Changelog for
xtrabackup-2.4.10-1.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Thu Apr 26 2018 Remove unneeded patch:
* percona-xtrabackup-2.4.9-aarch_buildfix.patch
* Sun Apr 01 2018 Percona XtraBackup 2.4.10:
* Rebased to MySQL 5.7.19
* Fix xbcrypt failure with --encrypt-key-file option
* Fix lock-up on simultaneous usage of --lock-ddl and - -lock-ddl-per-table
* Fix deadlock in prepare stage related to the maximum number of pending reads
* Abort backup when encountering tablespaces with a corrupted first page instead of skipping- Use %license (boo#1082318)
* Wed Mar 14 2018 compile some files with -O0 to allow build on aarch64- add percona-xtrabackup-2.4.9-aarch_buildfix.patch- add _constraints file: min 6G mem, min 8G diskspace
* Mon Dec 11 2017 Percona XtraBackup 2.4.9:
* xbcrypt now has an ability to decrypt files in parallel by specifying the number of threads with the xtrabackup - -encrypt-threads option
* xtrabackup --copy-back option can now be used with xtrabackup - -parallel option to copy the user data files in parallel (redo logs and system tablespaces are copied in the main thread)
* Various fixes to slave_info writing
* Various fixes for crashes under certain circumstances
* Wed Nov 22 2017 set default unix socket address to the mariadb socket location
* Tue Aug 08 2017 Percona XtraBackup 2.4.8:
* Support MySQL 5.7, rebased to MySQL 5.7.13
* Support for InnoDB tablespace encryption add --reencrypt-for-server-id option
* Support SHA256 passwords (via SSL connection)
* Support command options for secure connections
* xbcrypt format changes, backups are incompatible with 2.3.x
* Add --remove-original option to remove encrypted/compressed files after operations
* Use hwardware accellerated crc32 implementaiton
* Add options to exclude tables (--tables-exclude) and databases (--databases-exclude) from backup
* xbstream now supports parallel extraction (--parallel)
* xbstream now supports --decrypt, --encrypt-threads, - -encrypt-key, --encrypt-key-file for decryption
* Add options for MDL locking (--lock-ddl, --lock-ddl-timeout, - -lock-ddl-per-table)- packaging changes:
* bundle boost 1.59.0
* dropped patches: percona-xtrabackup-2.2.x-srv_buf_size.patch percona-xtrabackup-2.3.8-gcc7-fallthrough.patch percona-xtrabackup-2.3.8-gcc7-pointer-comparisons.patch
* Tue Aug 08 2017 Percona Xtrabackup 2.3.9:
* New --check-privileges option to check for system privileges
* Fix crash during prepare stage if index compaction was enabled
* Support building with OpenSSL 1.1
* xbstream could run out of file descriptors while extracting backups which contains many tables
* Fix determining use of master_auto_postion on a slave to avoid generating an invalid xtrabackup_slave_info file
* Fix crash backing up MariaDB 10.2.x with --ftwrl-
* options
* Along with xtrabackup_checkpints file, xtrabackup now copies xtrabackup_info file into directory specified by --extra-lsndir
* GTID position was not recorded when --binlog-info option was set to AUTO
* bundled, patched libarchive updated to 3.3.1
* Wed Jul 19 2017 Remove unused bundled libarchive windows build files with proprietary license keywords - bsc#1049458
* Fri Jun 02 2017 fix build with gcc7 bsc#1041250:
* percona-xtrabackup-2.3.8-gcc7-fallthrough.patch
* percona-xtrabackup-2.3.8-gcc7-pointer-comparisons.patch
* Wed May 10 2017 dont build shared libs for now.
* Wed May 10 2017 enable building with system ssl
* Wed May 10 2017 update to 2.3.8 - New Features - Percona XtraBackup now uses hardware accelerated implementation of crc32 where it is supported. - Percona XtraBackup has implemented new options: xtrabackup - -tables-exclude and xtrabackup --databases-exclude that work similar to xtrabackup --tables and xtrabackup --databases options, but exclude given names/paths from backup. - The xbstream binary now supports parallel extraction with the - -parallel option. - The xbstream binary now supports following new options: - -decrypt, --encrypt-threads, --encrypt-key, and - -encrypt-key-file. When --decrypt option is specified xbstream will automatically decrypt encrypted files when extracting input stream. Either --encrypt-key or - -encrypt-key-file options must be specified to provide encryption key, but not both. Option --encrypt-threads specifies the number of worker threads doing the encryption, default is 1. - Bugs fixed - xtrabackup would not create fresh InnoDB redo logs when preparing incremental backup. Bug fixed #1669592. - xtrabackup --export can now export tables that have more than 31 index. Bug fixed #1089681. - Unrecognized character \\x01; marked by <-- HERE message could be seen if backups were taken with the version check enabled. Bug fixed #1651978.- refreshed percona-xtrabackup-2.3.2-unbundle-jsnm.patch
* Thu Feb 23 2017 Percona XtraBackup 2.3.7- New functionality:
* new --remove-original option for removing the encrypted and compressed files once they’ve been decrypted/decompressed.
* now supports -H, -h, -u and -p shortcuts for --hostname, - -datadir, --user and --password respectively.- Bugs fixed:
* used username set for the server in a configuration file even if a different user was defined in the user’s configuration file
* Incremental backups did not include xtrabackup_binlog_info and xtrabackup_galera_info files
* --move-back option did not always restore out-of-datadir tablespaces to their original directories
* innobackupex and xtrabackup scripts were showing the password in the ps output when it was passed as a command line argument bsc#1026729
* Incremental backup would fail with a path like ~/backup/inc_1 because xtrabackup didn’t properly expand tilde
* Sat Jan 14 2017 Percona XtraBackup 2.3.6, including one security fix:
* CVE-2016-6225: xbcrypt encryption IV not being set properly (boo#1019858)- New functionality:
* now supports SHA256 passwords
* new supports command options for secure connections- Bugs fixed:
* intermittent assertion failures when not correctly identifying server version
* Safe slave backup algorithm performed too short delays between retries which could cause backups to fail on a busy servers
* fix compilation warnings with gcc6
* Backup would still succeed even if xtrabackup would fail to write the metadata
* xbcloud now supports EMC ECS Swift API Authorization requests
* backup failed with MariaDB 10.2 with the unsupported server version error message
* Sat Jul 16 2016 Percona XtraBackup 2.3.5, a bugfix release:
* Backup process would fail if --throttle option was used
* .ibd files for remote tablespaces were not copied back to the original location pointed by the .isl files.
* Fix crash when called with insufficient parameters, like specifying the empty --defaults-file option
* Change default value of --ftwrl-wait-query-type from \"all\" to \"update\"
* Allow the datadir from my.cnf to override the one from SHOW VARIABLES
* Fix failure on MariaDB if binary logs were in non-standard directory- Includes changes from 2.3.4:
* respect variables in backup-my.cnf without having to specify - -defaults-file=backup-my.cnf
* abort the backup if innobackupex --rsync completed with error
* Fix logging ouf GTID info with MariaDB 10
* Fix silent skipping of extra arguments
* Allow connections to servers using legacy auth with new option - -skip-secure-auth
* Tue Jul 05 2016 Fix Group tag.
* Sun Jan 17 2016 Percona XtraBackup 2.3.3, a bugfix release:
* Database directories were not removed if DROP DATABASE happened during the backup.
* Backup would fail if Store backup history on the server feature was enabled and backup was taken from server without binary log enabled.
* Percona XtraBackup now fails with descriptive error message if - -defaults-extra-file is not specified first.
* Backup would fail if --rsync option was used without specifying temporary folder.
* Fixed Percona XtraBackup crash which happened when it was used for SST on MariaDB Galera Cluster caused by double free of datadir‘ variable.
* --move-back did not respect the innodb_log_group_home_dir and innodb_data_home_dir options which caused ib_logfiles and data files not to be moved to correct location.
* xtrabackup_binlog_info was not updated correctly when applying incremental backups.
* When using a --defaults-file option Percona XtraBackup would complain about datadir being mismatched if it wasn’t explicitly set in the defaults file.
* Fixed build issues by adding missing check in cmake script for xxd presence.
* Percona XtraBackup would terminate backup process without error if --slave-info option was used on a server not running as a replication slave.
* innobackupex when used with --stream option would create an empty directory with a timestamp as a name.- update percona-xtrabackup-2.3.2-disable-version-check.patch to percona-xtrabackup-2.3.3-disable-version-check.patch
* Sat Dec 26 2015 xtrabackup does not strictly require mysqld, and this capability is not longer provided by development MariaDB packages boo#959917
* Wed Oct 28 2015 Percona XtraBackup 2.3.2, a feature release:
* New utility xbcloud: + for up/downloading xbstream archives from/to cloud storage. + reads settings from [xbcloud] section in {/etc/,.}my.cnf
* Backwards compatibility: + The innobackupex script was rewritten in C and is a symlink for xtrabackup. 2.2 command syntax is supported but deprecated. Syntax for new features added to xtrabackup only. + Options: --lock-wait-query-type, --lock-wait-threshold and - -lock-wait-timeout have been renamed to innobackupex - -ftwrl-wait-query-type, --ftwrl-wait-threshold and - -ftwrl-wait-timeout respectively.
* command line options changed to follow MySQL guidelines
* xtrabackup now also copies MyISAM tables and supports every feature of innobackupex
* xtrabackup now supports --datadir
* Various bug fixes and improvements- drop percona-xtrabackup-2.2.x-disable-default-version-check.patch- add percona-xtrabackup-2.3.2-disable-version-check.patch to remove feature completely- unbundle the jsnm library, adding percona-xtrabackup-2.3.2-unbundle-jsnm.patch
* Fri Oct 23 2015 Percona XtraBackup 2.2.13, a bugfix release:
* Improved the detection when the log block that has the different number from what is expected
* Fixed false positive error: The log was not applied to the intended LSN which was happening even when the redo log was applied correctly
* xtrabackup_logfile was not compressed when --compress option was used. Bug fixed #1242309.
* innobackupex wrote error message to STDOUT instead of STDIN which broke xbstream and tar stream.
* Incremental backups did not work with MariaDB below 10.1.6.
* Wed Aug 12 2015 Percona XtraBackup 2.2.12, a bugfix release:
* fix segfault during the prepare phase of certain FTS pages.
* fix regression introduced in 2.2.8 which caused xtrabackup to read a redo log from incorrect offset (assertion)
* fix pre-lock FLUSH TABLE written to binay log altering the GTID
* fix false successful completion on incomplete copy of redo log
* fix loosing correct table when when there are is more than one tablespace with the same ID in the data directory
* fix missing revision_id in binaries.
* Fri May 29 2015 Percona XtraBackup 2.2.11:
* rebased on MySQL 5.6.24.
* fixed crash when preparing the backup taken on MySQL/Percona Server 5.5 if there were open temporary tables during backup.
* fix failure to prepare the backup if the xtrabackup_logfile was lager than 512GB
* Fix for bug #1403237 was incomplete, due to setting wrong offset last copied batch of log records was copied from wrong location.
* now executes an extra FLUSH TABLES before executing FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK to potentially lower the impact from FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK.
* fix regression from 2.2.10 which caused an error when taking an incremental backup from MariaDB 10.
* now prints and stores the file based binlog coordinates in xtrabackup_binlog_info even though GTID is enabled.
* no longer print warnings during the prepare phase about missing tables with a filtering option (--databases, --tables, etc.)
* Thu Apr 02 2015 Percona XtraBackup 2.2.10:
* Decrypting backup with the wrong key would make the backup unusable and unrecoverable.
* XtraDB Changed Page Tracking wasn\'t working with innobackupex.
* Fixed Percona XtraBackup assertion caused by dirty pages remaining in the buffer pool after the log was fully applied.
* Backup will not be prepared and innobackupex will stop with an error if the transaction log file is corrupted and it wasn\'t applied to the intended LSN. Previously this was a warning.
* New status log-applied is introduced for backup prepared with - -redo-only to avoid making the backup unusable by preparing full or incremental backup without --redo-only and then applying next incremental on top of it. Incremental backup now can be applied only to backup in log-applied state, but not to full-prepared as it was earlier.
* Wed Feb 25 2015 Downgrade qpress requirement from Requires to Recommends
* Wed Feb 25 2015 Percona XtraBackup 2.2.9:
* Percona XtraBackup was vulnerable to MITM attack which could allow exfiltration of MySQL configuration information via - -version-check option. [boo#919298] CVE-2015-1027 lp#1408375. The openSUSE package has the version check disabled by default.
* xtrabackup_galera_info file isn\'t overwritten during the Galera auto-recovery. lp#1418584.
* Percona XtraBackup now sets the maximum supported session value for lock_wait_timeout variable to prevent unnecessary timeouts when the global value is changed from the default. lp#1410339.
* New option --backup-locks, enabled by default, has been implemented to control if backup locks will be used even if they are supported by the server. To disable backup locks innobackupex should be run with innobackupex --no-backup-locks option. lp#1418820.- Add percona-xtrabackup-2.2.9-nodoc.patch to make build work without documentation directories deleted by spec file
* Thu Jan 22 2015 Percona XtraBackup 2.2.8: + rebased on MySQL 5.6.22 + Incremental backups would fail if the number of undo tablespaces (innodb_undo_tablespaces) was more than 1. This was caused by innobackupex removing the undo tablespaces during the prepare phase. + Fixed multiple memory leaks detected by AddressSanitizer. + innobackupex could fail when preparing backup that was taken from Percona Server 5.5 with log files (innodb_log_file_size) bigger than 4G.- Includes changes from 2.2.7: + Non-default value for innodb_log_block_size variable would cause assertion when preparing the backup. + When Percona XtraBackup would run FLUSH ENGINE LOGS during the backup process on GTID master, command was recorded to the slave\'s binary log as well, which lead to inconsistency between master and slave. Fixed by adding the NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG clause to FLUSH ENGINE LOGS to avoid interfering with binary log and inconsistency with coordinates. + Exporting tables was inefficient when backup contained a large (and unrelated) change buffer. + innobackupex was printing the GTID even if the GTID mode was disabled which could cause confusion since it wasn\'t incrementing. Now it prints only GTID when GITD mode is enabled and when GTID mode is disabled it prints only filename and position. innobackupex still prints GTID, filename and positions if MariaDB server is being backed up.
* Mon Nov 03 2014 Percona XtraBackup 2.2.6- New Features: + now reads server options from SHOW VARIABLES rather than my.cnf + now has more verbose output during initial table scan- Bugs Fixed: + innobackupex didn\'t take the default datadir, which caused backups to fail if the datadir wasn\'t specified in my.cnf + innobackupex will now fail with an error when innobackupex - -slave-info is used on a multi-threaded non-GTID slave, because Exec_Master_Log_Pos cannot be trusted for a multi- threaded slave. + InnoDB log scanning failure would cause backups to fail + --apply-log and --decompress marked mutually exclusive + now supports all option modifiers supported by upstream MySQL: skip, disable, enable, maximum, loose + would fail to perform a full backup on Percona Server 5.5 if innodb_log_file_size variable wasn\'t set in the [mysqld] section of my.cnf
* Sun Oct 05 2014 Percona XtraBackup 2.2.5- New features:
* Percona XtraBackup has been rebased on MySQL 5.6.21.- Bugs fixed:
* Fix a regression for users with huge numbers of InnoDB tablespaces, and the workaround of raising the open files limits didnt work in all cases due to a limitation in the Linux kernel. A new innobackupex --close-files option has been implemented to close the file handles once they are no longer accessed. NOTE: Using this option may result in a broken backup if DDL is performed on InnoDB tables during the backup.
* Fix a regression since 2.2.0 which caused Percona XtraBackup to fail to copy redo logs in random cases.
* innobackupex --galera-info didn\'t copy the last binlog file when it was taking a backup from server where backup locks are supported.
* xtrabackup binary would accept arguments that were not options, which could lead to unexpected results.
* If innobackupex is run against MySQL 5.1 with built-in InnoDB, it will now suggest using Percona XtraBackup 2.0 or upgrading to InnoDB plugin, rather than just failing with the generic unsupported server version message.
* Using the (deprecated) log parameter in mysqld section would cause backups to fail.
* Percona XtraBackup now uses MySQL code to get the stack trace in case Percona XtraBackup crashes with a segmentation fault or an assertion failure.
* Attempt to use any of the following options without the - -incremental option now fails with an error message rather than create a full backup: --incremental-lsn, --incremental-basedir, - -incremental-history-name, --incremental-history-uuid.
* Sat Sep 13 2014 Percona XtraBackup 2.2.4- New Features:
* support for Galera GTID auto-recovery- Bugs Fixed:
* innobackupex would ignore --databases without --stream option and back up all the databases.
* --galera-info compatibility with MariaDB Galera Cluster 10.0.
* fix crash when trying to remove absent table from InnoDB data dictionary while preparing a partial backup
* now supports MariaDB GTID
* MariaDB 10.1 is now added to the list of supported servers.
* would fail to restore (copy-back) tables that have partitions with their own tablespace location.- Now requiring rsync for --rsync option
* Sat Jul 05 2014 Percona XtraBackup 2.2.3- Incompatible changes:
* removed multiple binaries (xtrabackup_56, xtrabackup_55)
* innobackupex-1.5.1 symlink removed- New Features:
* implemented support for backup locks (Percona Server)
* can now store backup history on the server itself in a special table created for that purpose.
* rebased on MySQL 5.6.17- Bugs fixed:
* now recognizes new my.cnf option open_files_limit
* prevent crash upon prepare if remote InnoDB tablespace got was CREATEd or ALTERed during the backup
* fix handling of signals when run from other processes
* fix InnoDB redo log incompatibility with compressed tables
* flush InnoDB redo log before finalizing
* now sets wsrep_causal_reads to 0 before executing FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK if the server is a member of the Galera cluster
* no longer adds XtraDB-specific fields when preparing a backup
* Information about backup type and parameters is now stored in the xtrabackup_info file in the backup directory.- refresh patches:
* percona-xtrabackup-2.1.x-disable-default-version-check.patch to percona-xtrabackup-2.2.x-disable-default-version-check.patch
* percona-xtrabackup-2.1.x-mysql-5.6.15-srv_buf_size.patch to percona-xtrabackup-2.2.x-srv_buf_size.patch- removed patches:
* percona-xtrabackup-2.1.x-nodoc.patch no longer requird
* Thu May 08 2014 Percona XtraBackup 2.1.9:
* now recognizes a new my.cnf option open_files_limit
* inherited signal mask could leave child processes running
* InnoDB table flag introduced in MySQL 5.6.16 was not recognized \"InnoDB: in InnoDB data dictionary has unknown flags 50.” Fixed by rebasing to 5.6.17.- As the MySQL 5.6 component was rebased to 5.6.17, adjust percona-xtrabackup-2.1.x-mysql-5.6.15-srv_buf_size.patch
* Thu Mar 06 2014 update to 2.1.8 Disabled the \"binary version check\" functionality in the VersionCheck module due to security concerns. The automatic version check remains disabled in the openSUSE package. [bnc#864194] CVE-2014-2029- bugs fixed:
* do not discard read-ahead buffers through incorrect usage of posic_fadvise() hints, which resulted in higher I/O rate on the backup stage
* Spurious trailing data blocks that would normally be ignored by InnoDB could lead to an assertion failure on the backup stage
* A spurious warning message could cause issues with third-party wrapper scripts
* xbcrypt could fail with the xbcrypt:xb_crypt_read_chunk: unable to read chunk iv size at offset error under some circumstances
* xbstream could sometimes hang when extracting a broken or incomplete input stream
* Tue Feb 18 2014 disable automatic version check [bnc#864194] Prevents transmission of version information to an external host in the default configuration. Can be used by owner of a Percona server (or an attacker who can control this destination for the client) to collect arbitrary MySQL configuration parameters and execute commands (with -v). Now the version check needs to be requested via command line- added patches:
* percona-xtrabackup-2.1.x-disable-default-version-check.patch
* Sat Feb 01 2014 update to 2.1.7 [bnc#860488]- general changes:
* rebased on MySQL versions 5.5.35 and 5.6.15
* now uses libgcrypt randomization functions for setting the IV [lp#1255300] [bnc#852224] CVE-2013-6394- bugs fixed:
* After being rebased on MySQL 5.6.11 Percona XtraBackup has been affected by the upstream bug #69780 (backward compatibility for InnoDB recovery) [lp#1203669]
* Backup directory would need to be specified even for running the innobackupex with --help and --version options. [lp#1223716]- bugs fixed specific to MySQL 5.6:
* xtrabackpu did not roll back prepared XA transactions when applying the log. [lp#1254227]- removed patches:
* percona-xtrabackup-2.1.x-mysql-5.6.11-va_list.patch, committed in 5.6.15- modified patches:
* percona-xtrabackup-2.1.x-nodoc.patch for upstream changes
* percona-xtrabackup-2.1.x-mysql-5.6.11-srv_buf_size.patch to
* percona-xtrabackup-2.1.x-mysql-5.6.15-srv_buf_size.patch Reworked to apply to 5.6.15
* Mon Nov 25 2013 update to 2.1.6 [bnc#852224]- New Features:
* New innobackupex --force-non-empty-directories option
* now supports logs created with the new log block checksums- New Features specific to MySQL 5.6: option innodb_log_checksum_algorithm in Percona Server 5.6- Bugs Fixed:
* innobackupex --copy-back fails on empty innodb_data_home_dir
* A fixed initialization vector (constant string) was used while encrypting the data. This opened the encrypted stream/data to plaintext attacks among others.
* innobackupex --version-check is now on by default.
* Since Version Check is enabled by default, new optin - -no-version-check option has been introduced to disable it.
* xtrabackup_slave_info didn\'t contain any GTID information, which could cause master_auto_position not to work properly
* now supports absolute paths in innodb_data_file_path variable.
* wouldn\'t back up the empty directory created with mkdir (i.e. test) outside of the server which could lead to inconsistencies during the Percona XtraDB Cluster State Snapshot Transfer.
* wasn\'t able to perform backups to the NFS mount in some NFS configurations, because it was trying to preserve file ownership.
* unable to perform backup if innodb_log_arch_dir variable was used in server configuration
* Race condition in start_query_killer child code could cause parent MySQL connection to close. - Bugs Fixed specific to MySQL 5.6:
* xtrabackup_56 was using CRC32 as the default checksum algorithm This could cause error if the innodb_checksum_algorithm value was changed to strict_innodb value after a restore.
* xtrabackup_56 binary didn\'t store the server’s innodb_checksum_algorithm value to backup-my.cnf. This value is needed because it affects the on-disk data format.- update and tag percona-xtrabackup-2.1.x-nodoc.patch
* Mon Sep 23 2013 percona-xtrabackup-2.1.x-mysql-5.6.11-va_list.patch: Fix invalid use of va_list
* Thu Sep 19 2013 update to 2.1.5- New Features:
* now supports new innobackupex --version-check option- Note:
* new method of incremental backups for Percona Server 5.6 with experimental \"Log Archiving for XtraDB\" is not supported in this build- Bugs Fixed:
* when preparing a compact backup, close temporary files
* innobackupex: always terminate child processes on error
* xtrabackup_56 binary (use for MySQL 5.6 and Percona Server 5.6) did not support Percona Server-specific innodb_log_block_size
* fix stop in rare case when log block numbers had to wrap around at certain times
* xtrabackup_56 binary would fail to create a suspend file
* fix regression introduced in 2.1.4 which lead to cp utility being used to copy metadata files even with --rsync option
* further various issues as listed in
* Fri Aug 16 2013 fix build on Factory
* percona-xtrabackup-2.1.x-mysql-5.6.11-srv_buf_size.patch
* Fri Aug 09 2013 update to 2.1.4 This package drops MySQL 5.1 support.- New features:
* introduce additional options to handle the locking during FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK to reduce read-only times.
* speed up the backup process by not stopping slave thread when copying non-InnoDB data when innobackupex --no-lock option
* add option innobackupex --decrypt
* and option innobackupex --decompress
* rebase to MySQL 5.5.30, 5.6.11- Bugs fixed:
* During the backup process loading tablespaces was started before the log copying, this could lead to a race between the datafiles state in the resulting backup and xtrabackup_logfile. Tablespace created at a sensitive time would be missing in both the backup itself and as the corresponding log record in xtrabackup_logfile, so it would not be created on innobackupex - -apply-log either
* innobackupex did not encrypt non-InnoDB files when doing local (i.e. non-streaming) backups.
* Difference in behavior between InnoDB 5.5 and 5.6 codebases in cases when a newly created tablespace has uninitialized first page at the time when XtraBackup opens it while creating a list of tablespaces to backup would cause assertion error.
* xbcrypt could sometimes fail when reading encrypted stream from a pipe or network.
* innobackupex could not prepare the backup if there was no xtrabackup_binary file in the backup directory and the xtrabackup binary was not specified explicitly with innobackupex - -ibbackup option.
* innobackupex would terminate with an error if innobackupex - -safe-slave-backup option was used for backing up the master
* Under some circumstances XtraBackup could fail on a backup prepare with innodb_flush_method=O_DIRECT when XFS filesystem was being used
* Percona XtraBackup didn’t recognize checkpoint #0 as a valid checkpoint on xtrabackup --prepare which would cause an error.
* Percona XtraBackup didn’t recognize the O_DIRECT_NO_FSYNC value for innodb_flush_method which was introduced in MySQL 5.6.7.
* innobackupex would terminate if innobackupex --galera-info option was specified when backing up non-galera server.- Packaging changes:
* refresh percona-xtrabackup-2.0.2-nodoc.patch to percona-xtrabackup-2.1.x-nodoc.patch
* drop MySQL 5.1 support
* now requires qpress rather than recommending it because innobackupex now calls it directly
* Thu May 23 2013 update to 2.1.3- bugs fixed:
* 2.1.2 would hang when performing State Snapshot Transfer only affects users of XtraDB Cluster
* Tue May 21 2013 update to 2.1.2- bugs fixed:
* Using DBD::MySQL package for server communication instead of spawning the mysql command line client introduced a regression which caused innobackupex --galera-info to fail.
* The format of xtrabackup_galera_info was missing the \":\" separator between the values of wsrep_local_state_uuid and wsrep_last_committed.
* innobackupex automatic version detection did not work correctly for latest Percona Server and MySQL 5.1 releases which could cause innobackupex to fail.
* When backing up a server that is not a replication slave with the innobackupex --slave-info option, innobackupex failed with a fatal error. Replaced the fatal error with a diagnostic message about innobackupex --slave-info being ignored in such a case.
* Low values for wait_timeout on the server could cause server to close the connection while backup is being taken.
* Wed May 15 2013 2.1.1, first GA release of 2.1 series- new features:
* compact backups - backups can now be configured to use less disk space by omitting secondary index pages and rebuilding them during prepare phase
* encrypted backukups - encryption of backup data, new command line utility xbcrypt- removed features:
* support for InnoDB 5.0 and InnoDB 5.1-builtin removed (InnoDB 5.1 plugin remains)
* option --remote-host removed- bugs fixed:
* innobackupex now supports empty arguments to --password option- packaging changes:
* MySQL 5.1 binary named \"xtrabackup\" correctly
* add build dependency libgcrypt-devel for xbcrypt
* add runtime dependency perl(DBD::mysql fox innobackupex)
* drop xtrabackup-automake-1.13.patch, committed upstream
* Tue May 07 2013 update to 2.0.7 [bnc#818819]- new features:
* implemented full support for new MySQL 5.6 features
* implemented support for the InnoDB Buffer Pool Preloading
* Time interval between checks done by log copying thread is now configurable by innobackupex --log-copy-interval.
* now stores the GTID value in the xtrabackup_binlog_info with MySQL and Percona Server 5.6 with the GTID mode enabled.
* --export now supports transportable tablespaces in MySQL 5.6- bugs fixed
* innobackupex could crash when taking the 5.6 backup due to linking the wrong SSL library
* Percona XtraBackup would crash when preparing the 5.6 backup with partitioned tables. Bug fixed #1169169.
* Tables that were dropped between taking a full backup and an incremental one were present in the full backup directory, and were not removed when incremental backups has been merged
* Percona XtraBackup would leave stale xtrabackup_tmp
* files in the datadir after applying incremental backups.
* Fixed couple of warnings found in innobackupex when all warnings have been made FATAL.
* If there are thousands of tables and slow IO then XtraBackup can spend a lot of time opening all the tablespaces. Optimization has been implemented and XtraBackup now avoids loading non-relevant tablespaces when partial backup is being taken which speeds up the backup process.
* Percona XtraBackup didn’t initialize per-thread data in the log copying thread which could cause XtraBackup to crash.
* Percona XtraBackup would fail when preparing the MySQL 5.6 backup if the log files were bigger than 4G on the source server.
* Due to different implementation in MySQL 5.6 error messages were not printed to stderr directly. Because of that all InnoDB error or diagnostic messages are never printed by xtrabackup_56
* innobackupex would still run with FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK even if xtrabackup would fail when copying logs. Fixed by terminating xtrabackup process immediately on log copying failure
* innobackupex would fail if the SQL_MODE was set to ANSI_QUOTES.
* Missing space_id from
*.ibd.meta would lead to assertion. Fixed by replacing the assertion with the error message.
* Fixed the typo in the innobackupex error output.
* When building from source innodb56 target didn’t have an option to disable DTrace like innodb55 has. Fixed by adding - DENABLE_DTRACE=OFF build option for innodb56 as well.
* innobackupex wasn’t handling the innodb_data_file_path option which could cause backup to fail.
* Redundant code has been removed from
* Thu Mar 21 2013 update to 2.0.6 [bnc#810880]- new features: XtraBackup has implemented basic support for MySQL 5.6, Percona Server 5.6 and MariaDB 10.0. Basic support means that these versions are are recognized by XtraBackup, and that backup/restore works as long as no 5.6-specific features are used (such as GTID, remote/transportable tablespaces, separate undo tablespace, 5.6-style buffer pool dump files).- bugs fixed:
* Individual InnoDB tablespaces with size less than 1MB were extended to 1MB on the backup prepare operation. This led to a large increase in disk usage in cases when there are many small InnoDB tablespaces.
* Fixed the issue that caused databases corresponding to inaccessible datadir subdirectories to be ignored by XtraBackup without warning or error messages. This was happening because InnoDB code silently ignored datadir subdirectories it could not open.
* Under some circumstances XtraBackup could fail to copy a tablespace with a high --parallel option value and a low innodb_open_files value.
* Fixed a regression that caused individual partition backups to fail when used with --include option in innobackupex or the --tables option in xtrabackup.
* innobackupex didn’t add the file-per-table setting for table- independent backups. Fixed by making XtraBackup auto-enable innodb_file_per_table when the --export option is used.
* Under some circumstances XtraBackup could fail on a backup prepare with innodb_flush_method=O_DIRECT.
* innobackupex did not pass the --tmpdir option to the xtrabackup binary resulting in the server’s tmpdir always being used for temporary files.
* XtraBackup has improved the error reporting for unrecognized server versions.
* innobackupex would fail when --no-lock and --rsync were used in conjunction.
* Fix a regression that caused xtrabackup_pid file to remain in the temporary dir after execution.
* Unnecessary debug messages have been removed from the XtraBackup output
* Thu Mar 14 2013 fix path of MySQL 5.5 xtrabackup binary [bnc#809505]
* Wed Mar 13 2013 builds with automake 1.13
* automake-1.13.patch
* Mon Jan 28 2013 fix SLE build- suggest installation of qpress to uncompress backups created with optional --compress
* Thu Jan 24 2013 update to 2.0.5- new features: + New option --defaults-extra-file to read options before the standard defaults-file, e.g. for separate username/passwords crontab or a script somewhere in the system.- bugs fixed: + In case of streaming backups, innobackupex would resume the XtraBackup process and then wait for it to finish before running UNLOCK TABLES. This caused database to be unnecessarily locked with FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK. Innobackupex now waits only till log copying is finished to unlock the databases. + innobackupex error messages referencing the data directory have been extended to show the path of the data directory mentioned in the error message. + Partitioned tables were not correctly handled by the - -databases, --include, --tables-file options of innobackupex, and by the --tables and --tables-file options of XtraBackup. + When built-in compression was used, XtraBackup was doing unbuffered writes to the destination file or stream in very small chunks which in return caused inefficient I/O. + Unnecessary long sleep() in innobackupex lead to FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK taking too long. + If innobackupex would crash it would leave the xtrabackup_suspended file on the filesystem. This could then cause innobackupex to think XtraBackup has suspended itself the moment it started, and then when XtraBackup actually does suspend itself, innobackupex would wait for it to end and wouldn’t re-remove the suspend file, leading to a wait deadlock. + innobackupex would fail to recognize MariaDB 5.2 and MariaDB 5.3- add perl requirements for innobackupex for completeness
* Wed Dec 05 2012 update to 2.0.4 + a regression introduced in XtraBackup 2.0.2 caused incremental backups to fail because the init parameter values were not normalized to the values used inside InnoDB + a regression introduced in traBackup 2.0.2 didn’t take the separate doublewrite tablespace into an account + XtraBackup was handling the separate doublewrite buffer file incorrectly. File path of the doublewrite buffer wasn’t added to the backup-my.cnf and after the restore old doublewrite buffer file was used instead of one made during the prepare stage + XtraBackup now accepts the --innodb=force option, previously it would throw an error if the option was set + Option safe-slave-backup wasn’t working correctly + In case safe-slave-backup-timeout was reached when using the safe-slave-backup option, SQL_THREAD was left in stopped state causing the slave thread to lag behind. This was fixed by checking the initial SQL_THREAD state and starting it before terminating with a timeout error and starting the SQL_THREAD only if it was running initially. + In case of streaming backups, innobackupex would resume the Xtrabackup process and then wait for it to finish before running UNLOCK TABLES. This caused database to be unnecessarily locked with FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK. Innobackupex now waits only till log copying is finished to unlock the databases + XtraBackup would fail on --apply-log when filesystem didn’t support Linux AIO + XtraBackup binary would ignore innodb_use_native_aio when it’s specified either in my.cnf or as a command line option + XtraBackup would print a warning message during the prepare stage about innodb_file_io_threads being deprecated, even if the variable wasn’t set + XtraBackup Galera tests can now be run concurrently
* Tue Oct 02 2012 update to 2.0.3- new features:
* innobackupex now supports new --move-back option that can be used instead of --copy-back in case there isn’t enough free disk space on the server to copy files. As this option removes backup files, it must be used with caution.- bug fixes:
* Symlink for innobackupex-1.5.1 binary has been broken in the previous version of XtraBackup.
* XtraBackup 2.0.2 was not backwards compatible which caused incremental backups created with previous versions to fail on prepare.
* Fix a regression that may potentially lead to a 5x increase in disk space occupied by incremental backups.
* Fix a regression which caused incorrect handling of compressed tablespaces with the page size of 16K, that were created between the last full or incremental and the next incremental backup.- packaging changes:
* improve upgrade from generic packages
* Tue Aug 14 2012 update to 2.0.2
* Fixed false positive test suite failures with grep 2.10
* Incremental backup would fail if a tablespace was created between full and incremental backups.
* Assertion error in creating a compressed tablespace at delta apply time has been fixed.
* If the table was renamed after the full backup, but before the incremental backup has been taken, incremental backups would fail when being prepared.
* When the variable innodb_log_block_size was set to 4096, backups would fail in the prepare stage.
* Additional incremental backup tests have been added for the incremental backup data page copy.- update percona-xtrabackup-2.0.2-nodoc.patch
* Sat Aug 04 2012 add to source package - removes documentation from pristine upstream source packages when maintaining package. Not used during build or in binary package.
* Fri Aug 03 2012 remove documentation from MySQL and xtrabackup tarballs due to license
* Sat Jul 07 2012 update to 2.0.1:
* After creating a full compressed backup, performing a compressed/uncompressed incremental backup would fail because xtrabackup_checkpoints was compressed. This has been fixed by omitting xtrabackup_checkpoints from compression, so that a full backup could be used for incremental backups without decompression.
* --copy-back was copying compressed
*.qp files as well. This has been fixed by skipping the compressed files while copying the data back.
* Streaming backups with --stream=tar would fail if the file size was bigger than 8GB. Fixed by changing the libarchive format from USTAR to restricted PAX which supports bigger file sizes.
* innobackupex was calling the tar utility unconditionally when streaming ib_lru_dump and xtrabackup_galera_info. Which led to a broken stream when the xbstream format was used.
* when --compress was used together with --stream=tar, xtrabackup was silently creating a broken backup. Now it fails with an error instead, suggesting to either use xbstream, or don\'t use compression at all.
* --safe-slave-backup was resulting in incorrect binlog info, because in some cases innobackupex confused the response from SHOW SLAVE STATUS with the one from SHOW MASTER STATUS.
* xbstream would sometimes fail while extracting the backup.
* innodb_data_file_path was not written to backup-my.cnf, this was a regression introduced in previous version.
* XtraBackup would fail to find the datadir when using mysqld_multi. This was fixed by adding new option --defaults-group, to both innobackupex and xtrabackup, now it can be specified which section of my.cnf to handle.
* InnoDB tables with names containing: opt, par, CSV, MYD were backed up twice. These tables were backed up by xtrabackup binary and by innobackupex script. Regular expression for filtering database directory contents was fixed.
* When run innobackupex with --apply-log, it was reading configuration from the server configuration file instead of backup-my.cnf in backup directory.
* innobackupex could copy files to a wrong directory when merging an incremental backup to a full one.
* Incremental backups were not working correctly with --stream=tar. This was fixed by making --incremental-lsn incompatible with - -stream=tar. XtraBackup will fail with an error message suggesting to use --stream=xbstream.
* innobackupex failed to copy-back backup if destination dir wasn\'t empty. Exceptions were added for my.cnf and master.inf` as XtraBackup doesn\'t backup those files, so it won\'t overwrite anything.
* innobackupex --copy-back could skip some files when copying from a Windows filesystem mounted over NFS.
* XtraBackup binary was leaking file descriptors on --backup. This was fixed by reusing the existing file descriptor so no leak occurs.
* There were no source files in tar.gz archive for Percona XtraBackup 2.0.0.
* XtraBackup|binary could fail with the log block checksum mismatch\" error when reading an partially written log block.
* Tue May 29 2012 cmake >= 2.6.3 is the actual minimum requirement, fixes 11.4
* Mon May 28 2012 remove HTML documentation in favour of online documentation to fix factory build, also simplifies license.- require cmake >= 2.8.5 to catch this requirement in OBS earlier when building for SLE
* Wed Apr 25 2012 add mysql-5.1.59.tar.gz- add mysql-5.5.17.tar.gz- add .changes file- build with RPM_OPT_FLAGS- update project URL- add HTML documentation built from source- update to upstream 2.0.0:
* Percona XtraBackup can now save Galera replication information while performing a backup when given the --galera-info option to innobackupex.
* XtraBackup now supports compressed backups. These backups can be done in a parallel way, thus utilizing multiple CPU cores if needed. In previous versions, compression was only possible with streaming backups + external (usually single-threaded) compression utilities, which also had a number of other limitations (e.g. could not be used with parallel file copying, it was required to uncompress the entire backup to restore a single table).
* Percona XtraBackup now supports streaming incremental backups. In previous versions streaming backups were performed by the innobackupex script but incremental backups were done by the xtrabackup binary which calculated deltas by scanning data files. Which meant those two feature were mutually exclusive, i.e. one couldn’t do streaming incremental backups.
* As part of the backup, the LRU dump is now included as well.
* Support for compiling and running Percona XtraBackup against debug versions of InnoDB. This is only for very advancedusers.- For fixes included in previous releases, see
* Tue Jun 09 2009 Update to version 0.7
* Thu Apr 30 2009 Update to version 0.6
* Thu Apr 09 2009 Initial package added to the openSUSE Build Service (Version 0.5) Fri Mar 13 00:00:00 UTC 2009 - Vadim Tkachenko- initial release