Changelog for
wicked-0.6.45-lp150.4.10.x86_64.rpm :
* Mon Feb 26 2018 version 0.6.45- ibft: no IP setup on bnx2x storage-only interfaces (bsc#1072343)- fixed format, self compare and always true issues
* Fri Feb 02 2018 version 0.6.44- dhcp4: use rfc4361 client-id as new default for ethernet on sle15 (fate#323576). It can be also enabled/disabled in wicked-config(5).- client: fixed broken wicked arp utility command (bsc#1078245)- cleanup: add mising/explicit designated field initializers- pkgconfig: fix to request libnl3 instead of libnl1- dbus: add missing DBUS_ERROR_FAILED type to a dbus_set_error call and enforce formatting input as string when an extension did not returned any error message.- Removed patch included in the source archive [- 0001-wickedd-explicitly-unbind-slaves-on-deletion.patch]
* Thu Dec 21 2017 wickedd: clear master references on slaves when a master gets deleted and the deletion event arrives before unenslave event to avoid a bridge reenslave failure on restart (bsc#1061051). [+ 0001-wickedd-explicitly-unbind-slaves-on-deletion.patch]
* Sat Dec 16 2017 version 0.6.43- ifconfig: set MTU even if device is up (bsc#1059292)- dhcp6: reapply confirmed addresses, also on any confirm status other to not-on-link
* Fri Dec 01 2017 version 0.6.42- spec: use new _fillupdir macro for fillup-templates (boo#1069468)- dhcp: clear hostname on lease recovery/reboot (bsc#1057007)- firewall: add firewalld and zone support (fate#320794)- ifconfig: cleanup slaves before enslaving (bsc#1036675)- ethtool: add rxvlan, txvlan, ntuple and rxhash offloads- ethtool: handle channel parameters (bsc#1043883)
* Fri Jul 28 2017 version 0.6.41- dhcp6: fix to send up to 5 release retransmissions- ifconfig: do not stop adding routes on one bad route (bsc#1036619)- dhcp4: fix to use rfc4361 client-id on infiniband (bsc#1022872)- man: ifcfg.5: Fix directory name for compatibility scripts- dhcp4: own check for user class id strings (bsc#1045522)- dhcp: cleanup common option update flags (bsc#1027099)- vxlan: convert ifcfg VXLAN_REMOTE_IP to remote-ip
* Thu May 04 2017 version 0.6.40- fsm: clone bound config and cleanup references fixing ifindex reference handling in iBFT vlan configuration (bsc#1030053)- updater: fix to not leave orphaned bg jobs on device delete, causing to block processing of synchronized jobs (bsc#1029133)- vxlan: initial support (boo#1026780)- dhcp: correct and complete fqdn option support (bsc#1025757)- bonding: properly send primary reselect to kernel (bsc#1027231)- dbus: fix caller-uid timeout to 15sec, not 15ms (bsc#1026683)- ethtool: handle ring,coalesce,eee parameters (bsc#1007909)- bond: fix xmit-hash-policy option mismatch (bsc#1021914)- ifconfig: avoid timeouts on large number of IPs by performing ipv4 duplicate address detection, apply and sending gratuitous ARP for chunks of multiple addresses at once (bsc#1009801)
* Fri Nov 18 2016 version 0.6.39- dhcp: suport to define and request custom options (bsc#988954), documented in wicked-config(5) and ifcfg-dhcp(5) manual pages.- dhcp6: fix refresh on newprefix workaround (boo#972471)- dhcp4: do not fail in capture on link type change (bsc#975466)- dhcp4: ignore invalid options, do not discard complete message ( dhcp4: log and add sender (server or relay) ethernet hw-address to the lease ( ifdown: show reasons to skip an action (bsc#997027)- ifconfig: fix to consider address scope in dbus model (bsc#988794)- bonding: set the primary slave in the master at enslave of the primary when it were not yet ready while bond setup (bsc#998413)- removed patch included in this version [- 0001-dhcp-fixed-to-properly-append-dhcp-option-data.patch]
* Mon Oct 10 2016 dhcp: fixed to properly append dhcp option data. Bug introduced by changes applied in version 0.6.37 (bsc#988954). [+ 0001-dhcp-fixed-to-properly-append-dhcp-option-data.patch]
* Mon Sep 26 2016 version 0.6.38- addrconf: rewrite to run lease updates in background jobs and use netconfig 0.84 batch support if available (bsc#989741). Fixed auto4 and dhcp supplicants to explicitly stop device before unregistering dbus object to disarm it and return release request result before sensing the released event. Fixed fsm to not advance fsm state on unrelated events and use new call to refresh addresses from kernel for tentative checks in ifup.
* Tue Aug 02 2016 version 0.6.37- auto6: do not apply rdnss/dnssl if autoconf=0 (bsc#984088)- addrconf: utility to parse string with update flags- leasefile: added an lease file exists utility- ifstatus: show IPv6 privacy addresses as autoconf- updater: adjusted system settings update debug info- updater: no remove before install on granted lease- updater: no backup/restore for netconfig, unused- updater: no warning on unset optional backup/restore- man: added DHCLIENT_REQUEST_OPTION to ifcfg-dhcp- leaseinfo: dump other/unknown dhcp options- dhcp4: initial support to request custom options (bsc#916948,bsc#988954)- lease: store and load other/unknown dhcp options- utils: fixed last byte formating in ni_format_hex- dbus: handle unparsed dhcp options in leases- dhcp4: store unparsed options in the lease- addrconf: add generic dhcp options to lease- dhcp: move specific dhcp.h to dhcp4.h and dhcp6.h- ovs: use generic ovs type until we can query ovs (bsc#982231)- dhcp4: send hostname in discover (bsc#985894)- ifconfig: fixed to apply address preferred_lft 0- address: apply suse ifcfg IP_OPTIONS (bsc#984088)- config: add a global LINK_REQUIRED ifcfg default- client: apply global LINK_REQUIRED setting if any
* Fri Jun 10 2016 version 0.6.36- ifreload: make output more informative (bsc#982952)- rules: do not fail when kernel support is missed (bsc#981887)- nanny: reapply policies on device renames (bsc#973355)- iflist: fixed macvlan/macvtap link info data parsing- auto6: apply rdnss/dnssl and wait for autoconf (bsc#902897,boo#916613)
* Fri May 27 2016 version 0.6.35- spec: removed ppp service template macro calls (fate#317976)- bonding: support for new v3.7.1 netlink options in 4.4 kernel- linux: update included headers to 4.4, add if_addr.h
* Fri May 20 2016 version 0.6.34- utils: fix for ni_string_set to set empty pointers- team: fix for unclosed file descriptor and string memleak- ppp: initial implementation of PPPoE support (fate#317976,bsc#865573,boo#913861)
* Wed May 04 2016 version 0.6.33- route: initial routing policy rules support (fate#312217)
* Fri Apr 15 2016 version 0.6.32- tunnel: add device binding support (fate#317977)- gre: fix flags use, added missed keyed gre options- doc: added an initial FAQ to the documentation- util: fix null string and string array in compare- ipv6: cleaned up IPv6 RA PI and RDNSS processing- ipv6: receive IPv6 RA DNSSL options forwarded by kernel- dhcp6: refresh ipv6 link on each prefix event to fix workaround for missed NEWLINK event on changes caused by RA (boo#972471).- macvlan: fix enum values for BRIDGE and PASSTHRU modes (boo#974231)
* Tue Apr 05 2016 version 0.6.31- xml: fix to not assert on too long entities or missed semicolon and fixed pointer use on DOCTYPE related parse error.- ifconfig: readd broadcast calculation (bcs#971629). While the kernel does not need it and calculates itself, e.g. glibc getbroadcastnets function used by yp expect it to be set.- ifup: let ovs bridges pull ovs-system config and omit ovs-system master reference in policy match (bsc#964019)- fsm: fixed a negated check causing a segmentation fault in some cases where the vlan config references a device without config.- bonding: call setup routine at the end of create (bsc#964877), fixed mismatched carrier-detect and validate-targets attributes in schema and dbus, permit to set bonding\'s hardware address, process bonding settings in newlink events and switched to create and setup also bonding the master device via netlink by default.- xml-schema: do not add description node to enums- ifreload: let ifdown delete team instances (bsc#954012,bsc#964477)- fsm: reset device_api of deleted workers (bsc#954012)- removed patch included in the source archive [- 0001-fsm-do-not-use-master-name-after-reset-bsc-959356.patch]
* Mon Feb 22 2016 fsm: do not segfault on device hierarchy loops (bnc#959356); corrected pull#618 fix to not reset master and use its name then. [+ 0001-fsm-do-not-use-master-name-after-reset-bsc-959356.patch]
* Fri Jan 29 2016 version 0.6.30- wireless: fix EAP inconsistencies and add missing auth method names to translation maps (bsc#936514, boo#927615).- ipv6: clear old address list before applying new fixing to not wait full time in the client-side tentative address check- fsm: do not segfault on device hierarchy loops but (bnc#959356)- fsm: handle down/step back events in ifup flow instead to try to workaround in nanny (bsc#955864).- man: documented how to declare several team link watches.- ethtool: map da,none,other port types (bsc#957944).- ipv4: removed pointless broadcast calculations and send to the kernel only if explicitly requested in ifcfg file or by dhcp options. The kernel has an own logic to automatically calculate related settings as needed. Also removed broadcast setting from ifcfg-lo to not override kernel\'s setup (bsc#944710).
* Fri Nov 20 2015 version 0.6.29- rpm: do not use systemctl show in scripts (bsc#955778) systemctl show makes a systemd query and does not work in a chroot or when systemd is not available and using it in RPM scripts breaks offline update. Replaced with readlink.- team: fix to use proper names of ethtool delay options- nanny: skip recheck when no policy configured (bsc#953107)
* Thu Nov 12 2015 version 0.6.28- fsm: dynamically resolve references and requirements (bsc#954289)- nanny: do not pull in and rearm subordinate workers (bsc#954289)- nanny: fix managed policy list handling (bsc#953107)- ifup: do not update policy when it has been created and recheck with a name filter list instead to enable separately to avoid a race condition (bsc#953107)- ovs: do not require link on ovs-system device
* Thu Oct 22 2015 vesion 0.6.27- nanny: fix policy file reading and objects references (boo#916035)- ovs: use --may-exist option in add-port (bsc#951315) commands to avoid error messages when the port is already in the db.- netconfig: do not refresh unrelated details in supplicants- service: fixed wicked client and nanny dependencies (bsc#950333).- service: restart wickedd
* on dbus restart (bsc#941964)- fsm: do not follow link-up checks on configured master devices not involved in the current ifup operation (bsc#948423).- client: added more comfortable \"wicked test dhcp[46]\" commands executing the wickedd-dhcp[46] in their --test mode (bsc#942278)
* Fri Oct 09 2015 version 0.6.26- nanny: add link device references to policy match (bsc#941611) This causes, that nanny checks and waits until the configuration for link references is applied by ifup (master device worker is available) in order to not start managing ports/slaves and fail on unresolvable requirements with \"document error\" first. Unavailable reference matches caused a timing race, where nanny omits to enslave ports into master (e.g. a dummy into ovsbr), but was not limited to ovs setups.- dhcp4: fix to request offer by default in --test (bsc#942278)- teamd: adjust permissions of the teamd interface config to be owned by teamd user if available and to always re-read dbus busname from the service file (bsc#947542)
* Fri Sep 25 2015 version 0.6.25- compat: read complete sysctl file set (bsc#928459)- wireless: fixed to parse/format hex escapes in essid (bsc#928459)
* Thu Sep 17 2015 version 0.6.24- auto4: initial autoip and dhcp4 fallback fix (bsc#899985)- ethtool: update to the most recent ethtool.h, fixed advertised mode and flags (bsc#927309)- dhcp4: verify received client-id, accept hex encoded id- ovs: fixes for ovs bridge handling- make: fixed to add linux header copies as noinst
* Mon Sep 07 2015 version 0.6.23- ovs: initial openvswitch bridge support (fate#318840)- team: fix segfault on discovery failure- nanny: register device object also on device-up event
* Tue Sep 01 2015 version 0.6.22- fsm: do not run post-up scripts when leases defer (bsc#940239)- team: configurable teamd support and ctl detection (fate#318389) [- 0001-teamd-create-teamd-run-directory-when-missed.patch]
* Thu Aug 20 2015 Add 0001-teamd-create-teamd-run-directory-when-missed.patch: Make sure /run/teamd directory is created on config generation.
* Wed Aug 19 2015 version 0.6.21- team: initial team device support (fate#318389)- ifstatus: fixed error return code and quiet option (bsc#939142)
* Fri Jul 31 2015 version 0.6.20- spec: enable nanny use by default (fate#318977)- ifconfig: handle link up of externally enslaved devices (fate#318840)- ifcfg: generate link master from master config, added MASTER_DEVICE variable- fsm: master/slave transition dependency and state check fixes- fsm: improve subordinate device relation updating and logging- fsm: reference count config nodes to avoid memleaks- ethtool: fix option tables terminator (bsc#925276)- scripts: fixed typo breaking wicked scheme scripts- sysfs: fixed memleak while reading device path- client: client: config parsing, origin processing, root-directory cleanup and memory leak fixes.- xml: fixes to memory leaks, location functions cleanup- firmware: properly extract discovery type and path
* Fri Jul 03 2015 version 0.6.19- dhcp4: improve invalid dhcp options handling (boo#918069)- dhcp6: just drop an info lease on release request and stop- dhcp6: refresh ipv6 link on newprefix in auto mode to workaround, that the kernel does not send us events about mode change when RA timers are unspecified (bsc#934067)- ethtool: do not warn when reading ethtool settings while netlink newlink processing and the device is already gone.- ibft: ignore invalid default gateway ( and ::) provided by the firmware (bsc#903759)- wireless: handle ANY for WPA-EAP methods and send passwd when phase2 method isn\'t set (boo#927615)- bonding: don\'t insist, that arp_validate=none default is valid in active-backup mode only (boo#919573)- wickedd: fix to send requested device-up event ack- nanny: fix error handling for NULL policy objects and fix to not compare iftype to a dbus class name (boo#931288)- nanny: ensure a device is ready to satisfy a policy match- nanny: fixes improving delete and hotplug handling- ifup: do not recurse when generating nanny policy matches- ifreload: properly handle some config rename cases- fsm: ensure to process events in order and don\'t advance fsm state from events when device state outdistances it.- schema: cleanup netif-reference meta:require checks.- spec: require util-linux-systemd providing logger (bsc#911310)- conditionally enable nanny use (boo#915025,bsc#916402)
* Sat Apr 25 2015 version 0.6.18- initial pre/post-up/down script and systemd service start support (bsc#920070,boo#907215)- fixed lease address owner and lifetime tracking to update address lifetimes on dhcp6 renewal, correctly drop (requesting/deferred) leases in wickedd not (yet) existing as lease in dhcp supplicants and avoid address exists error messages (bsc#920889,bsc#907694)- add missed wpa_supplicant\'s wireless mode names (bsc#927616)- schema: require macvlan lower device same as vlan (bsc#927065)- fixes to use only ready devices by name to avoid dependency confusion mapping config to wrong device, event races and wrong use of the link-up instead of the wireless link-associated event (bsc#918662,bsc#921218).
* Mon Feb 23 2015 Build with -std=gnu89 to deal with GCC 5 defaulting to -std=gnu11 and that changing the semantics of \'inline\'
* Thu Feb 19 2015 version 0.6.17- nanny: fixed a memory-leak on policy load failure- wickedd: fixed broken dummy0 autocreation workaround
* Tue Feb 17 2015 version 0.6.16- ifreload: segfault fix to require argument for --timeout option- client/nanny: initial handing of link-detection/require-link and timeout control flags (LINK_REQUIRED, LINK_READY_WAIT variables in suse ifcfg) to continue setup without ready link when requested in the config or based on device requirements (bsc#911562,bsc#914792).- client/nanny: wait for event ACKs from wickedd instead to continue on successful request results where possible, to minimize the risk of an event backlog (bsc#905421).- client/nanny: fsm timer and cleanup related fixes and improvements, fix to use \"device-setup\" (MAC, bond/bridge options, ...) as state name instead of \"device-up\" and use \"device-up\" as state when the device/link is administratively set UP. Separated waitLinkUp method to wait for link/carrier from linkUp setting it administratively UP.- wickedd: fix to handle automatically created dummy0 interface- wireless: consider auth-proto parameter (wpa1|wpa2) (bsc#911299)- ipv6: add accept-dad sysctl support, fix accept-ra constants- dhcp4: do not set/query mtu if set in the config (bsc#904323)- dhcp4: limit MTU to be lower-equal 576 as before- dhcp4: completed user-class option support permitting an rfc3004 formatted option or as non-rfc, but widely used string (bsc#909307)
* Fri Jan 23 2015 version 0.6.15- nanny: use ifindex to reference workers in managed devices and hold worker references when starting fsm (bsc#904061)- nanny: Always reference mdev\'s worker by ifindex (bsc#904061)- nanny: register discovered devices only when ready (bsc#904061)- events: query and update device name on events (bsc#904061)- udev: verify netdev index and update name at start, disable ready handling if udev is not used, e.g. in LXC (bug#904061)- xml: don\'t require parent\'s control node in config (bsc#901517)- wireless: use string dict entry for WIRELESS_AP/bssid (bsc#911315)- extensions: fixed false errors from hostname update (bsc#910323)- tuntap: typo fix causing to not set IFF_NO_PI flag- fixed some memory leaks in client and dbus object code- doc/ChangeLog: do not omit merge commits which contain bug refs
* Fri Dec 19 2014 version 0.6.14- client: fixed segfault in status (bsc#908554)- bonding: add new/missed bonding options (bsc#905750)- systemd: service ordering dependencies (bsc#895600,bsc#901337)
* Mon Dec 08 2014 version 0.6.13- sysctl: do not fail on read-only proc e.g. in LXC (bsc#904432)- netlink: recover from netlink event socket errors and allow to configure the event socket buffer sizes (bsc#905421)- fixed some memory and a file descriptor leak- bonding: add encap2+3 and 3+4 xmit-hash-policies (bsc#905750)- client: apply suse ifcfg alias label (bsc#907683)- netlink: retry on DUMP_INTR and AGAIN (bsc#904776)- gcrypt: do not fail when wicked has been build using a newer but compatible library than the currently used (bsc#906217)- compat: use info level on unspecified ip (bsc#904903)- compat: fix tap group node generation (bsc#904380)- sit,ipip,gre: generate tunnel config on change (bsc#901402)- fsm: always refresh worker on device-ready event and match only ready devices against config workers (bsc#904061)- fsm: perform tentative check on all started interfaces with nanny (bsc#900951)
* Fri Oct 10 2014 version 0.6.12- ethernet: Do not fail when ETHTOOL_GSET/SSET fails (bnc#900401, bnc#900112)- dbus: omit ethernet speed, duplex, autoneg properties if not supported by the driver- ethtool: independent ioctl requests are handled separately: if one fails it does not stop the following ones- wireless: request assosciation even if link was up; linkup indicates assosciation, rather than explicit linkAssosciate event (bnc#893665)- bonding: ignore redundant slaves in configs with a warning- fsm: Generate default config for children in existing relation- compat: prefer /etc/hostname over /etc/HOSTNAME and warn about missed global configs (bnc#887910)
* Fri Sep 26 2014 version 0.6.11- client-state: Do not fail on parsing empty origin and uuid (bnc#890084)- hwaddr: change hwaddr only when valid (bnc#898622)- ifup/ifstatus: no failure report on failed/deferred lease, correctly OR grouped leas status (bnc#896188)- ifup,ifreload: wait for all tentative addresses- config: improved allowed update mask/defaults- man: added startmode hotplug and use-nanny (bnc#896403),- Introduce ifcfg-dhcp man page covering DHCLIENT and DHCLIENT6 vars, remove template reference from ifup(8), ifcfg-wireless(5), reference ifcfg-dhcp(5)- README: updated / improved- rpm: dbus policies as noreplace config (bnc#897775), reload dbus in wicked-service post-install (bnc#897775)- fsm: corrected device hierarchy structure print- routes: generate routes also without IP (bnc#895219), show a note about not matching routes (bnc#895219)- ethernet: lower ethtool not supported messages to debugs
* Fri Sep 19 2014 version 0.6.10- ifconfig: apply address lease priorities same as for routes to dhcp6 to takeover addresses from guessed lower-priority leases e.g. after restart and adjust lifetime on renewal.- routes: lookup and accept custom table names defined in the /etc/iproute2/rt_tables file and set forgotten route table netlink attibute if provided by the kernel (bnc#885007).- ethernet: do not fail when some ethtool operation is not supported (bnc#897264)- fsm: add link-masterdev relation when all dependencies are already created and detect existing/conflicting masterdev references.
* Wed Sep 17 2014 version 0.6.9- ifstatus: address status reporting improvements, adding --verbose parameter- addrconf: correctly fetch lease info flags, disarmed old auto6 code, added prerequires (bnc#894885)- fsm: Do not destroy schema requirements on rearm- ipv6: added accept-ra sysctl support, auto6 code clean-up- ifconfig: fixed lease updater allocation
* Tue Sep 16 2014 version 0.6.8- ifup,reload,status: return setup-in-progress code, fix exit code override when systemd in picture and disable pulling device status from addresses- ifstatus: report slaves device as enslaved- fixed to not reset master device name on success- lower printout of debug messages (bnc#891036)- nanny: correctly initialize timeout variable to busy wait instead to wasting cpu using poll with a 0 timeout (bnc#895970)
* Wed Sep 10 2014 version 0.6.7- config: fixed optional include attribute parsing bug introduced in version 0.6.6 and causing wicked to fail while config parsing.- util: install signal handlers only once
* Tue Sep 09 2014 version 0.6.6- Add wake-on-lan support (bnc#869114)- ifconfig: delete address first if address differs (bnc#890406)- config: support a local.xml file, clean-up of config file syntax- man page wicked-config.5 update- Clean-up and removing unused functions
* Fri Sep 05 2014 version 0.6.5- nanny: fixed to reset on rearm and to hotplug bonding slaves (bnc#884012,bnc#880515)
* Wed Sep 03 2014 version 0.6.4- dhcp6: changed --test to request in auto mode, recheck RA and try to start on new device-change events (bnc#889981)- address: enable events in wickedd and expose flags to make them visible and up-to-date in ifstatus (bnc#889981)- nanny: reset/rearm on enable/disable, do not arm at all when the use-nanny is false (bnc#891045)- leases: intrinsic lease installation hook improvements as preparation for PPPoE support (bnc#865573)- dhcp4: do not release and remove lease without request (DHCLIENT_RELEASE_BEFORE_QUIT), randomized startup delay (DHCLIENT_SLEEP) if enabled, handle defer timeout to stop client waiting at ifup (DHCLIENT_WAIT_AT_BOOT), rebind and reboot state fixes (bnc#866994)
* Mon Sep 01 2014 version 0.6.3- client/nanny: lease handling/status fixes (partial bnc#891045), do not fail when slave/port is missing (bnc#889666,bnc#890275)- ifstatus: Do not check for config files (bnc#889666,bnc#890275)- dhcp4: advance secs field for dhcpd min-secs (bnc#889314), retransmit DHCP4 renewals enter reboot state with valid lease.- ifevent: increase netlink socket recv buffer size (bnc#884012)- ipv6: wait for addresses to become usable (bnc#882259)- fixed completed sit/gre/ipip tunnel support- dhcp6: initial defer handling and no-addr cleanup (bnc#891045)- dhcp: apply suse ifcfg dhcp options (bnc#866994)- ifup/reload: use default timeout if 0 (bnc#892486)
* Mon Aug 18 2014 version 0.6.2- nanny: disable nanny use by default again (bnc#891045)- fsm: generate default configs for ports/slaves (bnc#889666)- dbus: increase signal/default call timeouts (bnc#890084)- dhcp4: pad dhcp4 packet to correct minimal len (bnc#882561)- dhcp4: apply interface MTU provided by server (bnc#890230)
* Wed Aug 06 2014 version 0.6.1- nanny: Do not call link monitor on enable() (bnc#884012, bnc#890643)- bridge,bond: Add only device-ready ports/slaves- ifup,ifdown,ifreload: correct command status display messages- fsm: Add new, free, clone functions for ifworker arrays- client-state: Allow printing empty origin and UUID (bnc#890084)
* Fri Aug 01 2014 version 0.6.0- client: added missed ifcfg remote-ip route match (bnc#889801)- client: ifstatus/reload/up status reporting fixes (bnc#876845)- client: calculate additional bridge STP timeouts (bnc#888323)- nanny: do not use fsm default but infinite timeout (bnc#876845)- nanny: save and load policies on restart to recover (bnc#876845)- server: client configuration state load/save fixes (bnc#876845)- ifconfig: fixed to close tun/tap device descriptor (bnc#889326)
* Thu Jul 24 2014 version 0.5.38- dhcp4: wait and discover if unable to rebind/reboot.- ifreload: fixed to use nanny ifup flow when enabled, fire nanny in down part, initial status info cleanup (bnc#880515,bnc#884012)- ifup/ifreload: apply wait-for-interfaces (bnc#888323)- wickedd: fixed to process complete device state event change transitions, avoiding manual refreshes breaking them where possible (bnc#880515,bnc#884012)
* Wed Jul 23 2014 version 0.5.37- nanny: enabled nanny use for hotplugging (bnc#880515) To disable again in case of trouble, edit /etc/wicked/common.xml and set
false, restart wickedd.service and execute \"wicked ifup all\" to start the interfaces directly.- ifdown: flush addrs and routes on device-down (bnc#885236)- dhcp6: do not break ifdown if release fails (bnc#884012) When the interface is not ready to send out a lease release, commit the lease drop and notify wickedd, so ifdown goes on.- ifup: update client-info and client-state on device-ready, do not detect persistance but set if requested only (bnc#876845).
* Mon Jul 21 2014 version 0.5.36- ifup/nanny: refresh state data when address event arrives to have complete lease data for status evaluation on timeout (bnc#884012,bnc#876845)- nanny: make policy application mechanism aware of children dependency, fixed ifcondition child handling.- ibft: enable ipv6, use sysfs prefix-len (bnc#887542)
* Fri Jul 18 2014 version 0.5.35- dhcp4: fix routes with gateway on other network than IP address and use address class based netmask if it is missed (bnc#887586)- route,address: check also gw address to set scope correctly and omit sending a broadcast when equal to IP address (bnc#887586)- ethtool: fix to set link speed, duplex and port options- iflist: fix link type detection for tap devices (bnc#887564)- ifup/reload: status reporting and complex device hierarchy fixes
* Tue Jul 15 2014 version 0.5.34- dhcp6: do not fail on read-only root-fs (bnc#885625)- leases: fallback to statedir on read-only fs (bnc#885625)- ifreload: hierarchy and multiple devices fixes- ifreload: more diagnostic messages (bnc#882311)- man: ifcfg(5) document update
* Fri Jul 11 2014 version 0.5.33- capture: lower to debug on reconfig changes device type (bnc#880700)- policy: add
node for policy condition checking- client: do not apply NULL config to nanny and segfault- client: lowering log level of \"skipping\" messages- server: lookup using link not the hwaddr type- dhcp6: use RA prefix len if available (bnc#885234)- iflist: fixed to use proper kind mapping, cleanup, refactoring- fsm nanny: fix handling of DEVICE_DOWN event- nanny: adapt recheck to handle hotplug devices- nanny: schedule recheck on new device when policy exists- nanny: Change managed and factory up functions- nanny: Disable unnecessary schedule recheck calls- nanny: Fix handlin DEVICE_CREATE and DEVICE_READY events- fsm: ni_fsm_build_hierarchy destructive switch- nanny: Trigger recheck on factory devices from create policy- client: include and sort children using nanny- fsm: Proper subclass and superclass check in ni_ifcondition_type()- nanny: create workers and assign config from create policy- nanny: Clear config.node on delete policy- nanny: disable down operation for now- dhcp4: fix link type comparison during device up events- fsm: Move ni_ifup_pull_in_children to FSM- client, nanny: Add policies first, enable successful devices- lib: added netdev_ref_resolve utility, improved related
* Fri Jul 04 2014 version 0.5.32- client: fixed hierarchy building to consider ifup/ifdown separately, improved verbosity debug and error messages (bnc#883203,bnc#884012)- fsm: Do not fail completely on broken configuration (bnc#883203)- fsm: wait for existing configuration workers (bnc#876855, bnc#880515)- ifstatus: fixed to report status of requested interfaces only, moved device-ready flag to ifflags to be visible in xml status.- ifreload: correctly set ipv4 and ipv6 enable flags disabled before.- service: replaced incorrect wants dependency with a WantedBy dependency (bnc#883565)- dhcp4,dhcp6: create storedir at tester start (bnc#885005)- routes: apply ipv6 routes without device (bnc#882425)- routes: fix to apply routes to device (bnc#883838)
* Fri Jun 27 2014 version 0.5.31- fsm: maintain shared_users in refresh lowerdev (bnc#883976)
* Thu Jun 26 2014 version 0.5.30- ifdown: rebuild hierarchy from lower and masterdev to stop requested interfaces in their correct order (bnc#883976)- config: added true switch, which allows to test using nanny -- default is false.- client: log exec commands and exit codes as debug- client: initial merge of nanny ifup and ifdown- nanny: initial merge of nanny fork changes- rpm: removed obsolete pkgconfig(systemd), use unitdir- library: fixed versioning of internal wicked lib
* Wed Jun 25 2014 version 0.5.29- dhcp4: recover lease, correctly build requests (bnc#881475)- ipv4: fix duplicate address detection (bnc#881475)- service: added to wants (bnc#883565)- ibft: fixed to generate proper static address node, no static config with dhcp origin and to verify mac in ibft nic selection as it may be for offload device (bnc#883712)- client: if needed refresh worker in addressAcquired callback- client: wicked xpath subcommand argument check- doc: README and manual page updates (bnc#874609,bnc#880262)- client: require directory in --ifconfig compat (bnc#881544)- dhcp: show progress notifications (bnc#874609)
* Tue Jun 03 2014 version 0.5.28- client: avoid FSM refreshes and unsolicited state updates causing to exit at assert, drop config origin and UUID on ifdown causing ifreload to do nothing (bnc#876848,bnc#880664).
* Wed May 28 2014 version 0.5.27- server: do not apply multiple equal priority (merics) routes to the same destination (bnc#879842)- compat: pass DHCLIENT_ROUTE_PRIORITY suse ifcfg variable to the backend allowing to set custom mertics on dhcp4 routes (bnc#879842)- dhcp4: set protocol dhcp hint to all routes, strip domain when sending a hostname option to not break ddns updates- hostname: reload syslog after change (bnc#874161)- dbus: do not close shared connections (bnc#880124)- ipv4: new default to send gratuitous arp Consider new suse ifcfg variable default SEND_GRATUITOUS_ARP=auto for arp-notify, enabling to send gratuitous arp by default, when duplicate IPv4 check is enabled via arp-verify/CHECK_DUPLICATE_IP and the check were successful (bnc#879911,fate#314399).
* Thu May 22 2014 version 0.5.26- rpm: rpm: drop useless ghost dirs in spec (bnc#873857)- client: do not try to fire nanny in ifdown, it is not hired yet We do not install nanny policies by default in ifup, so it is not needed to try to delete them in ifdown. There is currently no nanny started in inst-sys and the attempt is causing ifdown to run into timeouts (bnc#876848,bnc#879127).- client: wait for optional leases, just don\'t fail When waiting for a group-optional lease pair (dhcp4 or dhcp6) and one arrives, wait for the second one until timeout and recheck the results then (bnc#876848,bnc#879127).- dhcp6: fix reset and allocate message buffer in build to use clean buffer in release messages sometimes having crap behind.
* Mon May 19 2014 version 0.5.25- server: no unrequested device-ready events (bnc#871135) This bug caused e.g. bridges not going up from device-exists even they already were in device-ready state before.- client: do not mix shared with exlusive references (bnc#877776)- ifconfig: do not fail on delete for vanished devices- nanny: drop policies on ifdown, turn some errors to debug- sysconfig: add WICKED_DEBUG and WICKED_LOG_LEVEL variables to /etc/sysconfig/network/config.- man: added ifcfg-{dummy,macvlan,macvtap,tunnel},ifroute,routes ifsysctl and updated already existing manual pages.
* Wed May 14 2014 version 0.5.24- rpm: use _rundir rpm macro if defined (bnc#873857)
* Wed May 14 2014 version 0.5.23- fsm: added device-ready wait processing syncing at udev network device rename events (bnc#871135)- ifup: no timeout report on group-optional leases (bnc#875154)- ifstatus: no failure report if peer lease is up (bnc#875154)- tunnels: discover gre,sit,ipip tunnels (read-only for now)- client/nanny: utilities to convert ifconfigs into policy- client: compare fix to consider configs using ifindex [ibft]
* Thu May 08 2014 version 0.5.22- status: show only available leases and inclusive their uuid- ifup, ifstatus: cond. accept STARTMODE off and manual- ifstatus: fixed address indenting in verbose mode- wireless: add missing wpa_supplicant intermediate states.- wireless: clear secrets as soon as they are used- dhcp4+dhcp6: apply config uuid to lease and offer early- dhcp4: accept packets without udp checksum (bnc#873267)- do not close stderr in daemon() when used in log-target- client: do not report transient errors by default (partial bnc#875154 fix)
* Sun Apr 27 2014 version 0.5.21- dhcp6: fix to allow supported devices (bnc#874561)- dhcp,autoip: log unsupported devices debug1 level only
* Thu Apr 17 2014 version 0.5.20- autoip4,dhcp4,dhcp6: fixed to create instance for supported devices only to save memory and avoid allocation complains due to packet capturing init failure- lldp: fix infinite loops in ni_lldp_agent_update, disable built-in support (rejected fate#313671, bnc#873299)- dhcp4: do not send hostname to server in discover (bnc#873267)- rpm: explicit piddir,statedir,storedir in spec- generate ChangeLog file from git while make dist
* Mon Apr 14 2014 version 0.5.19- server/nanny: do not fail on missed dbus objects or object creation errors due to already deleted interfaces in the kernel while processing the event (bnc#867806,bnc#871388)- netlink: verify if device still exists on newlink events- nanny: fixed endless loop on policies without name and user control default, added device mach with identify capabilities
* Fri Mar 28 2014 version 0.5.18- dhcp4: enabled on infiniband / IPoIB links- capture: fixed to wrap link-layer packet sockets as the default address length in sockaddr_ll is not enough for infiniband.- dhcp6: enabled on infiniband / IPoIB links
* Fri Mar 28 2014 version 0.5.17- dhcp4: fixed posix-tz-dbname code and added to parse- dhcp4: renew lease via unicast (bnc#866993)- macvtap: initial support (fate#315131)- ifstatus: do not consider client-state in ifstatus- xml: fixed functions retrieving numerical attr values- config: generate v5 UUIDs (SHA1) from xml config content
* Mon Mar 24 2014 version 0.5.16- ipv6: catch ipv6.disable=1 kernel command line (bnc#869334)- client: read and apply sysctl/ifsysctl files to consider ipv4/ipv6 forwarding, enable (disable_ipv6), ipv6 autoconf and privacy (use_tempaddr) sysctl options (bnc#869334)- client: do not complain about missed /etc/HOSTNAME- dhcp4: fixed decline message and processing (bnc#869150)- dhcp4: check if lease exists while processing arp (bnc#869150)- removed obsolete drop default route patch (bnc#868187) [- 0001-addrconf-drop-default-route-if-disabled-bnc-868187.patch]
* Mon Mar 17 2014 addrconf: drop default route if disabled (bnc#868187) Honor a (per-interface) DHCLIENT_SET_DEFAULT_ROUTE=no in suse ifcfg files and remove from lease before update runs. [+ 0001-addrconf-drop-default-route-if-disabled-bnc-868187.patch]
* Fri Mar 14 2014 version 0.5.15- netlink: fixed masterdev reference name resolving bug- bridge: lowered a questionable warning to debug- added dummy interface support inclusive suse compat- added tun/tap interface support inclusive suse compat- netlink: fixed address parsing causing an abort on assert- arp: verify ipv4 addresses by default (fate#314399)- Enabled arp duplicate check for static ipv4 addresses as default (RFC 5227) and send arp notify when requested in suse ifcfg variables CHECK_DUPLICATE_IP(default yes) and SEND_GRATUITOUS_ARP(default no).- ipv6: corrected to apply inverted ipv6.enable flag- utils: fixed array remove typo and socket array activate- utils: use proper index in ni_string_array_remove- utils: properly adjust array in remove actions- socket: use proper array in socket array activate
* Thu Mar 06 2014 rpm: added sysconfig-netconfig require to wicked (bnc#867078)- service: use explicit before/after ordering in all service files (bnc#866732)
* Wed Mar 05 2014 bridge: fixed to set port link up (bnc#866860), also if they\'re already part of the bridge (bnc#862530 regression).- dhcp: bring link up if not yet up and wait until it is ready in - -test mode (used in network-autoconfig and dracut) instead to complain and exit because link is not ready yet (bnc#866617).
* Tue Mar 04 2014 state: fixed a state-dir creation race condition (bnc#866757)
* Fri Feb 28 2014 version 0.5.14- util: fix ni_uuid_parse() and support 8-4-4-4-12 format only
* Thu Feb 27 2014 version 0.5.13- bridge: do not require link-up on ports (bnc#862530)- bonding: try to enslave into bond using netlink- extensions: disabled writting of wickedd.log (debug) file- addrconf: avoid unwanted updates, update flag fixes (bnc#865325)- compat: blacklist all and default interface names- leaseinfo: fixed typo in BOOTSERVERNAME variable- compat: read all suse ifcfg files and init timeout- compat: allow backends return complete config- client: exclude STARTMODE=\'manual\' interfaces in ifup all and ignore interfaces with STARTMODE=\'off\' (bnc#864444)- temporarily disable modem init from system- disable wicked-devel subpackage to avoid wrong expectations- nanny: do not update and client-state> by default
* Fri Feb 21 2014 version 0.5.12- wicked-devel: require libnl3-devel unconditionally
* Fri Feb 21 2014 version 0.5.11- wicked-devel: require libnl3-devel used for build in spec
* Fri Feb 21 2014 version 0.5.10- service: fix rpmlink suse-missing-rclink warnings- compat: no systemd check via mountpoint in ifup (bnc#864696)
* Thu Feb 20 2014 version 0.5.9- dhcp4: fixed to commit and inform wicked when a lease is released lease - this may have cause ifdown errors.- client: workaround to consider wait-for-interfaces Get the WAIT_FOR_INTERFACES variable from environment, which is sourced in the service file to not timeout too early and also allow the users to increase it (see bnc#863371, bnc#862530).- addconf: update allow static lease to update resolver This is required for iBFT leases and solves bnc#864131.- iflist: check validity before extracting nla payload (bnc#863371)- Update unquote to handle invalid sysconfig variables properly (bnc#864635)- dhcp: added lease-xml output to dhcp --test mode and option to request lease in dry-run mode (get lease and exit)- client: turn \"No valid config files found\" into a debug msg- infiniband: start after rdma service not openibd (sles-11)- compat: fixed scripts/ifup -o debug handling- daemons: disabled state.xml saving by default (bnc#862335)- client: check for config priorities at reading stage- client: add --raw parameter to the convert option- wickedd: add sock->release_user_data and use in in process.c, clear temp-state files in ni_dbus_xml_deserialize_arguments.
* Thu Feb 13 2014 version 0.5.8- updater: reverse resolve ip address if dhcp server does not provide a hostname (bnc#861476).- debug: init debug and log level from environment using DEBUG, WICKED_DEBUG= and WICKED_LOG_LEVEL= variables.- dhcp4: check link before start, confirm lease on link change and do not discard lease if host does not match- dhcp4: modprobe af_packet, omit arp validation when address already set on link.- dhcp6: start when link + link-address ready, not network up- dhcp: provide addrconf lease and leaseinfo details- leaseinfo: consistently use prefixlen in ROUTES- wireless: do not remove link/network up flags (bnc#863371)- libwicked: libtool -version-info making package and library versions independent.- cleaned up unused schema files and extensions scripts- lldp: do not log error when lldp is not supported (bnc#862790)- ibft: fixed reading of the origin field- iftypes: show s390 ctcm and iucv (slip) devices, not unknown
* Wed Feb 05 2014 version 0.5.7- dhcp: request and set hostname and other options (bnc#861476),- dhcp: accept dns-domain name option containing a domain list as compatibility abuse of this option and log it (bnc#862130)- ibft: always modprobe iscsi_ibft when not yet loaded, added list-only mode and workaround missed readlink utility.- dbus: Fix crashes when dbus instance not running- leaseinfo: fix accidental closure of file descriptor argument- client: improve initialization of client-state structure- compat: apply ethtool and lladdr options from ifcfg variable- set link-address (mac) for ethernet,vlan,macvlan devices- do not set mtu or link-address when device is up as this tends to fail or break upper [vlan, ...] devices- limit mtu of upper (vlan) devices to the mtu of lower (eth)- addrconf: initial lease writting/parsing helpers / disarmed- Disable modem support for now, new ModemManage API (bnc#859888)- dhcp: fixed byteswap in ipudp_checksum and checksum_partial- leaseinfo: include prefixlen in IPADDR same as in ifcfg files
* Thu Jan 23 2014 version 0.5.6- fixed to free details in compat netdev and lease destroy.- systemd: removed requisite=wickedd from wicked.service This dependency triggered an automatic wicked.service (network) restart, when the wickedd.service is restarted (bnc#859801).- client: enable compat suse only, install ifcfg-lo- client: initial ifcfg support for macvlan, fixed flags and lower-device dependencies in the schema (fate#315131)- client: Changing ifcheck to be more robust
* Fri Jan 17 2014 version 0.5.5- systemd: added Restart=on-abort to wickedd
* (fate#315133)- client: implemented ifreload and adopted services (fate#309018)- client: use fsm to consider config in ifstatus, exit code rework and refactoring to implement check utilities for ifstatus+reload- client: updated copyright and license statements
* Fri Jan 10 2014 Added rpm obsoletes sysconfig-network to wicked-service.
* Thu Jan 09 2014 version 0.5.4- spec: require wicked-service package in wicked Fixed spec file to require the wicked-service package in wicked package under systemd. The wicked-service package provides systemd service files as well as the ifup compatibility scripts (bnc#856591,fate#316768).- Documentation: man pages update, provide also ifcfg
* and ifup,ifdown,ifstatus man pages (bnc#855135).- systemd services: added --systemd parameters which enable systemd specific behaviour tweaks.- initial wicked ifstatus command, ifstatus and ifprobe compat scripts used and in the network init-script on sysvinit systems (only, not under systemd).- cleanup to use LSB codes in client and all daemons- client: Add --delete and --no-delete options- nanny: enable wickedd-nanny service by default- Refactored to use same link.lowerdev name/index reference in vlan,macvlan,infiniband and show master device interface property in show-xml.- infiniband schema: changed to use for infiniband child interfaces in native configs.- fixed newlink functions to not free netdev on discard
* Fri Dec 06 2013 version 0.5.3- cleaned up to not install unused wickedAATT.service example- wickedd: added shutdownDevice method to ifdown transition from up to exists, used in bond/bridge to release slaves/ports.- cleaned up internal iftype vs. arptype mappings and handling- client: ifdown deletes the devices created by ifup- configure: added rtnetlink,dcbnl,if_link checks- macvlan: initial support, no ifcfg yet (fate#315131)- wireless: do not scan and bind supplicant by default, corrected the schema to use proper auth-methods type- socket: handle hangup after input, but before output- added refcounting for ni_dbus_watch_data_t objects- bonding: fixed bonding slave duplicate checks- client: add client-state including a persistent mode to skip ifdown for important interfaces by default- client: ifup --persistent and ifdown --force options- several lldp fixes, mostly for parsing / formating- logging: added timestamp option to stderr --log-target- extensions/updater: get and set NIS settings from lease- extensions: replace resolver with new generic updater using simple netconfig key-value leaseinfo dump files- dhcp4: initial --test implementation (fate#316111)- dhcp6: initial --test implementation (fate#316111)- dhcp6: fixed to accept low preference server offers- dhcp4: set fsm state before building the message- dhcp4: don\'t use offered address in initial request- netlink: diverse error/return code handling fixes- netlink: switched from libnl1 to libnl3- moved TODO file content into individual github issues
* Wed Oct 02 2013 version 0.5.2- added activation comment to the spec file (bnc#843526)- fixed to not fail on config dirs without any config file
* Fri Sep 27 2013 version 0.5.1- rpmlintrc: removed obsolete content (bnc#783932#c18)- added extension to update hostname from [dhcp] lease- refactored config read and added wicked show-config- corrected & documented --log-target destination parsing- fixed signed char issues in xml_escape_entities- fail when the global --config path gets rejected
* Wed Sep 18 2013 Applied obs adjustments and copyright comment to spec file- wicked ifdown: enable action waiting before calling methods- wicked show: create client object and handle ifname argument- wicked ifup: parse ifcfg static addrconf even without IPADDR- disabled unfinished code to avoid errors / warnings about
* Mon Sep 16 2013 Initial candidate package for openSUSE:Factory