Changelog for
gnome-boxes-lang-3.28.4-lp151.2.3.noarch.rpm :
* Wed May 09 2018 Update to version 3.28.4: + Revert filter of incompatible OS supported architectures.
* Mon May 07 2018 Update to version 3.28.3: + Updated translations.
* Tue Apr 10 2018 Update to version 3.28.2: + Revert \"Inhibit suspend\" functionality due to breakage of string freeze break.
* Mon Apr 09 2018 Update to version 3.28.1: + Offer to download only supported architectures. + Inhibit suspending in various long lasting operations: - Downloading media. - Installing (under-construction). - Cloning machine. + Select PUBLIC by default in the Shared Folder popover. + Select box on child-activated in the icon view. + Updated translations.
* Tue Mar 20 2018 Unconditionally enable translation-update-upstream: on Tumbleweed, this results in a NOP and for Leap in SLE paid translations being used (boo#1086036).
* Sun Mar 04 2018 Update to version 3.27.92: - Don\'t offer EOL operating systems for download. - Handle mime-types (allows opening ISOs w/ Boxes from file manager). - Fix window grouping for multiple windows. - Fix showing logo while downloading an image from the internet. - Download logos from new source ( - Add FreeDOS logo.- Add: + pkgconfig(gobject-2.0) BuildRequires to avoid implicit dependency. + fdupes BuildRequires and its macro for replacement of duplicates with links under the data directory.- Drop pkgconfig(rest-0.7) BuildRequires: it is no longer a required anymore.
* Wed Feb 28 2018 Modernize spec-file by calling spec-cleaner
* Tue Feb 06 2018 Switch to meson build system: + Add meson BuildRequires. + Replace configure/make/make_install macros with meson/meson_build/meson_install.- Drop gettext BuildRequires: no explicitly required by the build system (but since RPM pulls it in, it\'s there anyway).
* Tue Feb 06 2018 Update to version 3.27.90: + Various documentation updates. + Fix notification dismissal that prevented Boxes from exiting. + Introduce selection mode keybord shortcuts. + Remember user credentials (keyring) for remote machines. + Show \"oops page\" when failing to connect to the backend. + Add DnD file transfer UI (visual feedback). + Add Transfers popover to keep track of ongoing file transfers. + Many wizard UI/UX changes such as: - Make \"Select a File\" a menu entry. - Introduce the \"Download an OS\" section. - Make it possible to search for a downloadable OS. - Offer to download an ISO if none is found in the filesystem. + Updated translations.
* Tue Jan 09 2018 Update to version 3.27.4: + Various build (meson) fixes and improvements. + Port of the IconView to GtkFlowBox. + Fix notification dismissal at application shutdown. + Updated translations.
* Wed Jan 03 2018 Update to version 3.27.3: + Use a more convenient API end-point. + Port the Downloaded list to GtkListBox. + Introduce a flat styling for the wizard rows. + Set a user-agent when using the network. + Make the wizard content scrollable. + Updated translations.- Update Url to current Boxes\' web page.- Drop pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0) BuildRequires: it\'s no longer a requirement.- Drop %glib2_gsettings_schema_
*, %desktop_database_
*, %icon_theme_cache_
* post/postun scriptlets and %glib2_gsettings_schema_requires macro since their functionality has been transfered to RPM file triggers.- Add pkgconfig(gio-2.0) BuildRequires: it was already being pulled with glib-2.0 module and used, since both of them live in glib2-devel package.- Adopt the use of %make_build macro instead of raw make command, following the best practices.- Drop gnome-boxes-nb-translations.patch: Fixed upstream.
* Wed Jan 03 2018 Update to version 3.27.2: + Sufix screenshot filenames with .png. + Install appstream metadata at the new right location. + Fix enable-debug CFlags in the build machinery. + Don\'t use the default size as minimum size in the machine setup + Updated translations.
* Wed Jan 03 2018 Update to version 3.27.1: + Allow multiple attempts to authenticate a VNC connection. + Allow keeping the media after installation. + Fix the logo resolution in the wizard. + Fix target dev name for floppy nodes. + Allow resize of disks with snapshots. + Make the wizard look closer to the mockups. + Introduce RHEL Developer Suite integration. + Updated translations.- Add pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0) and pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.0) BuildRequires: new dependencies.
* Tue Jan 02 2018 Add gnome-boxes-nb-translations.patch: Update Norwegian Bokmål translations.- Stop post(un) handling of glib2_gsettings_schema_post(un), desktop_database_post(un) and icon_theme_cache_post(un), we have file-triggers taking care of this now.- Drop gnome-shell BuildRequires, just own the dirs in spec.
* Wed Nov 01 2017 Update to version 3.26.2: + Restore logo definition for RHEL 4.x. + Allow resize of disk with snapshots. + Append extension to screenshot filenames. + Updated translations.
* Wed Oct 04 2017 Update to version 3.26.1: + Properly pick the right logo during install. + Fix Windows 7 express install. + Updated translations.
* Mon Sep 11 2017 Update to version 3.26.0: + Fix Icon in Nepali tranlation. + Correct docs for the download method. + Updated translations.
* Fri Sep 08 2017 Ensure neutrality of descriptions.
* Thu Aug 24 2017 Update to version 3.25.91: + Fixes in the gettext machinery. + Updated translations.
* Mon Aug 07 2017 Update to version 3.25.90: + Migrate from Intltool to Gettext. + Deattach notifications after timeout. + Update TODO file. + Updated translations.- Drop intltool BuildRequires following upstreams port, add explicit gettext BuildRequires.
* Mon Jul 17 2017 Update to version 3.25.4: + Suggest 5GM RAM and 20GB of free disk in Help docs. + Add libtracker-sparql-2.0 to build checks. + Use GLib.uuid_string_random instead of libuuid. + Add DBus activatable service file. + Drop libuuid. + Updated translations.- Replace pkgconfig(tracker-sparql-1.0) with pkgconfig(tracker-sparql-2.0) BuildRequires following upstreams changes.- Drop pkgconfig(uuid) BuildRequires following upstreams changes.
* Tue Jun 20 2017 Update to version 3.25.3: + Add screenshot option. + Introduce shared folders. + Mark schema strings for translation. + Updated translations.
* Tue May 23 2017 Update to version 3.25.2: + Port auth notifications to Gtk+ revealer. + Update help documentation to 3.24. + Let GtkApplication load the appmenu. + Updated translations.
* Tue Apr 25 2017 Update to version 3.25.1: + Do not expose \"Read only\" VNC option. + Keep aspect ration when scaling VNC display. + Drop \"maximum\" text at the properties dialog. + Allow sending ctrl+alt+del keys. + Set VM to run in background during install. + Do not transfer open_fd() ownership in spice-session. + Updated translations.
* Mon Mar 20 2017 Update to version 3.24.0: + Updated translations.
* Mon Feb 27 2017 Update to version 3.23.91: + Fix build with vala >= 0.36. + Updated translations.
* Mon Feb 06 2017 Update to version + Fix translator comments. + Port BoxesNotification from GdNotification to GtkRevealer. + Store the user password in the keyring during an express installation. + Use unicode in a new translatable string. + Updated translations.
* Mon Feb 06 2017 Update to version 3.23.4: + Add option groups for spice-gtk, gtk-vnc and gtk+. + Fix typo in debug string in vm-configurator. + Withdraw system notifications on exit.
* Mon Feb 06 2017 Update to version 3.23.3: + Don\'t sanitize oVirt URI in ovirt-brokers. + Updated translations.
* Mon Feb 06 2017 Update to version 3.23.2: + Allow sending CTRL+ALT+F3 key combo to guest (for reaching TTY3) shortcut. + Don\'t autosave live & under-installation VMs. + Use new Gtk+ CSS property names. + Re-layout custom osinfo db to comply with new libosinfo format. + Use latest libgd. + Fix some user-visible strings. + Allow redirection of USB mouse and keyboard if \'BOXES_USB_REDIR_ALL\' environment variable is set. + Make use of unicode in translatable strings. + Updated translations.
* Mon Feb 06 2017 Update to version 3.22.4: + Store the user password in the keyring during an express installation. + Fix typo in debug string in vm-configurator. + Fix printf format strings in the selectiontoolbar. + Updated translations.- Add pkgconfig(libsecret-1) BuildRequires: New dependency.
* Tue Nov 22 2016 Update to version 3.22.3: + Fix thread leaks. + Fix issue of primary window closing along with last secondary window. + Updated translations.
* Sat Nov 05 2016 Update to version 3.22.2: + Work around a libvirt-glib bug to avoid a crash during startup. + Updated translations.- Drop ad606291-vm-configurator-Don-t-access-invalid-device-objects.patch: Fixed upstream.
* Wed Oct 26 2016 Add ad606291-vm-configurator-Don-t-access-invalid-device-objects.patch: Fix crash in update_existing_domain() (boo#1005488, bgo#769718).
* Fri Oct 07 2016 Update to version 3.22.1: + Fix some glitches on display resize. + Fix build against latest valac.
* Tue Sep 20 2016 Update to version 3.22.0: + Updated translations.
* Sun Sep 18 2016 Stop passing --enable-smartcard and --enable-usbredir to configure. No longer recognized nor needed.- Conditionally apply translations-update-upstream BuildRequires and macro for non-openSUSE only.
* Wed Sep 14 2016 Update to version 3.21.92: + Limit concurrent notifications to 5. + Fix check for \"our\" VMs. + Only update configuration of \"our\" VMs on startup. + Use URL in strings instead of URI. + Stricter validation of SPICE URLs. + Inform user if SPICE agent is not installed in guest. + Enable USB redirection for VMs running in background. + Drop redundant check for QXL support by guest OS. + Drop now redundant USB redirection and smartcard hacks for < Qemu 1.3. + Fix \"Keyboard Shortcuts\" placement and capitalization in global menu. + Distribute README.logos. + Updated translations.
* Tue Jun 21 2016 Update to version 3.21.3: + Add cloning option. + Remove \"Pause\" action from the popover menu, in display mode. + Add a \"Restart\" action in the display mode popover-menu. + Preserve order of boxes over restarts. + Don\'t use characters in hostnames that Microsoft Windows find offensive. + Don\'t allow launching or saving of under-import VMs. + Handle spice+unix SPICE URLs. + Remember \'read-only\' property for VNC boxes. + Ensure new VMs do not expose the SPICE connection to all users. + Ensure Boxes can connect to local VMs through file descriptor. + Ensure \"Back\" button is not made sensitive on the first wizard page. + Don\'t launch polkit dialog on startup. + Sort medias in wizard by vendor. + Sort medias in wizard in (intended) reverse-chronological order. + Fix a test for availability of bridge networking. + Support non-srcdir builds. + Updated translations.
* Sun May 22 2016 Pass --enable-vala to configure. Build from vala sources.
* Tue May 10 2016 Update to version 3.20.2: + Fix sorting of media by release date in wizard menu. + Ensure we don\'t expose private SPICE connection to other users. + Fix a corner case in wizard, where going back showed incorrect page. + Suppress irrelevant logging of a SPICE event. + Fix issue of \"ready-only\" property of VNC box not being reliably saved. + Don\'t provide inapplicable options to launch or save under-import VMs. + Remove all characters from assigned hostnames to VMs, that Microsoft Windows does not like. + Don\'t update last access time of remote boxes on startup so the order of VMs is preserved accross Boxes lifetime.- Changes from version 3.20.1: + Ensure boxes get deleted if user quits Boxes immediately after deletion. + Don\'t loose URI on navigating back in wizard. + Don\'t provide option to import unimportable system libvirt VMs. + Updated translations.
* Wed Mar 23 2016 Update to version 3.20.0: + Updated translations.
* Thu Mar 17 2016 Update to version 3.19.92: + Fix two crashes in VNC-related code. + Fix Boxes quitting on failure to connect to default broker (session libvirt). + Fix removal of box configuration on failure to connect to its broker. + Fix regression of configuration data being saved in ~.cache rather than ~/.config. + Fix resource graph drawing code against latest gtk+. + Fix typo in the title of a keyboard shortcut. + Updated translations.
* Thu Mar 03 2016 Update to version 3.19.91: + Add context to some translated strings. + Fix AppData file. + Updated translations.
* Tue Jan 19 2016 Update to version 3.19.4: + Automatically create a snapshot after a VM is installed, to serve as a reset mechanism. + Fix translation comments in UI files. + Updated translations.
* Sat Dec 19 2015 Update to version 3.19.3: + On restoring a libvirt VM from saved state, try to sync the guest clock with host clock. This requires Qemu guest agent in the VM. + Keyboard shorcuts: - Add shortcuts help window. - Fix shortcuts for RTL locales. - Drop alt+a shortcut. + Add kudos in appdata file. + Updated translations.
* Mon Nov 23 2015 Update to version 3.19.1: + Add note about spice-vdagent in help pages. + Add missing accessibility labels on buttons. + Better accessibility label for \'Exit fullscreen\' button. + Fix the issue of VM not starting if bridge networking is no longer available. + Updated translations.
* Mon Oct 12 2015 Update to version 3.18.1: + Disable view switcher when there are no boxes. + Fix a regression causing Boxes to never show IP of local libvirt VMs. + Allow resources change of live and under-installation VMs, if they are forced stopped. + Fix issue of properties window blocking all windows from user. + Fix a potential Qemu crash by ensuring we don\'t allocate more than 4G RAM to 32-bit VMs. + Ensure all windows are hidden before starting to suspend local VMs. + Updated translations.
* Tue Sep 22 2015 Update to version 3.18.0: + Remember view (icon vs list) over restarts. + Fix redundant topbar and menu if \"Show application menu\" is disabled through tweak-tool. + Updated translations.
* Fri Sep 18 2015 Update to version 3.17.92: + Don\'t show launching status in overview. + Theme: - Drop most of custom CSS. - Fix and improve custom CSS. + Add some comments for translators. + Updated translations.
* Wed Sep 02 2015 Update to version 3.17.91: + Add a list view. + Many internal cleanups and fixes. + Updated translations.
* Tue Aug 18 2015 Update to version 3.17.90: + Add toggle buttons to titlebar to easily filter the main view to show: - All - Remote or - Local boxes + Show IP/hostname of remote libvirt and oVirt boxes in main icon view. + Improve accessibility: - Add mnemonics to various UI components. - Allow switching settings pages through Alt+Left/Right. + Fix SPICE connection leaks. + Better handle box launch cancellation. + Port/fix tests. + Add tests for Fedora 21 and 22 express installation. + Updated translations.
* Thu Jul 23 2015 Update to version 3.17.4: + Show guest IP on \'General\' page for local VMs. + Show IP/hostname of remote desktop boxes in main icon view. + Add a switch to allow disabling autosaving for a box in the \'System\' page of properties window. + Improved: - Favourite emblem. - Stopped boxes and fallback, thumbnails. + Fix the issue of secondary windows ending up in weird unusable state on closing of properties window over main window. + More reliable setup of storage pool. + Fix import of system libvirt VMs that use device nodes as main disk. + Fix crash on failure to import system libvirt VMs. + Fix transparency of underflow and overflow indicators. + Make values of text properties, selectable. + Only autosave VMs on default connection. + Smaller markers on resource properties\' scales. + Avoid some criticals warnings on console. + More vertical spacing between resource scales in customization view. + More reliable test for raw images. + Fix alignment of resource properties\' values. + Prefix display properties\' labels with \"Display \" to make the context clear. + Updated translations.
* Thu Jun 25 2015 Update to version 3.17.3: + Add CD-ROM device to imported VMs too. + Make storage pool autostart on boot. + Fix issue of \"ghost\" VMs appearing when going back and forth in wizard. + Automated tests: - Port to new UI. - Add a test for sending key combos to box. - Speed up many tests. - Improve reliability of many tests. + Updated translations.
* Thu May 28 2015 Update to version 3.17.2: + Adapt to new libosinfo API to be able to offer express installation for Fedora 21 and 22. + Display system notification on install completion. + Assign 2G RAM by default to new VMs. + Stack up notifications vertically, instead of displaying them in the same place and ending up with all but one being obstructed. + Asynchronously setup non-default sources at startup to not block UI. + Look for bridge.conf in /etc/qemu-kvm directory too. + Selection bar: - Drop \"Properties\" button. - Move \"Delete\" button at the end and apply destructive theme to it. + Adapt to Gtk+ Vala API change. + Updated translations.
* Wed May 13 2015 Update to version 3.17.1: + Add \"Restart\" button to properties view, for libvirt machines. + Add \"Force shutdown\" option in context and hamburger menu. + Provide a symbolic icon. + Dismiss properties window on restart and force shutdown. + Check files\' extensions in a case-insensitive way. This fixes support for latest Windows ISOs that have filenames in all caps. + Revert the changes to only add USB input devices if guest was known to support them. I-e always add USB input devices to new VMs. + Ensure \"Saving…\" status goes away on saving operation failure. + Only autosave running machines. + Don\'t show \"Delete\" option in the hamburger menu. Showing it there when box is in foreground, looks odd. + Other minor UI improvements. + Updated translations.
* Wed May 13 2015 Update to version 3.16.2: + Provide symbolic icon. + Case-insensitive check for file extension. + Remove redundant work-around for Windows XP installer. + Ensure \"Saving…\" status goes away on error. + Only autosave running machines. + Assign 2G RAM to VMs by default. + Updated translations.
* Tue Apr 14 2015 Update to version 3.16.1: + Support home directories on filesystems without (good) O_DIRECT support. + Fix the issue of wizard remaining in seconardary views when cancelled through \'Esc\' key. + Show Boxes in menus of other desktops than GNOME, too. + Only add USB keyboard and mouse to new VMs they are supported out of the box by the guest OS. This fixes installation of Windows XP. + Gracefully handle case of no cpu defined in libvirt VMs. + Load correct screenshot for shutdown machines.
* Tue Mar 24 2015 Update to version 3.16.0: + Ensure wizard page titles are translated. + Updated translations.
* Tue Mar 17 2015 Update to version 3.15.92: + Notifications no longer timeout when mouse is hovering above them. + Show correct favorite option in box actions popup menu. + Only show resolution overlay on actual resize. + Updated translations.
* Tue Mar 03 2015 Update to version 3.15.91: + Cache express install toggle, username, password and product key for every media. No need to keep product keys in a separate file and having to paste them each time you create a windows box anymore. + Beautify: - USB devices list - Snapshots list - Resource graphs + Friendlier \'no snapshots\' view. + Fix invisible separators in menus. + Fix some label alignments. + Fix main window hanging in weird blank state on launching new windows. + Don\'t present useless \'Open in new window\' option when box already has its own window. + Connect to local libvirt machines\' SPICE display through a file descriptor. While this alone doesn\'t fix the issue of spice connection being exposed to other local users yet, all work in Boxes is done for that. + Mark a few forgotten UI strings for translation. + Fix a few UI strings. + Ellipsize URL in the middle to ensure the hostname and filename are visible. + Updated translations.
* Thu Feb 19 2015 Update to version 3.15.90: + New cool first experience screen. + Drop intro page from wizard now that we have a cool first experience screen. + Show step titles rather than numbers in wizard titlebar. + Ensure titlebar always has a title. + Inform users how to release the keyboard grab. + Don\'t autosave a VM when view/editing its propties. + Show normal entries for editable string properties instead of our custom widget that shows a button to edit. + Ensure selection-mode exit on launching properties view. + URL entry in wizard: - Provide completion based on media URLs known to libosinfo. - More thorough validation of local URLs. - Don\'t enable \'Continue\' for invalid URLs. - Better explain expected URLs. + Fix and improve snapshot naming. + Add automated UI tests. + Import of system libvirt VMs: - Fix import failing with a weird \'Empty location\' error message. - Don\'t needlessly chmod disk (and hence launch annoying policykit dialog). - Replace network interface so imported VM can be started successfully. + Set proper accessible name on windows. + Updated translations.
* Thu Feb 12 2015 Update to version 3.15.4: + Add a menu button that, when clicked pops up a menu to allow user to send system key combos to guest. Currently supported combos are: Ctrl+Alt+Backspace, Ctrl+Alt+F1, Ctrl+Alt+F2, Ctrl+Alt+F7. + Drop all nested dialogs by use of notifications and GtkStack widget. This also implies that we now only allow customization of resources before a box is created. + As a USB device is no longer available on the host after being redirected to guest, do not present keyboards and mice to user for redirection. + Place fullscreen button before others in display headerbar. This is for consistency with UI mockups and other apps. + Show correct number of steps in wizard title. + Show notifications on correct window in properties and wizard views. + Apply appropriate theme to \'Force shutdown\' button. + Correctly restore notebook page in properties view. + Don\'t show empty pages in properties view. + Bigger properties and wizard windows. + Add a USB keyboard to new domains. + Updated translations.
* Thu Feb 12 2015 Update to version 3.15.3: + Add a menu button that, when clicked pops up a menu to allow user to send system key combos to guest. Currently supported combos are: - Ctrl+Alt+Backspace - Ctrl+Alt+F1 - Ctrl+Alt+F2 - Ctrl+Alt+F7 + Drop all nested dialogs by use of notifications and GtkStack widget. This also implies that we now only allow customization of resources before a box is created. + As a USB device is no longer available on the host after being redirected to guest, do not present keyboards and mice to user for redirection. + Place fullscreen button before others in display headerbar. This is for consistency with UI mockups and other apps. + Show correct number of steps in wizard title. + Show notifications on correct window in properties and wizard views. + Apply appropriate theme to \'Force shutdown\' button. + Correctly restore notebook page in properties view. + Don\'t show empty pages in properties view. + Bigger properties and wizard windows. + Add a USB keyboard to new domains. + Updated translations.- Add pkgconfig(libusb-1.0) BuildRequires: New dependency.
* Thu Feb 12 2015 Update to version 3.15.2: + Properties view rework: - Now a separate dialog-like window. - Rename \'Login\' section to \'General\'. - Merge \'Display\' secion into \'General\' section. - Replace sidebar with: . system stats and controls in the \'System\' section. . notebook tabs for each section. - Remove the vague \'Resize guest\' property and instead tell SPICE to always try to scale the guest display to allocated size. - Remove vague auto-usbredirection option. - Replace use of vague term \'Virtualizer\' with a more friendlier (and consistent) term, \'Broker\'. - Show broker name instead of URL in properties view but do show broker URL in troubleshooting log. + Wizard view rework: - Now a separate dialog-like window. - Replace sidebar with step info in the title. - Present a popover with item-specific actions menu that includes: . Open in new window. . Favorite. . Pause. . Delete. . Properties when user: - right-clicks (or hits menu key) over an item. - clicks a new menu button in display view that replaces the \'properties\' button. + Show box display resolution on window resize. + Automatically save/pause VMs running in background, except for ones under express installation. + Tell SPICE to also upscale the display when needed so that we don\'t end up with a very tiny box display on hidpi screens when no autoresolution is in effect (e.g boot loader screen or guests with no qxl/agent). + Download files to temporary location first. This fixes the issue of Boxes trying to use partially downloaded files. + Set \'USB\' bus for mouse since the default PS/2 bus has been reported to be much slower. + Correctly handle the case of user clicking on a box that is being saved. + Explicitly disable HPET, based on input from libvirt and Qemu developers. + Report ovirt support in the configure summary. + Don\'t spin spinner on paused machines. + If Boxes is launched with SOUP_DEBUG environment variable set, attach a logger to libsoup session.
* Wed Feb 11 2015 Update to version (boo#916784): + Fix generated C files.- Changes from version 3.14.3: + Fix express installation for Fedora and RHEL. + Add automated tests. + Fix import of VMs from system libvirt broker. + Updated translations.
* Thu Nov 13 2014 Update to version 3.14.2: + Remove redundant revealer from snapshots view. + Fix a potential crash on snapshot deletion. + Print a more descriptive warning on failing to rename a snapshot. + Report ovirt support in configure summary.- Changes from version + Fix crash on launching a VNC box. + Fix exit of wizard when going back from customization screen. + Don\'t start the VM after reverting to a snapshot unless it was running in foreground before the reversion operation. + Always show \"Reverting to SNAPSHOT_NAME\" message when reverting as we can never be sure about the speed of the operation. + Fix the issue of pause button still being available to user when a selected box(es) is already being paused and Boxes leading into interesting scenerios if user clicks on the button. + Fix the issue of change of box name from toolbar title not getting saved. + Fix cancellation of media setup and therefore wizard jumping to setup page even after user has cancelled creation of corresponding VM. + Continue wizard to next step on user hitting \'Enter\' in URL entry. + Correctly handle HTTP(S) redirection. + Remove a now redundant work around. + Updated translations.- Changes from version + Fix express installation for Microsoft Windows. + Fix handling of downloads of unknown size.
* Mon Oct 13 2014 Update to version 3.14.1: + Documentation improvements. + Fix gnome-shell search provider by updating .desktop ID. + Add padding to left and right of display header bar. + Fix handling of remote non-ISO (import) images. + Update CPU model also for boxes created through old Boxes on startup. + Replace user interface with bridge in existing domains on startup. + Fix download of logo files by direct use of actual HTTPS URLs as redirection is currently not handled by Boxes. + Updated translations.