Changelog for python3-numpy-1.9.3-4.13.i586.rpm :
Wed Sep 23 14:00:00 2015
- update to version 1.9.3:

* #5866: fix error finding Python headers when build_ext --include-dirs is set;

* #6016: fix np.loadtxt error on Python 3.5 when reading from gzip files;

* #5555: Replace deprecated options for ifort;

* #6096: remove /GL for VS2015 in check_long_double_representation;

* #6141: enable Visual Studio 2015 C99 features;

* #6171: revert C99 complex for MSVC14.

Mon Mar 2 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 1.9.2: Bugfix release

* #5316: fix too large dtype alignment of strings and complex types

* #5424: fix ma.median when used on ndarrays

* #5481: Fix astype for structured array fields of different byte order

* #5354: fix segfault when clipping complex arrays

* #5524: allow np.argpartition on non ndarrays

* #5612: Fixes ndarray.fill to accept full range of uint64

* #5155: Fix loadtxt with comments=None and a string None data

* #4476: Masked array view fails if structured dtype has datetime component

* #5388: Make RandomState.set_state and RandomState.get_state threadsafe

* #5390: make seed, randint and shuffle threadsafe

* #5374: Fixed incorrect assert_array_almost_equal_nulp documentation

* #5393: Add support for ATLAS > 3.9.33.

* #5313: PyArray_AsCArray caused segfault for 3d arrays

* #5492: handle out of memory in rfftf

* #4181: fix a few bugs in the random.pareto docstring

* #5359: minor changes to linspace docstring

* #4723: fix a compile issues on AIX

Thu Nov 6 13:00:00 2014
- Update to 1.9.1: Bugfix release

* gh-5184: restore linear edge behaviour of gradient to as it was in < 1.9.
The second order behaviour is available via the `edge_order` keyword

* gh-4007: workaround Accelerate sgemv crash on OSX 10.9

* gh-5100: restore object dtype inference from iterable objects without

* gh-5163: avoid gcc-4.1.2 (red hat 5) miscompilation causing a crash

* gh-5138: fix nanmedian on arrays containing inf

* gh-5203: copy inherited masks in MaskedArray.__array_finalize__

* gh-2317: genfromtxt did not handle filling_values=0 correctly

* gh-5067: restore api of npy_PyFile_DupClose in python2

* gh-5063: cannot convert invalid sequence index to tuple

* gh-5082: Segmentation fault with argmin() on unicode arrays

* gh-5095: don\'t propagate subtypes from np.where

* gh-5104: np.inner segfaults with SciPy\'s sparse matrices

* gh-5136: Import dummy_threading if importing threading fails

* gh-5148: Make numpy import when run with Python flag \'-OO\'

* gh-5147: Einsum double contraction in particular order causes ValueError

* gh-479: Make f2py work with intent(in out)

* gh-5170: Make python2 .npy files readable in python3

* gh-5027: Use \'ll\' as the default length specifier for long long

* gh-4896: fix build error with MSVC 2013 caused by C99 complex support

* gh-4465: Make PyArray_PutTo respect writeable flag

* gh-5225: fix crash when using arange on datetime without dtype set

* gh-5231: fix build in c99 mode

Mon Sep 8 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 1.9.0

* Numerous performance improvements in various areas, most
notably indexing and operations on small arrays are
significantly faster. Indexing operations now also release the

* Addition of nanmedian and nanpercentile rounds out the
nanfunction set.
- Remove upstreamed numpy-double-double-le.patch
- Add numpy-1.9.0-remove-__declspec.patch
Fixes spurious warnings during build. These warnings are related
to a windows-specific function that is not built, so the patch
just removed the function.
- Added patch tag for numpy-buildfix.patch

Mon Aug 11 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 1.8.2: Bugfix release

* gh-4836: partition produces wrong results for multiple selections in equal ranges

* gh-4656: Make fftpack._raw_fft threadsafe

* gh-4628: incorrect argument order to _copyto in in np.nanmax, np.nanmin

* gh-4642: Hold GIL for converting dtypes types with fields

* gh-4733: fix np.linalg.svd(b, compute_uv=False)

* gh-4853: avoid unaligned simd load on reductions on i386

* gh-4722: Fix seg fault converting empty string to object

* gh-4613: Fix lack of NULL check in array_richcompare

* gh-4774: avoid unaligned access for strided byteswap

* gh-650: Prevent division by zero when creating arrays from some buffers

* gh-4602: ifort has issues with optimization flag O2, use O1
- Switch to pypi download location
- Changed Url to current home page
- Minor spec file cleanups

Mon Apr 14 14:00:00 2014
- bugfix release 1.8.1

Fri Dec 6 13:00:00 2013
- apply ppc6le fix from python2 version als here:

* numpy-double-double-le.patch

Thu Oct 31 13:00:00 2013
- Update to 1.8.0

* New, no 2to3, Python 2 and Python 3 are supported by a common code base.

* New, gufuncs for linear algebra, enabling operations on stacked arrays.

* New, inplace fancy indexing for ufuncs with the ``.at`` method.

* New, ``partition`` function, partial sorting via selection for fast median.

* New, ``nanmean``, ``nanvar``, and ``nanstd`` functions skipping NaNs.

* New, ``full`` and ``full_like`` functions to create value initialized arrays.

* New, ``PyUFunc_RegisterLoopForDescr``, better ufunc support for user dtypes.

* Numerous performance improvements in many areas.
- Add a new flag to easily enable/disable atlas support for if it
ever gets fixed in the future
- Rebase numpy-buildfix.patch
- Remove upstreamed numpy-doc-postprocess-encoding.patch

Thu Aug 15 14:00:00 2013
- Only buildrequire python3-2to3 on 12.2

Fri May 3 14:00:00 2013
- Update to 1.7.1

* Bugfixes

Fri Apr 5 14:00:00 2013
- Add Source URL, see

Tue Feb 19 13:00:00 2013
- update to 1.7.0

* This release includes several new features as well as numerous
bug fixes and refactorings
- ``where=`` parameter to ufuncs (allows the use of boolean
arrays to choose where a computation should be done)
- ``vectorize`` improvements (added \'excluded\' and \'cache\'
keyword, general cleanup and bug fixes)
- ``numpy.random.choice`` (random sample generating function)
New Features:
- Reduction UFuncs Generalize axis= Parameter
- Reduction UFuncs New keepdims= Parameter
- Datetime support
- Custom formatter for printing arrays
- New function numpy.random.choice
- New function isclose
- Preliminary multi-dimensional support in the polynomial package
- Ability to pad rank-n arrays
- New argument to searchsorted
- Added experimental support for the AArch64 architecture.

* For additional details check release notes at
- numpy-fd15162.patch and numpy-python33.patch removed, because
now is is in upstream

Wed Dec 12 13:00:00 2012
- regenerate mtrand.c with cython, needed for python3.3 compatibility

Thu Nov 22 13:00:00 2012
- Removed openSUSE 11.4 spec file workarounds

Wed Nov 21 13:00:00 2012
- Add numpy-fd15162.patch which should fix python3-scipy

Tue Nov 13 13:00:00 2012
- Add numpy-python33.patch to fix compilation with Python 3.3

Fri Aug 17 14:00:00 2012
- Disable atlas buildrequires until the problems with atlas are
worked out

Mon Jun 4 14:00:00 2012
- Add libatlas2 buildrequires

Fri Jun 1 14:00:00 2012
- Remove blas/lapack tests since these build successfully on all
targets now
- Add documentation packages
These are separate packages because a lot of packages depend on
numpy, so building the documentation inside the base spec file
would slow down the build process for the entire project

Mon May 21 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 1.6.2:

* bugfixes

Fri May 18 14:00:00 2012
- Fix rpmlint warnings

Mon Apr 30 14:00:00 2012
- Removed tests for unsupported openSUSE versions

Mon Apr 23 14:00:00 2012
- Add python 3 package
- devel package BuildRequires -> Requires