Changelog for libqscintilla-devel-2.9.4-1.10.i586.rpm :

* Tue Jan 03 2017 Update to 2.9.4 - Added the .api file for Python v3.6. - Bug fixes.
* Tue Jul 26 2016 Update to 2.9.3 - Bug fixes
* Wed May 11 2016 Update to 2.9.2 - This is mainly a packaging release. The Python extension module, including a statically linked copy of the QScintilla library, can be installed from PyPI.
* Fri Oct 30 2015 Update to 2.9.1 - This is primarily a bug-fix release.
* Sat Jun 13 2015 Update to 2.9 - Based on Scintilla v3.5.4. - Added UserLiteral, InactiveUserLiteral, TaskMarker, InactiveTaskMarker, EscapeSequence, InactiveEscapeSequence, setHighlightBackQuotedStrings(), highlightBackQuotedStrings(), setHighlightEscapeSequences(), highlightEscapeSequences(), setVerbatimStringEscapeSequencesAllowed() and verbatimStringEscapeSequencesAllowed() to QsciLexerCPP. - Added CommentKeyword, DeclareInputPort, DeclareOutputPort, DeclareInputOutputPort, PortConnection and the inactive versions of all styles to QsciLexerVerilog. - Added CommentBlock to QsciLexerVHDL. - Added AnnotationIndented to QsciScintilla::AnnotationDisplay. - Added FullBoxIndicator, ThickCompositionIndicator, ThinCompositionIndicator and TextColorIndicator to QsciScintilla::IndicatorStyle. - Added setIndicatorHoverForegroundColor() and setIndicatorHoverStyle() to QsciScintilla. - Added Bookmark to QsciScintilla::MarkerSymbol. - Added WrapWhitespace to QsciScintilla::WrapMode. - Added SCLEX_AS, SCLEX_BIBTEX, SCLEX_DMAP, SCLEX_DMIS, SCLEX_IHEX, SCLEX_REGISTRY, SCLEX_SREC and SCLEX_TEHEX to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_CHANGEINSERTION to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_CLEARTABSTOPS, SCI_ADDTABSTOP and SCI_GETNEXTTABSTOP to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_GETIMEINTERACTION, SCI_SETIMEINTERACTION, SC_IME_WINDOWED and SC_IME_INLINE to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_MARK_BOOKMARK to QsciScintillaBase. - Added INDIC_COMPOSITIONTHIN, INDIC_FULLBOX, INDIC_TEXTFORE, INDIC_IME, INDIC_IME_MAX, SC_INDICVALUEBIT, SC_INDICVALUEMASK, SC_INDICFLAG_VALUEBEFORE, SCI_INDICSETHOVERSTYLE, SCI_INDICGETHOVERSTYLE, SCI_INDICSETHOVERFORE, SCI_INDICGETHOVERFORE, SCI_INDICSETFLAGS and SCI_INDICGETFLAGS to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_SETTARGETRANGE and SCI_GETTARGETRANGE to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCFIND_CXX11REGEX to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_CALLTIPSETPOSSTART to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_FOLDFLAG_LINESTATE to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_WRAP_WHITESPACE to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_PHASES_ONE, SC_PHASES_TWO, SC_PHASES_MULTIPLE, SCI_GETPHASESDRAW and SCI_SETPHASESDRAW to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_STATUS_OK, SC_STATUS_FAILURE, SC_STATUS_BADALLOC, SC_STATUS_WARN_START and SC_STATUS_WARNREGEX to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_MULTIAUTOC_ONCE, SC_MULTIAUTOC_EACH, SCI_AUTOCSETMULTI and SCI_AUTOCGETMULTI to QsciScintillaBase. - Added ANNOTATION_INDENTED to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_DROPSELECTIONN to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_TECHNOLOGY_DIRECTWRITERETAIN and SC_TECHNOLOGY_DIRECTWRITEDC to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_LINE_END_TYPE_DEFAULT, SC_LINE_END_TYPE_UNICODE, SCI_GETLINEENDTYPESSUPPORTED, SCI_SETLINEENDTYPESALLOWED, SCI_GETLINEENDTYPESALLOWED and SCI_GETLINEENDTYPESACTIVE to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_ALLOCATESUBSTYLES, SCI_GETSUBSTYLESSTART, SCI_GETSUBSTYLESLENGTH, SCI_GETSTYLEFROMSUBSTYLE, SCI_GETPRIMARYSTYLEFROMSTYLE, SCI_FREESUBSTYLES, SCI_SETIDENTIFIERS, SCI_DISTANCETOSECONDARYSTYLES and SCI_GETSUBSTYLEBASES to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_MOD_INSERTCHECK and SC_MOD_CHANGETABSTOPS to QsciScintillaBase. - Qt v3 and PyQt v3 are no longer supported.
* Sat Oct 11 2014 Update to 2.8.4 - This is a minor functional release include the addition of some hotspot related functions to the high-level API. - run spec-cleaner
* Thu Jul 31 2014 Update to 2.8.3 - Added the QsciLexerCoffeeScript class. - Font sizes are now handled as floating point values rather than integers. - Bug fixes.- Run spec file through spec-cleaner- Various spec file cleanups
* Thu May 29 2014 Update to v2.8.2 - Added the QsciLexerAVS class. - Added the QsciLexerPO class. - Added the --sysroot, --no-sip-files and --no-qsci-api options to the Python bindings\' - Cross-compilation (specifically to iOS and Android) is now supported. - has been refactored and relicensed so that it can be used as a template for wrapping other bindings. - Bug fixes.
* Sun Mar 23 2014 Update to v2.8.1 - Added support for iOS and Android. - Added support for retina displays. - A qscintilla2.prf file is installed so that application .pro files only need to add CONFIG += qscintilla2. - Updated the keywords recognised by the Octave lexer. - Bug fixes.- Rebase qscintilla.diff for the new release
* Thu Nov 14 2013 update to v2.8: - Based on Scintilla v3.3.6. - Added the SCN_FOCUSIN() and SCN_FOCUSOUT() signals to QsciScintillaBase. - Added PreProcessorCommentLineDoc and InactivePreProcessorCommentLineDoc to QsciLexerCPP. - Added SCLEX_LITERATEHASKELL, SCLEX_KVIRC, SCLEX_RUST and SCLEX_STTXT to QsciScintillaBase. - Added ThickCompositionIndicator to QsciScintilla::IndicatorStyle. - Added INDIC_COMPOSITIONTHICK to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_FOLDACTION_CONTRACT, SC_FOLDACTION_EXPAND and SC_FOLDACTION_TOGGLE to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_FOLDLINE, SCI_FOLDCHILDREN, SCI_EXPANDCHILDREN and SCI_FOLDALL to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_AUTOMATICFOLD_SHOW, SC_AUTOMATICFOLD_CLICK and SC_AUTOMATICFOLD_CHANGE to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_SETAUTOMATICFOLD and SCI_GETAUTOMATICFOLD to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_ORDER_PRESORTED, SC_ORDER_PERFORMSORT and SC_ORDER_CUSTOM to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_AUTOCSETORDER and SCI_AUTOCGETORDER to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_POSITIONRELATIVE to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_RELEASEALLEXTENDEDSTYLES and SCI_ALLOCATEEXTENDEDSTYLES to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_SCROLLRANGE to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_SETCARETLINEVISIBLEALWAYS and SCI_GETCARETLINEVISIBLEALWAYS to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_SETMOUSESELECTIONRECTANGULARSWITCH and SCI_GETMOUSESELECTIONRECTANGULARSWITCH to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_SETREPRESENTATION, SCI_GETREPRESENTATION and SCI_CLEARREPRESENTATION to QsciScintillaBase. - Input methods are now properly supported.
* Wed Jun 19 2013 update to 2.7.2: - The build script for the Python bindings now has a --pyqt argument for specifying PyQt4 or PyQt5. - The default EOL mode on OS/X is now EolUnix. - Bug fixes.
* Fri Apr 12 2013 update to 2.7.1 - v2.7.1 1st March 2013 - Added support for the final release of Qt v5. - The build script for the Python bindings should now work with SIP v5. - Bug fixes. - v2.7 8th December 2012 - Based on Scintilla v3.23. - Added support for Qt v5-rc1. - Added HashQuotedString, InactiveHashQuotedString, PreProcessorComment, InactivePreProcessorComment, setHighlightHashQuotedStrings() and highlightHashQuotedStrings() to QsciLexerCpp. - Added Variable, setHSSLanguage(), HSSLanguage(), setLessLanguage(), LessLanguage(), setSCCSLanguage() and SCCSLanguage() to QsciLexerCSS. - Added setOverwriteMode() and overwriteMode() to QsciScintilla. - Added wordAtLineIndex() to QsciScintilla. - Added findFirstInSelection() to QsciScintilla. - Added CallTipsPosition, callTipsPosition() and setCallTipsPosition() to QsciScintilla. - Added WrapFlagInMargin to QsciScintilla::WrapVisualFlag. - Added SquigglePixmapIndicator to QsciScintilla::IndicatorStyle. - The weight of a font (rather than whether it is just bold or not) is now respected. - Added SCLEX_AVS, SCLEX_COFFEESCRIPT, SCLEX_ECL, SCLEX_OSCRIPT, SCLEX_TCMD and SCLEX_VISUALPROLOG to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_CASEINSENSITIVEBEHAVIOUR_IGNORECASE and SC_CASEINSENSITIVEBEHAVIOUR_RESPECTCASE to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_FONT_SIZE_MULTIPLIER to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_WEIGHT_NORMAL, SC_WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD and SC_WEIGHT_BOLD to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_WRAPVISUALFLAG_MARGIN to QsciScintillaBase. - Added INDIC_SQUIGGLEPIXMAP to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_AUTOCSETCASEINSENSITIVEBEHAVIOUR, SCI_AUTOCGETCASEINSENSITIVEBEHAVIOUR, SCI_CALLTIPSETPOSITION, SCI_COUNTCHARACTERS, SCI_CREATELOADER, SCI_DELETERANGE, SCI_FINDINDICATORFLASH, SCI_FINDINDICATORHIDE, SCI_FINDINDICATORSHOW, SCI_GETALLLINESVISIBLE, SCI_GETGAPPOSITION, SCI_GETPUNCTUATIONCHARS, SCI_GETRANGEPOINTER, SCI_GETSELECTIONEMPTY, SCI_GETTECHNOLOGY, SCI_GETWHITESPACECHARS, SCI_GETWORDCHARS, SCI_RGBAIMAGESETSCALE, SCI_SETPUNCTUATIONCHARS, SCI_SETTECHNOLOGY, SCI_STYLESETSIZEFRACTIONAL, SCI_STYLEGETSIZEFRACTIONAL, SCI_STYLESETWEIGHT and SCI_STYLEGETWEIGHT to QsciScintillaBase. - Removed SCI_GETUSEPALETTE and SCI_SETUSEPALETTE from QsciScintillaBase. - Bug fixes.
* Thu Jul 05 2012 link .changes files for python/3-qscintilla to qscintilla.changes- update to 2.6.2:
* Added support for Qt v5.
* QsciLexer::wordCharacters() is now part of the public API.
* Bug fixes.
* Mon Feb 27 2012 update to 2.6.1: - Mainly a bugfix release
* Sun Feb 05 2012 update to 2.6: - based on Scintilla v2.29. - improved support for rebinding keys to commands - native key bindings under OS/X.- remove Qt3 support (it does not compile with current Qt3 packages)
* Wed Nov 23 2011 build QScintilla plugin for QT4 Designer
* Mon Aug 15 2011 update to 2.5.1: - based on Scintilla v2.25
* Wed Sep 01 2010 update to 2.4.5: - A bug fix release. - Added the canInsertFromMimeData(), fromMimeData() and toMimeData() methods to QsciScintillaBase. - QsciScintilla::markerDefine() now allows existing markers to be redefined.
* Tue Apr 20 2010 fix build
* Sun Apr 11 2010 update to 2.4.3 release:
* Added clearFolds() to QsciScintilla.
* Updated Spanish translations from Jaime Seuma.
* Fixed compilation problems with Qt v3 and Qt v4 prior to v4.5.
* Added the QsciLexerSpice and QsciLexerVerilog classes.
* Significant performance improvements when handling long lines.
* The Python bindings include automatically generated docstrings by default.
* Added an API file for Python v3.
* Tue Nov 03 2009 updated patches to apply with fuzz=0
* Fri Jul 10 2009 update build requires after python-sip package split
* Mon Jun 08 2009 update to 2.4 release:
* support for annotations, margin text
* ability to write new language lexers
* Tue May 26 2009 update to 2.4-snapshot-20090525: - Based on Scintilla v1.78. - Added the QsciLexerCustom, QsciStyle and QsciStyledText classes. - Added annotate(), annotation(), clearAnnotations(), setAnnotationDisplay() and annotationDisplay() to QsciScintilla. - Added setMarginText(), clearMarginText(), setMarginType() and marginType() to QsciScintilla. - Added QsciLexer::lexerId() so that container lexers can be implemented. - Added editor() and styleBitsNeeded() to QsciLexer. - Added setDollarsAllowed() and dollarsAllowed() to QsciLexerCPP. - Added setFoldScriptComments(), foldScriptComments(), setFoldScriptHeredocs() and foldScriptHeredocs() to QsciLexerHTML. - Added setSmartHighlighting() and smartHighlighting() to QsciLexerPascal. (Note that the Scintilla Pascal lexer has changed so that any saved colour and font settings will not be properly restored.) - Added setFoldPackages(), foldPackages(), setFoldPODBlocks() and foldPODBlocks() to QsciLexerPerl. - Added setV2UnicodeAllowed(), v2UnicodeAllowed(), setV3BinaryOctalAllowed(), v3BinaryOctalAllowed(), setV3BytesAllowed and v3BytesAllowed() to QsciLexerPython. - Added setScriptsStyled() and scriptsStyled() to QsciLexerXML. - Added Spanish translations from Jaime Seuma.