Changelog for
shared-desktop-ontologies-devel-0.11.0-2.2.noarch.rpm :
* Sun Jun 23 2013 Update to 0.11:
* Added new properties to NMM: nmm:albumArtist nmm:albumProducer nmm:albumConductor
* Make nco:emailAddress a subPropertyOf nao:identifier
* Change the range of nfo:fileSize from int to long From 0.10.1:
* Fixed range of nmm:musicBrainzTrackID: xsd:string instead of xsd:integer- Removed gcc-c++ build requirement (not needed).
* Wed Jun 13 2012 Update to 0.10:
* Added nmm:TVSeason and friends to make TV seasons fully qualified resources.
* Fixed nmo:messageHeader cardinality restriction.- Remove patch about cardinality of nmo#mailHeader, since it is now included
* Thu Mar 15 2012 Backport fix to cardinality of nmo#mailHeader, fixing mail indexing
* Sat Feb 11 2012 Update to 0.9.0
* Added properties nfo:depicts and nfo:depiction
* Made nmm:artwork a subproperty of nfo:depiction
* Added nrl:DefiningProperty and nrl:NonDefiningProperty
* Set nao:userVisible on the following classes and properties: nao:score nao:hasSubResource nao:hasSuperResource nrl:Graph rdf:Property rdfs:Class rdfs:Resource nie:hasPart nie:isPartOf nfo:hasHash nuao:Event
* Added class nfo:LocalFileDataObject
* Wed Jan 18 2012 license update: (CC-BY-SA-3.0 or BSD-3-Clause) and CC-BY-3.0 and W3C SPDX format reflecting the license as stated in LICENSE.README
* Fri Nov 25 2011 Update to 0.8.1
* Fixed domain of nmm:setSize to nmm:MusicAlbum. This fixes indexing of certain mp3 files in Nepomuk.
* Wed Oct 12 2011 update to 0.8.0: Made nfo:FileName a sub-property of nao:prefLabel Added nfo:WebDataObject Fixed range of nexif:orientation Added nmm:setNumber and nmm:setSize Added nmm:albumTrackCount nmm:MusicPiece is a subclass of nfo:Audio instead of nfo:Media Added focus event handling Made ncal:comment a subproperty of nie:comment Add nco:imStatusType Added nie:modified and nie:contentModified Fixed ranges of nmm:albumPeakGain nmm:trackGain nmm:trackPeakGain nmm:albumGain
* Thu Jul 21 2011 Update to 0.7.1
* Fixed domain of nao:maintainedBy
* Lots of new classes
* Tue May 03 2011 Update to version 0.6.0: + Added new properties: - nco:hasIMCapability - nco:isAccessedBy - nco:publishesPresenceTo - nco:requestedPresenceSubscriptionTo - nco:isBlocked + Added new class nco:IMCapability and instances nco:imCapabilityText, nco:imCapabilityAudio, and nco:imCapabilityVideo- Add pkg-config BuildRequires to automatically get the pkgconfig() Provides.
* Sun May 09 2010 update to version 0.5
* Added NDO and NUAO ontologies to the distributed ontologies
* Fixed syntax error in nid3.trig
* Deprecated NMO properties with range nco:Contact and added equivalent ones with range nco:ContactMedium
* Fixed graph URIs in NDO metadata
* Inverted property ndo:involvedInEvent by switching domain and range. The new property is named ndo:involve
* Added new properties: nco:start and nco:end to allow defining nco:Roles that only span a certain time.
* Tue Mar 09 2010 update to version 0.3
* Added nrl:DiscardableInstanceBase
* Added new classes and properties to NMM: nmm:Movie nmm:TVShow nmm:TVSeries nmm:Season nmm:genre nmm:series nmm:hasEpisode nmm:episodeNumber nmm:season nmm:seasonNumber nmm:audienceRating nmm:writer nmm:director nmm:producer nmm:actor nmm:cinematographer nmm:releaseDate
* Added nao:deprecated property and added deprecation flags to: nfo:fileLastModified nfo:fileUrl
* Sat Jan 02 2010 fix devel package requires
* Wed Dec 16 2009 fix group
* Tue Dec 01 2009 update to version 0.2
* Added SharedDesktopOntologiesConfig.cmake
* Added \"nrl:maxCardinality 1\"
* Thu Nov 26 2009 initial package v0.1