Changelog for php5-xdebug-2.5.0-7.3.x86_64.rpm :
Tue Dec 13 13:00:00 2016
- Updated to Xdebug 2.5.0
Support for PHP versions lower than PHP 5.5 has been dropped

* #1232: add memory delta to HTML traces

* #1365: Allow remote_connect_back to be set through XDEBUG_CONFIG

* #998: Added support for IPv6 (Thomas Vanhaniemi)

* #1297: Initial PHP 7.1 support

* #1168: Added defensive check to prevent infinite loop

* #1242: Xdebug on Windows with Eclipse has issues with breakpoint IDs

* #1343: Wrong values of numerical keys outside 32bit range

* #1357: Function signature using variadics is reported as being not executed

* #1361: Remote debugging connection issues with Windows (Anatol Belski)

* #1373: Crash in zend_hash_apply_with_arguments when debugging, due to unset symbol table

* #1295: Apache crashes (SIGSEGV) when trying to establish connection when sockfd is large

* #1303: POLLRDHUP is not supported outside of Gnu/Linux

* #1331: Segfault in code coverage
- Updated to Xdebug 2.4.1

* #1106: A thrown Exception after a class with __debugInfo gives 2 errors

* #1241: FAST_CALL/FAST_RET take #2

* #1246: Path and branch coverage should be initialised per request, not globally

* #1263: Code coverage segmentation fault with opcache enabled

* #1277: Crash when using a userland function from RSHUTDOWN with profiling enabled

* #1282: var_dump() of integers > 32 bit is broken on Windows

* #1288: Segfault when uncaught exception message does not contain \" in \"

* #1291: Debugclient installation fails on Mac OS X

* #1326: Tracing and generators crashes with PHP 7.x.

* #1333: Profiler accesses memory structures after freeing

Wed Jun 8 14:00:00 2016
- Updated to Xdebug 2.4.0

* #1109: Added support for PHP 7.

* #1153: Add function monitor functionality.

* #1183: Add xdebug.show_error_trace setting to allow/disallow to show a stack trace for every Error (throwable)

* Made the test suite work for Windows too. Finally, after 13 years.

* #1258: Case in PHP 7.0 and code coverage

* #1261: segmentation fault in with PHP 7.0 version of \'pkgtools\' due to spl_autoload()

* #1262: overload_var_dump=0 messes with xdebug_var_dump()

* #1266: xdebug_dump_superglobals() always dumps empty stack on PHP 7

* #1267: AIX build issues

* #1270: String parsing marked not covered with PHP 7

* #1220: Segmentation fault if var_dump() output is too large.

* #1223: Xdebug crashes on PHP 7 when doing a DBGp eval command.

* #1229: Issues with GCC 4.8, which in -O2 move removes some required code.

* #1235: Xdebug does not compile against PHP 7.1-dev due to ZEND_FETCH_STATIC_PROP

* #1236: Can\'t remove breakpoints with negative IDs.

* #1238: Xdebug crashes with SIGSEGV while enumerating references in variables.

* #1239: Crash due to changes with the CATCH opcode\'s jump mechanism in 7.1

* #1241: Xdebug doesn\'t handle FAST_RET and FAST_CALL opcodes for branch/dead code analysis, and path coverage.

* #1245: xdebug_dump_superglobals dumps
* with PHP 7.

* #1250: Add PHP version descriptors to debugging log and profile files.

* #1221: Sort out Windows x64 PHP 7 support

* #1229: Detect GCC 4.8 and disable optimisations when it is found

* #1181: Remote debugging does not handle exceptions after using zend_read_property

* #1189: Remove address attribute from remote debugging responses

* #1194: The error message is doubly HTML-encoded with assert()

* #1210: Segfault with code coverage dead code analysis and foreach on PHP 7

* #1215: SIGSEGV if xdebug.trace_output_dir directory does not exist

* #1217: xdebug.show_error_trace should not be enabled by default

* #1218: Xdebug messes with the exception code, by casting it to int

* #1219: Set default value for xdebug.overload_var_dump to 2 to include file / line numbers by default
Use long for PHP 5, and zend_long for PHP 7 for ini settings in the globals

* #1195: Segfault with code coverage and foreach

* #1200: Additional opcodes need to be overloaded for PHP 7

* #1202: Anonymous classes are not handled properly while remote debugging

* #1203: Accessing static property of a class that has no static properties crashes while remote debugging

* #1209: Segfault with building a function name for create_function

* #1070: Too many open files error with php-fpm: connections not closed. (Patch by Sean Dubois)

* #1123: With Xdebug 2.3.1, PHPUnit with coverage is exponentially slower than without

* #1166: Using $this in __debugInfo() causes infinite recursion

* #1173: Segmentation fault in xdebug_get_monitored_functions()

* #1182: Using PHPStorm with PHP 7 RC1 and xdebug 2.4-dev break points are
passed by including setting break point at start of script

* #1192: Dead code analysis does not work for generators with \'return;\'

Fri Jan 29 13:00:00 2016
- provides php-xdebug symbol

Tue Jan 12 13:00:00 2016
- remove _service

Thu Jul 2 14:00:00 2015
- reference the upstream xdebug.ini file directly using the package version

Wed Jul 1 14:00:00 2015
- Update to Xdebug 2.3.3
- Fixed bugs

* #1130: Escaping issues with docrefs and HTML characters in error messages

* #1133: PDO exception code value type is changed

* #1137: Windows does not support %zu formatting for sprintf

* #1140: Tracing with __debugInfo() crashes Xdebug due to a stack overflow

* #1148: Can\'t disable max_nesting_function

* #1151: Crash when another extension calls call_user_function() during RINIT

* Fixed crash with code coverage (Antony Dovgal)

* Fixed usage of virtual_file_ex and STR_FREE (Remi Collet)

* Reset overloaded opcodes at the end of each request (Eran Ifrah)
- Improvements

* #686: Not possible to inspect SplObjectStorage instances with Xdebug

* #864: No attributes are shown if an object extends ArrayIterator

* #996: Can\'t evaluate property of class that extends ArrayObject

* #1134: Allow introspection of ArrayObject implementation\'s internal storage

* Get rid of setlocale hack, by using %F instead of %f (and speed up tracing

* by 15-20%)

Mon Jun 8 14:00:00 2015
- Use version specific ini file instead of master\'s.

Mon Jun 1 14:00:00 2015
- Included upstream xdebug.ini file
- Update to Xdebug 2.3.2

* Fixed bug #1117: Path/branch coverage sometimes crashes

* Fixed bug #1121: Segfaults with path/branch coverage
- Xdebug 2.3.1

* Fixed bug #1112: Setting an invalid xdebug.trace_format causes Xdebug to

* Fixed bug #1113: xdebug.
*_trigger do no longer work, due to NULL not being
an empty string
- Xdebug 2.3.0

* Fixed bug #932: Added an error message in case the remote debug log
couldn\'t be opened

* Fixed bug #982: Incorrect file paths in exception stack trace

* Fixed bug #1094: Segmentation fault when attempting to use branch/path

* Fixed bug #1101: Debugger is not triggered on xdebug_break() in JIT mode

* Fixed bug #1102: Stop Xdebug from crashing when debugging PHP Code with
\"php -r\".

* Fixed bug #1103: XDEBUG_SESSION_STOP_NO_EXEC only stops first script
executed with auto_prepend|append_files

* Fixed bug #1104: One character non-public properties cause issues with

* Fixed bug #1105: Setting properties without specifying a type only works in
topmost frame (Dominik del Bondio)

* Fixed bug #1095: Crash when using a non-associate array key in GLOBALS

* Fixed bug #1111: eval does not work when debugger is stopped in
xdebug_throw_exception_hook (Dominik del Bondio)
Added features

* Implemented bug #304: File name and line number info for overloaded

* Implemented bug #310: Allow class vars and array keys with

* Implemented bug #722: Add stack trace limit setting.

* Implemented bug #1003: Add option to xdebug_print_function_stack() to
suppress filename and line number

* Implemented bug #1004: Ability to halt on warning/notice

* Implemented bug #1015: Added the xdebug.force_display_errors and
xdebug.force_error_reporting php.ini-only settings to always override PHP\'s
settings for display_errors and error_reporting

* Implemented bug #1023: Add support for PHP 5.6 variadics

* Implemented bug #1024: Add support for PHP 5.6\'s ASSIGN_POW

* Implemented bug #406: Added support for remote debugging user-defined

* Implemented bug #495: Added support for the wildcard exception name \'

* Implemented bug #1066: Better error message for SELinux preventing
debugging connections

* Implemented bug #1084: Added support for extended classes to trigger
exception breakpoints

* Implemented bug #1084: Added exception code as extra element to debugger

* Implemented bug #341: Added the time index and memory usage for function
returns in normal tracefiles

* Implemented bug #644: Shared secret for profiler_enable_trigger and
trace_enable_trigger with
*_value option

* Implemented bug #971: Added the trace file option
\"XDEBUG_TRACE_NAKED_FILENAME\" to xdebug_start_trace() to prevent the \".xt\"
extension from being added

* Implemented bug #1021: Added support for return values to computerized
trace files

* Implemented bug #1022: Added support for serialized variables as format in
trace files in the form of option \"5\" for \"xdebug.collect_params\" Code

* Implemented bug #380: Added xdebug_code_coverage_started()

* Implemented bug #1034: Add collected path and branch information to
xdebug_get_code_coverage() output

* Implement bug #1054: Support for filename and function name compression in
cachegrind files

* Implemented bug #863: Support xdebug.overload_var_dump through ini_set()

* Implemented bug #973: Use case-insensitive filename comparison on all
systems (Galen Wright-Watson)

* Implemented bug #1057: Removed trailing whitespace from example xdebug.ini

* Implemented bug #1096: Improve performance improvement for handling
breakpoints by ignoring locales (Daniel Sloof)

* Implemented bug #1100: Raise default max_nesting_level to 256
Removed features

* Support for PHP versions lower than PHP 5.4 have been dropped.

Wed Feb 18 13:00:00 2015
xdebug is working with PHP 5.6 now.
- Update to 2.2.7

* Fixed bug #1083: Segfault when requesting a variable for a context that did
not have them.

* Fixed bug #1087: zend_execute_script or zend_eval_string in RINIT

* Fixed bug #1088: Xdebug won\'t show dead and not executed lines at the
second time.

* Fixed bug #1098: Xdebug doesn\'t make use of __debugInfo.

* Fixed segfaults with ZTS on PHP 5.6.
- Update to 2.2.6

* Fixed bug #1048: Can not get $GLOBAL variable by property_value on function

* Fixed bug #1073 and bug #1075: Segmentation fault with internal functions
calling internal functions.

* Fixed bug #1085: Fixed the tracefile analyser as the format version had
been bumbed.

* Fixed memory leaks.
- Check checksum on download
- Simplified / reformatted spec

Fri Aug 29 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 2.2.5

* Added support for PHP 5.5.

* multiple bugfixes
for details see

Tue May 14 14:00:00 2013
- Update to 2.2.2

* support for PHP 5.5b1 (and 5.4)

Tue Mar 29 14:00:00 2011
- Update to 2.1.1 final

Fri Mar 25 13:00:00 2011
- Update to 2.1.1 RC1

Fri Dec 24 13:00:00 2010
- add a service

Fri Dec 24 13:00:00 2010
- Update to version 2.1.0 final

Tue Apr 6 14:00:00 2010
- fix build in older products

Fri Apr 2 14:00:00 2010
- update to version 2.1.0beta3

Sun Sep 27 14:00:00 2009
- workaround for