Changelog for subscription-manager-rhsm-certificates-1.24.2-3.fc30.x86_64.rpm :
* Sun Feb 03 2019 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.24.2-3- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_30_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Jan 10 2019 Miro HronĨok - 1.24.2-2- 1650203: Remove Python 2 subpackage from Fedora 30+ (mhroncokAATTredhat.com) * Mon Nov 05 2018 Christopher Snyder 1.24.2-1- 1645205: Do not update ent certs inside containers (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- 1633304: Disable zypper product-id plugin. (awoodAATTredhat.com)- Fedora documentation guidelines favor global over define. (awoodAATTredhat.com)- Show installed profiles only for enabled modules (pajiAATTredhat.com)- 1631339: Fix os.errno issue (robAATTsandersmail.eu)- Add a missing comma in test_cache (nmoumoulAATTredhat.com)- Add module enabled and disabled information (pajiAATTredhat.com)- 1636381: Fix up our detection of missing org for service-level list (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- 1616403: Better handling of missing locale use (wpoteatAATTredhat.com)- 1636381: Handle case of nonexistant org (nmoumoulAATTredhat.com)- Add scripts to setup local development environment (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1633380: Add syspurpose compliance status cache - Altered the syspurpose compliance status connection call to use the /consumers/{uuid}/purpose_compliance API instead of fetching the consumer object and reading the syspurpose compliance field off of it. - Added new syspurpose compliance status cache saved in /var/lib/rhsm/cache/syspurpose_compliance_status.json similar to the entitlement status cache. - When the server is unreachable, we don\'t traceback, but rather use the new cache value instead. (nmoumoulAATTredhat.com)- 1639625: Tolerate server missing syspurpose fields (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1639086: Fix vendor comparison (hyuAATTredhat.com)- Includes the installed module profiles (pajiAATTredhat.com)- 1623390: Fix unregistered messaging in syspurpose (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1637183: Replace redhat-uep.pem properly (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1632797: Only save SLA set during register or attach if specified (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- Updated how syspurpose handles unsetting values (crogAATTredhat.com)- Update man page for report_package_profile option (nmoumoulAATTredhat.com)- Automatic commit of package [subscription-manager] release [1.24.1-1]. (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- 1616366: Use LANG from environment (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- syspurpose no longer supresses JSON malformation errors (crogAATTredhat.com)- Rename zypper plugin to rhsm (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1632384: Sync SLA regardless of capability: (nmoumoulAATTredhat.com)- 1621783: Updated syspurpose fields to match expected values (crogAATTredhat.com)- 1632248: User should be able to set/unset while not registered (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- 1633575: Update error message when syspurpose is not supported by server (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- 1614925: Fix grammar (csnyderAATTredhat.com) * Mon Oct 15 2018 Christopher Snyder 1.24.1-1- Rename zypper plugin to rhsm (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1632384: Sync SLA regardless of capability: (nmoumoulAATTredhat.com)- 1621783: Updated syspurpose fields to match expected values (crogAATTredhat.com)- 1633575: Update error message when syspurpose is not supported by server (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- 1614925: Fix grammar (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- Added support of modulemd to combined profile; ENT-834 (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1620136: dnf plugin deletes prod cert as expected; ENT-773 (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1615944: Show help when no args are provided (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- 1614943: Fix bytes/unicode handling of dmi data (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1618825: Rename de_DE.po and es_ES.po (awoodAATTredhat.com)- Combined profile: WIP enabled repos (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- Added list of enabled repos to combined profile; ENT-833 (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1607955: WIP: polishing PR with bug fix of release --list (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- Fixed name of capability and added two unit tests. (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- Explict requires added for package we use directly (wpoteatAATTredhat.com)- 1581410: Eliminate potential for circular dependency (awoodAATTredhat.com)- 1631076: subscription-manager rpm now requires python3-syspurpose (nmoumoulAATTredhat.com)- For tito build, clean the yarn cache (khowellAATTredhat.com)- Fix ubuntu compat for virt-who travis runs (khowellAATTredhat.com)- Fix RPMDiff issue with multilib (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- Use Combined Profile reporting (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1629073: No python3-dmidecode on aarch64, ppc64le (khowellAATTredhat.com)- Simplify and fix subpackages logic (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1614653: Update intermediate CA (khowellAATTredhat.com)- Fix spelling to capitalize Workstation properly (bcourtAATTredhat.com)- 1607955: Try to use all entitlement certs for connection with CDN (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- Use pre-provisioned centos7 box (khowellAATTredhat.com)- Vagrant: use ansible-role-subman-devel via galaxy (khowellAATTredhat.com)- Vagrant: skip provisioning if var needs_provision is false (khowellAATTredhat.com) * Mon Sep 10 2018 Christopher Snyder 1.24.0-1- Use the \"service_level_agreement\" attribute for the SlaCommand (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- 1623262: Make automatic enablement of yum plugins working again; ENT-820 (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- Start releasing to f29 (csnyderAATTredhat.com) * Thu Aug 30 2018 Christopher Snyder 1.23.4-1- 1600694: Log dbus exception tracebacks at the debug level (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- 1623368: Register a system without a syspurpose.json file (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- Revert \"Add sles version to dist\" (cnsnyderAATTusers.noreply.github.com)- 1596699: Handle non-existant rhsm-debug destination (ENT-780) (nmoumoulAATTredhat.com)- Sync system purpose for sub-man subcommands (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- Add man page for syspurpose. (awoodAATTredhat.com)- 1613968: DNF product-id plugin can install product cert; ENT-789 (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- Add sles version to dist (jsherrilAATTredhat.com)- Remove extraneous include in setup() (khowellAATTredhat.com)- Updated translations (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- 1596001: Change syspurpose import error log level to debug level (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- 1602702: rhsmcertd did not close lock file; ENT-736 (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- Adds the addons set of commands to syspurpose (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- 1581445: ENT-564: rhsm configuration manage_repos is not working on RHEL8 (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- Fix time stamps of pyc files (csnyderAATTredhat.com) * Mon Aug 13 2018 Christopher Snyder 1.23.3-1- 1606435: Rename the async module for compatibility with python 3.7; ENT-737 (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- Cockpit/Syspurpose service integration fix (aparadkaAATTredhat.com)- Display both new and old value in syspurpose diff message (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- Fix sending single value of addons. (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- Fix synchronization of usage with candlepin (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1596294: Fix displayin RHSM Spoke in Initial Setup (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- Syspurpose field value lists [ENT-766] (wpoteatAATTredhat.com)- ENT-717: Syncing of syspurpose store with candlepin (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1609048: Replacement of imp module with importlib; ENT-758 (jhnidekAATTredhat.com) * Fri Aug 03 2018 Christopher Snyder 1.23.2-1- Move \"nose\" to test requirements for syspurpose (csnyderAATTredhat.com) * Fri Aug 03 2018 Christopher Snyder 1.23.1-1- Integrate Syspurpose DBus Signal with Cockpit (aparadkaAATTredhat.com)- Change usage_type to usage (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- ENT-715 Sync syspurpose with server (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- 1609052: DNF Plugin needs config initiated earlier (wpoteatAATTredhat.com)- 1608963: Minimize packaging for python 3 (wpoteatAATTredhat.com)- Improve test setup for syspurpose tests. (awoodAATTredhat.com)- Two simple fixes for syspurpose (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- Raise ioerr when necessary during sp read (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- ENT-720 Adds the addons subcommand (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- 1602056: Added role subcommand ENT-719 (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- Replace lsb-release in spec and Makefile (khowellAATTredhat.com)- Mock out syspurpose code from being executed in subman tests (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- ENT-584 syspurpose UTF-8 support & better formatting - All syspurpose operations now support UTF-8 - syspurpose.json now has user-friendly indentation (nmoumoulAATTredhat.com)- ENT-446 Report systempurpose on registration (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- 1512944: Fix up remaining python2 deps ENT-724 (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- ENT-721: Usage command (wpoteatAATTredhat.com)- ENT-590 Enhanced SyspurposeStore add/remove operations - \'add\' will now not override an existing value that was added by the \'set\' command, but it will be maintained and added in a list along with the newly added value. - \'add\' will now not add an element to a list if the list already contains it (no duplicates). - \'remove\' will now unset the current value, if that turns out to be scalar instead of being contained in a list. (nmoumoulAATTredhat.com)- Move syspurpose out of packages directory. (awoodAATTredhat.com)- Correct small problems in syspurpose. (awoodAATTredhat.com)- ansible vagrant QOL fixes (khowellAATTredhat.com)- ENT-723: Add System Purpose Status to System Status output (wpoteatAATTredhat.com)- Improve debug logging for release listing (khowellAATTredhat.com)- Remove other references to python-kitchen. (awoodAATTredhat.com)- Make build_ext a proper dependency. (awoodAATTredhat.com)- Add zanata.xml configuration file and gettext keys.pot (awoodAATTredhat.com)- Move clean command to common build_ext module. (awoodAATTredhat.com)- Only gather optparse strings in subscription-manager. (awoodAATTredhat.com)- Move syspurpose source files to be under package directory. (awoodAATTredhat.com)- Look for source files based on package directory locations. (awoodAATTredhat.com)- Add gettext calls to syspurpose. (awoodAATTredhat.com)- Load build_ext i18n commands in setup.py (awoodAATTredhat.com)- Integrate Dbus signals with Cockpit GUI (aparadkaAATTredhat.com)- Do not install subman-gui from setup.py by default (khowellAATTredhat.com)- ENT-591 Handle when syspurpose.json is missing & create it. (nmoumoulAATTredhat.com)- Fix indeterminate unit test failure. (awoodAATTredhat.com)- Removal of python-kitchen (wpoteatAATTredhat.com)- ENT-731 Replaced syspurpose \'offerings\' commands with \'role\': - Removed commands \'add-offerings\', \'remove-offerings\', \'unset-offerings\' - Added commands \'set-role\' and \'unset-role\' (nmoumoulAATTredhat.com)- ENT-589 Intentctl -> syspurpose (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- ENT-710: Add three_way_merge utility function (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- ENT-477: Add signal EntitlementsChanged (aparadkaAATTredhat.com)- ENT-476: Add signal InstalledProductsChanged (aparadkaAATTredhat.com)- 1594733: Fix GetStatus in com.redhat.RHSM1.Entitlement ENT-641 (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- Make vagrant setup more flexible (khowellAATTredhat.com)- ENT-475: Add signal ConfigChanged (aparadkaAATTredhat.com)- 1581777: Reraise exception properly. ENT-566 (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- Replace curly quote with straight quote (khowellAATTredhat.com)- Add implementation of filesystem watcher (aparadkaAATTredhat.com)- 1581410: ENT-572: subman should require dnf-plugin-subscription-manager (adarshvritantAATTgmail.com)- ENT-478 com.redhat.RHSM1.Consumer D-Bus service object (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1576423: Polished changes provided in #1816 and added unit test. (jhnidekAATTredhat.com) * Fri Jun 22 2018 Christopher Snyder 1.22.1-1- 1571998: Ignore HTB repos (nmoumoulAATTredhat.com)- 1589296: subman list option --after now named --afterdate (aparadkaAATTredhat.com)- 1558411: Begin building dnf-plugin-subscription-manager for RHEL 7 (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- Use constant defined in cerdirectory.py. (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1553266: When d-bus methods are unavailable, show appropriate message. * Added a \"safe call\" mechanism that makes the initial dbus calls (entitlementService, configService, productsService) only if the service is available, tries to restart the rhsm service if possible, and otherwise failing gracefully. * Added new UI curtain that provides a meaningful message and advice to the end user. * Re-added utility method statusUpdateFailed that was accidentally deleted. (nmoumoulAATTredhat.com)- 1580996: Fix comparision of objects in Python 3 (ENT-578) (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- Make xauth Idempotent again (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- Fixes missing locale issues while running nosetests (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- Remove freezegun (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1576582: Make rhsm.full_fresh_on_yum=1 working again (ENT-534) (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- ansible-fix: fixed ansible failing during vagrant up (aparadkaAATTredhat.com)- Update the license of the subman-cockpit-plugin to GPLv2 (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- 1510920: Allow access to job cancellation API (wpoteatAATTredhat.com)- ENT-447 Add icons to RPM package for subman cockpit plugin (jhnidekAATTredhat.com) * Fri Jun 08 2018 Christopher Snyder 1.22.0-1- Remove F26 from releasers (Fedora 26 EOL) (csnyderAATTredhat.com) * Thu Jun 07 2018 Christopher Snyder 1.21.5-1- Fix python-rhsm Provides and Obsoletes (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- 1568609: Updated man page for --after list option (aparadkaAATTredhat.com)- Get Initial Setup Addon to run during installation in Vagrant (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- ENT-447 Create .desktop file that opens web page with our cockpit plugin (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- ENT-481 service-level command & options now update syspurpose metadata (nmoumoulAATTredhat.com)- 1560727: Search for proxy auth message in whole error string (aria.paradkarAATTgmail.com)- 1555384: get_libexecdir now returns a string instead of bytes (aria.paradkarAATTgmail.com)- Added generic set/unset and add/remove commands to syspurpose (crogAATTredhat.com)- ENT-488 syspurpose now warns if running in container (nmoumoulAATTredhat.com)- 1574706: Create python2-subscription-manager-rhsm properly (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- Automatic rebuilding of updates.img on PXE Server (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1574529: Fix rhsmcertd integer overflow on i386 & i686 (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- Respecting proxy port configured in rhsm.conf (oskarAATTwycislak.pl) * Tue May 01 2018 Christopher Snyder 1.21.4-3- Add dist back to release (csnyderAATTredhat.com) * Tue May 01 2018 Christopher Snyder 1.21.4-2- Add missing buildrequires to fix upstream fedora python2 builds (csnyderAATTredhat.com) * Tue May 01 2018 Christopher Snyder 1.21.4-1- Stop building subscription-manager-gui, when Python 3 is used (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- Remove kitchen from install_requires (khowellAATTredhat.com) * Wed Apr 25 2018 Christopher Snyder 1.21.3-1- 1439645: Perform a full entitlement refresh in the yum/dnf/zypper plugins (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- 1527727: Add proc_stat.btime fact (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- 1568214: rhsmcertd no longer uses reload on py3 (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- 1559227: Do not use str format for python 2.6 (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- 1425766: Additional message in status to indicate content access (wpoteatAATTredhat.com)- Adds a new cli utility \'syspurpose\' (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- 1559227: Do not log Error messages for missing identity cert/key (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- 1458159: python-dmidecode bug fix requires specific RPM release. (awoodAATTredhat.com)- fix for proxy-server provisioning - resolving of \'candlepin.example.com\' (jstavelAATTredhat.com)- 1458159: Require latest version of python-dmidecode (awoodAATTredhat.com)- 1551044: Add the option to build both python{3,2}-subscription-manager-rhsm (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- 1559743: Reduce log level of network address fact collection to debug (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- added a vagrant section for a VM for proxy-server (jstavelAATTredhat.com)- ansible role rhsm-services and TESTING.md document (jstavelAATTredhat.com)- Fix updates.img to include required Python packages (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- Do not remove existing zypper repos when disconnected (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- Apply updates.img druing PXE boot (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- Do not use private network addresses for vagrant hostmanager (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- Adds tool to make updates.img file for use with anaconda (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- 1554482: Reenable RHUI support (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- Fix building on SLES 11 (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- Added PXE BOOT client to the Vagrant setup (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- New Vagrant file for creating PXEBOOT server (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1551386: Cannot put unicode into gtk for button label (wpoteatAATTredhat.com)- 1551465: Fix unicode decode issue on py 2.6 (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- Remove unneeded spec file directives (awoodAATTredhat.com) * Tue Feb 27 2018 Alex Wood 1.21.2-3- Add missing dist macro to release * Mon Feb 26 2018 Alex Wood 1.21.2-2- Remove %clean section (ignatenkobrainAATTfedoraproject.org)- Remove BuildRoot definition (ignatenkobrainAATTfedoraproject.org) * Mon Feb 26 2018 Alex Wood 1.21.2-1- 1547354: Add missing requires for python-kitchen (awoodAATTredhat.com)- 1528625: Prevent dmidecode failure from returning None (awoodAATTredhat.com)- 1543639: Properly encode package profile data (jturelAATTredhat.com)- 1527396: Subman cockpit plugin - fix registration using act. keys (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1535974: Close register dialog, when status is changed (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- Add start date to available pool listing (wpoteatAATTredhat.com)- Condition requiring --after and --all is unnecessary (wpoteatAATTredhat.com)- 1510024: Handle rhel-alt product tags properly (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1540204: Raise RateLimitExceededException with headers (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1533905: Remove dependency on yum and chkconfig. (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1479353: Add --after option to list command (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- 1537473: Subman rpm requires python-setuptools (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1525238: Do not protect rhel prod. cert with special case (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1526622: Do not delete product certificates in protected directory (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1519512: Handle non-UTF8 RPM vendors (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1487600: Fix registration success detection (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1527813: subman-gui use new URL of Online Documentation (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1527392: Clear credential data in register dialog (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- rct cat-manifest: show Web and API urls from consumer.json (evgeniAATTgolov.de)- Use dnf on RHEL or Fedora w/ using Python 3 (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1507030: RestlibExceptions should show they originate server-side (awoodAATTredhat.com)- Package for Python 3 on Fedora (khowellAATTredhat.com) * Fri Feb 09 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.21.1-2- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Jan 11 2018 Alex Wood 1.21.1-1- Do not enable gpgcheck if the only a metadata gpg key is configured (gitAATTPaulSD.com)- 1448313: Do not log error, when rhsmcertd is restarted (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- Support configuration of a repo metadata signing key (gitAATTPaulSD.com)- Generate bin scripts via setuptools entry_points (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1304056: Fix D-Bus path of com.redhat.RHSM1.Facts (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1516439: Cockpit reports error during unregister when candlepin unavailable (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1510727: Enable starting of subman GUI, when consumer has been deleted (jhnidekAATTredhat.com) * Mon Dec 11 2017 Kevin Howell 1.20.8-1- Sync zanata translations (khowellAATTredhat.com)- Add parameter to D-Bus API to pass locale for localization of errors (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1463765: Fix wrong Indic-language translations (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1487600: Cockpit - Save configuration from register dialog (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1464571: Improve multiple product certs errors (khowellAATTredhat.com)- Replace cockpit-subscriptions (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1507158: Provide Host: in http CONNECT header (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1319927: Remove newline from auto enable message (khowellAATTredhat.com) * Tue Nov 28 2017 Kevin Howell 1.20.7-1- Sync zanata translations (khowellAATTredhat.com) * Tue Nov 28 2017 Kevin Howell 1.20.6-1- Sync zanata translations (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1514067: Call virt-what using absolute path (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1487688: Load config settings for cockpit plugin (khowellAATTredhat.com)- Added dependencies to cockpit-bridge and cockpit-shell. (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1462456: Flush stdout and stderr on more places (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1491842: fixed typo in man page. (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1508591: Removed python-rhsm from subscription-manager version (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1421010: Subman-GUI shows error dialog (wrong proxy settings) (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1500106: subscription-manager status --ondate do not ignore date (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1506970: Fixed default custom URL in cockpit plugin (jhnidekAATTredhat.com) * Thu Nov 02 2017 Kevin Howell 1.20.5-1- Sync zanata translations (khowellAATTredhat.com)- Cockpit - listing of installed products using patternfly-react (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1508457: Bump versions in python-rhsm obsoletes (khowellAATTredhat.com)- Implement fallback for settimeout on old m2crypto (khowellAATTredhat.com)- Cockpit: reconcile translated strings (khowellAATTredhat.com)- Cockpit: use translations from root dir (khowellAATTredhat.com) * Mon Oct 30 2017 Kevin Howell 1.20.4-1- Fix cockpit tgz path in spec file (khowellAATTredhat.com) * Mon Oct 30 2017 Kevin Howell 1.20.3-1- Cockpit: Implement modal dialog (khowellAATTredhat.com)- Implement bootstrap-select component (khowellAATTredhat.com)- Port cockpit subscriptions-client to dbus (khowellAATTredhat.com)- Move python-rhsm build into subscription-manager (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1354667: Add identity cert detection to proxy error message generation (wpoteatAATTredhat.com)- 1501889: Enable yum plugins after sub-man subcommand is executed (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1477958: Use inotify for checking changes of consumer certs (jhnidekAATTredhat.com) * Mon Oct 09 2017 Kevin Howell 1.20.2-1- Sync zanata translations (khowellAATTredhat.com)- Bump python-rhsm requirement to 1.20.2 (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1448313: Do not log error, when rhsm_icon.json does not exist (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1354667: Better message for proxy/identity cert issue (wpoteatAATTredhat.com)- 1489917: More robust reading of yum plugin file (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1491842: Add man page doc for [rhsm] auto_enable_yum_plugins (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1493711: Fix --matches option for the list command. (awoodAATTredhat.com)- 1476817: Set network.ipv4_address properly, when DNS misconfigured. (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1483746: Force UTF-8 encoding in rhsm-service (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- rename RepoFile to YumRepoFile (dellwegAATTatix.de)- 1466453: [RFE] rhn-migrate-classic-to-rhsm auto-enable yum plugins (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- D-Bus service for removing entitlements (all/ID/serial num.) (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1489917: More robust reading of yum plugin file (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1489877: minor typo in /etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf comment (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- restructure RepoFile hierarchy (dellwegAATTatix.de)- 1319927: [RFE] sub-man automatically enables yum plugins (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- Fix polymorphy for RHSMLogHandler (dellwegAATTatix.de)- 1481384: Do not update redhat.repo at RateLimitExceededException (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1485008: subman register --type=\"RHUI\" should work (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1481384: Do not update redhat.repo at RateLimitExceededException (#1685) (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- Do not attempt to register if already registered. (awoodAATTredhat.com)- Integrate registration service into RegisterCommand. (awoodAATTredhat.com)- 1480659: Properly initialize clean repo copy (khowellAATTredhat.com)- D-Bus service for unregistering system (#1680) (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- Add an entitlement service and use it in the CLI and DBus. (awoodAATTredhat.com)- Remove unneeded plugin conduit. (awoodAATTredhat.com)- Clean up imports in dbus.base_object (awoodAATTredhat.com)- Move certificate persistence into register service itself. (awoodAATTredhat.com)- 1480395: Force UTF-8 encoding in daemons (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1464571: \'sub-man release\' prints error for more prod. certs. (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1400326: Better error print, when consumer cert is corrupted (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- Reload identity after registering. (awoodAATTredhat.com)- Move registration code to a distinct service. (awoodAATTredhat.com)- The get_installed_product_status() is now method of InstalledProducts, small changes, refactoring. (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- D-Bus service for listing installed products (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1461003: Deprecate --type option on register command (wpoteatAATTredhat.com)- 1462928: Reset status after connection validation (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1330036: Better status error message for initial-setup (jhnidekAATTredhat.com) * Thu Jul 27 2017 Alex Wood 1.20.1-1- Only return JSON body from Register service. (awoodAATTredhat.com)- Add a DBus object and service to attach subscriptions. (awoodAATTredhat.com)- 1472746: Correct sorting of dates in subman gui (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1472715: Python module rhsm should never call exit() (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1462456: added flush() method to Tee class in fixtures. (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1462456: flushing of stdout and stderr once again (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1329349: Add subscription-manager plugin to yum-config-manager (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1468297: Fix gui proxy check (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1367672: Ignore \"already attached\" in register GUI (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1350402: fix broken pipe error in other bin scripts (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1463325: Output consumer name on registration (tonyAATTanthonyjames.org)- Tell SUSE to use yum since python-kitchen is unavailable. (awoodAATTredhat.com)- Do not package the yum plugins if they are not needed. (awoodAATTredhat.com)- Use python-kitchen instead of yum for util method. (awoodAATTredhat.com)- 1380341: Better dialog in GUI, when consumer is deleted at CP. (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1459194: open Online Documentation, when env. var. LANG is unset (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1455681: rhsm-debug created report dir with wrong perms (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1452075: print only readable part of SSL error to console (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1413161: Add baseurl examples, explanation (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1386914: Add hypervisor consumer type to manpages (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1444453: Have gettext return unicode instead of bytes. (awoodAATTredhat.com)- 1443570: Update retired article reference (redhatrisesAATTgmail.com)- 1457348: Use https for the redhat.com/forgot_password label. (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1457197: Env. variable no_proxy= * is not ignored (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1392709: Display better error msg., when wrong proxy is set up (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1448501: subman gui can unregister, when network is up again (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1422196: Update container certs after plugin install (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1441397: added --noproxy for rhsm-debug auto-completion (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1421010: GUI opens network dialog due to bad proxy during startup (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1414529: Raise exception with path/string of wrong certificate. (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1443164: no_proxy match the host name when *.redhat.com is used (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1441397: Added --noproxy to bash completion script (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- Python 3 compatability fixes. (awoodAATTredhat.com)- 1365472: Add mnemonic for subscription-manager spoke (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1443159: Added default value for splay configuration (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1452737: Enable saving no_proxy settings from GUI (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1451003: identity reports right info in name field (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1450818: Bug fix of com.redhat.Subscriptionmanager D-Bus policy (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1451166: Fix Host header when using proxy (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1450049: Replace `-` with `_` in completion functions (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1450862: remove obsolete certiciates of golden ticket (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1448855: golden ticket entitlement was not removed. (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1449824: facts collection aborts with unknown locale (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1432231: Support /etc/init.d daemon even on EL7 (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1450210: Make lscpu ignore locale again (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1447211: Don\'t read non-existing json cache file. (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1401787: Use json file for caching pool type. (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1447722: use socket.getaddrinfo() to mimic hostname -f cmd (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1427069: Add secondary file to determine external repo file changes (wpoteatAATTredhat.com)- 1444453: set bin scripts file encoding to utf-8 (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1444453: Set default encoding for gui to UTF-8 (khowellAATTredhat.com)- include \'full_refresh_on_yum\' logic in zypper service plugin (dellwegAATTatix.de)- rehash ca-path in zypper service plugin (dellwegAATTatix.de)- Add preliminary zypper support (khowellAATTredhat.com)- Define libexec directory at compile time (kkaempfAATTsuse.de)- Separate CFLAGS and LDFLAGS (kkaempfAATTsuse.de)- 1445204: Update timestamp during intitial cert check. (jhnidekAATTredhat.com) * Mon May 08 2017 Kevin Howell 1.20.0-1- Bump python-rhsm requirement to 1.20.0 (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1444512: Display deleted uuid in facts dialog correctly. (jhnidekAATTredhat.com) * Tue May 02 2017 Kevin Howell 1.19.12-1- Bump python-rhsm requirement to 1.19.6 (khowellAATTredhat.com) * Tue May 02 2017 Kevin Howell 1.19.11-1- 1446638: Remove dbus-x11 dependency (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1443101: Provide feedback for force register (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1446469: Use sys.setdefaultencoding(\'utf-8\') in better way. (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1440319: fixed wrong spelling. (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1426343: fixed rct to display cert without subjectAltName. (jhnidekAATTredhat.com) * Thu Apr 27 2017 Kevin Howell 1.19.10-1- Sync zanata translations (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1444714: Error reading system DMI information (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1357152: Print right dates on subscription-manager list --installed (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1445387: Set locale fact to Unknown if value cannot be determined (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1443693: Enable to overwrite system.certificate_version with custom fact. (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1444800: Added mising policy file. (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1429505: Facts dbus service does not start properly due to timeout. (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1443215: bug fix of writing time stamps. (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1443554: Clicking at Help->Getting Started opens yelp. (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1428002: Add proxy configuration info to man page (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1443598: Remove M2Crypto reference from rhsmlib (khowellAATTredhat.com) * Thu Apr 20 2017 Kevin Howell 1.19.9-1- Sync zanata translations (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1438869: Capture dmidecode errors at fact gathering (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1443205: Simplify rhsmcertd log message plurality (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- 1435771: Fix UnboundLocalError during custom facts collection (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- 1426357: Fix DBus register service configuration issue. (awoodAATTredhat.com)- 1405314: Better output message, when subman gui is launched with non-root user. (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1426685: Bug fix: subman doesn\'t log errors when repository enabling failed (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1441698: Install missing rpm package with fonts. (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1438085: Do not include virt.uuid for platforms where it is not known (csnyderAATTredhat.com) * Mon Apr 17 2017 Kevin Howell 1.19.8-1- Sync zanata translations (khowellAATTredhat.com)- Bump python-rhsm requirement to 1.19.5 (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1435013: Add splay option to rhsmcertd, randomize over interval (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- 1438139: Make subscription details view expand (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1438869: Clear dmidecode warnings (khowellAATTredhat.com)- Update log message to be more clear about the splay time being used (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- 1438561: Do not use D-Bus for facts collection (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1433368: 1432947: Filter content access certs at entitlement list level (wpoteatAATTredhat.com) * Tue Apr 11 2017 Kevin Howell 1.19.7-1- Sync zanata translations (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1440934: Ensure rhsmcertd performs both types of checks (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- 1440251: Bug fixing building of rhsmcertd at RHEL (jhnidekAATTredhat.com)- 1440922: Add a description of maxSplayMinutes to the rhsm.conf man page (csnyderAATTredhat.com) * Mon Apr 10 2017 Kevin Howell 1.19.6-1- Bump required python-rhsm version to 1.19.4-1 (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1435013: Add splay to all checks done by rhsmcertd (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- 1431659: Let rhsmcertd-worker clean up on SIGTERM (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1428435: Make release set/unset regenerate repos (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1425922: System locale in facts (wpoteatAATTredhat.com)- 1420533: Add no_proxy option to API, config, UI (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1424614: Add support to rct to print contentAccessMode attribute (rjerridoAATToutsidaz.org)- Automatic commit of package [python-rhsm] release [1.19.3-1]. (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1434860: Only log correlation ID for specified cmd (khowellAATTredhat.com) * Thu Mar 30 2017 Kevin Howell 1.19.5-1- Zanata translations for 1.19.X (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1433479: rhsmcertd - check connection before lock (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1427069: Prioritize content from Basic entitlements (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1429657: Remove catch-all on register --force (khowellAATTredhat.com) * Mon Mar 20 2017 Kevin Howell 1.19.4-1- Bump required python-rhsm version to 1.19.2 (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1434094: Deny D-BUS Config.Set from non-root (khowellAATTredhat.com) * Mon Mar 20 2017 Kevin Howell 1.19.3-1- Lock down Facts object to be accessible to root only. (awoodAATTredhat.com)- 1423013: Allow DBus calls to the com.redhat.RHSM1 interfaces (awoodAATTredhat.com)- Address code paths with Coverity FORWARD_NULL (khowellAATTredhat.com) * Mon Mar 13 2017 Kevin Howell 1.19.2-1- Query.na_dict() has been renamed in dnf 2.0 (#1544) (MichaelMrakaAATTusers.noreply.github.com)- Add correlation ID to each cmd & rhsmcertd run (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1425438: Hide content access certs from list cmd (khowellAATTredhat.com)- 1421930: Force update of icon cache on install of subman gui (csnyderAATTredhat.com)- Bug fix: make install works as expected, when PYTHON_VER is not set using system variable. (jiri.hnidekAATTtul.cz)- 1415708: Fix issues with facts gathering. (awoodAATTredhat.com)- Add content access cert functionality to subman (khowellAATTredhat.com)- Bootstrap DBus mainloop when rhsmcertd runs. (awoodAATTredhat.com)- Fix string comparison missed in python3 PR (khowellAATTredhat.com)- Add missing Requires and BuildRequires needed by F25. (awoodAATTredhat.com)