Changelog for vmpk-0.6.2a-23.61.x86_64.rpm :

* Tue Sep 13 2016 Update to version 0.6.2.
* Qt5 migration completed. XCB replacing X11 library on Linux/Unix.
* RtMIDI replaced by Drumstick-RT with pluggable backends: ALSA Seq, OSS, Windows, Mac OSX, Network and FluidSynth.
* Allow to configure any number of keys, instead of full octaves.
* Various fixes; see `ChangeLog\' file for details.- add vmpk-install_uncompressed_icon.patch: Installs uncompressed SVG icon instead of gzipped version.- add vmpk-remove_build_timestamps.patch: Removes build timestamps from the executable.
* Sat Dec 07 2013 Update to 0.5.1
* Fixed bug: No default keyboard shortcuts available in 0.5.0 on fresh installations.
* Qt5 build compatibility (but not fully functional).
* Qt 4.8.x is required.
* RtMidi: Enable several MIDI drivers to be compiled at once into the same program, and allow the user to select one at runtime.
* Fixed Bug: Transpose does not update correctly the octave in note name.
* Fixed Bug: Removing the shortcut for an action having default shortcut keys, the change is not saved upon exit, so the shortcut appears again the next execution.
* Fixed Bug: Saved preferences not set correctly.
* New implementation of the Network MIDI driver (UDP multicast).
* MIDI channel state enforcement (RFE #3517750).
* MIDI IN Omni mode.
* Independently enable/disable note input using keyboard, mouse, and touch screen.
* Add note highlight color policies (single, double, one color for each MIDI channel, one color for each grade in the chromatic scale).
* Add color palettes editor dialog.
* AddOption to show a colorized scale.
* Allow XML comments within keyboard map files.
* Mon Jun 06 2011 update to version 0.4.0
* New RtMidi classes have been merged, with Jack-MIDI, ipMIDI and QmidiNet
* Thu Feb 17 2011 switch to %{?_smp_mflags}, remove additional optflags, clean package file list
* Wed Feb 16 2011 remove %debug_package from spec, fix package file list
* Wed Feb 16 2011 copy package from home:plcl and clean spec a bit