Changelog for
emacs-nox-24.3-27.9.x86_64.rpm :
Wed Jun 28 14:00:00 2017
- Port change for boo#943793 back to SLES-12 (bsc#1044093)
Wed Apr 26 14:00:00 2017
- Fix small bug in emacs-24.3-gtk-3.10.patch which now allows
to scroll even if keyboard is used (boo#1035645)
Wed Apr 26 14:00:00 2017
- Use socket activation to get dbus up before starting emacs
Tue Apr 25 14:00:00 2017
- Fix wrapper script to check modern dbus session (boo#1032759)
Thu Dec 22 13:00:00 2016
- Add patch emacs-24.3-gtk-3.10.patch that is a backport of the
commit 3f4c6d5 to handle gtk3 stuff even for version less than
3.10 and greater than 3.20 (bsc#1013849)
Thu Dec 22 13:00:00 2016
- Add patch emacs-24.3-unexelf.patch to make it build evene on PPC64LE
Wed Dec 21 13:00:00 2016
- Add patch emacs-24.3-execve.patch
Assume POSIX 1003.1-1988 or later for execve (this fix bug
boo#1013572 and maybe also boo#967260)
Tue Nov 10 13:00:00 2015
- Do not enforce the usage of the glibc regular expression as the
GNU emacs ctags program depends on the emacs version (bsc#953745).
For this fix the patch emacs-24.3-glibc.patch and emacs-24.3.dif
had been modified.
Tue Sep 1 14:00:00 2015
- Allow both Xft and as fallback the old X font scheme (boo#943793)
Fri Aug 8 14:00:00 2014
- Add Utility category to .desktop file.
Sun Jun 29 14:00:00 2014
- Don\'t use outdated C standard
Fri May 9 14:00:00 2014
- Modify emacs-24.3-giflib5-interlace.patch in such a way that
it works with older giflibraries
Thu May 8 14:00:00 2014
- Add the patches
to avoid several unsecure usage of temporary files (bnc#876847)
Wed Apr 30 14:00:00 2014
- remove dependency on bind-devel (I don\'t see any usage of
bind in the source, and I see no such dependency in packaging
on other distros)
Fri Feb 28 13:00:00 2014
- Adding coreutils to etags scriptlets requirements (bnc#865845)
Sat Jan 18 13:00:00 2014
- emacs-24.3-giflib5-interlace.patch: fix display of interlaced GIF images
Wed Jan 15 13:00:00 2014
- Do not reassign S-left, S-right, S-up and S-down anymore (bnc#858430)
Tue Dec 3 13:00:00 2013
- Change emacs wrapper script to use new dbus-run-session tool to
avoid hanging emacs on terminal mode due I/O conflict on stdin
of both emacs and dbus-launch session (bnc#853082)
Fri Nov 22 13:00:00 2013
- emacs-24.3-glibc.patch, emacs-24.3.dif: Remove obsolete hunks
- emacs-24.3-xevent.patch: Remove obsolete patch
- Remove unknown configure option --without-sync-input
Wed Sep 11 14:00:00 2013
- Added /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/site-start.d to package owned
directories so other packages do not need to own it
Sat Jun 15 14:00:00 2013
- Fix connection problem to Typhoon nntp servers. Instead of
* emacs-24.3-nntp-typhoon-fix.patch
Fri Jun 7 14:00:00 2013
- Enforce update alternatives simply to avoid bug reports about
Thu Jun 6 14:00:00 2013
- Disable fontsets and enforce Xft as font backend
Tue May 28 14:00:00 2013
- Remove not used spec file scriplets
- Make pre requires more smart
- Avoid trouble with new byte compile format and old font-latex.elc
Fri May 24 14:00:00 2013
- Make emacs launch script smart, that is search for a valid dbus
on the current system if if not found launch a own dbus session
- With emacs version 24.3 the package epg becoes obsolate
Wed May 22 14:00:00 2013
- Update to to emacs version 24.3
* Emacs no longer searches for `leim-list.el\' files beneath the standard
lisp/ directory. There should not be any there anyway. If you have
been adding them there, put them somewhere else; e.g., site-lisp.
* `C-h f\' (`describe-function\') can now perform autoloading.
When this command is called for an autoloaded function whose docstring
contains a key substitution construct, that function\'s library is
automatically loaded, so that the documentation can be shown
correctly. To disable this, set `help-enable-auto-load\' to nil.
* `C-h f\' now reports previously-autoloaded functions as \"autoloaded\",
even after their associated libraries have been loaded (and the
autoloads have been redefined as functions).
* Images displayed via ImageMagick now support transparency and the
:background image specification property.
* When available, ImageMagick support is automatically enabled.
It is no longer necessary to call `imagemagick-register-types\'
explicitly to install ImageMagick image types; that function is called
automatically at startup, or when customizing an imagemagick- option.
* Setting `imagemagick-types-inhibit\' to t now disables the use of
ImageMagick to view images. (You must call `imagemagick-register-types\'
afterwards if you do not use customize to change this.)
* The new variable `imagemagick-enabled-types\' also affects which
ImageMagick types are treated as images. The function
`imagemagick-filter-types\' returns the list of types that will be
treated as images.
* In minibuffer filename prompts, `C-M-f\' and `C-M-b\' now move to the
next and previous path separator, respectively.
* `minibuffer-electric-default-mode\' can shorten \"(default ...)\" to \"[...]\"
in minibuffer prompts. Just set `minibuffer-eldef-shorten-default\'
non-nil before enabling the mode.
* New option `mode-line-default-help-echo\' specifies the help text
(shown in a tooltip or in the echo area) for any part of the mode line
that does not have its own specialized help text.
* You can now click mouse-3 in the coding system indicator to invoke
* emacsclient now obeys string values for `initial-buffer-choice\',
if it is told to open a new frame without specifying any file to visit
or expression to evaluate.
* New option `server-auth-key\' specifies a shared server key.
* Emacs now generates backtraces on fatal errors.
On encountering a fatal error, Emacs now outputs a textual description
of the fatal signal, and a short backtrace on platforms like glibc
that support backtraces.
* `C-x C-q\' is now bound to the new minor mode `read-only-mode\'.
This minor mode replaces `toggle-read-only\', which is now obsolete.
* Most `y-or-n\' prompts now allow you to scroll the selected window.
Typing `C-v\' or `M-v\' at a y-or-n prompt scrolls forward or backward
respectively, without exiting from the prompt.
* In the Package Menu, newly-available packages are listed as \"new\",
and sorted above the other \"available\" packages by default.
* If your Emacs was built from a bzr checkout, the new variable
`emacs-bzr-version\' contains information about the bzr revision used.
* New option `create-lockfiles\' specifies usage of lockfiles.
It defaults to t. Changing it to nil inhibits the creation of lock
files (use this with caution).
* New option `enable-remote-dir-locals\', if non-nil, allows directory-local
variables on remote hosts.
* The entry for PCL-CVS has been removed from the Tools menu.
The PCL-CVS commands are still available via the keyboard.
* Using \"unibyte: t\" in Lisp source files is obsolete.
Use \"coding: raw-text\" instead.
* In the buffer made by `M-x report-emacs-bug\', the `C-c m\' binding
has been changed to `C-c M-i\' (`report-emacs-bug-insert-to-mailer\').
The previous binding, introduced in Emacs 24.1, was a mistake, because
`C-c LETTER\' bindings are reserved for user customizations.
* Non-regexp Isearch now performs \"lax\" space matching.
Each sequence of spaces in the supplied search string may match any
sequence of one or more whitespace characters, as specified by the
variable `search-whitespace-regexp\'. (This variable is also used by a
similar existing feature for regexp Isearch.)
* New Isearch command `M-s SPC\' toggles lax space matching.
This applies to both ordinary and regexp Isearch.
* New option `replace-lax-whitespace\'.
If non-nil, `query-replace\' uses flexible whitespace matching too.
The default is nil.
* Global `M-s _\' starts a symbol (identifier) incremental search,
and `M-s _\' in Isearch toggles symbol search mode.
`M-s c\' in Isearch toggles search case-sensitivity.
* New binding `M-g c\' for `goto-char\'.
* New binding `M-g TAB\' for `move-to-column\'.
* `M-g TAB\' (`move-to-column\') prompts for a column number if called
interactively with no prefix arg. Previously, it moved to column 1.
* New option `yank-handled-properties\' allows processing of text
properties on yanked text, in ways that are more general than just
removing them (as is done by `yank-excluded-properties\').
* New option `delete-trailing-lines\' specifies whether
M-x delete-trailing-whitespace should delete trailing lines at the end
of the buffer. It defaults to t.
* `C-u M-=\' now counts lines/words/characters in the entire buffer.
* `C-x 8 RET\' is now bound to `insert-char\', which is now a command.
`ucs-insert\' is now an obsolete alias for `insert-char\'.
* The `z\' key no longer has a binding in most special modes.
It used to be bound to `kill-this-buffer\', but `z\' is too easy to
accidentally type.
* New command `C-x r M-w\' (`copy-rectangle-as-kill\').
It copies the region-rectangle as the last rectangle kill.
* `C-x r +\' is now overloaded to invoke `append-to-register\'.
* New option `register-separator\' specifies the register containing
the text to put between collected texts for use with
M-x append-to-register and M-x prepend-to-register.
- Update file lists
- Remove patches done upstream
- Port remaining patches
- Exclude page as this is part of package info
Tue May 21 14:00:00 2013
- Do not install etags below OS 13.0 (bnc#820567)
- Use UTF-8 even in changelog for old entries
Sat Apr 27 14:00:00 2013
- For 13+ add etags subpackage, provide ctags via update-alternatives
Mon Apr 22 14:00:00 2013
- For 12.3+ buildrequire makeinfo instead of texinfo
Wed Mar 13 13:00:00 2013
- fix build with giflib5 by skipping configure test and adding
Wed Feb 20 13:00:00 2013
- Add missing backslashes spotted by Troy Sankey
Sat Jan 12 13:00:00 2013
- Don\'t strip binaries
- Remove unused build requirements
- Properly configure TERMINFO (bnc#797787)
Mon Dec 10 13:00:00 2012
- Remove obsolete patches
- Don\'t use obsolete mouse-sel
- Avoid calling autoconf
- Avoid warning about duplicate files
Thu Oct 18 14:00:00 2012
- transform .tar.xz for .tar.bz2 to fix build on SLE product
Fri Oct 5 14:00:00 2012
- Add workaround into emacs starter script for gtk/gstreamer bug
which overrides the locale
Tue Sep 18 14:00:00 2012
- Update to to emacs version 24.2
* This is mainly a bug-fix release
- Last patch already included
Mon Sep 10 14:00:00 2012
- Add emacs-24.1-gets.patch to check whether gets is declared
before warning about it (needed by glibc 2.16).
Thu Jul 26 14:00:00 2012
- Avoid missing fonts due minimal installation
Fri Jul 20 14:00:00 2012
- xorg-x11-libs is not in default installation anymore, use libX11-6
to be enhanced by emacs-x11
Tue Jul 3 14:00:00 2012
- Don\'t be fooled by not initialized time stamps of unused XEvent
structures which happens with old GTK-2.0
Fri Jun 29 14:00:00 2012
- make it build even for older distries
Thu Jun 28 14:00:00 2012
- Avoid conflict with gnuctags
Thu Jun 28 14:00:00 2012
- Update to to emacs version 24.1
* Support for Gtk+3.0, GnuTLS, ImageMagick, libxml2, and SELinux
* Support for wide integer (62 bits) in lisp even on 32-bit machines.
* The --unibyte, --multibyte, --no-multibyte, and --no-unibyte command
line arguments, and the EMACS_UNIBYTE environment variable, no longer
have any effect.
* And many more changes see /usr/share/emacs/24.1/etc/NEWS
- Remove obsolete patches
- Refresh some others patches
Thu May 24 14:00:00 2012
- Avoid endless loop due multiplying zero with two as this results
also in zero (bnc#763851) ... found in xgselect.c for increasing
the allocated memory used for g_main_context_query().
Fri Apr 27 14:00:00 2012
- Add version number to provide/obsolete.
Fri Apr 27 14:00:00 2012
- provide/obsolete nxml-mode; now part of emacs.
Wed Apr 4 14:00:00 2012
- Remove obsolete Obsoletes and Provides tags
Wed Apr 4 14:00:00 2012
- Correct License tag that is that emacs is now GPLv3 or later (bnc#755524)
Wed Mar 14 13:00:00 2012
- add %dir /usr/share/X11/app-defaults to fix factory build.
Tue Jan 10 13:00:00 2012
- Port fix for CVE-2012-0035 to CEDET used for emacs 23.3 (bnc#740447)
- Yet an other change of the tar ball to avoid intrinsic emacs GPL
Tue Jan 3 13:00:00 2012
- rebuild for ppc64 and ia64 (bnc#726769)
Tue Dec 20 13:00:00 2011
- add autoconf as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency
Tue Dec 20 13:00:00 2011
- remove call to suse_update_config (very old work around)
Mon Nov 28 13:00:00 2011
- Resolve build conflicts
Thu Nov 24 13:00:00 2011
- Avoid SLES10 systems using kernel 2.6.16
Tue Nov 22 13:00:00 2011
- Add patch to use libtinfo if available
Sun Oct 2 14:00:00 2011
- switch back to standard gcc, as bootstrapping gcc 4.3 on
arm is essentially impossible, and 4.3 is not needed anymore
Sun Sep 18 14:00:00 2011
- Remove redundant/obsolete tags/sections from specfile
(cf. packaging guidelines)
Thu Aug 11 14:00:00 2011
- Change tar ball to avoid intrinsic emacs GPL violoation (bnc#710247)
Mon Jul 11 14:00:00 2011
- Update to to emacs version 23.3
* The last-resort backup file `%backup%~\' is now written to
`user-emacs-directory\', instead of the user\'s home directory.
* If Emacs creates `user-emacs-directory\', that directory\'s
permissions are now set to rwx------, ignoring the umask.
* The appt-add command takes an optional argument, the warning time.
This can be used in place of the default appt-message-warning-time.
* You can allow inferior Python processes to load modules from the
current directory by setting `python-remove-cwd-from-path\' to nil.
* The default value of `rmail-enable-mime\' is now t. Rmail decodes
MIME contents automatically. You can customize the variable
`rmail-enable-mime\' back to `nil\' to disable this automatic MIME
* The command `rmail-mime\' change the displaying of a MIME message
between decoded presentation form and raw data if `rmail-enable-mime\'
is non-nil. And, with prefix argument, it change only the displaying
of the MIME entity at point.
* The new command `rmail-mime-next-item\' (bound to TAB) moves point
to the next item of MIME message.
* The new command `rmail-mime-previous-item\' (bound to backtab) moves
point to the previous item of MIME message.
* The new command `rmail-mime-toggle-hidden\' (RET) hide or show the
body of the MIME entity at point.
* New VC command `vc-log-incoming\', bound to `C-x v I\'.
This shows a log of changes to be received with a pull operation.
For Git, this runs \"git fetch\" to make the necessary data available
locally; this requires version 1.7 or newer.
* New VC command `vc-log-outgoing\', bound to `C-x v O\'.
This shows a log of changes to be sent in the next commit.
* New VC command vc-find-conflicted-file.
* The \'g\' key in VC diff, log, log-incoming and log-outgoing buffers
reruns the corresponding VC command to compute an up to date version
of the buffer.
* vc-dir for Bzr supports viewing shelve contents and shelving snapshots.
* Special markup can be added to log-edit buffers.
You can add headers specifying additional information to be supplied
to the version control system.
Bazaar recognizes the headers \"Author\", \"Date\" and \"Fixes\".
Git, Mercurial, and Monotone recognize \"Author\" and \"Date\".
Any unknown header is left as is in the message, so it is not lost.
* lmenu.el and cl-compat.el are now obsolete.
* smie.el is a generic navigation and indentation engine.
It takes a simple BNF description of the grammar, and provides both
sexp-style navigation (jumping over begin..end pairs) as well as
indentation, which can be adjusted via ad-hoc indentation rules.
* posn-col-row now excludes the header line from the row count
If the frame has a header line, posn-col-row will count row numbers
starting from the first line of text below the header line.
* `e\' and `pi\' are now called `float-e\' and `float-pi\'.
The old names are obsolete.
* The use of unintern without an obarray arg is now obsolete.
* The function `princ-list\' is now obsolete.
* The yank-handler argument to kill-region and friends is now obsolete.
* New function byte-to-string, like char-to-string but for bytes.
- Remove obsolete patches
- Adopt s390x patch
- Refresh some others patches
Wed Mar 23 13:00:00 2011
- Add a new patch to fix \"dual font spacing problem\"
* from
Tue Dec 21 13:00:00 2010
- Do not iset inhibit-eol-conversion, user can customize this
to see the CR/NL at the end of DOS files (bnc#656190)
Thu Nov 18 13:00:00 2010
- Support foreign emacs extensions to scanning
for emacs lisp files suggested by Holger Arnold (bnc#653798)
Tue Oct 19 14:00:00 2010
- Update to to emacs version 23.2
* The command-line option -Q (--quick) also inhibits loading X resources.
* The new variable `inhibit-x-resources\' shows whether X resources
were loaded.
* New command-line option -mm (--maximized) maximizes the initial frame.
* The default value of `trash-directory\' is now nil.
* The pointer now becomes invisible when typing.
Customize `make-pointer-invisible\' to disable this feature.
* Emacs can use the system default monospaced font in Gnome.
To enable this feature, set `font-use-system-font\' to non-nil (it is
nil by default).
* On X11, Emacs reacts to Xft changes made by configuration tools,
via the XSETTINGS mechanism. This includes antialias, hinting,
hintstyle, RGBA, DPI and lcdfilter changes.
* Killing a buffer with a running process now asks for confirmation.
* Unibyte sessions are now considered obsolete.
* Function arguments in
* buffers are now shown in upper-case.
Customize `help-downcase-arguments\' to t to show them in lower-case.
* New command `async-shell-command\', bound globally to `M-&\'.
* When running in a new enough xterm (newer than version 242), Emacs
asks xterm what the background color is and it sets up faces
accordingly for a dark background if needed
* If `select-active-regions\' is t, any active region automatically
becomes the primary selection (for interaction with other window
applications). If you enable this, you might want to bind
`mouse-yank-primary\' to Mouse-2.
* When `save-interprogram-paste-before-kill\' is non-nil, the kill
commands save the interprogram-paste selection into the kill ring
before doing anything else. This avoids losing the selection.
* When `kill-do-not-save-duplicates\' is non-nil, identical
subsequent kills are not duplicated in the `kill-ring\'.
* The new command `completion-at-point\' provides mode-sensitive completion.
* tab-always-indent set to `complete\' lets TAB do completion as well.
* The new completion-style `initials\' is available.
For instance, this can complete M-x lch to list-command-history.
* The new variable `completions-format\' determines how completions
are displayed in the
* buffer. If you set it to
`vertical\', completions are sorted vertically in columns.
* The default value of `blink-matching-paren-distance\' is increased.
* M-n provides more default values in the minibuffer for commands
that read file names. These include the file name at point (when ffap
is loaded without ffap-bindings), the file name on the current line
(in Dired buffers), and the directory names of adjacent Dired windows
(for Dired commands that operate on several directories, such as copy,
rename, or diff).
* M-r is bound to the new `move-to-window-line-top-bottom\'.
This moves point to the window center, top and bottom on successive
invocations, in the same spirit as the C-l (recenter-top-bottom)
* The new variable `recenter-positions\' determines the default
cycling order of C-l (`recenter-top-bottom\').
* The abbrevs file is now a file named abbrev_defs in
user-emacs-directory; but the old location, ~/.abbrev_defs, is used if
that file exists.
* The bookmark menu has a narrowing search via bookmark-bmenu-search.
* The Calc settings file is now a file named calc.el in
user-emacs-directory; but the old location, ~/.calc.el, is used if
that file exists.
* Graphing commands (`g f\' etc.) now work on MS-Windows, if you have
the native Windows port of Gnuplot version 3.8 or later installed.
* Fancy diary display is now the default.
If you prefer the simple display, customize `diary-display-function\'.
* The diary\'s fancy display now enables view-mode.
* The command `calendar-current-date\' accepts an optional argument
giving an offset from today.
* The default value for `desktop-buffers-not-to-save\' is nil.
This means Desktop will try restoring all buffers, when you restart
your Emacs session. Also, `desktop-buffers-not-to-save\' is only
effective for buffers that have no associated file. If you want to
exempt buffers that do correspond to files, customize the value of
`desktop-files-not-to-save\' instead.
* The new variable `dired-auto-revert-buffer\', if non-nil, causes
Dired buffers to be reverted automatically on revisiting them.
* When `doc-view-continuous\' is non-nil, scrolling a line
on the page edge advances to the next/previous page.
* Elint now uses compilation-mode.
* Elint can now scan individual files and whole directories,
and can be run in batch mode.
* Elint does a more thorough initialization, and recognizes more built-in
functions and variables. Customize `elint-scan-preloaded\' if you want
to sacrifice some accuracy for a faster startup.
* Elint attempts some basic understanding of featurep and (f)boundp tests.
* Customize `elint-ignored-warnings\' to suppress some warnings.
* Toolbar functionality for reverse debugging. Display of STL
collections as watch expressions. These features require GDB 7.0 or later.
* A new command `zrgrep\' searches recursively in gzipped files.
* The new command `Info-virtual-index\' bound to \"I\" displays a menu of
matched topics found in the index.
* The new command `info-finder\' replaces finder.el with a virtual Info
manual that generates an Info file which gives the same information
through a menu structure.
* LaTeX mode now provides completion (via completion-at-point).
* Message mode is now the default mode for composing mail.
* If the user has not customized mail-user-agent, `compose-mail\'
checks for Mail mode customizations, and issues a warning if these
customizations are found. This alerts users who may otherwise be
unaware that their mail configuration has changed.
To disable this check, set compose-mail-user-agent-warnings to nil.
* The default value of mail-interactive is t, since Emacs 23.1.
(This was not announced at the time.) It means that when sending mail,
Emacs will wait for the process sending mail to return. If you
experience delays when sending mail, you may wish to set this to nil.
* nXML mode is now the default for editing XML files.
* pcomplete provides a new command `pcomplete-std-completion\' which
is similar to `pcomplete\' but using the standard completion UI code.
* M-s is no longer bound to `comint-next-matching-input\'.
* M-r is now bound to `comint-history-isearch-backward-regexp\'.
This starts an incremental search of the comint/shell input history.
* ansi-color is now enabled by default in Shell mode.
To disable it, set ansi-color-for-comint-mode to nil.
* New connection methods \"rsyncc\", \"imap\" and \"imaps\".
On systems which support GVFS-Fuse, Tramp offers also the new
connection methods \"dav\", \"davs\", \"obex\" and \"synce\".
* When using C-x v v or C-x v i on a unregistered file that is in a
directory not controlled by any VCS, ask the user what VC backend to
use to create a repository, create a new repository and register the
* New command `vc-root-print-log\', bound to `C-x v L\'.
This displays a `
*\' buffer showing the history of the
version-controlled directory tree as a whole.
* New command `vc-root-diff\', bound to `C-x v D\'.
* `C-x v l\' and `C-x v L\' do not show the full log by default.
* vc-annotate supports annotations through file copies and renames,
it displays the old names for the files and it can show logs/diffs for
the corresponding lines. Currently only Git and Mercurial take
advantage of this feature.
* The log command in vc-annotate can display a single log entry
instead of redisplaying the full log. The RCS, CVS and SCCS VC
backends do not support this.
* When a file is not found, VC will not try to check it out of RCS anymore.
* Diff and log operations can be used from Dired buffers.
* The short log format for git makes use of the graph display,
so it\'s not supported on git versions earlier than 1.5.6.
* vc-dir uses the --relative option of git, and so requires at least
git version 1.5.5.
* Support for operating with stashes has been added to vc-dir:
the stash list is displayed in the
* header, stashes can be
created, removed, applied and their content displayed.
* vc-bzr supports operating with shelves: the shelve list is
displayed in the
* header, shelves can be created, removed and applied.
* log-edit-strip-single-file-name controls whether or not single filenames
are stripped when copying text from the ChangeLog to the
* buffer.
* Interactively `multi-isearch-buffers\' and `multi-isearch-buffers-regexp\'
read buffer names to search, one by one, ended with RET. With a prefix
argument, they ask for a regexp, and search in buffers whose names match
the specified regexp. Interactively `multi-isearch-files\' and
`multi-isearch-files-regexp\' read file names to search, one by one,
ended with RET. With a prefix argument, they ask for a wildcard, and
search in file buffers whose file names match the specified wildcard.
* The new eshell built-in commands `su\' and `sudo\' support Tramp.
Thus, they change `default-directory\' to reflect the new user id, and
let commands run under that user\'s permissions. This works even when
`default-directory\' is already remote. Calling the external commands
is possible via `
*su\' or `
*sudo\', respectively.
* Obsolete packages
* sym-comp.el is now obsolete, superseded by completion-at-point.
* lucid.el and levents.el are now obsolete.
* CEDET (the Collection of Emacs Development Tools) is now in Emacs.
This is a collection of packages to aid with using Emacs as an IDE
(integrated development environment):
* The Semantic package allows the use of parsers to intelligently
edit and navigate source code. Parsers for C/C++, Java, Javascript,
and several other languages are included by default, and Semantic can
also interface with external tools such as GNU Global and GNU Idutils.
* EDE (Emacs Development Environment) is a package for managing code
projects, including features such as automatic Makefile generation.
* SRecode is a library for recoding Semantic tags back into source
code. It is currently used by some parts of Semantic and EDE; in the
future, it may be used for code generation features.
* The EIEIO library implements a subset of the Common Lisp Object
System (CLOS). It is used by the other CEDET packages.
* mpc.el is a front end for the Music Player Daemon. Run it with M-x mpc.
* htmlfontify.el turns a fontified Emacs buffer into an HTML page.
* js.el is a new major mode for JavaScript files.
* imap-hash.el is a new library to address IMAP mailboxes as hashtables.
* read-file-name-predicate is obsolete.
* `delete-directory\' has an optional parameter RECURSIVE.
* New function `copy-directory\', which copies a directory recursively.
* called-interactively-p now takes one argument and replaces interactive-p
which is now marked obsolete.
* New function set-advertised-calling-convention makes it possible
to obsolete arguments as well as make some arguments mandatory.
* You can control which binding is preferentially shown in menus and
docstrings by adding a `:advertised-binding\' property to the corresponding
command\'s symbol. That property can hold a single binding or a list
of bindings.
* start-process-shell-command and start-file-process-shell-command
now only take a single `command\' argument.
* The new variable `process-file-side-effects\' should be set to nil
if a `process-file\' call does not change a remote file. This allows
file name handlers such as Tramp to optimizations.
* make-network-process can now also create `seqpacket\' Unix sockets.
* eval-next-after-load is obsolete.
* New hook `after-load-functions\' run after loading an Elisp file.
* Changing the file-names generated by byte-compilation by redefining
the function `byte-compile-dest-file\' before loading bytecomp.el is obsolete.
Instead, customize byte-compile-dest-file-function.
* `byte-compile-warnings\' has new members, `constants\' and `suspicious\'.
* New macro with-silent-modifications to tweak text properties without
affecting the buffer\'s modification state.
* Hash tables have a new printed representation that is readable.
The feature `hashtable-print-readable\' identifies this new
* Face aliases can now be marked as obsolete, using the macro
Wed Oct 13 14:00:00 2010
- Set TeX-master to nil as default
Wed Oct 6 14:00:00 2010
- Fix reStructuredText tmp file problem (bnc#642787)
Tue Sep 7 14:00:00 2010
- BuildRequire gpm-devel
Thu Aug 12 14:00:00 2010
- Avoid trouble with spell see bug bnc#628268
Thu May 20 14:00:00 2010
- Correct macro name in spec file
Tue Apr 27 14:00:00 2010
- Avoid segfault with newer gcc 4.5.0, see Emacs bug #6031 on
Mon Apr 5 14:00:00 2010
- make emacs wrapper script a little more smart
check if default toolkit is installed, else use fallbacks
Sun Apr 4 14:00:00 2010
- replace png_check_sig with !png_sig_cmp for libpng14
Fri Mar 26 13:00:00 2010
- Do not remove wrapper script for bug bnc#555682 (bnc#589394)
Wed Mar 17 13:00:00 2010
- gcc45 seems not to work with emacs switch to gcc43 (bnc#587307)
Wed Feb 24 13:00:00 2010
- apply patch from cvs to fix build with gcc 4.5
Tue Feb 9 13:00:00 2010
- build -el and -info subpackages as noarch
Fri Dec 18 13:00:00 2009
- Make ./configure --target=sparcv9-suse-linux work (as a result of
rpmbuild --target=sparcv9)
Tue Dec 1 13:00:00 2009
- Fix a nasty bug were menus do not occure with GTK (bnc#558884)
Thu Nov 26 13:00:00 2009
- Add patch from upstream to fix bug bnc#556175
Thu Nov 19 13:00:00 2009
- Remove binaries from main package as theyx are provided by the
x11 sub package (bnc#555682)
Fri Aug 14 14:00:00 2009
- Make ppc, ppc64, and s390x build by forcing -Xlinker
- Make ia64 build by reducing gcc optimization
- Remove warning about undefined operations
Thu Aug 13 14:00:00 2009
- Update to to emacs version 23.1
* New font code: This uses the freetype and fontconfig libraries.
* Emacs now accepts font names supplied in the fontconfig format
* Added support for local fonts
* Added support for the Xft library for antialiasing.
* Added support for the OpenType library for complex text layout
* Added support for the m17n library for text shaping
* Use libgif before libungif
* Emacs now supports the SVG image format through librsvg2.
* Emacs now supports multi-page TIFF images
* The new configuration option --with-dbus enables DBus language
* Improved X Window System support
* Emacs starts in the background, as a daemon, when given the
- -daemon command line argument.
* emacsclient starts emacs in daemon mode
* Emacs now supports the XEmbed specification
* Emacs can now set the frame opacity
* The Emacs character set is now a superset of Unicode
* There are new coding systems/aliases; see M-x list-coding-systems
* There is a new charset implementation with many new charsets.
* There are new language environments for Chinese-GBK,
Chinese-GB18030, Khmer, Bengali, Punjabi, Gujarati, Oriya,
Telugu, Sinhala, and TaiViet.
* The minor modes unify-8859-on-encoding-mode and
unify-8859-on-decoding-mode are obsolete.
Thu Jul 9 14:00:00 2009
- avoid binutils crashing on emacs binaries in using a tool that
can really understand ELF and remove the .comment section so that
it appears stripped to strip(1)
Thu Jul 9 14:00:00 2009
- remove patched files after install
Tue Mar 31 14:00:00 2009
- Add variable for signature separator if not defined for mail
messages (bnc#483563)