Changelog for
Radicale-2.1.10-1.2.noarch.rpm :
Wed Aug 29 14:00:00 2018
- Radicale 2.1.10
* Update required versions for dependencies
* Get RADICALE_CONFIG from WSGI environ
* Improve HTTP status codes
* Fix race condition in storage lock creation
* Raise default limits for content length and timeout
* Log output from hook
Sun Apr 22 14:00:00 2018
- Radicale 2.1.9
* Specify versions for dependencies
* Move WSGI initialization into module
* Check if REPORT method is actually supported
* Include rights file in source distribution
* Specify md5 and bcrypt as extras
* Improve logging messages
* Windows: Fix crash when item path is a directory
Sun Sep 24 14:00:00 2017
- Radicale 2.1.8
* Flush files before fsync\'ing
- Radicale 2.1.7
* Don\'t print warning when cache format changes
* Add documentation for BaseAuth
* Add is_authenticated2(login, user, password) to BaseAuth
* Fix names of custom properties in PROPFIND requests with D:propname or D:allprop
* Return all properties in PROPFIND requests with D:propname or D:allprop
* Allow D:displayname property on all collections
* Answer with D:unauthenticated for D:current-user-principal property when not logged in
* Remove non-existing ICAL:calendar-color and C:calendar-timezone properties from PROPFIND requests with D:propname or D:allprop
* Add D:owner property to calendar and address book objects
* Remove D:getetag and D:getlastmodified properties from regular collections
Sat Sep 16 14:00:00 2017
- Radicale 2.1.6
* Fix content-type of VLIST
* Specify correct COMPONENT in content-type of VCALENDAR
* Cache COMPONENT of calendar objects (improves speed with some clients)
* Stricter parsing of filters
* Improve support for CardDAV filter
* Fix some smaller bugs in CalDAV filter
* Add X-WR-CALNAME and X-WR-CALDESC to calendars downloaded via HTTP/WebDAV
* Use X-WR-CALNAME and X-WR-CALDESC from calendars published via WebDAV
Mon Aug 28 14:00:00 2017
- Radicale 2.1.5
* Add --verify-storage command-line argument
* Allow comments in the htpasswd file
* Don\'t strip whitespaces from user names and passwords in the htpasswd file
* Remove cookies from logging output
* Allow uploads of whole collections with many components
* Show warning message if server.timeout is used with Python < 3.5.2
Mon Aug 7 14:00:00 2017
- Radicale 2.1.4
* Fix incorrect time range matching and calculation for some edge-cases with rescheduled recurrences
* Fix owner property
- Radicale 2.1.3
* Enable timeout for SSL handshakes and move them out of the main thread
* Create cache entries during upload of items
* Stop built-in server on Windows when Ctrl+C is pressed
* Prevent slow down when multiple requests hit a collection during cache warm-up
Tue Jul 25 14:00:00 2017
- Radicale 2.1.2
* Remove workarounds for bugs in VObject < 0.9.5
* Error checking of collection tags and associated components
* Improve error checking of uploaded collections and components
* Don\'t delete empty collection properties implicitly
* Improve logging of VObject serialization
Sat Jul 1 14:00:00 2017
- Radicale 2.1.1
* Add missing UIDs instead of failing
* Improve error checking of calendar and address book objects
* Fix upload of whole address books
- Radicale 2.1.0
* Built-in web interface for creating and managing address books and calendars
* can be extended with web plugins
* Much faster storage backend
* Significant reduction in memory usage
* Improved logging
* Include paths (of invalid items / requests) in log messages
* Include configuration values causing problems in log messages
* Log warning message for invalid requests by clients
* Log error message for invalid files in the storage backend
* No stack traces unless debugging is enabled
* Time range filter also regards overwritten recurrences
* Items that couldn\'t be filtered because of bugs in VObject are always
returned (and a warning message is logged)
* Basic error checking of configuration files
* File system locking isn\'t disabled implicitly anymore, instead a new
configuration option gets introduced
* The permissions of the lock file are not changed anymore
* Support for sync-token
* Support for client-side SSL certificates
* Rights plugins can decide if access to an item is granted explicitly
* Respond with 403 instead of 404 for principal collections of non-existing
users when ``owner_only`` plugin is used (information leakage)
* Authentication plugins can provide the login and password from the
* new ``remote_user`` plugin, that gets the login from the ``REMOTE_USER``
environment variable (for WSGI server)
* new ``http_x_remote_user`` plugin, that gets the login from the
``X-Remote-User`` HTTP header (for reverse proxies)
- Radicale 2.0.0
* Support Python 3.3+ only, Python 2 is not supported anymore
* Keep only one simple filesystem-based storage system
* Remove built-in Git support
* Remove built-in authentication modules
* Keep the WSGI interface, use Python HTTP server by default
* Use a real iCal parser, rely on the \"vobject\" external module
* Add a solid calendar discovery
* Respect the difference between \"files\" and \"folders\", don\'t rely on slashes
* Remove the calendar creation with GET requests
* Be stateless
* Use a file locker
* Add threading
* Get atomic writes
* Support new filters
* Support read-only permissions
* Allow External plugins for authentication, rights management, storage and
version control
Mon Jun 26 14:00:00 2017
- Radicale 1.1.4
- Use shutil.move for --export-storage
Sat May 27 14:00:00 2017
- Radicale 1.1.3
- Add a --export-storage=FOLDER command-line argument (by Unrud, see #606)
Mon May 1 14:00:00 2017
- Radicale 1.1.2
- Security fix: Add a random timer to avoid timing oracles and simple bruteforce attacks when using the htpasswd authentication method.
- Various minor fixes.
Thu Dec 15 13:00:00 2016
- downgrade requires to recommends for apache2-utils. it is not
really needed for all setups.
- add recommends for optional features:
python3-dulwich -> git support
python3-passlib + python3-bcrypt-> bcrypt support
Sun Apr 24 14:00:00 2016
- Removed _source and added actual tar ball source
- Added firewall config
- Added python3 requirement
Fri Jan 15 13:00:00 2016
- Radicale 1.1.1
- Fix the owner_write rights rule
Fri Jan 1 13:00:00 2016
- Radicale 1.1
- Improve the regex used for well-known URIs (by Unrud)
- Prevent regex injection in rights management (by Unrud)
- Prevent crafted HTTP request from calling arbitrary functions (by Unrud)
- Improve URI sanitation and conversion to filesystem path (by Unrud)
- Decouple the daemon from its parent environment (by Unrud)
- Assign new items to corret key (by Unrud)
- Avoid race condition in PID file creation (by Unrud)
- Improve the docker version (by cdpb)
- Encode message and commiter for git commits
- Test with Python 3.5
Fri Sep 18 14:00:00 2015
- Radicale 1.0
- Enhanced performances (by Mathieu Dupuy)
- Add MD5-APR1 and BCRYPT for htpasswd-based authentication (by Jan-Philip Gehrcke)
- Use PAM service (by Stephen Paul Weber)
- Don\'t discard PROPPATCH on empty collections (Markus Unterwaditzer)
- Write the path of the collection in the git message (Matthew Monaco)
- Tests launched on Travis
Wed Jan 21 13:00:00 2015
- Radicale 0.10
- Support well-known URLs (by Mathieu Dupuy)
- Fix collection discovery (by Markus Unterwaditzer)
- Reload logger config on SIGHUP (by Élie Bouttier)
- Remove props files when deleting a collection (by Vincent Untz)
- Support salted SHA1 passwords (by Marc Kleine-Budde)
- Don\'t spam the logs about non-SSL IMAP connections to localhost (by Giel van Schijndel)
Fri Oct 24 14:00:00 2014
- Radicale 0.9
- Custom handlers for auth, storage and rights (by Sergey Fursov)
- 1-file-per-event storage (by Jean-Marc Martins)
- Git support for filesystem storages (by Jean-Marc Martins)
- DB storage working with PostgreSQL, MariaDB and SQLite (by Jean-Marc Martins)
- Clean rights manager based on regular expressions (by Sweil)
- Support of contacts for Apple\'s clients
- Support colors (by Jochen Sprickerhof)
- Decode URLs in XML (by Jean-Marc Martins)
- Fix PAM authentication (by Stepan Henek)
- Use consistent etags (by 9m66p93w)
- Use consistent sorting order (by dnnr)
- Return 401 on unauthorized DELETE requests (by Eduard Braun)
- Move pid file creation in child process (by Mathieu Dupuy)
- Allow requests without base_prefix (by jheidemann)
Fri Aug 8 14:00:00 2014
- Adding missing config/log files and directories
- Adding logrotate script
- Fixing bnc#890094
Fri Aug 8 14:00:00 2014
- Addressing an issue when creating new groups and users for Radicale (bnc#890093)
Wed Sep 25 14:00:00 2013
- Radicale 0.8
- New authentication and rights management modules (by Matthias Jordan)
- Experimental database storage
- Command-line option for custom configuration file (by Mark Adams)
- Root URL not at the root of a domain (by Clint Adams, Fabrice Bellet, Vincent Untz)
- Improved support for iCal, CalDAVSync, CardDAVSync, CalDavZAP and CardDavMATE
- Empty PROPFIND requests handled (by Christoph Polcin)
- Colon allowed in passwords
- Configurable realm message
Thu Sep 27 14:00:00 2012
- branch from mrueckert version (thank you for the .spec file)
- Radicale 0.7.1
- Many address books fixes
- New IMAP ACL (by Daniel Aleksandersen)
- PAM ACL fixed (by Daniel Aleksandersen)
- Courier ACL fixed (by Benjamin Frank)
- Always set display name to collections (by Oskari Timperi)
- Various DELETE responses fixed
Thu Apr 21 14:00:00 2011
- initial package (v0.5)