Changelog for gap-browse-1.8.6-2.1.x86_64.rpm :

* Fri Dec 05 2014 Update to new upstream release 1.8.6
* \"NCurses.EditFields\" now deals with long input strings by scrolling horizontally.
* \"BrowseAtlasInfo\" now uses the improved setup of AtlasRep 1.6:
* Symbolic values are now supported in selections that are offered by \"BrowseUserPreferences\", for example \"PACKAGE_ERROR\" in the case of \"InfoPackageLoadingLevel\".
* Use the precomputed data for \"IsPerfectGroup\" etc. also when \"TransitiveGroupsData.OneTransitiveGroup\" is called;
* Wed Jun 18 2014 Update to new upstream release 1.8.5
* Fixed two problems with non-breakable spaces in gap-publishednicer.bib.
* Fixed the handling of the \'version\' component of database attributes; before the fix, it was possible that an attribute was regarded as up-to-date, without checking the version number in the data file.
* Avoid literal Ctrl-M characters to work around a bug in Windows 8.
* Tue Feb 04 2014 Update to new upstream release 1.8.3
* The new user preference \'EnableMouseEvents\' sets the default behavior for the GAP session. Enabling/disabling mouse events is now regarded as one global status in the current GAP session, and browse applications should not set this status when they are entered.
* Fixed \'BrowseGapMethods\', \'BrowsePackageVariables\', and \'BrowseProfile\': Up to now, the attempt to show the code of a function in a pager ran into an error if the file in question is not available
* Case of unset TERM env variable is now handled
* Extended \'NCurses.Select\', as follows: - support mouse events (and to enable/disable mouse events) - admit \"fit\" as the value of the \'size\' component, meaning the smallest possible window size - admit an optional \'align\' component, meaning the alignment of the window in the terminal - admit an attribute number instead of \'true\' for the optional \'border\' component
* Fri May 10 2013 Split browse (version 1.8.2) off the gap RPM package- Add browse-make.diff to correct include paths for build