Changelog for
libproj12-4.9.3-27.5.x86_64.rpm :
Sun Oct 2 14:00:00 2016
- Update to 4.9.3
o update to new datumgrid version 1.6
Fri Sep 30 14:00:00 2016
- Switch download link to OSGeo server
Mon Jul 4 14:00:00 2016
- Update project and download url
- Small spec file cleanups
Sun Sep 27 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 4.9.2
o proj_def.dat was missing from source distribution
see for more detail
o Update Geodesic library from GeographicLib
o Remove setlocale() use in pj_init_ctx()
o Renamed PVALUE in pj_param.c to prevent clash with Windows
Sat May 9 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 4.9.1
o 4.9.0RC2 release was abandoned because it was not promoted in a
timely fashion. Subsequent maintenance of tickets has continued,
and a new 4.9.1 release was issued in its place.
o Implement inverse solution for Winkel Tripel from Drazan Tutic #250
o More CMake configuration tweaks. The CMake configuration is probably
not at feature parity with the autotools builds at this point but it
is converging #256
o Tweak initialization ordering around setlocal which may have caused
issues #237
o Support out-of-tree autoconf builds more completely #247
o Fix NaN handling by geod_inverse and geod_polygon_addedge #251 & #253
o Update config.sub and config.guess #257
o Adapt Charles Karney\'s CMake patches for smoother build #258
o Define default PROJ_LIB location for CMake compilation #261
o Fix Windows compilation on PJ_aitoff.c
o Align CMake SOVERSION with autotools #263
o Regenerate nad/epsg with GDAL r28536 to avoid precision loss in TOWGS84
parameters, e.g. on Amersfoort / RD EPSG:4289 (#260)
o Add CMake project-config.cmake scripts (#264 from Charles Karney)
o Dial back test sensitivity #255
- Changes for 4.9.0
o Implement CMake as an option for building PROJ.4
o Implement new virtual file api (projFileAPI) so that all access to grid
shift and init files can be hooked.
o Replace geodesic implementation with one from Charles Karney and add a
supported public interface (geodesic.h).
o Upgraded to EPSG 8.5.
o Removed old (deprecated) Java bindings in favor of the new api introduced
in 4.8.0.
o Implement the calcofi (Cal Coop Ocean Fish Invest Lines/Stations) projection
o Install projects.h again for applications that want access to internal
structures and functions despite the inherent fragility.
o Various bug fixes and cleanup.
o Added the CalCOFI pseudo-projection, #135
Sun Mar 8 13:00:00 2015
- Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner
- Cleanup dependecies
- Use url for source
- Update url
Fri Apr 20 14:00:00 2012
- minor fix to install projects.h needed in devel package.
Wed Mar 14 13:00:00 2012
- update to version 4.8.0
- Added the Natural Earth projection.
- Added HEALPIX, rHEALPIX and Icosahedral Snyder Equal Area projections.
- nad2bin now produces \"CTable2\" format grid shift files by default which
are platform independent.
- nad2nad removed, use cs2cs for datum shift operations.
- projects.h no longer installed as a public include file. Please try to
only use proj_api.h.
- Add pj_get_spheroid_defn() accessor.
- Added an alternate version of pj_init() that takes a projCtx (execution
context) structure to address multithreading issues with error management
and to provide a support for application hookable error reporting and
- Upgrade to EPSG 7.9. Some changes in ideal datum selection.
- JNI bindings reworked, org.proj4.Projections deprecated in favor of
- Added preliminary vertical datum support.
- Fix various multithreading issues, particular in datum grid handling code.
- Added support for the +axis= option for alternate axis orientations as
part of a coordinate system (used for TM South Orientated support).
- +proj=omerc implementatioin replaced with code from libproj4. +rot_conv
flag no longer works, and some coordinate systems (ie. Malaysian) will
need to use +gamma instead. \"epsg\" init file updated accordingly.
- Added BuildRequires pkg-config
- Added %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/proj.pc
Thu Aug 18 14:00:00 2011
- Remove wrong -static-devel package
Thu Aug 18 14:00:00 2011
- added a static devel package, because GRASS and QGIS don\'t find
the external PROJ.4 data directory anymore
Sat Mar 19 00:00:00 UTC 2011 - Otto Dassau 4.7.0
- removed debug_package
Tue Nov 24 00:00:00 UTC 2009 - Otto Dassau 4.7.0
- update to new proj4 version
- update to new datumgrid version 1.5