Changelog for
perl-DBIx-Class-0.082840-4.7.noarch.rpm :
Thu Jun 23 14:00:00 2016
- updated to 0.082840
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBIx-Class/Changes
0.082840 2016-06-20 07:02 (UTC)
* New Features
- When using non-scalars (e.g. arrays) as literal bind values it is no
longer necessary to explicitly specify a bindtype (this turned out
to be a mostly useless overprotection)
* Fixes
- Ensure leaving an exception stack via Return::MultiLevel or something
similar produces a large warning
- Another relatively invasive set of ::FilterColumn changes, covering
potential data loss (RT#111567). Please run your regression tests!
- Ensure failing on_connect
* / on_disconnect
* are dealt with properly,
notably on_connect
* failures now properly abort the entire connect
- Fix use of ::Schema::Versioned combined with a user-supplied
$dbh->{HandleError} (GH#101)
- Fix parsing of DSNs containing driver arguments (GH#99)
- Fix silencing of exceptions thrown by custom inflate_result() methods
- Fix complex prefetch when ordering over foreign boolean columns
( Pg can\'t MAX(boolcol) despite being able to ORDER BY boolcol )
- Fix infinite loop on ->svp_release(\"nonexistent_savepoint\") (GH#97)
- Fix spurious ROLLBACK statements when a TxnScopeGuard fails a commit
of a transaction with deferred FK checks: a guard is now inactivated
immediately before the commit is attempted (RT#107159)
- Fix the Sybase ASE storage incorrectly attempting to retrieve an
autoinc value when inserting rows containing blobs (GH#82)
- Remove spurious exception warping in ::Replicated::execute_reliably
- Work around unreliable $sth->finish() on INSERT ... RETURNING within
DBD::Firebird on some compiler/driver combinations (RT#110979)
- Fix leaktest failures with upcoming version of Sub::Quote
- Really fix savepoint rollbacks on older DBD::SQLite (fix in 0.082800
was not sufficient to cover up RT#67843)
* Misc
- Test suite is now officially certified to work under very high random
parallelism: META x_parallel_test_certified set to true accordingly
- Typo fixes from downstream debian packagers (RT#112007)
Sat Feb 13 13:00:00 2016
- updated to 0.082821
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBIx-Class/Changes
0.082821 2016-02-11 17:58 (UTC)
* Fixes
- Fix t/52leaks.t failures on compilerless systems (RT#104429)
- Fix t/storage/quote_names.t failures on systems with specified Oracle
test credentials while missing the optional Math::Base36
- Fix test failures when DBICTEST_SYBASE_DSN is set (unnoticed change
in error message wording during 0.082800 and a bogus test)
- Remove largely obsolete test of SQLite view deployment (RT#111916)
* Misc
- Work around rare test deadlock under heavy parallelism (RT#108390)
Tue Oct 6 14:00:00 2015
- workaround a spurious openSUSE:Leap:42.1 test failure
in \"skipped\" t/cdbi/mk_group_accessors.t
with a BuildRequires: perl(Class::DBI)
Thu Apr 16 14:00:00 2015
- updated to 0.082820
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBIx-Class/Changes
0.082820 2015-03-20 20:35 (UTC)
* Fixes
- Protect destructors from rare but possible double execution, and
loudly warn the user whenever the problem is encountered (GH#63)
- Relax the \'self_result_object\' argument check in the relationship
resolution codepath, restoring exotic uses of inflate_result
- Fix updating multiple CLOB/BLOB columns on Oracle
- Fix exception on complex update/delete under a replicated setup
- Fix uninitialized warnings on empty hashes passed to join/prefetch and
- Fix hang in t/72pg.t when run against DBD::Pg 3.5.0. The ping()
implementation changes due to RT#100648 made an alarm() based
timeout lock-prone.
* Misc
- Remove warning about potential side effects of RT#79576 (scheduled)
- Various doc improvements (GH#35, GH#62, GH#66, GH#70, GH#71, GH#72)
- Depend on newer Moo, to benefit from a safer runtime (RT#93004)
- Fix intermittent failures in the LeakTracer on 5.18+
- Fix failures of t/54taint.t on Windows with spaces in the $^X
executable path (RT#101615)
Wed Nov 12 13:00:00 2014
- updated to 0.082810
* Fixes
- Fix incorrect collapsing-parser source being generated in the
presence of unicode data among the collapse-points
- Fix endless loop on BareSourcelessResultClass->throw_exception(...)
* Misc
- Depend on newer SQL::Abstract (fixing overly-aggressive parenthesis
opener: RT#99503)
- Depend on newer Moo, fixing some interoperability issues:
0.082801 2014-10-05 23:55 (UTC)
* Known Issues
- Passing large amounts of objects with stringification overload
directly to DBIx::Class may result in strange action at a distance
exceptions. More info (and a workaround description) can be found
under \"Note\" at
- The relationship condition resolution fixes come with the side effect
of returning more complete data, tripping up
* users of an
undocumented but widely used internal function. In particular
* Notable Changes and Deprecations
- DBIC::FilterColumn now properly bypasses \\\'\' and \\[] literals, just
like the rest of DBIC
- DBIC::FilterColumn \"from_storage\" handler is now invoked on NULLs
returned from storage
- find() now throws an exception if some of the supplied values are
managed by DBIC::FilterColumn (RT#95054)
- Custom condition relationships are now invoked with a slightly
different signature (existing coderefs will continue to work)
- Add extra custom condition coderef attribute \'foreign_values\'
to allow for proper reverse-relationship-like behavior
(i.e. $result->set_from_related($custom_rel, $foreign_result_object)
- When in a transaction, DBIC::Ordered now seamlesly handles result
objects that went out of sync with the storage (RT#96499)
- CDBICompat::columns() now supports adding columns through supplied
Class::DBI::Column instances (GH#52)
- Deprecate { col1 => col2 } expressions in manual {from} structures
(at some point of time manual {from} will be deprecated entirely)
* Fixes
- Fix Resultset delete/update affecting
* in cases
of empty (due to conditions) resultsets with multi-column keys
- Fix on_connect_
* not always firing in some cases - a race condition
existed between storage accessor setters and the determine_driver
routines, triggering a connection before the set-cycle is finished
- Fix collapse being ignored on single-origin selection (RT#95658)
- Fix incorrect behavior on custom result_class inflators altering
the amount of returned results
- Fix failure to detect stable order criteria when in iterator
mode of a has_many prefetch off a search_related chain
- Prevent erroneous database hit when accessing prefetched related
resultsets with no rows
- Proper exceptions on malformed relationship conditions (RT#92234)
- Fix incorrect handling of custom relationship conditions returning
SQLA literal expressions
- Fix long standing bug with populate() missing data from hashrefs with
different keysets: (RT#92723)
- Fix multi-value literal populate not working with simplified bind
- Massively improve the implied resultset condition parsing - now all
applicable conditions within a resultset should be properly picked
up by create() and populate()
- Ensure definitive condition extractor handles bizarre corner cases
without bombing out (RT#93244)
Fri Mar 7 13:00:00 2014
- updated to 0.08270
* Fixes
- Fix 0.08260 regression in DBD::SQLite bound int handling. Inserted
data was not affected, but any function <=> integer comparison would
have failed (originally fixed way back in 0e773352)
- Fix failure to load DateTime formatter when connecting to Firebird
over ODBC
* Misc
- All drivers based on ::Storage::DBI::Firebird::Common now return the
same sqlt_type value (affects ::DBI::Interbase, ::DBI::Firebird and
* New Features
- A new zero-to-DBIC style manual: DBIx::Class::Manual::QuickStart
* Notable Changes and Deprecations
- Explicitly deprecate combination of distinct and selecting a
non-column via $rs->get_column()
* Fixes
- More robust handling of circular relationship declarations by loading
foreign classes less frequently (should resolve issues like
Note that none of this is a manifestations of a DBIC bug, but rather
unexpected (but correct) behavior of load-order-dependent (hence
logically broken) Resultclass hierarchies. In order to deal with this
DBIC is scaling back a large number of sanity checks, which are to be
reintroduce pending a better framework for source registration
- Fix multiple edge cases of complex prefetch combining incorrectly
with correlated subquery selections
- Fix multiple edge cases stemming from interaction of a non-selecting
order_by specification and distinct and/or complex prefetch
- Fix unbound growth of a resultset during repeated execute/exhaust
cycles (GH#29)
- Work around (and be very vocal about the fact) when DBIC encounters
an exception object with broken string overloading
- Clarify ambiguous behavior of distinct when used with ResultSetColumn
i.e. $rs->search({}, { distinct => 1 })->get_column (...)
- Setting quote_names propagates to SQL::Translator when producing
SQLite DDL (it is one of the few producers
* quoting by default)
- Fix incorrect binding of large integers on old versions of
DBD::SQLite (now DBIC simply always binds SQLite ints as BIGINT)
- Silence (harmless) warnings on recent DBD::SQLite versions, when
inserting/updating large integers on 32bit ivsize systems (RT#76395)
- Back out self-cleaning from DBIx::Class::Carp for the time being
(as a side effect fixes RT#86267)
- Fix incorrect internal use of implicit list context in copy()
- Fix 0.08250 regression in driver determination when DBI_DSN is used
- Tests no longer fail if $ENV{DBI_DSN} is set
- Throw clearer exception on ->new_related() with a non-existent
- Fix incorrect parethesis unroll with multicolumn in, (never noticed
before fixing false positive in SQLA::Test 1.77)
- Fix t/storage/replicated.t class loading problem
- Stop using the deprecated Class::MOP::load_class()
- Fix warning in t/54taint.t with explicitly unset PERL5LIB (RT#91972)
- Fix t/54taint.t failing under a local::lib with installed earlier
DBIC version (RT#92486)
Wed Jun 26 14:00:00 2013
- updated to 0.08250
* tons of changes, see Changes
Mon Dec 12 13:00:00 2011
- update to 0.08196
* tons of changes, see Changes
Thu Mar 31 14:00:00 2011
- update to 0.08127
* tons of changes, see Changes
- recreated by cpanspec 1.78.03
Wed Dec 1 13:00:00 2010
- switch to perl_requires macro
Fri Dec 11 13:00:00 2009
- make rpmlint happy
* fix permissions
* fix non unix files
Fri Dec 11 13:00:00 2009
- update to 0.08115
* see Changes file
- cleanup spec
* added header
* sorted Tags
* fixed build-/deps
* moved changelog to .changes
- added perl-macros
* perl_gen_filelist