Changelog for ghc-pandoc-devel- :
Thu Jun 1 14:00:00 2017
- Fix requires

Wed May 31 14:00:00 2017
- Update to version revision 4.

Mon Apr 24 14:00:00 2017
- Update to version revision 3 with cabal2obs.

Wed Mar 22 13:00:00 2017
- Update to version revision 2 with cabal2obs.

Thu Mar 2 13:00:00 2017
- Update to version revision 1 with cabal2obs.

Sun Feb 12 13:00:00 2017
- Update to version with cabal2obs.

Fri Dec 9 13:00:00 2016
- Drop obsolete suggestion of \"texlive-latex-bin-bin\". This package
is now a dependency of the pandoc-pdf sub-package.

Wed Sep 14 14:00:00 2016
- add constraints to fix build on aarch64

Sun Jul 10 14:00:00 2016
- Update to version 1.17.1 revision 1 with cabal2obs.

Sun Jun 5 14:00:00 2016
- update to 1.17.1

* New output format: `docbook5`

* `Text.Pandoc.Options`: Add `writerDocBook5` to `WriterOptions`

* Org writer:
+ Add :PROPERTIES: drawer support
This allows header attributes to be added to org documents in the form
of `:PROPERTIES:` drawers. All available attributes are stored as
key/value pairs. This reflects the way the org reader handles
`:PROPERTIES:` blocks.
+ Add drawer capability. For the implementation of the
Drawer element in the Org Writer, we make use of a generic Block
container with attributes. The presence of a `drawer` class defines
that the `Div` constructor is a drawer. The first class defines the
drawer name to use. The key-value list in the attributes defines
the keys to add inside the Drawer. Lastly, the list of Block elements
contains miscellaneous blocks elements to add inside of the Drawer.
+ Use `CUSTOM_ID` in properties. The `ID` property is
reserved for internal use by Org-mode and should not be used.
The `CUSTOM_ID` property is to be used instead, it is converted to the
`ID` property for certain export format.

* LaTeX writer:
+ Ignore `--incremental` unless output format is beamer.
+ Fix polyglossia to babel env mapping.
Allow for optional argument in square brackets.
+ Recognize `la-x-classic` as Classical Latin.
This allows one to access the hyphenation patterns in CTAN\'s
+ Add missing languages from hyph-utf8.
+ Improve use of `\\strut` with `\\minipage` inside tables
. This improves spacing in multiline
+ Use `{}` around options containing special chars.
+ Avoid lazy `foldl`.
+ Don\'t escape underscore in labels. Previously they were
escaped as `ux5f`.
+ brazilian -> brazil for polyglossia.

* HTML writer: Ensure mathjax link is added when math appears in footnote
. Previously if a document only had math in a footnote, the
MathJax link would not be added.

* EPUB writer: set `navpage` variable on nav page.
This allows templates to treat it differently.

* DocBook writer:
+ Use docbook5 if `writerDocbook5` is set.
+ Properly handle `ulink`/`link`.

* EPUB reader:
+ Unescape URIs in spine.
+ EPUB reader: normalise link id.

* Docx Reader:
+ Parse `moveTo` and `moveFrom`.
`moveTo` and `moveFrom` are track-changes tags that are used when a
block of text is moved in the document. We now recognize these tags and
treat them the same as `insert` and `delete`, respectively. So,
`--track-changes=accept` will show the moved version, while
`--track-changes=reject` will show the original version.
+ Tests for track-changes moving.

* ODT, EPUB, Docx readers: throw `PandocError` on unzip failure
Previously, `readDocx`, `readEPUB`, and `readOdt`
would error out if zip-archive failed. We change the archive extraction
step from `toArchive` to `toArchiveOrFail`, which returns an Either value.

* Markdown, HTML readers: be more forgiving about unescaped `&` in
HTML (#2410). We are now more forgiving about parsing invalid HTML with
unescaped `&` as raw HTML. (Previously any unescaped `&`
would cause pandoc not to recognize the string as raw HTML.)

* Markdown reader:
+ Fix pandoc title blocks with lines ending in 2 spaces.
+ Added `-s` to markdown-reader-more test.

* HTML reader: fixed bug in `pClose`. This caused exponential parsing
behavior in documnets with unclosed tags in `dl`, `dd`, `dt`.

* MediaWiki reader: Allow spaces before `!` in MediaWiki table header

* RST reader: Support `:class:` option for code block in RST reader

* Org reader:
+ Stop padding short table rows.
Emacs Org-mode doesn\'t add any padding to table rows. The first
row (header or first body row) is used to determine the column count,
no other magic is performed.
+ Refactor rows-to-table conversion. This refactors
the codes conversing a list table lines to an org table ADT.
The old code was simplified and is now slightly less ugly.
+ Fix handling of empty table cells, rows.
This fixes Org mode parsing of some corner cases regarding empty cells
and rows. Empty cells weren\'t parsed correctly, e.g. `|||` should be
two empty cells, but would be parsed as a single cell containing a pipe
character. Empty rows where parsed as alignment rows and dropped from
the output.
+ Fix spacing after LaTeX-style symbols.
The org-reader was droping space after unescaped LaTeX-style symbol
commands: `\\ForAll \\Auml` resulted in `∀Ä` but should give `∀ Ä`
instead. This seems to be because the LaTeX-reader treats the
command-terminating space as part of the command. Dropping the trailing
space from the symbol-command fixes this issue.
+ Print empty table rows. Empty table rows should not
be dropped from the output, so row-height is always set to be at least 1.
+ Move parser state into separate module.
The org reader code has become large and confusing. Extracting smaller
parts into submodules should help to clean things up.
+ Add support for sub/superscript export options.
Org-mode allows to specify export settings via `#+OPTIONS` lines.
Disabling simple sub- and superscripts is one of these export options,
this options is now supported.
+ Support special strings export option Parsing of special strings
(like `...` as ellipsis or `--` as en dash) can be toggled using the `-`
+ Support emphasized text export option. Parsing of emphasized text can
be toggled using the `
*` option. This influences parsing of text marked
as emphasized, strong, strikeout, and underline. Parsing of inline math,
code, and verbatim text is not affected by this option.
+ Support smart quotes export option. Reading of smart quotes can be
toggled using the `\'` option.
+ Parse but ignore export options. All known export options are parsed
but ignored.
+ Refactor block attribute handling. A parser state attribute was used
to keep track of block attributes defined in meta-lines. Global state
is undesirable, so block attributes are no longer saved as part of the
parser state. Old functions and the respective part of the parser state
are removed.
+ Use custom `anyLine`. Additional state changes need to be made after
a newline is parsed, otherwise markup may not be recognized correctly.
This fixes a bug where markup after certain block-types would not be
+ Add support for `ATTR_HTML` attributes.
Arbitrary key-value pairs can be added to some block types using a
`#+ATTR_HTML` line before the block. Emacs Org-mode only includes these
when exporting to HTML, but since we cannot make this distinction here,
the attributes are always added. The functionality is now supported
for figures.
+ Add `:PROPERTIES:` drawer support.
Headers can have optional `:PROPERTIES:` drawers associated with them.
These drawers contain key/value pairs like the header\'s `id`. The
reader adds all listed pairs to the header\'s attributes; `id` and
`class` attributes are handled specially to match the way `Attr` are
defined. This also changes behavior of how drawers of unknown type
are handled. Instead of including all unknown drawers, those are not
read/exported, thereby matching current Emacs behavior.
+ Use `CUSTOM_ID` in properties. See above on Org writer changes.
+ Respect drawer export setting. The `d` export option can be used
to control which drawers are exported and which are discarded.
Basic support for this option is added here.
+ Ignore leading space in org code blocks.
Also fix up tab handling for leading whitespace in code blocks.
+ Support new syntax for export blocks. Org-mode version 9
uses a new syntax for export blocks. Instead of `#+BEGIN_`,
where `` is the format of the block\'s content, the new
format uses `#+BEGIN_export ` instead. Both types are
+ Refactor `BEGIN...END` block parsing.
+ Fix handling of whitespace in blocks, allowing content to be indented
less then the block header.
+ Support org-ref style citations. The
* package is an
org-mode extension commonly used to manage citations in org
documents. Basic support for the `cite:citeKey` and
`[[cite:citeKey][prefix text::suffix text]]` syntax is added.
+ Split code into separate modules, making for cleaner code and
better decoupling.

* Added `docbook5` template.

* `--mathjax` improvements:
+ Use new CommonHTML output for MathJax (updated default MathJax URL)
+ Change default mathjax setup to use `TeX-AMS_CHTML` configuration.
This is designed for cases where the input is always TeX and maximal
conformity with TeX is desired. It seems to be smaller and load faster
than what we used before. See #2858.
+ Load the full MathJax config to maximize loading speed.

* Require texmath Closes several texmath-related bugs
This fixes behavior of roots, e.g.
`\\sqrt[3]{x}`, and issues with sub/superscript positioning
and matrix column alignment in docx.

+ Clarified documentation of `implicit_header_references`.
+ Improved documentation of `--columns` option.

* Added appveyor setup, with artefacts.

* stack.yaml versions: Use proper flags used for texmath, pandoc-citeproc.

* LaTeX template: support for custom font families.
Needed for correct polyglossia operation with Cyrillic fonts and perhaps
can find some other usages. Example usage in YAML metadata:
- name: \\cyrillicfont
font: Liberation Serif
- name: \\cyrillicfonttt
options: Scale=MatchLowercase
font: Liberation

Tue Mar 29 14:00:00 2016
- update to

* LaTeX writer: Fixed position of label in figures. Previously the label wasn\'t
in the right place, and `\\ref` wouldn\'t work properly.

* Added .tei test files to pandoc.cabal so they\'ll be included in tarball.

Fri Mar 25 13:00:00 2016
- update to

* Fixed serious regression in `htmlInBalanced`, which caused
newlines to be omitted in some raw HTML blocks in Markdown

* File scope is no longer used when there are no input files (i.e.,
when input comes from stdin). Previously file scope was triggered
when the `json` reader was specified and input came from `stdin`,
and this caused no output to be produced.

* Improved documentation of templates

* Added `--file-scope` option (Jesse Rosenthal).
By default pandoc operates on multiple files by first concatenating
them (around extra line breaks) and then processing the joined file. So
it only parses a multi-file document at the document scope. This has the
benefit that footnotes and links can be in different files, but for
some purposes it is useful to parse the individual files first
and then combine their outputs (e.g. when the files use footnotes
or links with the same labels). The `--file-scope` option causes
pandoc to parse the files first, and then combine the parsed output,
instead of combining before parsing. `--file-scope` is selected
automatically for binary input files (which cannot be concatenated)
and for pandoc json.

* Add TEI Writer (Chris Forster) and `tei` output format.

* Added a general `ByteStringReader` with warnings, used by the docx
reader (API change, Jesse Rosenthal).

* Add `readDocxWithWarnings` (API change, Jesse Rosenthal).

* Changed type of `Shared.uniqueIdent`\'s argument from `[String]`
to `Set String.` This avoids performance problems in documents with
many identically named headers (API change, #2671).

* Removed `tex_math_single_backslash` from `markdown_github` options

* Make language extensions as well as full language names
trigger syntax highlighting. For example, `py` will now work as
well as `python` (jgm/highlighting-kate#83).

* Added `institute` variable to latex, beamer templates (Fraser
Tweedale, Josef Svenningsson).

* Docx reader (Jesse Rosenthal):
+ Handle alternate content. Some word functions (especially graphics)
give various choices for content so there can be backwards compatibility.
+ Don\'t turn numbered headers into lists.
+ Docx Reader: Add state to the parser, for warnings
+ Update feature checklist in source code.
+ Get rid of `Modifiable` typeclass.
+ Add tests for adjacent hyperlinks.
+ Add a \"Link\" modifier to `Reducible`. We want to make sure that
links have their spaces removed, and are appropriately smushed
together (#2689).

* HTML reader:
+ Fixed behavior of base tag (#2777).
If the base path does not end with slash, the last component
will be replaced. E.g. base = ``
combines with `bar.html` to give ``.
If the href begins with a slash, the whole path of the base
is replaced. E.g. base = `` combines
with `/bar.html` to give ``.
+ Rewrote `htmlInBalanced`. This version avoids an exponential
performance problem with `