Changelog for python-execnet-1.5.0-8.1.noarch.rpm :
Tue Feb 12 13:00:00 2019 Tomáš Chvátal
- Add patch to fix build with pytest 4 and newer:

* pytest4.patch

Wed Aug 8 14:00:00 2018
- add fix_apipkg.patch -- fixes tests with apipkg > 1.4.0

Sun Jul 15 14:00:00 2018
- drop -doc subpackage - causes circular dependency with python-requests ->
python-hypothesis -> python-Babel

Sat Nov 11 13:00:00 2017
- specfile


* README.txt -> README.rst
- update to version 1.5.0:

* support shell escaping in python pathnames of popen.
Eugene Ciurana discovered that execnet breaks if you use pathnames
with spaces in a \"python=\" part of a spec. We now use shlex.split
to split the string. There is a potential for regressions if you
used quote or escape sequences as part of your python command.

* Only insert importdir into sys.path if it is not already in the
This prevents a bug when using enum34 with python 3.6 and
The issue is that enum34 installs an \'enum\' module in
site-packages which is normally shadowed by the stdlib version of
enum, however in site-packages is added at
the front the the search path. This means on the workers enum34 is
hit for import enum which in turn causes import re to fail (as it
makes use of the new enum features in 3.6).

Fri Apr 21 14:00:00 2017
- Converted to single-spec
- Enabled tests

Wed Feb 24 13:00:00 2016
- Added depenedency on python-apipkg

Mon Feb 22 13:00:00 2016
- Update to version 1.4.1:

* fix issue33 -- index.txt to correctly mention MIT instead of GPL.

* fix issue35 -- adapt some doctests, fix some channel tests for py3.

* use subprocess32 when available for python < 3.

* try to be a bit more careful when interpreter is shutting down
to avoid random exceptions, thanks Alfredo Deza.

* ignore errors on orphan file removal when rsyncing

* fix issue34 -- limit use of import based bootstrap

* de-vendor apipkg and use the pypi dependency instead
(this also fixes the bpython interaction issues)

* Fix issue38: provide ability to connect to Vagrant VMs easily
using :code:`vagrant_ssh=defaut` or :code:`vagrant_ssh=machinename`
this feature is experimental and will be refined in future releases.
Thanks Christian Theune for the discussion and the initial pull request.

* add support for serializing the \"complex\" type. Thanks Sebastian

* fix a regression of the Serializer created by the implied opcode ordering
which resulted in a incompatible opcode mapping

Fri Dec 12 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version 1.2:

* fix issue22 -- during interpreter shutdown don\'t throw
an exception when we can\'t send a termination sequence
anymore as we are about to die anyway.

* fix issue24 -- allow concurrent creation of gateways
by guarding automatic id creation by a look.
Thanks tlecomte.

* majorly refactor internal thread and IO handling.
execnet can now operate on different thread models,
defaults to \"thread\" but allows for eventlet and
gevent if it is installed.

* gateway.remote_exec() will now execute in multiple
threads on the other side by default. The previous
neccessity of running \"gateway.remote_init_threads()\"
to allow for such concurrency is gone. The latter
method is now a no-op and will be removed in future
versions of execnet.

* fix issue20: prevent AttributError at interpreter shutdown
by not trying to send close/last_message messages if the
world around is half destroyed.

* fix issue21: allow to create local gateways with sudo aka
makegateway(\"popen//python=sudo python\").
Thanks Alfredo Deza for the PR.

* streamline gateway termination and simplify proxy
implementation. add more internal tracing.

* if execution hangs in computation, we now try to
send a SIGINT to ourselves on Unix platforms
instead of just calling thread.interrupt_main()

* change license from GPL to MIT

* introduce execnet.dump/load variants of dumps/loads
serializing/unserializing mechanism.

* improve channel.receive() communication latency on python2
by changing the default timeout of the underlying Queue.get
to a regular None instead of the previous default -1
which caused an internal positive timeout value
(a hack probably introduced to allow CTRL-C to pass
through for
* extended ssh-syntax to allow passing of command line args,
e.g. \"ssh= -p 50 hostname\". The options are passed to
the underlying ssh client binary. Thanks tundish.

* fix issue15: interoperability with inspect.getstack().
Thanks Peter Feiner.

* fix issue10 : skip PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE test if
it we are running with PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE set.

* dont try the jython pid fixup on a RemoteIO

* avoid accidentally setting exc_info() in
- Remove BuildRequires for unzip. .tar.gz release from pypi
is use now used

Wed Oct 9 14:00:00 2013
- Disable tests: fails for instance
- Fix build for SLES11

Tue Oct 8 14:00:00 2013
- Install a generated documentation

Fri Oct 4 14:00:00 2013
- Build documentation with Sphinx

Thu Oct 3 14:00:00 2013
- Initial packaging execnet 1.1 for openSUSE