Changelog for maildir-utils-1.0-2.2.x86_64.rpm :

* Mon Feb 05 2018 Update to 1.0: mu:
* New, custom query parser which replaces Xapian\'s \'QueryParser\' both in mu and mu4e. Existing queries should still work, but the new engine handles non-alphanumeric queries much better.
* Support regular expressions in queries
* cfind: ensure nicks are unique
* auxiliary programs invoked from mu/mu4e survive terminating the shell / emacs mu4e:
* Allow for rewriting message bodies
* Toggle-menus for header settings
* electric-quote-(local-)mode work when composing emails
* Respect format=flowed and delsp=yes for viewing plain-text messages
* Added new mu4e-split-view mode: single-window
* Add menu item for `untrash\'.p
* Unbreak abbrevs in mu4e-compose-mode
* Allow forwarding messages as attachments (`mu4e-compose-forward-as-attachment\')
* Default to \'skip duplicates\' and \'include headers\' in headers-view, which should be good defaults for most users. Can be customized using `mu4e-headers-skip-duplicates\' and `mu4e-headers-include-related\', respectively.
* Many bug fixed (see github for all the details).
* Updated documentation- Remove upstreamed mu4e-1.0-alpha3-gh1168.patch
* Tue Jan 23 2018 Add patch mu4e-1.0-alpha3-gh1168.patch
* Fix for Make automake version requirement (1.14) explicit
* Mon Dec 18 2017 Update to 1.0-alpha3:
* parser: promote single value to a range for range-fields
* mu: support \'raw\' query (internally)
* mu: handle funny msgids
* mu4e: improve msgid quoting
* mu4e: fix typo in mu4e~docid-msgid-param
* Mon Nov 13 2017 Update to 1.0-alpha2:
* Ensure mu4e-view-mode-hook run after text insertion
* mu4e: fix bug preventing mu4e-headers-change-sorting to sort by list
* mu4e: add mu4e-query-rewrite-functio
* proc: ensure query string is utf-8
* documentation fixes
* Sun Oct 29 2017 Update to 1.0-alpha0:
* mu4e: add mu4e-msg-changed-hook to mu4e-index-updated-hook globally
* mu4e: Fix outdated docstring for `mu4e-headers-actions\'
* Add some improvements in attachment actions
* mu4e: killing instead of interrupting update process
* Use re-search-forward to find message signatures
* mu4e: Add possibility to forward messages as attachments
* mu: add \'tickle\' command, for renaming messages
* mu4e: allow for message body rewriting
* mu4e: mu4e-message: allow for bodyless messages
* mu4e: show inline text/plain as attachment
* mu4e: don\'t require user-agent string
* mu4e: Added new mu4e-split-view mode: single-window
* mu: include signers in signature report
* mu4e: display signers in signature header
* bug fixes and documentation updates
* Thu Oct 26 2017 Change gmime-devel BuildRequires to pkgconfig((gmime-2.6): do not care for actual package names, but for relevant symbols. In this specific case, gmime-devel was upgraded to version 3.0, with a 2.6 compatibility package being present next to it.
* Tue Apr 11 2017 Fix typographical issues with dots and apostrophes.
* Fri Apr 07 2017 Use proper license (GPL-3.0+)
* Thu Apr 06 2017 Add package mu4e (emacs+mu based email client)- Change in BuildRequires:
* Add emacs-nox >= 23, then mu4e gets automatically build
* Add makeinfo, to handle info files
* Thu Mar 02 2017 Initial package of version 0.9.18 for openSUSE