Changelog for
baloo5-tools-5.16.0-1.12.i586.rpm :
Thu Dec 10 13:00:00 2015
- Add termgenerator.patch and queryparser.diff: fix indexing
Chinese character
Thu Nov 12 13:00:00 2015
- Added fix-cmakelists-comments.diff: change cmake 3.0 block
comments to work with cmake 2.x
Sun Nov 8 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 5.16.0 (boo#955067)
* Monitor lib: Use Kformat::spelloutDuration to localize
time string
* Use KDE_INSTALL_DBUSINTERFACEDIR to install dbus interfaces
* UnindexedFileIndexer: Handle files that have been moved when
baloo_file was not running
* Remove Transaction::renameFilePath and add
DocumentOperation for it.
* Make constructors with a single parameter explicit
* UnindexedFileIndexer: only index required parts of file
* Transaction: add method to return timeInfo struct
* Added exclude mimetypes to balooctl\'s config
* Databases: Use QByteArray::fromRawData when passing data
to a codec
* Balooctl: Move \'status\' command to its own class
* Balooctl: Show help menu if the command is not recognized
* Balooshow: Allow us to lookup files by their inode + devId
* Balooctl monitor: stop if baloo dies
* MonitorCommand: Use both the started and finished signals
* Balooctl monitor: Move to a proper command class
* Add dbus notification for when we start/finish
indexing a file
* FileIndexScheduler: Forcibly kill threads on exit
* WriteTransaction commit: Avoid fetching the positionList
unless required
* WriteTransaction: Extra asserts in replaceDocument
* For more details please see:
Mon Oct 5 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 5.15.0
* Fix limit/offset handling in SearchStore::exec
* Recreate the baloo index
* balooctl config: add options to set/view onlyBasicIndexing
* Port balooctl check to work with new architecture (kde#353011)
* FileContentIndexer: fix emitting filePath twice
* UnindexedFileIterator: mtime is quint32 not quint64
* Transaction: fix another Dbi typo
* Transaction: Fix documentMTime() and documentCTime()
using wrong Dbis.
* Transaction::checkPostingDbInTermsDb: Optimize code
* Fix dbus warnings
* Balooctl: Add checkDb command
* balooctl config: Add \"exclude filter\"
* KF5Baloo: Make sure D-Bus interfaces are generated before they
are used. (kde#353308)
* Avoid using QByteArray::fromRawData
* Remove baloo-monitor from baloo
* TagListJob: Emit error when failed to open database
* Do not ignore subterms if not found
* Cleaner code for failing Baloo::File::load() on DB open fail.
* Make balooctl use IndexerConfig instead of manipulating
baloofilerc directly
* Improve i18n for balooshow
* Make balooshow fail gracefully if database cannot be opened.
* Fail Baloo::File::load() if the Database is not open.
* IndexerConfig: add refresh() method
* inotify: Do not simulate a closedWrite event after
move without cookie
* ExtractorProcess: Remove the extra \
at the end of
the filePath
* baloo_file_extractor: call QProcess::close before
destroying the QProcess
* baloomonitorplugin/balooctl: i18nize indexer state.
* BalooCtl: Add a \'config\' option
* Make baloosearch more presentable
* Remove empty EventMonitor files
* BalooShow: Show more information when the ids do not match
* BalooShow: When called with an id check if the id is correct
* Add a FileInfo class
* Add error checking in various bits so that Baloo doesn\'t
crash when disabled. (kde#352454)
* Fix Baloo not respecting \"basic indexing only\" config option
* Monitor: Fetch remaining time on startup
* Use actual method calls in MainAdaptor instead
of QMetaObject::invokeMethod
* Add org.kde.baloo interface to root object for
backward compatibility
* Fix date string displayed in address bar due to
porting to QDate
* Add delay after each file instead of each batch
* Remove Qt::Widgets dependency from baloo_file
* Remove unused code from baloo_file_extractor
* Add baloo monitor or experimental qml plugin
* Make \"querying for remaining time\" thread safe
* kioslaves: Add missing override for virtual functions
* Extractor: Set the applicationData after constructing the app
* Query: Implement support for \'offset\'
* Balooctl: Add --version and --help (kde#351645)
* Remove KAuth support to increase max inotify watches if
count too low (kde#351602)
* For more details please see:
- Drop upstreamed patches:
Mon Sep 28 14:00:00 2015
- Added patches from upstream to resolve various issues when user
has file indexing disabled:
Wed Sep 9 14:00:00 2015
- Added installed files to the %files section to fix build
Tue Sep 8 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 5.14.0
* Add org.kde.baloo interface to root object
for backward compatibility
* Install a fake org.kde.baloo.file.indexer.xml to
fix compilation of plasma-desktop 5.4
* Re-organize D-Bus interfaces
* Use json metadata in kded plugin and fix plugin name
* Create one Database instance per process (kde#350247)
* Prevent baloo_file_extractor being killed while committing
* Generate xml interface file using qt5_generate_dbus_interface
* Baloo monitor fixes
* Move file url export to main thread
* Make sure cascaded configs are taken into account
* Do not install namelink for private library
* Install translations, spotted by Hrvoje Senjan.
* For more details please see:
- Drop 0001-install-translations.patch, merged upstream
- Drop krunner-devel BuildRequires, no longer needed
Tue Aug 4 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 5.13.0
* The Qt version requirement has been bumped from 5.2 to 5.3
* Debug output has been ported to categorized output, for less
noise by default
* Docbook documentation has been reviewed and updated
* For more details please see:
- Added 0001-install-translations.patch from upstream
Sun Jul 26 14:00:00 2015
- Fix Oboletes/Provides versions regarding Leap versioning
Sun Jun 28 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 5.3.2:
* Bugfix release
* For more details please see:
Fri May 22 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 5.3.1:
* Bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Drop 0001-Revert-BasicIndexingQueue-Use-xapian-slots-to-fetch-.patch,
merged upstream
Sat May 2 14:00:00 2015
- Added 0001-Revert-BasicIndexingQueue-Use-xapian-slots-to-fetch-.patch
from upstream
Thu Apr 23 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 5.3 Final:
* For more details please see:
- Let file and tools subpackages Obsolete KDE4 variants for
openSUSE > 13.2
Sat Apr 11 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 5.2.95 aka 5.3 beta:
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Update required Qt version to 5.4.0
- Raise required extra-cmake-modules version to 1.2.0
- Added kdbusaddons-devel BuildRequires
Thu Mar 19 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 5.2.2:
* Bugfix release
* For more details please see:
Fri Feb 20 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 5.2.1:
* Bugfix release
* For more details please see:
Mon Jan 26 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 5.2 Final:
* For more details please see:
Tue Jan 13 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 5.2 Beta aka 5.1.95:
* Undo changes to Plasma desktop layout
* Smarter sorting of results in KRunner
* Breeze window decoration theme adds a new look to your
desktop and is now used by default
* New white mouse cursor theme for Breeze.
* New plasma widgets: 15 puzzle, web browser, show desktop
* Over 300 bugs fixed throughout Plasma modules.
* For more details please see:
- Added baselibs.conf
- Drop kcmutils-devel BuildRequires
- Add recommends for lang subpackage
- New libKF5Baloo1 shlib replaces libKF5BalooNaturalQueryParser1,
libKF5BalooFiles1 and libKF5BalooCore1
- Remove not needed Obsoletes
Thu Dec 11 13:00:00 2014
- Update to 5.1.2:
* Bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- (Build)Require equal version of kfilemetadata5-devel
Thu Nov 6 13:00:00 2014
- Update to 5.1.1:
* Bugfix release
* Escape dots in exclude filters, kde#339908
* BasicIQ: Fix broken indexing on file modifications when
file exists
* Fix build with Qt 5.4
* BasicIQ: Fetch the id before indexing it
* Enforce a maxiumum term size of 25
* For more details please see:
Thu Oct 9 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 5.1 Final:
* Bugfixes since RC1
* For more details please see:
Thu Sep 25 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 5.0.95:
* Minor API adjustements since previous snapshot
- Install translations
- Add rpmlintrc file for file-not-in-%lang warnings: we don\'t use
find_lang macro as it doesn\'t searches in subdirectories
Thu Sep 11 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 5.0.95~git20140911 (rb92aa3b):
* Use QPluginLoader instead of KService.
* New naturalqueryparser library
* API cleanups
* Various bugfixes
* Added QML components
- Drop kservice-devel BuildRequires, per upstream changes
- Added pkgconfig(Qt5Quick) BuildRequires
Sun Aug 10 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 5.0.1
* Bugfix release
Sun Jul 27 14:00:00 2014
- Added libQt5Sql5-sqlite Requires to file subpackage
Fri Jul 11 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 5.0.0
* Plasma 5.0 Final
Thu Jul 3 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 4.98.0
* Plasma 5 RC release
Thu Jun 5 14:00:00 2014
- Activate baloo5 package