Changelog for
python3-sympy-0.7.6-8.1.noarch.rpm :
Sat Jan 10 13:00:00 2015
- specfile:
* update copyright year
* remove ifs for opensuse version <=1220
Sat Nov 29 13:00:00 2014
- update to version 0.7.6
Major changes
* New module \"calculus.finite_diff\" for generating finite difference
formulae approximating derivatives of arbitrary order on arbitrarily
spaced grids.
* New module \"physics.optics\" for symbolic computations related to
* \"geometry\" module now supports 3D geometry.
* Support for series expansions at a point other then 0 or oo. See PR
* Rules for the intersection of integer ImageSets were added. See PR
[#7587]( We can now do
things like `{2⋅m | m ∊ ℤ} ∩ {3⋅n | n ∊ ℤ} = {6⋅t | t ∊ ℤ}` and `{2⋅m
| m ∊ ℤ} ∩ {2⋅n + 1 | n ∊ ℤ} = ∅ `
* \"dsolve\" module now supports system of ODEs including linear
system of ODEs of 1st order for 2 and 3 equations and of 2nd order
for 2 equations. It also supports homogeneous linear system of `n`
* New support for continued fractions, including iterators for partial
quotients and convergents, and reducing a continued fraction to a
Rational or a quadratic irrational.
* Support for Egyptian fraction expansions, using several different
* Addition of generalized linearization methods to
* Use an LRU cache by default instead of an unbounded one. See PR
[#7464] ( Control cache
size by the environment variable \'SYMPY_CACHE_SIZE\' (default is
500). \'SYMPY_CACHE_SIZE=None\' restores the unbounded cache.
* Added \'fastcache\' as an optional dependency. Requires v0.4 or
newer. Control via \'SYMPY_CACHE_SIZE\'. May result in significant
speedup. See PR [#7737] (
* New experimental module \'physics.unitsystems\' for computation with
dimensions, units and quantities gathered into systems. This opens
the way to dimensional analysis and better quantity calculus. The
old module \'physics.units\' will stay available until the new one
reaches a mature state. See PR
* New \'Complement\' class to represent relative complements of two
sets. See Pr [#7462](
* New trigonometric functions (asec, acsc), many enhancements for
other trigonometric functions (PR
* New \'Contains\' class to represent the relation \"is an element of\"
(see PR [#7989](
* The code generation tools (code printers, \'codegen\', \'autowrap\', and
\'ufuncify\') have been updated to support a wider variety of
constructs, and do so in a more robust way. Major changes include
added support for matrices as inputs/outputs, and more robust
handling of conditional (\'Piecewise\') statements.
* \'ufuncify\' now uses a backend that generates actual \'numpy.ufuncs\'
by default through the use of the \'numpy\' C api. This allows
broadcasting on
* arguments. The previous \'cython\' and \'f2py\'
backends are still accessible through the use of the \'backend\'
* \'CodeGen\' now generates code for Octave and Matlab from SymPy
expressions. This is supported by a new CodePrinter with interface
\'octave_code\'. For example \'octave_code(Matrix([[x
*2, sin(pi
ceiling(x)]]))\' gives the string \'[x.^2 sin(pi
*y) ceil(x)]\'.
* New general 3D vector package at \'sympy.vector\'. This package
provides a 3D vector object with the Del, gradient, divergence,
curl, and operators. It supports arbitrary rotations of Cartesian
coordinate systems and arbitrary locations of points.
Backwards compatibility breaks and deprecations
* All usage of inequalities (\'>\', \'>=\', \'<\', \'<=\') on SymPy objects
will now return SymPy\'s \'S.true\' or \'S.false\' singletons instead of
Python\'s \'True\' or \'False\' singletons. Code that checks for, e.g.,
\'(a < b) is True\' should be changed to \'(a < b) == True\' or \'(a < b)
== S.true\'. Use of \'is\' is not recommended here.
* The \'subset()\' method in \'sympy.core.sets\' is marked as being
deprecated and will be removed in a future release
([issue]( Instead, the
\'is_subset()\' method should be used.
* Previously, if you compute the series expansion at a point other
than 0, the result was shifted to 0. Now SymPy returns the usual
series expansion, see PR
* In \'physics.mechanics\', \'KanesMethod.linearize\' has a new
interface. Old code should be changed to use this instead. See
docstring for information.
* \'physics.gaussopt\' has been moved to \'physics.optics.gaussopt\'. You
can still import it from the previous location but it may result in
a deprecation warning.
* This is the last release with the bundled [mpmath
library]( In the next release you will have to
install this library from the official site.
* Previously \'lambdify\' would convert \'Matrix\' to \'numpy.matrix\' by
default. This behavior is being deprecated, and will be completely
phased out with the release of 0.7.7. To use the new behavior now
set the modules kwarg to \'[{\'ImmutableMatrix\': numpy.array},
\'numpy\']\'. If lambdify will be used frequently it is recommended to
wrap it with a \'partial\' as so: \'lambdify =
functools.partial(lambdify, modules=[{\'ImmutableMatrix\':
numpy.array}, \'numpy\'])\'. For more information see
[#7853]( and the
\'lambdify\' doc string.
* \'Set.complement\' doesn\'t exists as an attribute anymore. Now we have
a method \'Set.complement(
)\' which complements the
given universal set.
* Removed is_finite assumption (see
[#7891]( Use instead a
combination of \"is_bounded and is_nonzero\" assumptions.
* is_bounded and is_unbounded assumptions were renamed to is_finite
and is_infinite (see
* Removed is_infinitesimal assumption (see
* Removed is_real property for Sets, use set.is_subset(Reals) instead
(see [#7996](
* For generic symbol \'x\' (SymPy\'s symbols are not bounded by default),
inequalities with \'oo\' are no longer evaluated as they were before,
e.g. \'x < oo\' no longer evaluates to True). See
* \'CodeGen\' has been refactored to make it easier to add other
languages. The main high-level tool is still
\'utilities.codegen.codegen\'. But if you previously used the
\'Routine\' class directly, note its \'__init__\' behaviour has changed;
the new \'utilities.codegen.make_routine\' is recommended instead and
by default retains the previous C/Fortran behaviour. If needed, you
can still instantiate \'Routine\' directly; it only does minimal
sanity checking on its inputs. See
* \'FiniteSet([1, 2, 3, 4])\' syntax not supported anymore, use
\'FiniteSet(1, 2, 3, 4)\' instead See
Minor changes
* Updated the parsing module to allow sympification of lambda
* statements to their SymPy equivalent. Lambdify can now use
* \'numexpr\' by specifying \'modules=\'numexpr\'\' Use \'with
* evaluate(False)\' context manager to control automatic evaluation.
* E.g. \'with evaluate(False): x + x\' is actually \'x + x\', not \'2
* IndexedBase and Indexed are changed to be commutative by default
* \'sympy.core.sets\' moved to \'sympy.sets\' Changes in \'sympy.sets\':
* Infinite \'Range\' is now allowed. See PR
* [#7741]( \'is_subset()\': The
* \'is_subset()\' method deprecates the \'subset()\' method.
* \'self.is_subset(other)\' checks if \'self\' is a subset of
* \'other\'. This is different from \'self.subset(other)\', which checked
* if \'other\' is a subset of \'self\'. \'is_superset()\': A new method
* \'is_superset()\' method is now available. \'self.is_superset(other)\'
* checks if \'self\' is a superset of \'other\'. \'is_proper_subset\' and
* \'is_proper_superset\': Two new methods allow checking if one set is
* the proper subset and proper superset of another respectively. For
* eg. \'self.is_proper_subset(other)\' and
* \'self.is_proper_superset(other)\' checks if \'self\' is the proper
* subset of \'other\' and if \'self\' is the proper superset of \'other\'
* respectively. \'is_disjoint()\': A new method for checking if two
* sets are disjoint. \'powerset()\': A new method \'powerset()\' has been
* added to find the power set of a set. The cardinality of a
* \'ProductSet\' can be found using the \'len()\' function. Changes in
* \'sympy.plot.plot_implicit\': The \'plot_implicit\' function now also
* allows explicitly specifying the symbols to plot on the X and Y
* axes. If not specified, the symbols will be assigned in the order
* they are sorted. The \'plot_implicit\' function also allows axes
* labels for the plot to be specified. rules for simplification of
* ImageSet were added
* PR[#7625]( As a result \'{x
* | x ∊ ℤ}\' now simplifies to \'ℤ\' and \'{sin(n) | n ∊ {tan(m) | m ∊
* ℤ}}\' automatically simplifies to \'{sin(tan(m)) | m ∊ ℤ}\' coth(0) now
* returns Complex Infinity. See
* [#7634]( dioptre is added
* to \'physics.units\' [#7782](
* \'replace\' now respects commutativity
* [#7752]( The CCodePrinter
* gracefully handles Symbols which have string representations that
* match C reserved
* words. [#8199]( \'limit\'
* function now returns an unevaluated Limit instance if it can\'t
* compute given limit, see
* [#8213](
Sat Nov 8 13:00:00 2014
- fix bashisms in pre script
Fri Mar 7 13:00:00 2014
- update to version 0.7.5
Major changes:
* The version of mpmath included in SymPy has been updated to 0.18.
* New routines for efficiently compute the dispersion of a polynomial or a pair thereof.
* Fancy indexing of matrices is now provided, e.g. A[:, [1, 2, 5]] selects all rows and only 3 columns.
* Enumeration of multiset partitions is now based on an
implementation of Algorithm from Knuth\'s The Art of
Computer Programming. The new version is much faster, and includes
fast methods for enumerating only those partitions with a
restricted range of sizes, and counting multiset partitions. (See
the new file
* distance methods were added to Line and Ray to compute the shortest distance to them from a point.
* The normal_lines method was added to Ellipse to compute the lines from a point that strike the Ellipse at a normal angle.
* inv_quick and det_quick were added as functions in to
facilitate fast solution of small symbolic matrices; their use in
solve has reduced greatly the time needed to solve such systems.
* solve_univariate_inequality has been added to
* as_set attribute for Relationals and Booleans has been added.
* Several classes and functions strictly associated with vector
calculus were moved from sympy.physics.mechanics to a new package
sympy.physics.vector. (PRs #2732 #2862 #2894)
* New implementation of the Airy functions Ai and Bi and their
derivatives Ai\' and Bi\' (called airyai, airybi, airyaiprime and
airybiprime, respectively). Most of the usual features of SymPy
special function are present. Notable exceptions are Gruntz limit
computation helpers and meijerg special functions integration
* Euler-Lagrange equations (function euler_equations) in a new package sympy.calculus (PR #2431).
Minor changes:
* Some improvements to the gamma function.
* generate_bell now generates correct permutations for any number of elements.
* It is no longer necessary to provide nargs to objects subclassed
from Function unless an eval class method is not defined. (If eval
is defined, the number of arguments will be inferred from its
* geometric Point creation will be faster since simplification is done only on Floats
* Some improvements to the intersection method of the Ellipse.
* solutions from solve of equations involving multiple log terms are more robust
* idiff can now return higher order derivatives
* Added to_matrix() method to sympy.physics.vector.Vector and
sympy.physics.dyadic.Dyadic. (PR #2686).
* Printing improvements for sympy.physics.vector objects and
mechanics printing. (PRs #2687, #2728, #2772, #2862, #2894)
* Functions with LaTeX symbols now print correct LaTeX. (PR #2772)
* init_printing has several new options, including a flag
print_builtin to prevent SymPy printing of basic Python types (PR
[#2683]), and flags to let you supply custom printers (PR #2894).
* improvements in evaluation of imageset for Intervals (PR #2723).
* Set properties to determine boundary and interior (PR #2744).
* input to a function created by lambdify no longer needs to be flattened.
Backwards compatibility breaks and deprecations:
* the submatrix method of matrices was removed; access the
functionality by providing slices or list of rows/columns to
matrix directly, e.g. A[:, [1, 2]].
* Matrix([]) and Matrix([[]]) now both return a 0x0 matrix
* terms_gcd no longer removes a -1.0 from expressions
* extract_multiplicatively will not remove a negative Number from a
positive one, so (4
*x) will
return None.
* the shape of the result from M.cross(B) now has the same shape as matrix M.
* The factorial of negative numbers is now zoo instead of 0. This is
consistent with the definition factorial(n) = gamma(n + 1).
* 1/0 returns zoo, not oo (PR #2813).
* zoo.is_number is True (PR #2823).
* oo < I raises TypeError, just as for finite numbers (PR #2734).
* 1
*oo == nan instead of 1, better documentation for Pow class (PR #2606).
Sat Jan 11 13:00:00 2014
- update to
* This was a small bugfix release to fix an import issue on Windows (
- update to 0.7.4 (see
Thu Dec 5 13:00:00 2013
- Package LICENSE and README.rst
Wed Oct 23 14:00:00 2013
- Add BuildRequires: python3 for openSUSE 12.2, so hashlib is
Thu Sep 26 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 0.7.3:
+ See
- Use update-alternatives for binaries / man-pages
Mon Jan 28 13:00:00 2013
- Don\'t use URL in Source: the tarball does not exist there. Otherwise,
ractory-auto fail trying to download it
Tue Jan 15 13:00:00 2013
- Initial python3 support