Changelog for python-Twisted-doc-12.0.0-2.6.x86_64.rpm :
Mon Feb 20 13:00:00 2012
- Changes file cleanup

Sun Feb 19 13:00:00 2012
- Update to version 0.12

* Features
- The interface argument to IReactorTCP.listenTCP may now be an IPv6
address literal, allowing the creation of IPv6 TCP servers.
- twisted.python.constants.Names now provides a way to define
collections of named constants, similar to the \"enum type\" feature
of C or Java.
- twisted.python.constants.Values now provides a way to define
collections of named constants with arbitrary values.

* Bugfixes
- Fixed an obscure case where connectionLost wasn\'t called on the
protocol when using half-close.
- UDP ports handle socket errors better on Windows.
- When idle, the gtk2 and glib2 reactors no longer wake up 10 times a
- Prevent a rare situation involving TLS transports, where a producer
may be erroneously left unpaused.
- twisted.internet.iocpreactor.iocpsupport now has fewer 64-bit
compile warnings.
- The GTK2 reactor is now more responsive on Windows.
- TLS transports now correctly handle producer registration after the
connection has been lost.
- twisted.protocols.htb.Bucket now empties properly with a non-zero
drip rate.
- IReactorSSL and ITCPTransport.startTLS now synchronously propagate
errors from the getContext method of context factories, instead of
being capturing them and logging them as unhandled.

* Improved Documentation
- The multicast documentation has been expanded.
- twisted.internet.defer.Deferred now documents more return values.
- Show a better starting page at

* Deprecations and Removals
- Remove the deprecated module twisted.enterprise.reflector.
- Removed the deprecated module twisted.enterprise.row.
- Remove the deprecated module twisted.enterprise.sqlreflector.
- Removed the deprecated module twisted.enterprise.util, as well as
- Python 2.4 is no longer supported on any platform.
- Removed printTraceback and noOperation from twisted.spread.pb,
deprecated since Twisted 8.2.

Tue Sep 20 14:00:00 2011
- Changed BuildRequires python-zopeinterface to python-zope.interface,
it got renamed

Tue Sep 6 14:00:00 2011
- Changed Buildrequires \'python-serial\' to \'python-pyserial\'

Fri Sep 2 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 0.11:

* Features:
- The twistd man page now has a SIGNALS section.
- reactor.spawnProcess now will not emit a PotentialZombieWarning when called
before, and there will be no potential for zombie processes in this case.
- High-throughput applications based on Perspective Broker should now run
noticably faster thanks to the use of a more efficient decoding function
in Twisted Spread.
- Documentation for trac-post-commit-hook functionality in svn-dev policy.
- twisted.protocols.socks.SOCKSv4 now supports the SOCKSv4a protocol.
- Trial can now output test results according to the subunit protocol, as
long as Subunit is installed.
- twisted.protocols.amp now provides a ListOf argument type which can be
composed with some other argument types to create a zero or more element
sequence of that type.
- If returnValue is invoked outside of a function decorated with
AATTinlineCallbacks, but causes a function thusly decorated to exit, a
DeprecationWarning will be emitted explaining this potentially confusing
behavior. In a future release, this will cause an exception.
- twisted.python.logfile.BaseLogFile now has a reopen method allowing to
use an external logrotate mechanism.

* Bugfixes:
- FTP.ftp_NLST now handles requests on invalid paths in a way consistent
with RFC 959.
- twisted.python.util.initgroups now calls the low-level C initgroups by
default if available: the python version can create lots of I/O with certain
authentication setup to retrieve all the necessary information.
- startLogging now does nothing on subsequent invocations, thus fixing a
terrible infinite recursion bug that\'s only on edge case.
- Stringify non-string data to NetstringReceiver.sendString before
calculating the length so that the calculated length is equal to the actual
length of the transported data.
- twisted.python.win32.cmdLineQuote now correctly quotes empty strings arguments.
- Change the behavior of the Gtk2Reactor to register only one source watch for
each file descriptor, instead of one for reading and one for writing. In
particular, it fixes a bug with Glib under Windows where we failed to notify
when a client is connected.
- Twisted Trial no longer crashes if it can\'t remove an old _trial_temp directory.
- The optional _c_urlarg extension now handles unquote(\"\") correctly on
platforms where malloc(0) returns NULL, such as AIX. It also compiles with less warnings.
- On POSIX, child processes created with reactor.spawnProcess will no longer
automatically ignore the signals which the parent process has set to be ignored.
- All SOCKSv4a tests now use a dummy reactor with a deterministic resolve method.
- Prevent extraneous server, date and content-type headers in proxy responses.

* Deprecations and Removals:
- twisted.internet.error.PotentialZombieWarning is now deprecated.
- twisted.test.time_helpers is now deprecated.
- The deprecated connectUDP method of IReactorUDP has now been removed.
- twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase now ignores the previously deprecated
setUpClass and tearDownClass methods.
- Renamed to python-Twisted from python-twisted

Wed Aug 31 14:00:00 2011
- remove unreferenced patch

Wed Aug 31 14:00:00 2011
- do not package executable docs

Tue Aug 30 14:00:00 2011
- Standardized \"Authors:\" format in descriptions of python-twisted.spec

Tue Nov 30 13:00:00 2010
- Update to 10.2.0:
- Huge ChangeLog, please check NEWS file or

Mon Jul 5 14:00:00 2010
- Update to 10.1.0:
- Huge ChangeLog, please check NEWS file.

Fri Apr 30 14:00:00 2010
- Update to 10.0.0;
- Spec file cleaned with spec-cleaner.

Mon Feb 23 13:00:00 2009
- merged a patch that was not included in 8.2.0 and contains
more python 2.6 compatibility fixes

Fri Feb 13 13:00:00 2009
- update to 8.2.0

* python 2.6 compatible changes

* many bugfixes and minor features in all submodules
- remerged all individual subpackages into one single package

* reasons: easier maintenance, upstream releases the whole thing
in sync, no additional dependencies for main package, negligible
impact on package size

Mon Apr 7 14:00:00 2008
- update to 8.0.1 (2.6.0 actually)

* new versioning scheme, 8.0.1 is second release in 2008

* massively improved IOCP reactor

* improvements to Trial

* huge number of minor features and bugfixes

Thu Aug 2 14:00:00 2007
- update to 2.5.0

* support for Asynchronous Messaging Protocol

* epoll-based reactor

* twistd now accepts subcommands instead of \'mktap\'

* support for python2.5

* support for inline callbacks (via \'yield\')

* many bugfixes and minor features

Thu Nov 9 13:00:00 2006
- fixed ComponentDeprecationWarnings in twisted\'s class Credentials

Mon Oct 23 14:00:00 2006
- update to 2.4.0
- no longer works with py 2.2
- many improvements on Trial
- backwards compatibility layers disabled by default
- improved and extended API documentation
- new protocols
- many bugfixes
- fixed some 64bit problems from PEP353 change
- removed nonsensical \"???\" from one of the testfiles

Tue Feb 28 13:00:00 2006
- updated to reflect python changes due to #149809

Wed Jan 25 13:00:00 2006
- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires

Thu Jan 5 13:00:00 2006
- update to 2.1.0

Thu Oct 6 14:00:00 2005
- update to 2.0.1

Thu Apr 14 14:00:00 2005
- update to 2.0.0

Tue Feb 8 13:00:00 2005
- fix permissions

Tue Nov 30 13:00:00 2004
- spec file cleanup

Wed Aug 25 14:00:00 2004
- Initial creation of package python-twisted.