Changelog for libicu-devel-57.1-2.18.x86_64.rpm :

* Fri Mar 25 2016 Update to new upstream release 57.1
* CLDR 29 support
* Grapheme/word/line breaking for emoji sequences, based on Unicode 9 proposed rules.
* Four new Unicode emoji properties
* DateFormat day period formatting of \"noon\", \"at night\", etc. via new pattern characters b & B, and DateTimePatternGenerator support of C for selecting the customary form.
* RelativeDateTimeFormatter: Simpler formatting API.
* New simple & fast SimpleFormatter class for a trivial subset of MessageFormat as used in CLDR data.
* Fri Oct 09 2015 Update to new upstream release 56.1
* CLDR 28: For details of the many changes in CLDR, see CLDR 28.
* Unicode data updated to Unicode 8.0: 41 new emoji characters, 5,771 new ideographs for Chinese/Japanese/Korean, 6 new scripts, improved character properties data, etc.
* ICU data size reduced by about 7.2% (1.8MB) via sharing string values across resource bundles.
* DateIntervalFormat now handles intervals with seconds, and sets FieldPosition more consistently.
* DateFormat::createInstanceForSkeleton() caches DateFormat patterns rather than DateTimePatternGenerator instances, for better performance (for cache hits) and lower heap memory consumption.
* StringSearch (based on collation) defaults to matches on normalization boundaries rather than grapheme cluster boundaries, which yields more matches on Indic text.
* RuleBasedNumberFormat (spelled-out numbers) now handles infinity, NaN.
* Most of the old Normalizer/unorm.h had been replaced by (and reimplemented via) Normalizer2, and is now deprecated.
* COLON has been withdrawn as a date pattern character corresponding to the date field [UDAT_]TIME_SEPARATOR_FIELD; there is currently no pattern character corresponding to that field.
* Support for locale key \"cf\" to specify currency format style, and interaction with NumberFormat values for UNumberFormatStyle.- Drop icu-remove-datetime.patch (merged upstream)
* Tue Apr 28 2015 Update baselibs.conf
* Tue Apr 28 2015 Version bump to latest release 55.1:
* support of CLDR 27 (with a major cleanup of region locales, among many other improvements), formatting for scientific notation (\"1.2 × 10³\")
* update to Unicode 7.0 data for spoof-checking
* Various performance enhancements
* Full upstream changelog: Refresh the soname versioning patch:
* icu-versioning.diff
* Sat Oct 11 2014 Update to new upstream release 54.1
* Unicode 7.0: Unicode 7.0 adds a total of 2,834 characters, encompassing 23 new scripts, two currency symbols (manat & ruble), many new pictographic and geometric symbols, and character additions to many existing scripts.
* CLDR 26: 77 languages with 100% modern coverage, more & improved data, many more measurement units.- Remove icu-rpmlint.diff (solved differently upstream), icu-fix-tests-depending-on-date.patch (solved differently upstream, also take note of it may need to be reinstated)
* Mon Sep 08 2014 Add m68k to the list of big endian archs
* Wed Aug 13 2014 Build both B and L-type endianess variants of icudt53.dat so that icu-data really is arch-independent again- Add icu-error-reporting.diff
* Tue Jul 29 2014 add baselibs.conf as source
* Mon Jun 16 2014 add icu-fix-tests-depending-on-date.patch to fix build see
* Tue Jun 03 2014 Ensure we escape the find %f properly.