Changelog for
python-Babel-doc-2.6.0-67.1.noarch.rpm :
Sun Jun 24 14:00:00 2018
- update to version 2.6.0:
* Possibly incompatible changes
+ Numbers: Refactor decimal handling code and allow bypass of
decimal quantization. (AATTkdeldycke) (PR #538)
+ Messages: allow processing files that are in locales unknown to
Babel (AATTakx) (PR #557)
+ General: Drop support for EOL Python 2.6 and 3.3 (AATThugovk) (PR
* Other changes
+ CLDR: Use CLDR 33 (AATTakx) (PR #581)
+ Lists: Add support for various list styles other than the
default (AATTakx) (#552)
+ Messages: Add new PoFileError exception (AATTBedrock02) (PR #532)
+ Times: Simplify Linux distro specific explicit timezone setting
search (AATTscop) (PR #528)
* Bugfixes
+ CLDR: avoid importing alt=narrow currency symbols (AATTakx) (PR
+ CLDR: ignore non-Latin numbering systems (AATTakx) (PR #579)
+ Docs: Fix improper example for date formatting (AATTPTrottier) (PR
+ Tooling: Fix some deprecation warnings (AATTakx) (PR #580)
* Tooling & docs
+ Add explicit signatures to some date autofunctions (AATTxmo-odoo)
(PR #554)
+ Include license file in the generated wheel package (AATTjdufresne)
(PR #539)
+ Python 3.6 invalid escape sequence deprecation fixes (AATTscop) (PR
+ Test and document all supported Python versions (AATTjdufresne) (PR
+ Update copyright header years and authors file (AATTakx) (PR #559)
Sun May 6 14:00:00 2018
- update to version 2.5.3:
* This is a maintenance release that reverts undesired API-breaking
changes that slipped into 2.5.2 (see It is based on
v2.5.1 (f29eccd) with commits 7cedb84, 29da2d2 and edfb518
cherry-picked on top.
- changes from version 2.5.2:
* Bugfixes
+ Revert the unnecessary PyInstaller fixes from 2.5.0 and 2.5.1
(#533) (AATTyagebu)
Thu Oct 5 14:00:00 2017
- update to version 2.5.1:
* Use a fixed datetime to avoid test failures (#520)
* Parse multi-line __future__ imports better (#519) (AATTakx)
* Fix validate_currency docstring (#522)
* Allow normalize_locale and exists to handle various unexpected
inputs (#523) (AATTsuhojm)
* Make PyInstaller support more robust (#525, #526)
(AATTthijstriemstra, AATTakx)
Wed Aug 23 14:00:00 2017
- update to 2.5.0:
* Numbers: Add currency utilities and helpers (#491) (AATTkdeldycke)
* Support PyInstaller (#500, #505) (AATTwodo)
* Dates: Add __str__ to DateTimePattern (#515) (AATTsfermigier)
* Dates: Fix an invalid string to bytes comparison when parsing TZ files on Py3 (#498) (AATTrowillia)
* Dates: Formatting zero-padded components of dates is faster (#517) (AATTakx)
* Documentation: Fix \"Good Commits\" link in (#511) (AATTnaryanacharya6)
* Documentation: Fix link to Python gettext module (#512) (AATTLinkid)
* Messages: Allow both dash and underscore separated locale identifiers in pofiles (#489, #490) (AATTakx)
* Messages: Extract Python messages in nested gettext calls (#488) (AATTsublee)
* Messages: Fix in-place editing of dir list while iterating (#476, #492) (AATTMarcDufresne)
* Messages: Stabilize sort order (#482) (AATTxavfernandez)
* Time zones: Honor the no-inherit marker for metazone names (#405) (AATTakx)
Fri Mar 31 14:00:00 2017
- Updated to 2.4.0
- Converted to single-spec
Tue Jun 30 14:00:00 2015
- Split documentation into separate package to avoid build loop