Changelog for obconf-qt-lang-0.11.2-8.1.noarch.rpm :
Sat Mar 4 13:00:00 2017
- Update Source URLs

Fri Feb 24 13:00:00 2017
- Update to 0.11.2:

* Add/update Turkish translations

* lxqt-about_tr.ts update

* liblxqt_tr.ts update

* Update Danish translations

* Portuguese update

* lxqt-sudo: Move Ukrainian translation

* Remove all danish translation files using \"da_DK\" (keep \"da\")

* First attempt to change all danish translation files from using i mix of \"da\" and \"da_DK\" and both, to only using \"da\"
- Update to 0.11.1:

* Release 0.11.1: Update changelog

* Update zh_TW translation for pcmanfm-qt.

* Update zh_TW translation for libfm-qt.

* Update pcmanfm-qt UI strings.

* Update UI strings of libfm-qt.

* Add pt_BR translation for pcmanfm-qt.

* Polish translation update

* French: Update or improve ComptonConf, Obconf-Qt, Pavucontrol-Qt, PCManFM-Qt, QTerminal

* Add/update (complete) Ukrainian translation

* travis: Do not require more than needed

* Use LXQtConfigVars CMake module

* Update pcmanfm-qt_nl.ts

* lxqt-panel: Update French translations

* Update French translations

* Update Frech translations (#152)

* Create qterminal_nl.ts

* Update pavucontrol-qt_nl.ts

* Create obconf-qt_nl.ts

* Create lxqt-sudo_nl.ts

* Update lxqt-session_nl.ts

* Create lxqt-leave_nl.ts

* Update lxqt-config-session_nl.ts

* Update lxqt-runner_nl.ts

* Update lxqt-config-powermanagement_nl.ts

* Create lxqt-powermanagement_nl.ts

* Create lxqt-config-powermanagement_nl.ts

* Create lxqt-policykit-agent_nl.ts

* Portuguese update for lxqt-panel modules, pavucontrol-qt and pcmanfm

* Update french translation

* Create worldclock_nl.ts

* Update volume_nl.ts

* Update taskbar_nl.ts

* Create sysstat_nl.ts

* Create spacer_nl.ts

* Update showdesktop_nl.ts

* Create sensors_nl.ts

* Update quicklaunch_nl.ts

* Update networkmonitor_nl.ts

* Update mount_nl.ts

* Update mainmenu_nl.ts

* Create kbindicator_nl.ts

* Create dom_nl.ts

* Create directorymenu_nl.ts

* Update desktopswitch_nl.ts

* Update Russian for lxqt-powermanagement and pcmanfm-qt (#127)

* Update cpuload_nl.ts

* Update clock_nl.ts

* Update lxqt-panel_nl.ts (#124)

* Create lxqt-notificationd_nl.ts

* Update pcmanfm-qt_nl.ts

* Create lxqt-openssh-askpass_nl.ts

* Update lxqt-config-globalkeyshortcuts_nl.ts

* Update Portugese translations

* Create lxqt-config-notificationd_nl.ts

* Create lxqt-config-monitor_nl.ts

* Create lxqt-config_nl.ts

* Create lxqt-config-brightness_nl.ts

* Create lxqt-config-file-associations_nl.ts

* Update lxqt-config-input_nl.ts

* Create lxqt-config-locale_nl.ts

* Update lxqt-about_nl.ts

* Create lxqt-admin-time_nl.ts

* Create lxqt-admin-user_nl.ts

* Update lxqt-config-cursor_nl.ts

* Update lxqt-config-appearance_nl.ts

* lximage-qt_nl.ts

* Update liblxqt_nl.ts

* Create libfm-qt_nl.ts

* Fix language vs. name discrepancies

* build: Add automated testing

* Add & update Italian translation

* Rename Portugese translations files

* travis: Use lxqt-build-tools

* Consistency is needed

* fixed order of components in CMakeLists.txt

* Massive update for Portuguese

* Updated italian translations, some corrections

* lxqt-config: Add/Update Frech translation

* obconf-qt: Drop region-specific ru_RU translation

* obconf-qt: Update Russian translations

* Add initial Travis-CI config

* build: Include only LXQtTranslateTs

* Update pcmanfm-qt_nl.ts

* Fix broken pcmanfm-qt_nl.ts caused by lack of pleural forms.

* Fix file format errors in lxqt-config-input_fr.ts.

* Added Dutch translation for PCManFM-Qt.

* Add libfm-qt_ca.ts (Catalan)

* Add pcmanfm-qt_ca.ts (Catalan)

* Update pcmanfm-qt_it.ts

* update input config FRENCH translations

* install pavucontrol translations, create qterminal.ts, update qterminal_hu.ts

* pavucontrol-qt: Update Czech translation

* Create compton-conf_nl.ts

* Update lxqt-config-appearance_it.ts

Sat Sep 24 14:00:00 2016
- Update to 0.11.0
- Package created by to X11:LXQt:git