Changelog for ruby2.1-rubygem-net-http-persistent-2-2.9.4-1.1.x86_64.rpm :
Mon Oct 13 14:00:00 2014
- adapt to new rubygem packaging

Sat Feb 22 13:00:00 2014
- updated to version 2.9.4

* Bug fixes

* Improve proxy escaping from 2.9.2. Pull request #59 by Mislav Marohnić.

* Fix breakage in 2.9.2 for users without proxies. Pull request #56 by
Yoshihiro TAKAHARA (merged), #57 by ChuckLin, #58 by Kenny Meyer.

Thu Feb 6 13:00:00 2014
- updated to version 2.9.2

* Bug fixes

* Special characters in proxy passwords are now handled correctly. Issue
[#48] by Mislav Marohnić. Pull request #54 by Juha Kajava
=== 2.9.1 / 2014-01-22

* Bug fixes

* Added license to gemspec. Issue #47 by Benjamin Fleischer

* Set Net::HTTP#keep_alive_timeout when supported by ruby. Pull request #53
by Dylan Thacker-Smith.

* The backtrace is preserved for errors in #reset to help with debugging.
Issue #41 by Andrew Cholakian.

Tue Jul 30 14:00:00 2013
- updated to version 2.9

* Minor enhancement

* Added max_requests to avoid ECONNRESET for a server that allows a limited
number of requests on a connection. Pull request #42 by James Tucker.

* Request failures are now raised with the backtrace of the original
exception. This gives better insight into the reason for the failure.
See #41 by Andrew Cholakian.

* OpenSSL is no longer required. If OpenSSL is not available an exception
will be raised when attempting to access HTTPS resources. Feature request
by André Arko

* Bug fixes

* Explain the proper way of sending parameters depending upon the request
method. Issue #35 by André Arko.

* Handle Errno::ETIMEDOUT by retrying the request. Issue #36 by André Arko.

* Requests retried by ruby 2.x are no longer retried by net-http-persistent.

* Finish the connection if an otherwise unhandled exception happens during a
request. Bug #46 by Mark Oude Veldhuis.

* detect_idle_timeout now assumes a StandardError indicates the idle timeout
has been found. Bug #43 by James Tucker.

Sun Oct 28 13:00:00 2012
- updated to version 2.8

* Minor enhancements

* Added Net::HTTP::Persistent::detect_idle_timeout which can be used to
determine the idle timeout for a host.

* The read timeout may now be updated for every request. Issue #33 by
Mislav Marohnić

* Added NO_PROXY support. Pull Request #31 by Laurence Rowe.

* Added #cert and #key aliases for Net::HTTP compatibility. Pull request
[#26] by dlee.

* The artifice gem now disables SSL session reuse to prevent breakage of
testing frameworks. Pull Request #29 by Christopher Cooke.

* Disabled Net::HTTP::Persistent::SSLReuse on Ruby 2+. This feature is now
built-in to Net::HTTP.

* Bug fixes

* Socket options are set again following connection reset. Pull request #28
by cmaion.

* #shutdown now works even if no connections were made. Pull Request #24 by
James Tucker.

* Updated test RSA key size to 1024 bits. Bug #25 by Gunnar Wolf.

* The correct host:port are shown in the exception when a proxy connection
fails. Bug #30 by glebtv.

Thu Jul 26 14:00:00 2012
- update to 2.7, tons of changes - see History.txt

Wed Aug 24 14:00:00 2011
- update to version 1.8.1

Wed Jun 23 14:00:00 2010
- update to version 1.2.2

* #request only finishes a connection instead of restarting it.
This helps prevents errors on non-idempotent HTTP requests
after errors.

* #connection_for handles EHOSTDOWN like #reset

Mon Jun 14 14:00:00 2010
- initial package