Changelog for
python2-neo-0.5.1-lp150.1.3.noarch.rpm :
* Wed Aug 23 2017 Implement single-spec version- Update to 0.5.1
* Fixes to :class:`AxonIO` (thanks to AATTerikli and AATTcjfraz) and :class:`NeuroExplorerIO` (thanks to Mark Hollenbeck)
* Fixes to pickling of :class:`Epoch` and :class:`Event` objects (thanks to Hélissande Fragnaud)
* Added methods :meth:`as_array()` and :meth:`as_quantity()` to Neo data objects to simplify the common tasks of turning a Neo data object back into a plain Numpy array
* Added :class:`NeuralynxIO`, which reads standard Neuralynx output files in ncs, nev, nse and ntt format (thanks to Julia Sprenger and Carlos Canova).
* Added the :attr:`extras_require` field to, to clearly document the requirements for different io modules. For example, this allows you to run :command:`pip install neo[neomatlabio]` and have the extra dependency needed for the :mod:`neomatlabio` module (scipy in this case) be automatically installed.
* Fixed a bug where slicing an :class:`AnalogSignal` did not modify the linked :class:`ChannelIndex`.- Update to 0.5.0
* simplified the Neo object model
* added :class:`NixIO` (`about the NIX format`_)
* added :class:`IgorIO`
* added :class:`NestIO` (for data files produced by the `NEST simulator`_)
* :class:`NeoHdf5IO` is now read-only. It will read data files produced by earlier versions of Neo, but another HDF5-based IO, e.g. :class:`NixIO`, should be used for writing data.
* many fixes/improvements to existing IO modules. All IO modules should now work with Python 3.- Update to 0.4.0
* added StimfitIO
* added KwikIO
* significant improvements to AxonIO, BlackrockIO, BrainwareSrcIO, NeuroshareIO, PlexonIO, Spike2IO, TdtIO,
* many test suite improvements
* Container base class
* Tue Feb 18 2014 Update to 0.3.3
* Bugfixes- Update to 0.3.2
* cleanup ot io test code, with additional helper functions and methods
* added BrainwareDamIo
* added BrainwareF32Io
* added BrainwareSrcIo
* Thu Oct 24 2013 Update to 0.3.1
* lazy/cascading improvement
* load_lazy_olbject() in added
* added NeuroscopeIO- Update to 0.3.0
* various bug fixes in
* added ElphyIO
* SpikeTrain performence improved
* An IO class now can return a list of Block (see read_all_blocks in IOs)
* python3 compatibility improved
* Thu Oct 24 2013 Require python-setuptools instead of distribute (upstreams merged)
* Thu Nov 29 2012 Update to 0.2.1 - assorted bug fixes - added time_slice() method to the SpikeTrain and AnalogSignalArray classes. - improvements to annotation data type handling - added PickleIO, allowing saving Neo objects in the Python pickle format. - added ElphyIO (see - added BrainVisionIO (see - improvements to PlexonIO - added merge() method to the Block and Segment classes
* Sat Sep 08 2012 fix build for SLE 11
* Tue Jul 31 2012 Initial spec file