Changelog for heartbeat-common-2.99.3-24.1.i586.rpm :
Wed Jun 2 14:00:00 2010
- create /var/run/heartbeat and /var/run/heartbeat/ccm in
init-script and only keep them as ghost in the specfile
to fix build
- package /var/run/heartbeat/ccm the same way in heartbeat
and heartbeat-common while we are at it

Mon Jul 13 14:00:00 2009
- fix build with automake 1.11

Fri Jun 19 14:00:00 2009
- disable as-needed for this package as it fails to build with it

Fri Mar 6 13:00:00 2009
- HBcomm.h and HBauth.h need to be in the common devel package

Thu Mar 5 13:00:00 2009
- ignore return value from subshells to fix build

Wed Feb 25 13:00:00 2009
- Remove the dependancy on libdlm, it doesnt belong here
Move to Pacemaker as a Recommends:

Mon Feb 23 13:00:00 2009
- RA: IPv6addr: failed on /64 prefixes
- RA: scsi2reservation: fix wrong logic in check for scsi_reserve
- lrmd: add more logging in case client disappeared (bnc#475218)
- lrmd: make sure that the client gets the message on async failure
request (bnc#475218)
- Tools: hb_report: fix quoting in find binary for core
- Tools: hb_report: improve getting the name of the program which caused
a coredump
- ocf-tester: monitor a stopped resource must always return 7, not 1.

Tue Feb 3 13:00:00 2009
- hb_report: minor cleanups.
- RA: VirtualDomain: exit with proper code if there is a problem with
the configuration file (LF#1982).
- Remove a glib2/PILS compile-time warning (LF#2039).

Mon Jan 26 13:00:00 2009
- hb_report: try root user first with ssh, and better ssh logging
- hb_report: prefer unified diff format.
- stonith: external/sbd: Monitor reachability of other nodes.

Wed Jan 21 13:00:00 2009
- RA: IPv6addr: Fix crash on x86_64 (LF#2034).
- logging: Default to syslog format (bnc#465752).
- hb_report: More robust log gathering (bnc#465752).

Mon Jan 12 13:00:00 2009
- hb_report: many fixes and enhancements for better generation of
support and log tar balls.
- hb_report: openAIS interoperability enhancements.
- RA: VirtualDomain: manage virtual guests using libvirt/virtsh.
- RA: MailTo: Set MAILCMD earlier.
- RA: mysql: check if binary exists and if the pid dir is writable.
- RA: mysql: work around wrong shell setting for db user.
- RA: drbd: restore master preference on probe.
- RA: drbd: replace single with double quotes to allow expansion
- RA: Filesystem: on stop, check if the filesystem has been really
unmounted (LF#2025).
- RA: Filesystem: support bind mounts properly (LF#1952).
- RA: apache: better help text.
- RA: fix send_arp for non-libnet systems.
- ha_logd: split off into its own init script so that it works with

Wed Dec 3 13:00:00 2008
- Add heartbeat-resources dependency to heartbeat-common, and libdlm
dependency to heartbeat-resources, to ensure that the installed system
is ready for use (bnc#449998).
- hb_report: rearrange the log search procedure.
- hb_report: fix openais HA_LOGLEVEL setting.
- RA: VirtualDomain: new OCF RA (manage virtual domains using
- RA: MailTo: check if MAILCMD is set early.

Fri Nov 21 13:00:00 2008
- hb_report: many fixes and improvements.
- stonith: kdumpcheck: improve parsing for kdump_check_user.
- RA: Squid: support the Squid proxy server as a service.
- RA: drbd: Minor bugs and bash issues fixed.
- CCM: Avoid passing NULL to glib functions using GHashTable.
- Build fixes (LF#1977, LF#1976, LF#1980).
- CTS: Move heartbeat-v1 resources to heartbeat-resources (bnc#446667).
- Patch heartbeat-doc-directory.diff is now redundant.

Tue Oct 28 13:00:00 2008
- hb_report: Fix syntax error which prevented logs from being gathered
at all.

Mon Oct 27 13:00:00 2008
- Merge fixes from SLE10-SP2 branch and upstream:
- stonith: external/riloe: Bugfixes for HP iLO fencing device.
- stonith: drac3: initialize curl properly (LF#1730).
- RA: LVM: stop correctly in case vol group does not exist.
- RA: apache: envfiles attribute to source extra environment.
- RA: Filesystem: Correct exit code used when trying to cluster-mount a
non-clustered fs.
- RA: Filesystem: OCFS2 compatibility handling for SLE10 SP2.
- RA: sfex: Exclusive access to disks.
- IPaddr2: support IPoIB gratuitous arps.
- RA: nfsserver: Allow NFS server fail-over.
- RA: scsi2reservation: support scsi2 reservations.
- stonith: external/drac5: new plugin (thanks to Jun Wang and Xinwei Hu)
- lrmd: drop finished repeating ops for non-existing clients
- heartbeat: close watchdog files properly.
- hb_report: allow user to specify nodes on the command line.
- hb_report: support openAIS.
- Package version number unfortunately had a trailing 0; corrected to

Tue Oct 7 14:00:00 2008
- Fixed package dependancies for bnc#432641

Mon Sep 15 14:00:00 2008
- Create libheartbeat subpackage with consistent library versions
- Update the Filesystem resource to work with new OCFS2 stack
- Update from upstream

Wed Sep 10 14:00:00 2008
- Updated to upstream 2.99.09 (dev tree: e8154a602bf4)
- Resolve many rpmlint errors and warnings
- Make Heartbeat init script LSB compliant

Mon Sep 1 14:00:00 2008
- fix init-scripts: add Required-Stop to heartbeat init script
add Required-Stop and Should-Stop to ldiretord init script

Sat Aug 30 14:00:00 2008
- Add Should-Stop: entry to heartbeat init script
- Fix spec file for older platforms

Wed Aug 20 14:00:00 2008
- Merge with upstream (dev tree: 138224137a3f)
- Sanitize spec file
- Upstream removed dead code
- Finalized on -common instead of -core for subpackage

Fri Jul 18 14:00:00 2008
- Merge with upstream (dev tree: 95b9cf7578f4)
- Stonithd has been moved into Pacemaker
- Build with --enable-libc-malloc instead of Heartbeat\'s home grown allocator

Sat Apr 12 14:00:00 2008
- Merge with upstream (dev tree: 2fd7a214a161)
- CRM now maintained as the pacemaker project
- GUI, TSA, CIM and SNMP now maintained separately also

Fri Mar 14 13:00:00 2008
- Fix libtool version check.

Wed Mar 5 13:00:00 2008
- fix build in BETA

Wed Jan 23 13:00:00 2008
- Fix open call.

Sat Jul 14 14:00:00 2007
- Create devel subpackage.
- Add ldconfig post entries.
- Add rpmlintrc file to ignore complaints about plugin .so name.
- Use fdupes to save space.

Fri Mar 30 14:00:00 2007
- Add flex, gdbm-devel, bision to BuildRequires.

Wed Nov 15 13:00:00 2006
- use the official undocumented way to ignore iptables during build

Mon Nov 13 13:00:00 2006
- remove build dependency on iptables
iptables depends on kernel-source
everything yast related depends on heartbeat, via evms
fixes also /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/heartbeat/IPaddr2
- move suse_update_config from prep to build section

Mon Oct 30 13:00:00 2006
- Merge with upstream (dev tree, 94243820b011).
- resource_stickiness attribute on groups accepted not all possible
values (188542).
- Build fixes.
- Populate GUI package.
- Add support for role-based and weak collocation.
- Fix dependency handling between clones and primitives.
- CIB: Corrupted config file prevents heartbeat restart (OSDL #1385).

Thu Oct 5 14:00:00 2006
- Merge with upstream fixes (dev tree, 24f2d2b1387f).
- Split off heartbeat-gui subpackage.

Wed Aug 16 14:00:00 2006
- buildrequire python-gtk-devel instead of python-gtk

Mon Aug 14 14:00:00 2006
- Update to 2.0.7:
- Remote Denial of Service attack (#195068, CVE-2006-3121).
- Bugfixes to the CRM, the LRM and the GUI.
- GUI failed to connect to and retrieve data from the cluster (#198747).
- Improved log messages.
- ptest can now read compressed XML directly. Do not include optional
actions and dependancies in ptest output by default.
- crm_resource will now warn and demand exact specification when trying
to modify an attribute while several sets are present.
- lrmd now limits itself to a maximum of 4 child processes, to avoid
overloading the node and causing too long delays.
- pengine: Processing of pending probes; should not be treated as if the
resource is running or in a known state.
- target_role now is only taken into account for managed resources.
- cib: Detect more cases where the nodes section needs to be refreshed.
- More accurately determine node status. (OSDL 1369)
- Filter out stop requests that would require a resource to be added.
(OSDL 1369)
- Send filtered resource \"stops\" as successes as to not block waiting
for filtered actions.
- By default pass the TE graph via IPC until its too large for IPC to
deal with, only then fall back to passing via the disk.
- Stopping of stonith resources can never require stonith, even if the
node its running on failed; prevent graph loop. (OSDL 1376)
- STONITH events need to inputs to start events (not stops), to avoid
graph loop in combination with \"stop before\" dependencies (ie,
- crmd: Dont stall the FSA if we try to invoke the TE after we\'ve
stopped it.
- Always unpack the correct part of a diff operation; diffs should now
apply in more cases, reducing the need for full refreshs.
- Correctly observe --disable-snmp-subagent during build.
- In some states the membership is invalid and shouldn\'t be referenced.
(OSDL 1377)
- Fix a use-before-null-check issue in lrmd. (Coverity #48)
- OCF Resource Agents outside the default path were incorrectly found to
be not executable.
- ccm: hostcache and delnodecache files should not be authoritative if
autojoin is disabled. (OSDL 1226)
- With autojoin, llm_get_nodecount() can\'t return the real max nodes
anymore, this may cause memory corruption. (OSDL 1382)
- Fix a memory corruption in membership layer, more frequently observed
with larger (>5) clusters.
- Change the default api-auth for pingd to uid=root
- Dummy RA now OCF compliant.
- Fix pingd RA metadata to be XML compliant.

Mon Jul 17 14:00:00 2006
- Update to 2.0.6 from upstream.
- Improved CLI help, plus updated man pages.
- Improve logging.
- GUI and DTD now reflect the correct default for the \"ordered\"
attribute on clones.
- GUI no longer populates previously unset attributes.
- Memory and resource leaks fixed in stonithd, lrmd, cib, crmd, pengine
and core message handling functions.
- Anonymous clones were not always renamed correctly, causing the
impression of clones not being stopped (OSDL #1334, #1340).
- Improve conversion tool from haresources to CIB.
- Added Resource Agents for Oracle, Oracle Listener and Postgres.
- Filesystem stop code now handles nested mounts better.
- STONITH/fencing constraints need to be calculated for each group
member, not the group as a whole.
- All resource operations are now correctly subject to the default
- GUI and crm_standby now can be used interchangeably.
- When the Transition Graph grows too large for local IPC, pass it via a
file instead of failing.
- Increase maximum IPC size for on-the-wire communication, so larger
clusters can be handled.
- Group colocation fixes when one group cant run anywhere (OSDL #1356).
- Resource ids are case-sensitive (OSDL #1350).
- Relax the DTD so common, but harmless ordering issues do not cause
- Populate nodes section correctly when the admin replaces it (OSDL
- Clones will not be moved to higher weighted nodes (OSDL #1360).
- CIB (broadcast) diffs are more robust now, and a retransmit of the
full CIB is needed in less cases.
- Pending probes were handled as if the resource was known to be
- Detect node status correctly and filter out stop requests that cannot
be run (OSDL #1369).
- Stopping of stonith resources can never require stonith, even if the
node its running on failed (OSDL #1376).
- Local Denial of Service attack (#194444, CVE-2006-3815).