Changelog for python-SQLObject-1.4.1-1.2.noarch.rpm :

* Thu Oct 24 2013 Require python-setuptools instead of distribute (upstreams merged)
* Wed Sep 25 2013 Update to version 1.4.1
* A few bugfixes were ported from `SQLObject 1.3.3`_.
* Mon Mar 19 2012 Update to version 1.2.2:
* A bug was fixed in SQLiteConnection - clear _threadPool on close().
* Sat Feb 18 2012 updated to 1.2.1
* A bugfix was ported from `SQLObject 1.1.4`_. feature updates from 1.2.0 were:
* Strings are treated specially in Select to allow Select([\'id, \'name\'], where=\'value = 42\'). Update allows a string in WHERE.
* ForeignKey(\'Table\', refColumn=\'refcol_id\') to allow ForeignKey to point to a non-id column; the referred column must be a unique integer column.
* delColumn now accepts a ForeignKey\'s name without \'ID\'.
* Support for PostgreSQL 7.
* is dropped. The minimal supported version of PostgreSQL is 8.1 now.
* Quoting rules changed for PostgreSQL: SQLObject uses E\'\' escape string if the string contains characters escaped with backslash.
* A bug caused by psycopg2 recently added a new boolean not callable autocommit attribute was fixed.
* sqlobject.__doc__ and main.__doc__ no longer contain version number. Use sqlobject.version or version_info.- changes from 1.1.5:
* A bug was fixed in SQLiteConnection - clear _threadPool on close().- changes from 1.1.4:
* A bug was fixed in handling ``modulo`` operator - SQLite implements only ``%``, MySQL - only ``MOD()``, PostgreSQL implements both.
* Fri Sep 23 2011 Update to version 1.1.3:
* Parsing sqlobject.__doc__ for version number is declared obsolete. Use sqlobject.version or version_info.
* Documented sqlmeta.dbEncoding and connection.dbEncoding.
* SelectResults (returned from .select()) is allowed in IN(column, list).
* A different workaround is used in SQLiteConnection to prevent PySQLite from converting strings to unicode - in the case of a registered text conversion function PySQLite silently converts empty strings to Nones; now SQLObject uses text_factory instead and properly returns empty strings.
* It is now possible to declare one encoding for all UnicodeCol\'s per table (as sqlmeta.dbEncoding) or per connection (as connection.dbEncoding). Default (if dbEncoding is found neither in column nor in table nor in connection) is \'utf-8\'.
* Wed Jun 08 2011 Initial version