Changelog for
armadillo-devel-8.400.0-2.2.x86_64.rpm :
* Wed Feb 21 2018 Update to version 8.400.0: + Faster handling of sparse matrices by repmat() + Faster loading of CSV files + Expanded kron() to handle sparse matrices + Expanded index_min() and index_max() to handle cubes + Expanded randi(), randu(), randn(), randg() to output single scalars + Added submatrix & subcube iterators + Added normcdf() + Added mvnrnd() + Added chi2rnd() + Added wishrnd() and iwishrnd()
* Tue Jan 09 2018 Update to version 8.300.3: + Misc bug fixes.
* Mon Dec 18 2017 Update to version 8.300.2: + Misc bug fixes.
* Wed Nov 22 2017 Update to version 8.300.0: + Faster handling of band matrices by solve(). + Faster handling of band matrices by chol(). + Faster randg() when using OpenMP. + Added normpdf(). + Expanded .save() to allow appending new datasets to existing HDF5 files.
* Sun Nov 05 2017 Update to version 8.200.2: + Misc bug fixes.
* Wed Oct 18 2017 Update to version 8.200.1: + Misc bug fixes.
* Sun Oct 15 2017 Update to version 8.200.0: + Added intersect() for finding common elements in two vectors/matrices. + Expanded affmul() to handle non-square matrices.
* Tue Sep 12 2017 Update to version 8.100.1: + Misc bug fixes.
* Tue Sep 05 2017 Trim descriptions, keeping the full description just for the one that is installed most often (libarmadillo8). Ensure neutrality of descriptions.
* Fri Sep 01 2017 Update to version 8.100.0: + Faster incremental construction of sparse matrices via element access operators + Faster diagonal views in sparse matrices + Expanded SpMat to save/load sparse matrices in coord format + Expanded .save()/.load() to allow specification of datasets within HDF5 files + Added affmul() to simplify application of affine transformations + Warnings and errors are now printed by default to the std::cerr stream + Added set_cerr_stream() and get_cerr_stream() to replace set_stream_err1(), set_stream_err2(), get_stream_err1(), get_stream_err2() + New configuration options ARMA_COUT_STREAM and ARMA_CERR_STREAM- Adapt shared lib and baselibs.conf to updated shared object numbering.
* Wed Aug 16 2017 Update to version 7.960.1: + Undocumented bug fixes.
* Fri Aug 04 2017 Update to version 7.960.0: + Faster randn() when using OpenMP. + Faster gmm_diag class, for Gaussian mixture models with diagonal covariance matrices. + Added .sum_log_p() to the gmm_diag class. + Added gmm_full class, for Gaussian mixture models with full covariance matrices. + Expanded .each_slice() to optionally use OpenMP for multi-threaded execution.- Drop %%check section entirely, this is not expected to work going forward. Also drop armadillo-tests.patch, which was meant for the tests in the %%check section.
* Wed Jun 21 2017 Update to version 7.950.1: + Expanded accu() and sum() to use OpenMP for processing expressions with computationally expensive element-wise functions. + Expanded trimatu() and trimatl() to allow specification of the diagonal which delineates the boundary of the triangular part.
* Mon May 15 2017 Update to version 7.900.1: + Expanded clamp() to handle cubes. + Computationally expensive element-wise functions (such as exp(), log(), cos(), etc) can now be automatically sped up via OpenMP; this requires a C++11/C++14 compiler with OpenMP 3.0+ support.- Rebase armadillo-tests.patch for updated version.- Drop tests because upstream acknowledges some tests are intended to fail without ARPACK.
* Sat Feb 18 2017 Update to version 7.800.0: + Changed license to the permissve Apache License 2.0.- Update License tag in specfile in keeping with upstream.- Update package file list: + Include the license doc NOTICE.txt. + Additional documentation file: armadillo_joss_2016.pdf.
* Wed Feb 08 2017 Update to version 7.700.0: + Added polyfit() and polyval(). + Added second form of log_det() to directly return the result as a complex number. + Added range() to statistics functions. + Expanded trimatu()/trimatl() and symmatu()/symmatl() to handle sparse matrices.
* Sun Dec 25 2016 Update to version 7.600.2: + Undocumented bug fixes.
* Mon Dec 19 2016 Update to version 7.600.1: + More accurate eigs_sym() and eigs_gen(). + Expanded floor(), ceil(), round(), trunc(), sign() to handle sparse matrices. + Added arg(), atan2(), hypot().- Drop armadillo-install-pkgconfig.patch: resolved upstream.
* Mon Nov 21 2016 Update to version 7.500.2: + Undocumented bug fixes.
* Mon Nov 14 2016 Update to version 7.500.1: + Undocumented bug fixes.
* Sat Oct 29 2016 Add armadillo-install-pkgconfig.patch: Generate and install a pkgconfig file (PATCH-FEATURE-OPENSUSE for now, but in discussions with upstream to have this included).- Add armadillo-tests.patch: Generate tests/Makefile by configuring tests/ using cmake so that the tests can be run before actually installing the library. Then, use a make check section to test the built library (PATCH-FEATURE-OPENSUSE for now, but in discussions with upstream to have this included).
* Mon Oct 24 2016 Update to version 7.500.0: + Expanded qz() to optionally specify ordering of the Schur form. + Expanded .each_slice() to support matrix multiplication.
* Wed Sep 28 2016 Update to version 7.400.3: + Undocumented bug fixes.
* Mon Aug 29 2016 Update to version 7.400.2: + Added expmat_sym(), logmat_sympd(), sqrtmat_sympd(). + Added .replace().
* Fri Jul 29 2016 Update to version 7.300.1: + Undocumented bug fixes.
* Thu Jul 28 2016 Update to version 7.300.0: + Added index_min() and index_max() standalone functions. + Expanded .subvec() to accept size() arguments. + More robust handling of non-square matrices by lu().
* Sat Jul 02 2016 Update to version 7.200.2: + added .index_min() and .index_max(). + expanded ind2sub() to handle vectors of indices. + expanded sub2ind() to handle matrix of subscripts. + expanded expmat(), logmat() and sqrtmat() to optionally return a bool indicating success faster handling of compound expressions by vectorise().- Changes from Version 7.100.0: + added erf(), erfc(), lgamma(). + added .head_slices() and .tail_slices() to subcube views. + spsolve() now requires SuperLU 5.2. + eigs_sym(), eigs_gen() and svds() now use a built-in reimplementation of ARPACK for real (non-complex) matrices; contributed by Yixuan Qiu.- Source tarballs are now xz compressed.- Update BuildRequires for superlu-devel: >= version 5.2 now required.- Update shlib version (libarmadillo6 -> libarmadillo7) in spec file and baselibs.conf.
* Mon May 30 2016 Drop ATLAS support, for libatlas itself is too much work and is getting dropped.
* Tue May 03 2016 Update to version 6.700.6: + Undocumented bug fixes.
* Wed Apr 27 2016 Update to version 6.700.5: + Undocumented bug fixes.
* Wed Apr 20 2016 Update to version 6.700.4: + Undocumented bug fixes.
* Wed Apr 06 2016 Update to version 6.700.3 (Catabolic Amalgamator Deluxe): + Added logmat() for calcuating the matrix logarithm + Added regspace() for generating vectors with regularly spaced elements + Added logspace() for generating vectors with logarithmically spaced elements + Added approx_equal() for determining approximate equality + Added trapz() for numerical integration + Expanded .save() and .load() with hdf5_binary_trans file type, to save/load data with columns transposed to rows
* Thu Mar 24 2016 Update to version 6.600.5 (Catabolic Amalgamator): + Expanded sum(), mean(), min(), max() to handle cubes. + Expanded Cube class to handle arbitrarily sized empty cubes (eg. 0x5x2). + Added shift() for circular shifts of elements. + Added sqrtmat() for finding the square root of a matrix. + Fix for gmm_diag when using Mahalanobis distance.
* Wed Feb 17 2016 Update to version 6.500.5: + Bug fixes (undocumented by upstream).
* Wed Jan 27 2016 Update to version 6.500.4 (Gourmet Electron Jumper): + Added conv2() for 2D convolution. + Added stand-alone kmeans() function for clustering data. + Added trunc(). + Extended conv() to optionally provide central convolution. + Faster handling of multiply-and-accumulate by accu() when using Intel MKL, ATLAS or OpenBLAS.
* Tue Dec 15 2015 Update to version 6.400.2 (Flying Spaghetti Monster Deluxe): + Expanded each_col(), each_row() and each_slice() to handle C++11 lambda functions. + Added ind2sub() and sub2ind(). + Fixes for corner cases in gmm_diag class.
* Sat Dec 05 2015 Update to version Version 6.300.2 (Flying Spaghetti Monster): + Expanded solve() to find approximate solutions for rank-deficient systems. + Faster handling of non-contiguous submatrix views in compound expressions. + Added .for_each() to Mat, Row, Col, Cube and field classes. + Added rcond() for estimating the reciprocal condition number. + Fixes for spsolve(), eigs_sym(), eigs_gen(), svds().
* Sun Nov 15 2015 Update to version 6.200.4: + Bug fixes (undocumented by upstream).
* Tue Nov 10 2015 Update to version 6.200.3: + Bug fixes (undocumented by upstream).
* Tue Nov 03 2015 Version 6.200.2 (Midnight Blue Deluxe): + Expanded diagmat() to handle non-square matrices and arbitrary diagonals. + Expanded trace() to handle non-square matrices. + Correction for datum::Z_0 constant.
* Sat Oct 24 2015 Update to version 6.100.1: + Bug fixes (undocumented by upstream).
* Thu Oct 15 2015 Version 6.100.0 (Midnight Blue): + Faster norm() and normalise() when using Intel MKL, ATLAS or OpenBLAS. + Added Schur decomposition: schur(). + Stricter handling of matrix objects by hist() and histc(). + Advanced constructors for using auxiliary memory now have the default of strict = false. + Cube class now delays allocation of .slice() related structures until needed. + Expanded join_slices() to handle joining cubes with matrices.- Update shlib package name to libarmadillo6 in keeping with shlib version upgrade.
* Thu Sep 03 2015 Update to version 5.500.2: + Undocumented fixes.- Changes from version 5.500.0 (Molotov Cocktail): + Expanded object constructors and generators to handle size() based specification of dimensions. + Faster handling of submatrix rows. + Faster clamp(). + Fixes for handling sparse matrices.
* Wed Aug 19 2015 Update to version 5.400.2: + Undocumented fixes.- Changes from version 5.400.0 (Plutocracy Incorporated Deluxe): + Added find_unique() for finding indices of unique values. + Added diff() for calculating differences between consecutive elements. + Added cumprod() for calculating cumulative product. + Added null() for finding the orthonormal basis of null space. + Expanded interp1() to handle repeated locations. + Expanded unique() to handle complex numbers. + Faster flipud(). + Faster row-wise cumsum(). + Fix for k-means clustering in gmm_diag class.
* Fri Aug 07 2015 Update to version 5.300.4: + Undocumented fixes.- Changes from Version 5.300.0 (Plutocracy Incorporated): + Added generalised Schur decomposition: qz(). + Added .has_inf() and .has_nan(). + Expanded interp1() to handle out-of-domain locations. + Expanded sparse matrix class with .set_imag() and .set_real(). + Expanded imag(), real() and conj() to handle sparse matrices. + Expanded diagmat(), reshape() and resize() to handle sparse matrices. + Faster sparse sum(). + Faster row-wise sum(), mean(), min(), max(). + Updated physical constants to NIST 2014 CODATA values. + Fixes for handling sparse submatrix views. + Armadillo can make use of GPUs by linking with NVIDIA NVBLAS (a GPU-accelerated implementation of BLAS), or by linking with AMD ACML (which can use GPUs via OpenCL).
* Wed Jun 24 2015 Update to version 5.200.2: + Bugfix in interp1().
* Mon May 25 2015 Update to version 5.200 (Boston Tea Smuggler): + Added orth() for finding the orthonormal basis of the range space of a matrix. + Expanded element initialisation to handle nested initialiser lists (C++11). + Workarounds for bugs in GCC, Intel and MSVC C++ compilers.
* Fri May 15 2015 Update to version 5.100.2: + Undocumented fixes.- Update to version 5.100.1: + Undocumented fixes.- Changes from version Version 5.100.0 (Ankle Biter Deluxe): + Added interp1() for 1D interpolation. + Added .is_sorted() for checking whether a vector or matrix has sorted elements. + Updated physical constants to NIST 2010 CODATA values.
* Thu Apr 16 2015 Update to version 5.000.1: + Fix an issue with C++11 support.- Add superlu-devel as BuildRequires, and as Requires for armadillo.
* Mon Apr 13 2015 Update to version 5.000.0 (Ankle Biter): + Added spsolve() for solving sparse systems of linear equations. + Added svds() for singular value decomposition of sparse matrices. + Added nonzeros() for extracting non-zero values from matrices. + Added handling of diagonal views by sparse matrices. + Expanded repmat() to handle sparse matrices. + Expanded join_rows() and join_cols() to handle sparse matrices. + sort_index() and stable_sort_index() have been placed in the delayed operations framework for increased efficiency. + Use of 64 bit integers is automatically enabled when using a C++11 compiler. + Workaround for a bug in recent releases of Apple Xcode. + Workaround for a bug in LAPACK 3.5.- New dependency: superlu >= 4.3.- Updated shared library name to libarmadillo5 in track with upstream so name change.
* Sat Mar 21 2015 Update to version 4.650.4: + List of changes not documented upstream.- Changes from version 4.650.2 and 4.650.3: + List of changes not documented upstream.
* Wed Feb 18 2015 Update to version 4.650.1: + List of changes not documented upstream.- Changes from version 4.650 (Intravenous Caffeine Injector): + Added randg() for generating random values from gamma distributions (C++11 only). + Added .head_rows() and .tail_rows() to submatrix views. + Added .head_cols() and .tail_cols() to submatrix views. + Expanded eigs_sym() to optionally calculate eigenvalues with smallest/largest algebraic values fixes for handling of sparse matrices.
* Tue Jan 20 2015 Update to version 4.600.3: + List of changes not documented upstream.- Changes from version 4.600.2: + List of changes not documented upstream.
* Sun Dec 28 2014 Update to version 4.600.1: + List of changes not documented upstream.- Changes from version 4.600 (Off The Reservation): + Added .head() and .tail() to submatrix views + Faster matrix transposes within compound expressions + Faster accu() and norm() when compiling with - O3 -ffast-math -march=native (gcc and clang) + Workaround for a bug in GCC 4.4
* Sat Dec 27 2014 Update to version 4.550.4: + List of changes not documented upstream.- Update to version 4.550.3: + List of changes not documented upstream.
* Tue Dec 02 2014 Update to version 4.550.2: + List of changes not documented upstream.- Changes from version 4.550.1: + List of changes not documented upstream.
* Thu Nov 20 2014 Update to version 4.550 (Singapore Sling Deluxe): + Added matrix exponential function: expmat() + Faster .log_p() and .avg_log_p() functions in the gmm_diag class when compiling with OpenMP enabled + Faster handling of in-place addition/subtraction of expressions with an outer product.
* Mon Nov 03 2014 Update to version 4.500.1: + List of changes not documented upstream.
* Thu Oct 30 2014 Update to version 4.500.0: + Faster handling of complex vectors by norm() + Expanded chol() to optionally specify output matrix as upper or lower triangular + Better handling of non-finite values when saving matrices as text files.
* Mon Oct 13 2014 Update to version 4.450.4: + No list of changes documented upstream.
* Thu Oct 09 2014 Update to version 4.450.3: + No list of changes documented upstream.
* Fri Oct 03 2014 Update to version 4.450.2: + No list of changes documented upstream.
* Fri Sep 19 2014 Update to Version 4.450 (Spring Hill Fort): + Faster handling of matrix transposes within compound expressions + Expanded symmatu()/symmatl() to optionally disable taking the complex conjugate of elements + Expanded sort_index() to handle complex vectors + Expanded the gmm_diag class with functions to generate random samples
* Wed Aug 20 2014 Update to version 4.400.1: + No changes documented- Changes from version 4.400 (Winter Shark Alley): + Faster handling of subvectors by dot() + Faster handling of aliasing by submatrix views + Expanded batch insertion constructors for sparse matrices to add values at repeated locations + Added clamp() for clamping values to be between lower and upper limits + Added gmm_diag class for statistical modelling using Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM); + Includes multi-threaded implementation of k-means and Expectation-Maximisation (EM) for parameter estimation.
* Wed Jul 02 2014 Update to Version 4.320 (Daintree Tea Raider) + Expanded eigs_sym() and eigs_gen() to use an optional tolerance parameter + Expanded eig_sym() to automatically fall back to standard decomposition method if divide-and-conquer fails + Automatic installer enables use of C++11 random number generator when using gcc 4.8.3+ in C++11 mode.
* Tue Jun 03 2014 Update to version 4.300.8: + List of changes not documented upstream.
* Wed May 21 2014 Update to version 4.300.5: + List of changes not documented upstream.
* Mon May 12 2014 Update to version 4.300.2: + Fix for detection of HDF5 library during automatic installation + Faster find()
* Sat May 03 2014 Update to version 4.300 (Medieval Cornea Scraper): + Faster find() + Added find_finite() and find_nonfinite() for finding indices of finite and non-finite elements + Expressions X=inv(A)
*C and X=A.i()
*C are automatically converted to X=solve(A,B
*C) + Cmake-based installer enables use of C++11 random number generator when using gcc 4.9+ in C++11 mode
* Mon Apr 07 2014 Update to version 4.200.0 (Flintlock Swoop): + Faster transpose of sparse matrices + More efficient handling of aliasing during matrix multiplication + Faster inverse of matrices marked as diagonal.
* Sat Mar 08 2014 Update to version 4.100.2: + Fix for handling null vectors by normalise() + Fix for memory handling by sparse matrices.
* Fri Feb 28 2014 Update to version 4.100 (Dirt Cruiser) + added normalise() for normalising vectors to unit p-norm + extended the field class to handle 3D layout + extended eigs_sym() and eigs_gen() to obtain eigenvalues of various forms (eg. largest or smallest magnitude) + automatic SIMD vectorisation of elementary expressions (eg. matrix addition) when using Clang 3.4+ with -O3 optimisation + faster handling of sparse submatrix views + workaround for a bug in LAPACK 3.4- Changes from version 4.000.4: + fix for randi() generating out-of-interval values + fix for saving field objects + workaround for a bug in the Intel compiler
* Fri Jan 17 2014 Update to version 4.000.2: + List of changes not documented upstream- Changes from version 4.000.1: + Fix for randi() generating out-of-interval values + Workaround for a bug in the Intel compiler
* Wed Jan 08 2014 Armadillo no longer depends on boost libraries, and requires arpack-ng instead; adapt build and run-time requirements appropriately- Fix baselibs.conf for so name version update- Add libatlas3 dependencies as recommended by upstream.
* Mon Jan 06 2014 Update to Version 4.000.0 (Feral Steamroller) + added eigen decompositions of sparse matrices: eigs_sym() and eigs_gen() + added eigen decomposition for pair of matrices: eig_pair() + added simpler forms of eig_gen() + added condition number of matrices: cond() + expanded find() to handle cubes + expanded subcube views to access elements specified in a vector + template argument for running_stat_vec expanded to accept vector types + more robust fast inverse of 4x4 matrices + faster divide-and-conquer decompositions are now used by default for eig_sym(), pinv(), princomp(), rank(), svd(), svd_econ() + the form inv(sympd(X)) no longer assumes that X is positive definite; use inv_sympd() instead + added MEX connector for interfacing Octave/Matlab with Armadillo matrices (contributed by George Yammine)- Packaging changes: + SO version update to 4 + Remove appropriate win64 examples instead of win32
* Tue Dec 10 2013 Update to version 3.930.1: + Changes not documented upstream.
* Tue Dec 10 2013 Update to version 3.930.0 (Dragon\'s Back): + added divide-and-conquer variant of svd_econ(), for faster SVD + added divide-and-conquer variant of pinv(), for faster pseudo-inverse + added element-wise variants of min() and max() + added size() based specifications of submatrix view sizes + added randi() for generating matrices with random integer values + added inplace_trans() for memory efficient in-place transposes (contributed by Alexandre Drouin) + added more intuitive specification of sort direction in sort() and sort_index() + added more intuitive specification of method in det(), .i(), inv() and solve() + added more precise timer for the wall_clock class when using C++11
* Sat Sep 28 2013 Update to version 3.920.1: + Fix ambigious overload- Changes from version 3.920.0 (Agencia Nacional Stasi): + Faster .zeros() + Faster round(), exp2() and log2() when using C++11 + Added signum function: sign() + Added move constructors when using C++11 + Added 2D fast Fourier transform: fft2() + Added .tube() for easier extraction of vectors and subcubes from cubes + Added specification of a fill type during construction of Mat, Col, Row and Cube classes, eg. mat X(4, 5, fill::zeros).
* Wed Sep 11 2013 Update to version 3.910.1: + Minor fix for handling of complex matrices by braindead compilers (MSVC).
* Mon Aug 12 2013 Update to version 3.910.0 (Pyrenees): + Faster multiplication of a matrix with a transpose of itself, ie. X
*X.t() and X.t()
*X + Added vectorise() for reshaping matrices into vectors + Added all() and any() for indicating presence of elements satisfying a relational condition
* Wed Jul 31 2013 Update to version 3.900.7
* minor fix for inplace reshape()
* minor corrections for compilation issues under GCC 4.8+
* Wed Jun 26 2013 Update to version 3.900.6: + No list of changes documented by upstream for 3.900.6 and 3.900.5.
* Thu Jun 13 2013 Update to version 3.900.4: + Minor corrections for compilation issues under GCC 4.8+- Changes from version 3.900.1, 3.900.2 and 3.900.3 not documented by upstream.
* Wed Jun 05 2013 Update to version 3.900.0: + Added automatic SSE2 vectorisation of elementary expressions (eg. matrix addition) when using GCC 4.7+ with -O3 optimisation + Added support for saving & loading of cubes in HDF5 format + Faster median() + Faster handling of compound expressions with transposes of submatrix rows + Faster handling of compound expressions with transposes of complex vectors.
* Wed May 22 2013 Update to version 3.820.1: + Added detection of the OpenBLAS library during installation, which provides high-speed matrix multiplication
* Sun May 12 2013 Update to version 3.820.0 (Mt Cootha): + Faster as_scalar() for compound expressions + Faster transpose of small vectors + Faster matrix-vector product for small vectors + Faster multiplication of small fixed size matrices.
* Fri Apr 19 2013 Update to version 3.810.0 (Newell Highway): + Added fast Fourier transform: fft() + Added handling of .imbue() and .transform() by submatrices and subcubes + Added batch insertion constructors for sparse matrices + Minor fix for multiplication of complex sparse matrices + Better detection of recent Intel MKL versions during installation.
* Mon Mar 25 2013 Update to version 3.800.2:
* minor fix for installation on Mac OS X systems
* Tue Mar 12 2013 Update to version 3.800.1
* workaround for a bug in ATLAS 3.8 on 64 bit systems
* faster matrix-vector multiply for small matrices
* Fri Mar 01 2013 Update to version 3.800.0
* Armadillo is now licensed using the Mozilla Public License 2.0
* added .imbue() for filling a matrix/cube with values provided by a functor or lambda expression
* added .swap() for swapping contents with another matrix
* added .transform() for transforming a matrix/cube using a functor or lambda expression
* added round() for rounding matrix elements towards nearest integer
* faster find()
* fixes for handling non-square matrices by qr() and qr_econ()
* minor fixes for handling empty matrices
* reduction of pedantic compiler warnings
* Wed Feb 20 2013 Update to version 3.6.3
* faster find()
* minor fix for non-contiguous submatrix views to handle empty vectors of indices
* Tue Jan 29 2013 Update to version 3.6.2
* faster determinant for matrices marked as diagonal or triangular
* more fine-grained handling of 64 bit integers
* Fri Dec 21 2012 Update to version 3.6.1 Changes in 3.6.1
* faster trace()
* fix for handling sparse matrices by dot()
* fixes for interactions between sparse and dense matrices Changes in 3.6.0
* faster handling of compound expressions with submatrices and subcubes
* added support for loading matrices as text files with NaN and Inf elements
* added stable_sort_index(), which preserves the relative order of elements with equivalent values
* added handling of sparse matrices by mean(), var(), norm(), abs(), square(), sqrt()
* added saving and loading of sparse matrices in arma_binary format
* Thu Nov 22 2012 Update to 3.4.4
* Fix for handling complex numbers by sparse matrices
* Fix for minor memory leak by sparse matrices
* Sun Oct 07 2012 Update to version 3.4.3: + Fix for aliasing issue in diagmat() + Fix for speye() signature + Fixes for handling empty sparse matrices + Minor fixes for handling sparse submatrix views + Minor speedups for sparse matrices + Workaround for a bug in the Mac OS X accelerate framework + Added documentation for saving & loading matrices in HDF5 format + Faster dot() and cdot() for complex numbers.
* Wed Sep 26 2012 Update to version 3.4.2: + Minor fixes for handling sparse submatrix views + Minor speedups for sparse matrices.
* Sat Sep 22 2012 Update to version 3.4.1: + Workaround for a bug in the Mac OS X accelerate framework + Fixes for handling empty sparse matrices + Added documentation for saving & loading matrices in HDF5 format + Faster dot() and cdot() for complex numbers.
* Fri Sep 07 2012 Update to version 3.4.0 (Ku De Ta): + Faster .randn().
* Sat Sep 01 2012 Update to version 3.3.91 (3.4 Beta 1): + Faster singular value decomposition via \"divide and conquer\" algorithm + Added economical QR decomposition: qr_econ() + Added .each_col() & .each_row() for vector operations repeated on each column or row + Added preliminary support for sparse matrices.
* Wed Jul 11 2012 Update to version 3.2.4: + Workaround for a regression (bug) in GCC 4.7.0 and 4.7.1.
* Fri Jun 29 2012 Update to version 3.2.3: + Minor correction for declaration of fixed size vectors and matrices.
* Fri Jun 22 2012 fix build on SLE 11
* Thu May 31 2012 Update to version 3.2.2: + Better detection of ATLAS on Fedora and Red Hat systems + Minor fix for compiling without debugging enabled (aka release mode).
* Tue May 29 2012 Update to version 3.2.1: + Minor fix for compiling without debugging enabled (aka release mode).
* Fri May 18 2012 Update to version 3.2.0: + Faster eigen decomposition via \"divide and conquer\" algorithm + Faster transpose of vectors and compound expressions + Faster handling of diagonal views + Faster handling of tiny fixed size vectors (≤ 4 elements) + Added unique(), for finding unique elements of a matrix.
* Thu May 03 2012 Update to version 3.0.3: + Fixes for inplace transpose of complex number matrices + Fixes for complex number version of svd_econ() + Fixes for potential aliasing issues with submatrix views.
* Sun Apr 29 2012 Update to version 3.0.2: + Fixes for handling diagonal matrices + Fixes for compilation errors + Fixes for potential aliasing issues.
* Fri Apr 13 2012 Update to version 3.0.1: + Fixes for compilation errors + Fixes for potential aliasing issues.
* Mon Apr 09 2012 Update to version 3.0.0: + Added non-contiguous submatrix views + Added shorthand for inverse: .i() + Added hist() and histc() + Faster repmat() + Faster handling of submatrix views with one row or column + Faster generation of random numbers + Faster element access in fixed size matrices + Better detection of vector expressions by various functions + Expressions X=A.i()
*B and X=inv(A)
*B are automatically converted to X=solve(A,B)- Rename shared library package to libarmadillo3 in keeping with .so file number change- Update baselibs.conf in keeping with changes to the shared library package name.
* Wed Apr 04 2012 Update to version 2.4.4: + Fixes for qr() and syl() + More portable wall_clock class + Faster relational operators on submatrices.- Update lapack dependencies in keeping with lapack changes in devel project to fix builds on openSUSE 12.1 and 11.4.
* Tue Feb 07 2012 Update to version 2.4.3 (no summary of changes documented upstream)
* Mon Dec 12 2011 Update to version 2.4.2: + Clarified documentation for .reshape() + Fix for handling of empty matrices by .resize()
* Mon Dec 05 2011 Update to version 2.4.1: + Added .resize() + Fix for vector initialisation
* Mon Dec 05 2011 Update to version 2.4.0: + Added shorter forms of transposes: .t() and .st() + Added optional use of 64 bit indices, allowing matrices to have more than 4 billion elements + Added experimental support for C++11 initialiser lists + Faster pinv() + Faster inplace transpose + Faster handling of expressions with diagonal views + Fixes for handling expressions with aliasing and submatrices + Fixes for linking on Ubuntu and Debian systems + Fixes for inconsistencies in interactions between matrices and cubes + Refactored code to eliminate warnings when using the Clang C++ compiler + .print_trans() and .raw_print_trans() are deprecated.- Spec file cleanups: + Use upstream provided tarballs (in tar.gz format) instead of recompressing to tar.bz2 + Modify License tag in confomity with specifications
* Tue Nov 22 2011 Update to version 2.3.91 (2.4 beta 1): + Added shorter forms of transposes: .t() and .st() + Added optional use of 64 bit indices, allowing matrices to have more than 4 billion elements + Added experimental support for C++11 initialiser lists + Faster pinv() + Faster inplace transpose + Bugfixes for handling expressions with aliasing and submatrices + Refactored code to eliminate warnings when using the Clang C++ compiler + .print_trans() and .raw_print_trans() are deprecated
* Tue Nov 15 2011 Update to version 2.2.5 (bug-fix release; no summary of changes documented upstream)
* Wed Oct 19 2011 Update to version 2.2.4 (bug-fix release; no summary of changes documented upstream)
* Sun Sep 25 2011 Remove forbidden Obsoletes (cf. shlib guide)
* Sat Sep 17 2011 Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile- Implement baselibs for package
* Sat Aug 27 2011 Update to version 2.2.3 + Bug fix for speed issue in as_scalar()
* Tue Aug 23 2011 Update to version 2.2.2 (no summary of changes documented by upstream)
* Tue Aug 02 2011 Update to version 2.2.1 + Faster multiplication of small matrices + Faster trans() + Faster handling of submatrices by norm() + Added economical singular value decomposition: svd_thin() + Added circ_toeplitz() + Added .is_colvec() & .is_rowvec() + Fixes for handling of complex numbers by cov(), cor(), running_stat_vec
* Sat Jul 16 2011 Update to version 2.0.2 + Various bug fixes- Changes from version 2.0.0 + Faster multiplication of tiny matrices + Faster compound expressions containing submatrices + Faster inverse of symmetric positive definite matrices + Faster element access for fixed size matrices + Added handling of arbitrarily sized empty matrices (eg. 5x0) + Added loading & saving of matrices as CSV text files + Added .count() member function to running_stat and running_stat_vec + Added syl(), strans(), symmatu()/symmatl() + Added submatrices of submatrices + det(), inv() and solve() can be forced to use more precise algorithms for tiny matrices + htrans() has been deprecated; use trans() instead + API change: trans() now takes the complex conjugate when transposing a complex matrix + API change: .is_vec() now outputs true for empty vectors (eg. 0x1) + API change: forms of chol(), eig_sym(), eig_gen(), inv(), lu(), pinv(), princomp(), qr(), solve(), svd(), syl() that do not return a bool indicating success now throw std::runtime_error exceptions when failures are detected + API change: princomp_cov() has been removed; eig_sym() in conjunction with cov() can be used instead + API change: set_log_stream() & get_log_stream() have been replaced by set_stream_err1() & get_stream_err1() + Rename shared library package to libarmadillo2; obsoletes libarmadillo1
* Mon Apr 18 2011 Update to version 1.2.0 + Added ability to use Blas & Lapack libraries with capitalised function names + Reduction of pedantic compiler warnings
* Fri Apr 01 2011 Update to version 1.1.92: + Bugfix in function cor() + Automatic installation now requires CMake >= 2.6- Add licenses to libarmadillo package
* Wed Mar 23 2011 Spec file cleanup
* Wed Mar 23 2011 Initial package (following spec file from fedora)