Changelog for
arduino-1.6.8-5.1.x86_64.rpm :
Mon Feb 2 13:00:00 2015
- fix %files
Fri Jan 9 13:00:00 2015
- Repackage (bsc#905634)
- drop avr-gcc and avr-binutils, included via requires
- remove duplicate files (below .../shared)
- split off examples and reference doc to subpackages
Thu Nov 13 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version 1.0.6
* avr: Improved USB-CDC write speed (Justin Rajewski)
* avr: Improved USB-CDC read code (Paul Brook)
* avr: Fixed race condition in USB-CDC transmit (Paul Brook)
* avr: Added replacement stub for cstdlib atexit() function
(Christopher Andrews)
* Fixed wrong NULL pointer handling in Stream class (Amulya Kumar Sahoo)
* Backported String class from IDE 1.5.x (Matt Jenkins)
* Backported Print class from IDE 1.5.x
* Backported digitalPinToInterrupt macro from IDE 1.5.x
* Added initVariant() hook to allow 3rd party variant-specific
* Added replacement stub for cstdlib atexit() function
(Christopher Andrews)
* Added compatibility for IDE 1.5.x libraries layout
* Fix toolchain command line to compile assembler files (Jimmy Hedman)
* If two libraries have the same header file use the lib with the same
folder name (Paul Stoffregen)
* Robot_Control: removed duplicated SPI and Wire (Xun Yang)
* Robot_Control: fixed issue on motors being opposite (Xun Yang)
* Robot_Control: updated turning algorithm (Xun Yang)
* Esplora: added reading form Tinkerkit inputs
* SoftwareSerial: Fix idle level when initializing with inverted logic
(Jens-Christian Skibakk)
* fixed a bunch of examples
* Wifishield: fixed paths on firmware upgrade scripts
Sat Jul 13 14:00:00 2013
- ARDUINO 1.0.5 - 2013.05.15
* [avr] malloc bug: backported avr-libc 1.8.0 implementation
* [avr] removed deprecated interrupt handlers causing compiler issues
with newer avr-gcc.
* [avr] added c_str() method to String
* [avr] Stream \"_timeout\" field and related methods are now protected
* Upgrades to WiFi library
* Fixed a bunch of examples
* Added Arduino Robot libraries
* Added TFT display library
* Upgrades to WiFi firmwares
* Backport from 1.5: install Library from .zip file or folder
* Updated windows drivers
* Added Windows installer
- ARDUINO 1.0.4 - 2013.03.11
* Fixed malloc bug (Paul Stoffregen)
* Fixed memory leak when calling Ethernet.begin() multiple times.
* Fixed SD example listfiles.ino
* Fixed a lot of Esplora examples
* Added GSM library
* Sort entries in preferences.txt (Shigeru Kanemoto)
* Fixed some wrong translations
* Fixed NPE due to permissions IO error
* Updated drivers for Windows (all-in-one, signature for Win8)
* Fixed a bunch of bugs on Mega2560\'s bootloader (Mark Sproul)
Sat Feb 9 13:00:00 2013
- ARDUINO 1.0.3 - 2012.12.10
* Added support for the Arduino Esplora
* Signed application for MacOSX 10.8
* Fixed power-up-starts-bootloader in Leonardo (and derivative)
bootloaders. (Kristian Lauszus)
* Fixed digital_pin_to_timer_PGM array in Leonardo variant.
* Published updated Wifi firmware
* Updated source code for atmega8 bootloader
* Added 600 baud support in SoftwareSerial (Sébastien Jean)
- ARDUINO 1.0.2 - 2012.11.05
* Added support for the Arduino Micro.
* Added support for the LilyPad Arduino USB.
* For Arduino Mega, having avrdude use \"wiring\" not \"stk500v2\" for
uploads (to improve auto-reset behavior).
* Find-In-Reference now works whether or not text is selected.
* Not generating prototypes for functions that already have them.
(Lars J. Nielsen).
* Improved line numbers for error messages. (Paul Stoffregen)
* Automatically create libraries folder in the sketchbook.
(Paul Stoffregen)
* Tutorial on installing libraries (linked from readme.txt in the
libraries folder). (Limor Fried)
* Fix to allow selection of Norwegian. (Rune Fauske)
* Fix to race condition / occasional error in compilation. (gandrewstone)
* Don\'t break long C++ comments during auto-format.
[core / libraries]
* Included WiFi library and wifi shield firmware.
* Added ability to specify serial configuration (data bits, stop bits
and parity check) in Serial.begin(). (Alarus)
* Avoided overruns of the incoming serial (CDC) buffer on the Leonardo.
(Peter Van Hoyweghen)
* Avoided auto-reset of the Leonardo when opening serial port after
upload without specifying a baud rate. (Peter Van Hoyweghen)
* Fix for tone() on the Leonardo. (Shigeru Kanemoto)
* Fix for SD library on Leonardo.
* Added other write functions on Leonardo.
* Added support for Leonardo interrupts 2 and 3. (Kristian Lauszus)
* Print ovf, inf, or nan accordingly in Serial.print(). (Nick Gammon)
* Fix initialization of SPI data lines. (gandrewstone)
* Serial.flush() waits for last byte to transmit. (michele.mazzucchi)
* Adding overloads so Serial.write(0) works.
* Fix Linux arduino script when there are spaces in directory name.
* Pass Linux command line arguments from arduino script through to the
Java code. (Allows specifying sketch to open on command line.)
* Included examples for the starter kit.
Wed Sep 12 14:00:00 2012
- ARDUINO 1.0.1 - 2012.05.21
* The IDE has been internationalized and translated into multiple languages.
Thanks to Shigeru Kanemoto for the internationalization and Japanese
translation and many others for the other translations. For more
information, see:
* Added preference for selecting the language in which to display the
Arduino software. Defaults to the operating system locale.
* New upload process for the Arduino Leonardo (ATmega32U4).
* The editor font size preference now applies to the serial monitor and
error / message console as well as the editor. (Paul Stoffregen)
* Compilation has been speeded up by only compiling changed files. (All
files are recompiled when a new board is selected.) (Paul Stoffregen)
* Console log files (stdout.txt and stderr.txt) are now removed when the
Arduino software exits. (Paul Stoffregen)
* The minimum size for the Arduino software window has been reduced.
* Improvements to the Find / Replace dialog. (Peter Lewis)
* Support for selecting words (on double-click) and lines (triple-click)
in the Arduino software. (Peter Lewis)
* Don\'t insert newline when using serial monitor keyboard
shortcut. (Lars J. Nielsen)
* Added a preference for disabling verification on upload (for increased
speed). (Nathan Seidle)
* Added the gcc toolchain to the Linux distribution. (To use the
toolchain already installed on your system, simply delete the one
that comes with the Arduino software.) (Paul Stoffregen)
* Updating Arduino Mini upload protocol to \'arduino\' from \'stk500\' (should
fix problems with auto-reset not working).
[core / libraries]
* Updated (and official) support for the Arduino Leonardo (ATmega32U4).
Includes new bootloader and various fixes to the core.
* Adding overloads to Wire.write() (for Wire.write(0)). (Paul Stoffregen)
* Fixing delayMicroseconds() for 20 MHz clocks (Erdem U. Altinyurt)
* Support third external interrupt on ATmega1284P. (maniacbug)
* Update reference voltage constants for ATmega1284P. (maniacbug)
* Adding --relax linker flag for ATmega2560. (arducopter)
* Fixing Ethernet library bug on avr-gcc 4.5.1 (SurferTim)
* Fixed DHCP hostname generation. (peter)
* Simplifying microseconds to clock cycles conversions (Rob Tillaart)
* Fixed various warnings. (maniacbug)
* Fixed bug w/ repeated initial characters in findUntil(). (Jeffery.zksun)
* Added INPUT_PULLUP option for pinMode(). The INPUT mode now explicitly
disables the pullup resistors. (Paul Stoffregen)
* Fixing bug in the receiving of multiple UDP packets. (dylan and peter)
* Added ability to generate repeated starts in the Wire library (in
master mode). Extra boolean parameters to endTransmission() and
requestFrom() control whether or not to send a stop (or a repeated
start instead). (Todd Krein)
* Added Ethernet.maintain() to renew DHCP leases. (Peter Magnusson)
* Fix for CLOSE_WAIT bug that could cause Ethernet sketches to crash
over time. (mr-russ and Johann Richard)
* Fix to servo pulse timing calculation. (jwatte)
* Added readString() and readStringUntil() functions. (Adrian McEwen)
* Updated to latest ArduinoISP sketch. (rsbohn)
* Fixed ArduinoISP sketch by lowering delay() in heartbeat.
* Other updates.
Thu May 24 14:00:00 2012
- work around a bug in binutils 2.22 which causes the trivial
example sketches (\"Blink\" for example) to fail
- remove which is totally unnecessary.
Just put your custom stuff in ~/sketchbook/libraries
Mon Apr 2 14:00:00 2012
- Show correct version in window title (bnc#754838)
Tue Jan 24 13:00:00 2012
- remove pre-build binaries from the upstream tarball (bnc#743092)
Sat Dec 31 13:00:00 2011
- add small \"\" script to doc/ which creates an
arduino environment where the user can install libs etc
Fri Dec 30 13:00:00 2011
- fix build by always requiring \"java\" - builds well now also with
- do not check bytecode version on SLES11 to fix build there
Thu Dec 1 13:00:00 2011
- Update to 1.0 final
Tue Oct 4 14:00:00 2011
- Update to 1.0 rc1
- Environment (IDE)
- New file extension (.ino).
- New toolbar icons: checkmark (verify) and arrow (upload). (Nicholas Zambetti)
- New color scheme, document icon, about image (ToDo).
- Board name and serial port are shown in status line at the bottom of the editor. (from Wiring)
- URLs in the sketch code are now clickable hyperlinks ( issue 148 ) (Christian Maglie)
- Progress bar shown during compilation and upload. (from Wiring)
- Support for uploading sketches from within the IDE: hold shift while clicking upload or select \"Upload Using Programmer\" from the File menu. Select programmer from the Tools menu of the IDE.
- Verbose output (during compilation or uploading) now enabled from within the preferences dialog.
- Language (API)
- Switching to non-blocking Serial writes with a transmit buffer.
- Serial.flush() now waits for transmission of outgoing data rather than discarding received incoming data.
- Reimplementation of the SoftwareSerial library to support multiple ports (NewSoftSerial by Mikal Hart).
- Removed Matrix and Sprite libraries.
- Serial.print(byte) now prints the digits of the number as characters; use write() to send as a single byte.
- write(), print(), and println() now return size_t (unsigned int) instead of void ( issue 551 ): number of bytes written.
- write(str) in Print is no longer virtual, so subclasses of Print or Stream can\'t (but also don\'t need to) override it.
- Added getWriteError(), clearWriteError(), and protected setWriteError() methods to Print; use to check for, clear, and set a write error flag.
- Removed the ability to say \"client == NULL\" or \"client != NULL\" from Ethernet library; use \"if (client)\" or \"if (!client)\" instead.
- Reimplementation of String class (Paul Stoffregen + additional modifications).
- Added support for Flash-based strings using the F(\"string\") syntax.
- Added DHCP and DNS support to the Ethernet library (integration by Adrian McEwen).
- Renamed Ethernet Client, Server, and UDP classes to EthernetClient, EthernetServer, and EthernetUDP to allow for simultaneous use of other networking libraries.
- Modified UDP API:
- beginPacket() / endPacket() for bracketing UDP packet construction
- Inheriting from Stream, using write(), print(), and println() for UDP packet construction
- parsePacket() for parsing incoming packets (and checking if there is one)
- available(), read(), peek() for reading bytes of incoming packet
- remoteIP(), remotePort() for information about incoming packet
- Addition of IPAddress class (Adrian McEwen).
- Modified Wire library to inherit from Stream; i.e. to use read(), write(), print(), println(), etc. Bracket calls to those functions with beginTransmission() and endTransmission().
- Adding support for multiple open files and directory iteration in SD card library (Limor Fried).
- Added serialEvent() function, called automatically on reception of serial data if it exists. Also, serialEvent1(), serialEvent2(), and serialEvent3() on the Mega.
- Added find(), findUntil(), parseInt(), parseFloat(), readBytes(), readBytesUntil(), and setTimeout() to Stream ( issue 458 - Michael Margolis).
- Updated Firmata to version 2.3 (r71): analog inputs now numbered from 14 (not 16) when used as digital pins.
- Internals
- Renamed WProgram.h to Arduino.h.
- Pin definitions separated from the core and stored in new variants/ sub-directory. Specified by the preference in boards.txt.
- Added macros / constants for getting information about the properties of the board ( issue 490 and issue 495 )
- Tools
- Updated avrdude to 5.11 (and switched to arduino programmer type from stk500).
Fri Aug 26 14:00:00 2011
- use \"arduino\" protocol for arduino uno
- use avrdude.conf from installed avrdude to fix arduino uno
Tue Jan 18 13:00:00 2011
- Fix 32bit build arch to default to i686
Wed Jan 12 13:00:00 2011
- ARDUINO 0022 - 2010.12.24
* Adding an SD card library based on sdfatlib by Bill Greiman and the
MemoryCard library by Philip Lindsay (follower) for SparkFun.
* Added character manipulation macros (from Wiring): isAlphaNumeric(),
isAlpha(), isAscii(), isWhitespace(), isControl(), isDigit(), isGraph(),
isLowerCase(), isPrintable(), isPunct(), isSpace(), isUpperCase(),
isHexadecimalDigit(), toAscii(), toLowerCase(), toLowerCase().
* Added String.toInt() function.
* Refactoring core to use register-based, not CPU-based, #ifdefs.
Patch by Mark Sproul.
* Modification of serial baud rate calculation to match bootloader and 8U2
firmware at 57600 baud.
* Fixed bug in tone() function.
* Fixed SPI.setClockDivider() function.
* Fixed EEPROM library on Mega 2560.
* Hardware serial receive interrupt optimization.
* Applying the timeout parameter of pulseIn() during measurement of the
pulse, not just while waiting for it.
* Fixed problem with copy as html and angle brackets.
* Showing serial port selection dialog if serial port not found on upload.
* Remembering serial monitor window size and line ending selection.
* Replaced oro.jar regular expressions with java.regex ones (patch by
Eberhard Fahle and Christian Maglie).
* Building the user sketch before the core or libraries, so errors appear
faster. Patch by William Westfield and Paul Stoffregen.
* Setting application icon under Windows.
Fri Nov 5 13:00:00 2010
- ARDUINO 0021 - 2010.10.02
* Modifying VID / PID combination in 8U2 firmwares.
* Fixing analogWrite() bug on pins 9 and 10 (Arduino Uno).
* Patched RXTX to include /dev/ttyACM
* on Linux.
- ARDUINO 0020 - 2010.09.27
* Added support for the Arduino Uno and Arduino Mega 2560.
* Including ATmega8U2 firmware used by Uno and Mega 2560.
* Including source code to optiboot bootloader used by the Uno.
* Including source code to the stk500v2 bootloader used by
Mega 2560.
* New application icon (by ToDo).-
Tue Sep 7 14:00:00 2010
- Update to 0019
Sun Aug 22 14:00:00 2010
- install to /usr/share/arduino-0018
- remove hardware/tools/avrdude, its provided by avrdude pkg
Sun Aug 22 14:00:00 2010
- use _libdir instead of /usr/lib
Fri Aug 20 14:00:00 2010
- fix build on openSUSE-11.3
- add rpmlintrc