Changelog for stan-doc-1.1.0-6.2.x86_64.rpm :
Wed Jan 2 13:00:00 2013
- Upgrade to upstream version 1.1.0
- - Backward Compatibility Issue

* Categorical distribution recoded to match documentation; it
now has support {1,...,K} rather than {0,...,K-1}.

* (RStan) change default value of permuted flag from FALSE to TRUE for
Stan fit S4 extract() method
- - New Features

* Conditional (if-then-else) statements

* While statements
- - New Functions

* generalized multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose() to non-square

* special functions: log_inv_logit(), log1m_inv_logit()

* matrix special functions: cumulative_sum()

* probability functions: poisson_log_log() for log-rate
parameterized Poisson

* matrix functions: block(), diag_pre_multiply(), diag_post_multiply()

* comparison operators (<, >, <=, >=, ==, !=)

* boolean operators (!, ||, &&)

* allow +/- inf values in variable declaration constraints
- - RStan Improvements

* get_posterior_mean() method for Stan fit objects

* replaced RcppEigen dependency with include of Eigen source

* added read_stan_csv() to create Stan fit object from CSV files of
the form written to disk by the command-line version of Stan

* S3 method for Stan fit objects
- - Bug Fixes

* fixed bug in NUTS diagonal resulting in too small step sizes

* fixed bug introduced in 1.0.3 that hid line and column number
bug reporting

* added checks that data dimensions match as well as sizes

* removed non-symmetric versions of eigenvalues() and eigenvectors()

* testing identifiers are not reserved words in C++/Stan

* trapping/reporting locations of errors in data and init reads

* improvements in dump data format reader for more R compatibility
and more generality

* fix bug in bernoulli logit distro tail density
- - Code Improvements

* templated out matrix libs to reduce code duplication

* vectorized auto-dif for tcrossprod() and crossprod()

* optimizations in Wishart

* vectorization with efficiency improvements in probability distributions
- - Libraries Updated

* Eigen version 3.1.1 replaced with version 3.1.2

* Boost version 1.51.0 replaced with version 1.52.0
- - Manual Improvements

* New chapter on univariate and multivariate variable transforms

* Many consistency improvements and typo corrections

* Information on running command line in parallel from shell
- Fix version of eigen to 3.1.2 in spec file and stan
- Fix version of boost to 1.52.0 in stan
- Fix version number in man pages
- Add BuildRequires for texlive for Factory

Mon Sep 10 14:00:00 2012
- Add a wrapper script for stanc and the man page for it

Sun Sep 9 14:00:00 2012
- Package the user environment as well.
- Add script stanc-init to create a local user environment

Sat Sep 8 14:00:00 2012
- Added a basic man page
- Some conditionals to make it build for SLE

Thu Sep 6 14:00:00 2012
- Initial release for stan-1.0.0