don\'t crash when saving config
* clean-ups to get ready for first 2.0 release
* add an ID field to all collections
* rearrange some widgets in the fields dialog
* use full language code for xsl sorting
* amazon can\'t be included by default since it requires an account now
* add bedetheque script from Raphaƫl Fischer- added translations
* Sat Jul 25 2009 updated to newer SVN snapshot
* add alexandria importer test
* add referencer import test
* cleanup some of the freedb code
* Remove all support for insertin citations in
* Use Qt4 headers
* add action to hide all columns in tree view
* many bugfixes.- Change of license to GPL2 or GPL3
* Thu Mar 12 2009 fixed build: qt4/poppler-qt4.h --> poppler/qt4/poppler-qt4.h