Changelog for copr-frontend-fedora-1.155-1.fc29.noarch.rpm :
* Tue Oct 08 2019 Pavel Raiskup 1.155-1- frontend: api_2: ignore validation problems mm_serialize_one- frontend: fix one more traceback in builder-live.log link * Thu Oct 03 2019 Pavel Raiskup 1.154-1- api compat fixes for marshmallow 3+- more reliable BE->FE communication (#1021)- allow rhelbeta-X/epel-X chroot co-existence (#1035)- new url routes for parallel handling of actions by backend (#1007)- user can pin all projects he can build in (#1016)- project forking fixes- fix slow rawhide_to_release command (#989)- support multilib projects (#938)- status chroot build icon now links to live log (#990)- admin: dump whooshee version when updating indexes (#946)- admin: ability to documment chroot (#853)- admin: add manage.py branch_fedora command (#955) * Wed Sep 04 2019 Dominik Turecek 1.153-1- admin permission check in \'can_build_in()\' (issue#970)- better link to builder-live.log (issue#941)- hide unlisted projects from homepage in RSS- build srpm first- fixes traceback with invalid chroot name (issue#810) * Wed Aug 28 2019 Dominik Turecek 1.152-1- fix public dump for login to work after re-import (issue#912)- optimize frontpage and fix recent builds page (issue#937)- batch delete builds into a single action (issue#688)- optimize /backend/pending-jobs/ json rendering- monitor page should not show builds from PR (issue#839)- unify \"repos\" field description for chroot/project- add support for length of pending/running tables (issue#709)- fix traceback on build delete (issue#822)- remove records limit for running/pending/importing stats pages (issue#893)- fix error with sorting pending/running table by project name (issue#901)- fix GDPR user data deletion (issues#889,#890)- adding better time representation for build detail (issue#860)- un-pin projects when deleting them (issue#895)- fix module state and show it on the module detail page (issue#607) * Mon Jul 29 2019 Pavel Raiskup 1.151-1- run createrepo immediately, don\'t wait for first build (issue#833)- added pinned-projects feature (issue#495)- fix/customize sorting in running/pending/importing tab (issue#808)- removed (so far broken) group avatar from group projects (issue#806)- added helper for daily db dumps (pr#783)- better working with build statuses internally (issue#668)- modular builds now respect the module platform (issue#606)- sandbox builds not only per user, but also per submitter and project- better submitter identification for webhook builds- repo ID in `dnf copr enable` repo files contain frontend hostname- hide \"delete all builds\" checkboxes for logged-out visitors (issue#577)- nicer API error output for ActionInProgressException- allow individuals to ask permissions for group projects (issue#778)- api pagination ordering fix (rhbz#1717506)- api /project/list now doesn\'t include group projects- disallow ex-members to build in projects (issue#848)- don\'t traceback when \"add-group\" form contains errors (issue#847)- allow group admins to delete all projects in the group (issue#779)- fix a lot of deprecation warning during build- really delete builds in temporary projects, no only the DB entry- show only forks in web-UI that are not yet deleted- added link to RSS feed into site navigation- admin: add command to delete orphaned builds and packages- admin: us to create temporary aliases for chroots- admin: allow copr admins to edit Package entries * Tue May 21 2019 Pavel Raiskup 1.150-1- fix the script for prolonged outdated chroots- add RHEL 8 (rhelbeta) chroot logo- correctly describe \"Create repositories manually\"- remove unused module_md_name and module_md_zlib columns- sort package (build)requires- use humanize in time_ago(); fix #724- automatize outdated chroots notifications and deletion- notify outdated chroots with 80 days interval- don\'t unselect inactive chroots in project edit; fix #712- print soon-to-remove outdated chroots in red; see #593- cron: call \'clean_expired_projects\' correctly- traceback when forked_from project deleted- disable \"expire now\" button when chroot is already expired- NameError: name \'unicode\' is not defined- require wtforms version with render_kw * Wed Apr 24 2019 Jakub Kadlčík 1.149-1- fix finished status for SRPM builds, hopefully last time- log handled 500 errors- fix a failing test- expect the correct status code for project deletion failure- webhook triggers expect int:copr_id- fix shebang in daily cron job- remove a redundant condition for outdated chroots- allow user to remove outdated chroot; fix #624- sort outdated chroots by name; fix #593- pagure-events: send keep-alive tcp packets- replace cron configuration automatically- respect module buildorder by setting dependencies among batches- add mechanism to block build batch until other one finishes- build is not finished when not even SRPM is finished- fix WTForms deprecation warning- fix Flask invalid cookie warning- fix YAMLLoadWarning deprecation warning- fix FlaskWTForms deprecation warning- pagure-events: each commit in push/PR should trigger build- webhooks: each commit in push should trigger build- make clean_old_builds query join() explicit- link to correct API documentation- fixup test fixtures for Rawhide- add CLI for permissions- new --max-builds option- move \"Other options\" to separate panel- support temporary projects- print friendly error on http when https is enforced- Merge #647 `[frontend] make \'alembic revision --autogenerate\' pylint-clean`- *_private migration is irreversible- don\'t ignore constraints when moving data to *_private- simplify *_private tables- de-duplicate *_private ids- add CoprPrivate to join- fix migration sequence by putting private table migrations on top- remove private columns from user and copr- private tables for user and copr- make \'alembic revision --autogenerate\' pylint-clean- pagure-events: accept [copr-build] key in PR message- pagure-events: allow duplicate builds- better parse Pagure\'s PR messages- fix Pagure-triggered Package builds- linter for alembic revisions- repaired import in builds_logic Closes #644- increase the build timeout limit because of chromium- reset config changes after each test method- UI: say \"SRPM log\" instead of \"Import log\"- disallow root to execute ./manage.py- don\'t display url to dist-git logs for non-admin users- fix batch build delete in group projects; see #575- fix exception when multiple sources are generating graph data- support ?priority=x for non copr:// repo- Redis.setex swapped arguments in v3+- go to builds page after submitting a custom method build- fix module builds table- test real-world module buildorder, see #599- enforce https for outdated chroots emails- pass queue_sizes also to the graph page- display badges in task queue tabs, see #552-[python] avoid \'collections.abc\' warnings * Fri Mar 15 2019 Jakub Kadlčík 1.148-1- [frontend] add missing spaces- [frontend] set reply-to header to our emails- [frontend] sort chroots in email by project name- [frontend] don\'t get chroots from deleted projects- [frontend][python] handle timeout errors- [frontend] return the correct status for SRPM fail (fix #513)- Added rss feed from all copr\'s projects to /rss/- [frontend] show packages with no builds as \'not built yet\'- [cli][frontend] fix copr-cli downloading parent directory for cancelled builds- [frontend][backend] make copr_prune_results skip already pruned outdatedchroots * Mon Mar 11 2019 Jakub Kadlčík 1.147-1- [frontend] don\'t forget to commit in \'manage.py alter_chroot\'- [frontend] new \'db_session_scope\' idiom- [frontend] remove leftover old_status after PR#562- [frontend] rework error handlers to fix #531- [frontend] remove migration-report page- [frontend] remove old_status column from package table- [frontend] mention Copr in mail subject- [frontend][backend] require libmodulemd in at least 1.7.0- [frontend] build batch deletion by xhr * Thu Feb 14 2019 Jakub Kadlčík 1.146-1- [frontend] require copr-common greater than 0.4 version * Mon Feb 11 2019 Jakub Kadlčík 1.145-1- Don\'t let dev instance notify all users- Don\'t allow to send notification for empty chroots- Move splitFilename function to the copr-common package- Fix storing the custom script parameters- Set webhook_rebuild even in APIv3- Set the disable_createrepo when creating the project via APIv3- Stick with the old repo_id format until F28 is supported- Add index build(canceled, is_background, source_status, id)- Couple of bugfixes for wrong variables and properties * Tue Jan 15 2019 Miroslav Suchý 1.144-1- add db indexes * Mon Jan 14 2019 Miroslav Suchý 1.143-1- add build_copr_id index and build_chroot(status, started_on)- fix path to bash- removing executable bit from api_general.py * Fri Jan 11 2019 Miroslav Suchý 1.142-1- remove data from outdated chroots- fix modulemd import on F29 * Thu Jan 10 2019 Miroslav Suchý 1.141-1- order builds already by SQL- add support for copr dir to copr-cli- Show markdown code for status badge- add pending action count- add get_admins command to manage.py- notifications for outdated chroots- show project forks- don\'t include port in repofile ID- Remove spaces around slash in owner/project header- Make pagure-events service load-balanceable- Fix `copr-cli mock-config` after switching to APIv3 by preprocessing repos onfrontend- add data migration to remove build.results column- add try-except block to rollback session properly if an error ocurrs- move inline style to css- let mock rootdir generation on clients- rename repos \'url\' attribute to \'baseurl\'- provide repo_id in project chroot build config- refactor repo_id property- dont remove additional_repos list- add possibility to query all projects (RhBug: 1130166)- don\'t show empty copr dirs (see #447)- warn maintainer when working in foreign project- Allow per-package chroot-blacklisting by wildcard patterns- add possibility to notify just selected users- send only one email per user- preprocess repo URLs on frontend- move \'Build only for\' down into \'Default Build Source\'- list chroots the package is built for- render \"Generic form\"- drop \"downloading\" state- allow blacklisting packages from chroots * Fri Oct 19 2018 Miroslav Suchý 1.140-1- /usr/bin/env python3 -> /usr/bin/python3- fix SELinux- use cached data for small graph of usage- add quick_enable.html flavor template- sync style-overwrite.css with generate_colorscheme- new config REPO_NO_SSL- split style-overwrite.css into two parts- change repo ID format- Start using a code from copr_common- refactor mailing code- use git_dir_archive instead of git_dir_pack- 1628399 - che/llvm and che/mesa do not show up when searching for the search terms- migrate from deprecated python3-modulemd to libmodulemd- do not allow other users to edit your packages- fix operation of alembic-3 commands (e.g. alembic-3 history)- pg#251 Make it possible for user to select pyp2rpm template- don\'t hardcode OpenID provider (#374)- 1622513 - require python3-requests- pg#251 Make it possible for user to select pyp2rpm template- change repo ID format to copr::: * Fri Aug 24 2018 clime 1.139-1- add proper access check for integrations page * Thu Aug 23 2018 clime 1.138-1- fix bug that project non-owner can generate new webhook secret * Thu Aug 23 2018 clime 1.137-1- generate new webhook secret functionality in copr-cli- fix forking not to duplicate information that should not beduplicated- apiv3: construct dict with project data before deleting it- don\'t set source_build_method for unset packages- Change of the default setting of follow_fedora_branching- #349 Do not fork package auto-rebuild information- fix rawhide_to_release after b15e4504c- packaging: Python 2/3, RHEL/Fedora fixes- fix custom package webhooks * Mon Aug 06 2018 clime 1.136-1- None task protection- apiv3- pagure integration- manual byte-code compilation * Fri Jul 20 2018 clime 1.135-1- fix tests under ppc64le * Fri Jul 20 2018 clime 1.134-1- fix #320 copr frontend check: remove arch specific condition- drop initscripts Require- fix #322 frontend: scriptlet stderr pollution- contact_us column added into footer- graphs optimizied- note contact info for GDPR data dump- remove logstash configuration from .spec * Tue Jun 19 2018 clime 1.133-1- separate version of the copr-frontend-flavor provide- ignore errors on \"condrestart\" foreign services- rename user_info flavor template file to user_meta- GDPR compliance- drop \'passwd\' dependency * Fri May 18 2018 clime 1.132-1- add --with/--without rpmbuild options for build chroot- use \"$releasever\" in repo base URL for opensuse-leap and mageia chroots- openSUSE chroot support- fix #291 forks are incomplete- fix rpm download counters for group projects- #290 auto-rebuilds are being spawned on commits to some other projects- preparation for opensuse-leap-15.0-x86_64 * Mon Apr 30 2018 clime 1.131-1- fix build on pagure commit script to listen only to pagure fedmsgs- use rsplit for chroot splitting to get os, version, arch triplet * Thu Apr 26 2018 Dominik Turecek 1.130-1- add pending tasks to graphs- rpkg deployment into COPR - containers + releng continuation- fix flash messages not disappearing after page reload- change flash messages for deleted/cancelled builds- remove dangling symlinks after 00b6073- unbundle static files- some javascript assets are not placed under component folder- remove redundatant stuff in complex tests- remove unneeded basenames- fix #269, #273, #221 and #268- fix #275 web-ui: last build name shows \"None\"- api /build_status/ to not require login- add status_icon for build_id- change login welcome message to success message- redirect to builds table after rebuild- custom method: move the script filter into form- fix graphics issues after adding xstatic-patternfly-common- give project names more space * Wed Feb 28 2018 clime 1.129-1- several tweaks for graphs of utilization- fix copr_update after user and group routes merge- custom build: single-line textarea placeholder- vanish \'\\r\ \' in custom script- fix filter has no len() error- make the news box optional- fix group listing- remove workaround from copr_url macro- merge regular and group views * Fri Feb 23 2018 clime 1.128-1- fix counting stat logic- use end_commit when building by copr-fedmsg-listener- update service file for copr-fedmsg-listener to use python3- add forked description- fix init_db- fix unittests (zlib.compress expects bytes, not str)- task queue info cleanup- fix initial build.source_status and chroot statuses for auto- rebuilds- remove some old python scripts- enable chroot for every project that follows branching- fix copr_url() template macro for custom method- remove Group tag * Mon Feb 19 2018 clime 1.127-1- Shebangs cleanup- new custom source method- fix search page error due to missing graph data * Sun Feb 18 2018 clime 1.126-1- add fetch_sources_only: True into build task defintion- add graphs of utilization- option to give COPR repository bigger priority (see #97)- grammar: s/duplicate a backend data/duplicate backend data/- Trailing \".git\" is ignored when matching clone URL, so is unnecessary.- fix frontend by disabling doc generation- Accept webhooks from bitbucket.org.- Expand docs on how to find the correct Pagure hook setting.- fix typos- fixed status_to_order, order_to_status functions, added waiting icon- add indeces for faster build selection- add source_status field for Builds- implement the module buildorder logic- krb5: last iteritems()->items()- have .repo on the end of module repofile URL- set the gpg properties for module repo- Byecompile files in %{_datadir} with python3- pg#191 When auto-rebuilding from push event, use a head commit hash- move run3_tests.sh into run_tests.sh, polish .spec a bit- fix run scripts under python3- frontend now presents the whole job queue state to backend- opt rename SRPM_STORAGE_DIR to STORAGE_DIR- new generic web-hook- when passing URL with path, expect it in result; see ad9c3b4cc- remove outdated tests, see 3f62873- add index to build module_id- copy only module builds into the repo directory- generate the module NSV rather than asking for it- fix condition that all module packages were successfully built- remove outdated modularity code- fix baseurl for module repofile- build modules in all enabled chroots- implement submitting modules via URL- set default values for optional modulemd params- change module version to bigint- always have a known state of a module- have unique module nsv per project- build a module without using MBS- require to specify project when building module- add build to module relation- limit spec to python3 deps and switch application and scripts to python3- pg#188 COPR webhook doesn\'t work with branches- python3 conversion * Mon Dec 18 2017 Dominik Turecek 1.125-1- add support for src.fp.o in build_on_pagure_commit.py- fix source type description- fix make-srpm anchor link- provide default for source_json_dict in scm migration- fix committish filter condition for auto-rebuilds- fix SCM migrations not to use models that might be newer than db- always use ref from the push/tag event for package auto-rebuild- rather suggest dnf-modularity-stable repo- update the info how to install a module- fix code block spacing- fix scm unification migrations for mock-scm- show most recent post from our blog * Thu Nov 09 2017 clime 1.124-1- fix build_on_pagure_commit.py- optimize check_for_anitya_version_updates- Bug 1508888 - Webhook triggered from GitHub does not start the build- allow to set use_bootstrap_container via API- fix job stucking provisionally- add PoC scripts for fedora-ci * Wed Oct 18 2017 clime 1.123-1- also set srpm_url when --initial-pkgs is used when creating new project- for tag webhook events, rebuild the package on the specified tag- check for pagure hostname in pagure auto-rebuilding script- fix for fatal error when accessing old upload builds that do not contain \'url\' key in source_json- unify SCM source types- deprecate tito and mock-scm methods- add index on package(webhook_rebuild, source_type) and copr(copr_webhook_secret)- update docs for requests/flask interaction