Changelog for ruby2.3-rubygem-grape-doc-0_18-0.18.0-1.3.x86_64.rpm :
Sat Oct 29 14:00:00 2016
- updated to version 0.18.0
see installed
0.18.0 (10/7/2016)
[#]### Features

* [#1480]( Use the ruby-grape-danger gem for PR linting - [AATTdblock](

* [#1486]( Implemented except in values validator - [AATTjonmchan](

* [#1470]( Drop support for ruby-2.0 - [AATTnamusyaka](

* [#1490]( Switch to Ruby-2.x+ syntax - [AATTnamusyaka](

* [#1499]( Support fail_fast param validation option - [AATTdgasper](
[#]### Fixes

* [#1498]( Skip validations in inactive given blocks - [AATTjlfaber](

* [#1479]( Support inserting middleware before/after anonymous classes in the middleware stack - [AATTrosa](

* [#1488]( Ensure calling before filters when receiving OPTIONS request - [AATTnamusyaka](, [AATTjlfaber](

* [#1493]( Coercion and lambda fails params validation - [AATTjonmchan](
0.17.0 (7/29/2016)
[#]### Features

* [#1393]( Middleware can be inserted before or after default Grape middleware - [AATTridiculous](

* [#1390]( Allow inserting middleware at arbitrary points in the middleware stack - [AATTrosa](

* [#1366]( Store `message_key` on `Grape::Exceptions::Validation` - [AATTmkou](

* [#1398]( Add `rescue_from :grape_exceptions` - allow Grape to use the built-in `Grape::Exception` handing and use `rescue :all` behavior for everything else - [AATTmmclead](

* [#1443]( Extend `given` to receive a `Proc` - [AATTglaucocustodio](

* [#1455]( Add an automated PR linter - [AATTorta](

* Your contribution here.
[#]### Fixes

* [#1463]( Fix array indicies in error messages - [AATTffloyd](

* [#1465]( Fix \'before\' being called twice when using not allowed method - [AATTjsteinberg](

* [#1446]( Fix for `env` inside `before` when using not allowed method - [AATTleifg](

* [#1438]( Try to dup non-frozen default params with each use - [AATTjlfaber](

* [#1430]( Fix for `declared(params)` inside `route_param` - [AATTArkanain](

* [#1405]( Fix priority of `rescue_from` clauses applying - [AATThedgesky](

* [#1365]( Fix finding exception handler in error middleware - [AATTktimothy](

* [#1380]( Fix `allow_blank: false` for `Time` attributes with valid values causes `NoMethodError` - [AATTipkes](

* [#1384]( Fix parameter validation with an empty optional nested `Array` - [AATTipkes](

* [#1414]( Fix multiple version definitions for path versioning - [AATT304](

* [#1415]( Fix `declared(params, include_parent_namespaces: false)` - [AATT304](

* [#1421]( Avoid polluting `Grape::Middleware::Error` - [AATTnamusyaka](

* [#1422]( Concat parent declared params with current one - [AATTplukevdh](, [AATTrnubel](, [AATTnamusyaka](
0.16.2 (4/12/2016)
[#]### Features

* [#1348]( Fix global functions polluting Grape::API scope - [AATTdblock](

* [#1357]( Expose Route#options - [AATTnamusyaka](
[#]### Fixes

* [#1357]( Don\'t include fixed named captures as route params - [AATTnamusyaka](

* [#1359]( Avoid evaluating the same route twice - [AATTnamusyaka](, [AATTdblock](

* [#1361]( Return 405 correctly even if version is using as header and wrong request method - [AATTnamusyaka](, [AATTdblock](
0.16.1 (4/3/2016)
[#]### Features

* [#1276]( Replace rack-mount with new router - [AATTnamusyaka](

* [#1321]( Serve files without using FileStreamer-like object - [AATTlfidnl](

* [#1339]( Implement Grape::API.recognize_path - [AATTnamusyaka](
[#]### Fixes

* [#1325]( Params: Fix coerce_with helper with Array types - [AATTngonzalez](

* [#1326]( Fix wrong behavior for OPTIONS and HEAD requests with catch-all - [AATTekampp](, [AATTnamusyaka](

* [#1330]( Add `register` keyword for adding customized parsers and formatters - [AATTnamusyaka](

* [#1336]( Do not modify Hash argument to `error!` - [AATTtjwp](

Thu Aug 25 14:00:00 2016
- update to 0.15.0

Thu Nov 12 13:00:00 2015
- update to 0.13.0

Sat Apr 25 14:00:00 2015
- update to 0.11.0

Wed Jul 23 14:00:00 2014
- initial package