Changelog for zabbix-phpfrontend-2.0.9-1.6.i586.rpm :
Tue Dec 3 13:00:00 2013
- security update covering CVE-2013-6824

Wed Oct 9 14:00:00 2013
- updated to latest upstream version 2.0.9
- Improvements

* Performance of graph rendering was much improved by faster
working SQL statements, significantly (up to 100-1000x)
improving the loading times with all databases.

* updated translations

* upgraded the bundled DejaVu font from 2.33 to 2.34
- Bugfixes

* [ZBX-7036] fixed \"Discovery status\" widget being displayed on
top of a customized dashboard when enabling a discovery rule

* [ZBX-3878] fixed not being able to move dashboard widget the second time

* [ZBX-2616] upgraded the bundled DejaVu font from 2.33 to 2.34

* [ZBX-1357] updated Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese (China),
Italian, Lithuanian, Romanian and Slovak translations; thanks to Zabbix translators

* [ZBX-7091] fixed SQL injection vulnerabilities in page filtering; thanks
to Bernhard Schildendorfer from SEC Consult for the report

* [ZBX-7091] fixed SQL inection vulnerabilities dashboard favourite
managing; thanks to Lincoln, a member of Corelan Team, for the report

* [ZBX-3878] fixed memory leaks in slide shows

* [ZBX-6950] fixed termination character sequence for
smtp connection termination

* [ZBX-6952] fixed XSS vulnerability in user themes,
thanks to Lincoln and Bernhard Schildendorfer for reporting

* [ZBX-6992] fixed PostreSQL query errors due to missing \"AS\"
keyword for aggregate functions in Monitoring > IT Services

* [ZBX-6804] much faster graphs; optimized min item clock
calculation for graph; thanks to Volker Fröhlich

* [ZBX-6902] reverting Solaris system.swap.size calculation
from \"swap -s\" (used in 2.0.7, 2.0.8) to \"swap -l\"-like algorithm (as in 2.0.6)

* [ZBX-6936] fixed MySQL errors when updating configuration of the proxy

* [ZBX-6929] fixed updating of lastlogsize and mtime in the proxy\'s database

* [ZBX-6923] fixed mass delete in template list, \'Delete selected\' and
\'Delete selected with linked elements\' functions

* [ZBX-6922] fixed host interface importing

* [ZBX-6249] fixed data loss in proxy \"Data sender\" process caused by
unfinished transactions; thanks to MATSUDA Daiki for patch

* [ZBXNEXT-1056] improved active checks error messages
- More information at

Fri Oct 4 14:00:00 2013
- security patch covering CVE-2013-5743 applied

Fri Aug 23 14:00:00 2013
- updated to latest upstream version 2.0.8
- Improvements

* [ZBXNEXT-1405] added IP to the warning about ignored messages because of their size

* [ZBX-1357] updated Dutch translation; thanks to Zabbix translators
- Bugfixes

* [ZBX-6889] fixed processing of availability data by the server

* [ZBXNEXT-1405] added IP to the warning about ignored messages because of their size

* [ZBX-1357] updated Dutch translation; thanks to Zabbix translators

* [ZBX-6746] fixed template linking to proxy if the agent with the same name is auto-registered

* [ZBX-6840] fixed undefined indexes for triggers in Monitoring > Maps and Dashboard

* [ZBX-6672] fixed windows agent performance counters being capped to 100

* [ZBX-6831] fixed webtest item conversion in 1.8->2.0 database upgrade patch for mysql

* [ZBX-6527] fixed proc.mem calculations with getprocs() for AIX

* [ZBX-5924] fixed curl verify host option setting in ez texting

* [ZBX-6798] improved error messages from UnixODBC library for Database Monitor items

* [ZBX-6797] added configurable ODBC login timeout

Fri Aug 2 14:00:00 2013
- updated to latest upstream version 2.0.7
- Performance improvements:
Performance of Oracle back-end was significantly improved.
Also improved performance of updating configuration cache
and various places in the WEB interface.
- Updated translations
- Improvements:
[ZBX-6708] reduced configuration locking when calculating
item queue
[ZBX-6683] removed string pool semaphore; increased configuration
cache update performance
[ZBX-6603] improved CTrigger lastEvents parameter performance
[ZBX-6603] improved performance for dbConditionInt() function
[ZBX-6407] improved data retrieval performance for CTrigger get()
with post SQL filtering
[ZBX-6493] improved performance when working with Oracle
by changing memory based prefetch to rows based
[ZBX-1357] updated Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese (China), Latvian,
Polish, Slovak, Spanish and Turkish translations;
thanks to Zabbix translators

* Bug fixes and more info at

Mon Apr 22 14:00:00 2013
- updated to latest upstream 2.0.6
- Performance of low level discovery was significantly improved
especially in case of large number of discovered devices.
Also improved performance of \"System status\" and
\"Last issues\" in the Dashboard.
- Updated translations

* Bug fixes and more info at

Thu Apr 18 14:00:00 2013
- memory leak from setproctitle patch fixed
users should upgrade as soon as possible

Tue Feb 26 13:00:00 2013
- update to latest upstream 2.0.5:
- Increased available range for configuration parameters
- Improved performance of SNMP dynamic index
- Improved performance with Oracle backend
- Updated translations

* Bug fixes and more info at

Mon Dec 10 13:00:00 2012
- update to upstream 2.0.4:
- translations
- added support of {HOST.HOST}, {HOST.NAME}, {HOST.IP}, {HOST.DNS} and
{HOST.CONN} macros in \"params\" field for SSH, Telnet and DB monitor item
- bug fixes for more information please look at

Sun Dec 2 13:00:00 2012
- added patch fixing nonvoid-returns

Mon Nov 26 13:00:00 2012
- added local patch to set proc command name
it is limited functionality (16 chars max)

Thu Oct 4 14:00:00 2012
- update to upstream 2.0.3:
- Flicker free screens - ajax based reload of elements
- Updated translations
- fix jmx startup script

* list of fixed bugs at

Tue Jul 31 14:00:00 2012
- update to upstream 2.0.2:
- Updated translations
- bugfixes for list of issues
- added java jmx packaging


Fri Jun 29 14:00:00 2012
- update to upstream 2.0.1:
- fixed broken IT Services
- Added server availability check
- Increased max number of monitored volumes

* bugfixes

Tue Jun 26 14:00:00 2012
- Update to 2.0.0:
- Added direct SNMP trap monitoring
- Support of automatic selection of map icons
- Host profiles renamed to inventory
- Performance improvements
- New set of default templates
- Automatic collection of host profile data
- Enhanced auto-discovery
- WEB monitoring by proxies
- Support of visible host and template name
- And many more, please read release notes at
- Removed unnecessary patch zabbix-1.8.7-as-needed.patch.

Sun May 20 14:00:00 2012
- updated to latest usptream 1.8.13
- Multiple server support in active agent
- Frontend improvements
- Daemon improvements
- New agent check

* bugfixes

* bugfixes

Tue Mar 27 14:00:00 2012
- updated to latest usptream 1.8.11
- Improved SNMP related error messages
- Global script error messages now suggest possible causes of the problem.
- Updated translations
- Daemon improvements

* Mostly bugfix release please

Thu Jan 5 13:00:00 2012
- updated to latest upstream 1.8.10
- implemented the screen item API
- made dashboard and slideshow popup menus have dynamic width
- added an error message when trying to delete an item,
that\'s being used as a min/max Y axis value for graphs
- updated translations
- fixed multiple XSS issues

* Mostly bugfix release please

Fri Nov 25 13:00:00 2011
- updated to latest upstream 1.8.9

* Support for PostgreSQL 9.1 was added

* Translations added (Brazilian Portuguese)

* PostgreSQL support changed from 7.0.2 and later to 7.4 and later.

* [Server] Improved log messages

* [Server] Acknowledge synchronisation in distributed mode

* [Server] Waiting for database to appear upon startup

* Bugfixes and more info

Tue Nov 8 13:00:00 2011
- fixed bug with apache2 config where it would not allow access
to /zabbix/config.php because of DirectoryMatch directive

Wed Sep 28 14:00:00 2011
- Fixed long standing AS_NEEDED export
- Added manual pages for most binaries
- Added IPV6 support on supported systems
- updated to upstream 1.8.8

* Improved performance of trigger evaluation

* New option to show items without data

* Changed API search wildcard
API search wildcard was changed from \"%\" to more traditional \"

* Bugfixes and more info

Fri Sep 16 14:00:00 2011
- fixed unnecessary linking to libsqlite3 of agent and proxy binaries

Thu Sep 15 14:00:00 2011
- updated to build on openSUSE_Factory
- updated to upstream 1.8.7

* Improved time picker

* New action will contain two conditions be default:
\"Trigger value = Problem\" and \"Not in maintenance\"

* Many bugfixes see

Fri May 13 14:00:00 2011
- Updated to upstream 1.8.5

* Network maps improvements

* Monitoring of Zabbix performance

* New trigger functions

* Many bugfixes see

Wed Feb 9 13:00:00 2011
- Updated to upstream 1.8.4

* More consistent Zabbix API

* Support of DB2 as backend database

* NTLM authentication for WEB monitoring

* Enhanced user macros

* Web Frontend improvements

* Many bugfixes see for full list

Mon Aug 16 14:00:00 2010
- Fixed apache2-zabbix.conf to deny access to php classes as
.htaccess files were not really parsed (security fix)
- Fixed init scripts to chown /var/run/zabbix to user zabbix
- Updated to upstream 1.8.3

* Passive mode for Proxies

* Improved Server and Proxy performance

* More options for the Dashboard

* Better search

* Front-end improvements

* Reworked configuration section

* Support of global notifications

* Many bugfixes see for full list

Mon Jul 5 14:00:00 2010 bitshuffler
- Mark /var/run/zabbix with %ghost and create it in the init files

Sat Apr 3 14:00:00 2010 bitshuffler
- Added jabber support and cleaned the spec a bit

Thu Apr 1 14:00:00 2010
- Removed detection of suse version from Buildrequires sections

Mon Mar 29 14:00:00 2010
- Added ldap, openmpi and libssh into default server configuration
- Updated to 1.8.2

* Frontend changes

* Dashboard filtering

* Time period selector changes

* Map and screen exporting and importing

* More configurability for \"Status of triggers\" screen element

* Translation updates

* Frontend requirement changes

* Miscellaneous frontend changes

* Improved triggers

* Time-shifting in triggers

* Additional suffixes in trigger expressions

* Improved items

* New configuration parameters

* Performance improvements

* More robust escalation module

* Improved zabbix_sender

Thu Jan 28 13:00:00 2010
- Updated to 1.8.1

Fri Dec 18 13:00:00 2009
- Added default Apache config

Thu Dec 17 13:00:00 2009 bitshuffler
- Updated to 1.8

Sun Nov 15 13:00:00 2009
- Updated to 1.6.7
- removed --enable-ipv6 from spec file, because there\'s no fping6
for any SUSE distribution
- changed init scripts to only read PidFile from config instead
of sourcing the whole config, because it is not necessarily
shell syntax compatible.

Fri Oct 23 14:00:00 2009
- Fixed configuration filename for zabbix-proxy

Fri Oct 16 14:00:00 2009
- Updated to 1.6.6

Thu Oct 8 14:00:00 2009
- Fixed build on Factory

Wed Jun 17 14:00:00 2009 bitshuffler
- Updated to 1.6.5