Changelog for serdisplib-tools-2.01-3.1.x86_64.rpm :
Fri Mar 3 13:00:00 2017
- update to v2.01:
- API-enhancements

* new function serdisp_defaultdevice(displayname): returns default device identifier for given display name
this function renders setting of device expressions unnecessary in most cases
(testserdisp -n sdl -p out: can now be simply entered as testserdisp -n sdl)
- new displays / drivers / features:

* SDC-Megtron USB-displays 240x128

* output to an SDL window

* Electronic Assembly EA KIT128-GXT (via serial port)

* Omaura OLED (via serial port)

* DG-16080 160x80

* DG-16080-11 160x80 (non-square pixels)

* displays driven by USB13700 USB module

* Bolymin BL160128A colour OLED 18bit

* 4DOLED-282815 colour OLED 18bit

* Linux4Media L4M-2.8T320LCD USB LCD 320 Touch

* Framebuffer device

* GLCD2USB based device

* experimental driver \'remote\' (use configure-option --enable-experimental to enable)

* support for mouse/touch events (SDL, L4M320T, framebuffer, displaylink)

* added tool for generating touchscreen calibration info (framebuffer, displaylink)

* added udev-rules file with rules for displays supported by serdisplib
- linking

* option to compile library with libdl-support (libSDL, libusb, and libpthread are not linked to the library but loaded at runtime)

* SONAME pattern matching added for maximum linux distribution compatibility (no more need for installed libusb-dev(el))

* dynamic loading can be turned of with configure-option --disable-dynloading

* compiling

* compile option added to only build library without any tools (--disable-tools)

* support for RPi and RPi2 (Raspberry 1-3) including cross-compiling (via environment variable $PROJECT)
- drivers: enhancements / bug-removal

* framebuffer: support for \'ugly\' damage reporting (write \'\
\' to framebuffer device)
- deprecated:

* driver displaylink is deprecated (use configure-option --enable-deprecated to reactivate it)

Sat May 21 14:00:00 2011
- Rename packages according shared library packaging policy.

Tue Nov 23 13:00:00 2010
- Update to release 1.97.9.
- Don\'t ship the static library (
- Move the link to the devel package.
- Change the group of the devel package to get rid of rpmint

Thu Jul 31 14:00:00 2008
- update to release 1.97.8

Tue Oct 9 14:00:00 2007
- update to release 1.97.7

* serdisp_connect_usb.c:
move interface-claiming part into separate function and do the claiming stuff
not until the end of SDCONNusb_open()

* serdisp_connect.h:
small hack for c++-based projects: hide label of field \'signals\' in struct

* fixed erraneous pinouts in PINOUTS (S1D15G10-based displays and PCF8511)

* some preparations for re-merging 1.97.x-tree with devel-tree

* changes in bitbake file for openembedded linux
(added do_stage()-section / minor changes)

* display driver bug-removal and enhancements:
ssdoled driver:
- > fixed min/max-contrast settings for Osram Pictiva 128X64 OLED 4bit
nokcol driver:
- > x/y startpos offset now variable through options OFFSETX and OFFSETY:
Abhishek uses shiftx=0 and shifty=2; my displays use 1/1.
so i made both offset settings variable (default: OFFSETX=1;OFFSETY=1)

* new displays/controllers:
- -> linux4media L4M-5Ei usb-device (libusb and ioctl/hiddev)
(cool usb-display with IR-sensor that connects as HID-device that is
working out of the box when using linux)
- -> alphacool 200x64 and 240x128 usb displays (libusb)

Sun Aug 12 14:00:00 2007
- update to release 1.97.6

* fixed potential linking problem in src/Makefile (thanks to Bernhard Walle): is now linked against libusb (if --enable-libusb is set)
- -> obsoletes patch from Mon Apr 2 11:41:18 CEST 2007

* enhancements / bug-removals in serdisp_tools.c, serdisp_colour.c, testserdisp.s

* added support for S1D15G10-based displays in nokcol driver -> driver now uses
generic sdtools_generic_get/setpixel() functions

* added support for PCF8511-based displays in PCD8544 driver

* backported the following displays/controllers (from current devel version):

* Osram Pictiva 96X36 OLED 1bit, 1\", monochrome

* Osram Pictiva 96X64 OLED 16bit, 1\", colour

* Osram Pictiva 128X64 OLED 4bit, 2.7\", greyscale

* other minor changes / code beautifyings
- fix build (BuildRequires libusb-devel only if suse_version >1020)

Wed May 16 14:00:00 2007
- Buildrequires libusb -> libusb-devel

Mon Apr 2 14:00:00 2007
- added build fix to link library against libusb, important when
using dlopen() to use that library.

Fri Mar 9 13:00:00 2007
- update to release 1.97.5

* adapted some driver specs to current devel version

* backported the following displays/controllers (from current devel version):

* lh155-based displays (eg. Sharp M078CKA 240x64)
- only 8080-mode supported for now

* E08552 96x32 1bit (controller SED1530)

* enhanced t6963-driver

* slightly fastened sed133x-driver

Fri Feb 23 13:00:00 2007
- update to release 1.97.4 (small bugfixes)