Changelog for
python-moinmoin-1.9.7-1.2.noarch.rpm :
Wed Sep 18 14:00:00 2013 Sven Uebelacker
- Updated to 1.9.7
- SECURITY HINT: make sure you have allow_xslt = False
- Fixes:
- logging: if the logging config file can\'t be read, give a helpful error msg
- logging: use info loglevel (not warning) for telling about using the
builtin default logging config
- moin script commands: warn if someone gave ... to the moin script, avoids a
strange and unhelpful \'empty module name\' error message
- reorder html input fields in recoverpass form, to help browsers remember
the user name and password (not erroneously the recovery token and
- don\'t try to send password recovery email to user if email address in user
profile is empty
- cache action: fix 304 http status
- rst parser: fix safe_import for level param in __import__ call of docutils
- moin maint cleancache: also kill the i18n cache \'meta\' pickle file
- sendmail: catch unicode errors when E-Mail addr has non-ascii chars
- redirect last visited: if last visited page is on same wiki, use a local
redirect, do not compute via interwiki map (fixes https: usage)
- New features:
- passlib support - enhanced password hash security
- Password mass reset/invalidation support, see docs/resetpw/
- Customizable default password checker
- Removing/disabling inactive users
- SystemAdmin user browser: show disabled user accounts at the bottom of
the list
- At startup, announce moin version and code path in log output (makes
support and debugging easier).
- AttachList: introduced search_term parameter (optional) for listing
attachments filtered by a regular expression on their name.
- sign release archive using GnuPG with the key of
ID 31A6CB60 (main key ID FAF7B393)
Sun Dec 30 13:00:00 2012 Sven Uebelacker 1.9.6
- Updated to 1.9.6 from 2012-12-29 (new release under same version)
- Fixes:
- fix remote code execution vulnerability in twikidraw/anywikidraw action
- fix path traversal vulnerability in AttachFile action
Fri Dec 21 13:00:00 2012 Sven Uebelacker 1.9.6
- Updated to 1.9.6 from 2012-12-15
- Fixes:
- fix XSS issue, escape page name in rss link
- escape user- or admin-defined css url
- make taintfilename more secure
- use a constant time str comparison function to prevent timing attacks
- Attachment handler: catch all Zip-related errors
Wed Sep 26 14:00:00 2012 Sven Uebelacker 1.9.5
- Updated to 1.9.5
- SECURITY HINT: make sure you have allow_xslt = False
- Many security fixes and new features
- more information in CHANGES file
Sat Sep 1 14:00:00 2012 Sven Uebelacker 1.9.4
- Updated to 1.9.4
- excluding changelog from spec file
Wed Dec 21 13:00:00 2011 Sven Uebelacker 1.9.3
- Updated to 1.9.3
Tue Jun 24 2008 Ben Haggaer - 1.7.0
- Updated to 1.7.0
Sun Apr 20 2008 Ben Haggaer - 1.6.2
- Updated to 1.6.2, added python-xml requirement
Wed Jan 02 2008 Ben Haggaer - 1.6.0
- Updated to 1.6 and merged spec from version
Wed Sep 05 2007 Ben Haggaer - 1.5.8
- Initial attempt at build for opensuse 10.2+
Sun Mar 11 13:00:00 2007 Dag Wieers - 1.5.7-1
- Initial package.