Changelog for
perl-CGI-Session-4.48-19.1.noarch.rpm :
Thu Aug 27 14:00:00 2015
- add \"BuildRequires: CGI\" to .spec file so \"make test\" succeeds
with perl-5.22
Mon Jul 25 14:00:00 2011
- update to 4.48
Test changes
* INTERNAL: quit using \"use diagnostics;\" to avert some test failures
Tue Jul 12 14:00:00 2011
- licence correction (same as Perl)
Mon Jul 11 14:00:00 2011
- update to 4.47
* DOCS: minor POD fixes (Rene Mayorga and Nicholas Bamber)
* INTERNAL: More packaging fixes.
* INTERNAL: Fix packaging problem with 4.44.
* FIX: Fix 5.14 compatibility issue (Walt Arstingstall)
* DOCS: Clarify docs for static ID generator (oalders)
Thu Jan 20 13:00:00 2011
- update to 4.43
* FIX: Avoid deleting unmatched sessions when calling find() when ip_match is enabled.
Closes RT#47795. Thanks to m-uchino, Ron Savage, and Mark Stosberg
* NEW: new public ip_match() method is available, primarily for use with find(). (Ron Savage, Mark Stosberg)
* DOCS: UTF8 related documentation was updated.
* INTERNAL: Don\'t add _SESSION_EXPIRE_LIST to internal hash unless we need to.
RT#51192, Thanks to Pavel V. Rochnyack, Ron Savage, Mark Stosberg
* INTERNAL: Avoid calling sprintf() in CGI::Session::ErrorHandler, fixing RT#48733
Solves taint error for Perl V 5.10.0. All well-written code will have
been using errstr() to retrieve errors anyway so this change will not
affect any code which obeys the API. (Peter Kaminsk, Ron Savage, Mark Stosberg)
* INTERNAL: The undocumented 4th parameter to load() has changed its meaning.
* INTERNAL: Test suite improvements. (Ron Savage, Mark Stosberg)
Wed Dec 1 13:00:00 2010
- switch to perl_requires macro
Thu Aug 27 14:00:00 2009
- update to 4.42:
* Fix broken links in documentation and tests. (RT##49020)
- add perl-DBD-SQLite, perl(CGI::Simple) and perl(FreezeThaw) to
BuildRequires to run more tests (DBI tests needing a running
database and are skipped so far)
- follow perl packaging rules in specfile
Mon Mar 23 13:00:00 2009
- update to 4.41
* FIX: RT#43290. In CGI::Session::Driver::sqlite, ensure database
handle is still defined in DESTROY() before calling ping().
* DOCUMENTATION: Add comments about using the header() method
to set the charset to \'utf-8\'.
Tue Jan 20 13:00:00 2009
- update to 4.40
* many fixes, improved documentation
Fri Jul 18 14:00:00 2008
- update to 4.35 (bnc#410259)
* FIX: Fix the bug fix for error propagation from 4.34
* FIX: Reset errors when creating a new object. Previously,
errors from a previous object could show up in the current object.
* INTERNAL - Patch Build.PL and Makefile.PL to run
Module::Metadata::Changes\'s, if available, to
regenerate Changelog.ini from this file (Changes), when creating
a makefile.
* SECURITY: Patch CGI::Session::Driver::file to stop \\ and /
characters being used in session ids and hence in file names.
These characters, possibly combined with \'..\', could have been
used to access files outside the designated session file directory.
* FIX: Patch CGI::Session to propagate error upwards when
_load_pluggables() fails.
* INTERNAL: Ship a machine-readable version of this file under
the name Changelog.ini.
* FIX: Patch CGI::Session::Driver::mysql to replace
* FIX: t/mysql.t used to test setting the global variable