Changelog for orca-3.26.0-lp151.5.3.noarch.rpm :

* Thu Mar 22 2018 Unconditionally enable translation-update-upstream: on Tumbleweed, this results in a NOP and for Leap in SLE paid translations being used (boo#1086036).
* Thu Nov 02 2017 Explicitly require python3- Small cleanup with spec-clener
* Tue Oct 24 2017 Change brltty back to Recommends. It isn\'t required if only speech is being used, and it might be desirable for it not to be pulled in in some cases (boo#1063172).
* Fri Sep 15 2017 Update to version 3.26.0: + Web: - Add support for aria-errormessage. - Add support for aria-keyshortcuts. - Fix several issues related to presentation of plain text content. + LibreOffice: - Filter out checked event from window which isn\'t active. - Work around event-ordering issue. + General: - Fix incorrect presentation of old ancestors. - Fix issue related to presentation of status bars. - Remove unneeded try/except around Gdk.notify_startup_complete(). + Updated translations.
* Fri Sep 08 2017 Remove filler words from description. Replace some old macros.
* Tue Aug 15 2017 Update to version 3.25.4: + Web: - Add support for DPub ARIA roles. - Add custom localized role names for ARIA feed and figure roles. - Treat articles as \"large objects\" for the purpose of structural navigation. - Ensure we present infobar-like widgets with role of alert. - Eliminate double presentation of name of widgets which descend from label element. - Fix presentation of checkboxes and radio buttons with descendants when using caret navigation. - Work around Gecko not pruning alt=\"\" images from accessibility tree. + LibreOffice: - Fix bug in presentation of selected item in comboboxes. - Ensure we present focus claims from lists which manage descendants. - Fix performance issue presenting selection changes in spreadsheet. + General: - Work around missing events for popup menus, submenus, and dialogs. - Work around missing state-changed:focused events for Gtk+ apps. - Update locusOfFocus to active window even in the case of broken hierarchy. - Fix presentation of cells with multiple renderers. - Handle more instances of dead accessible objects and non-responsive applications. - Eliminate chattiness resulting from events coming from ancestor of locusOfFocus. - Improve presentation of newly-focused listboxes. - Sanity-check values app provides in response to getTextAtOffset(). - Address Python 3.6 invalid escape sequence deprecation. + Updated translations.- Drop obsolete post(un) handling, macros removed: desktop_database_post(un) and icon_theme_cache_post(un).
* Mon Mar 20 2017 Update to version 3.24.0: + Web: - Fix issue in new command to move to the end of the current container. - Fix instance in which we were failing to present contenteditable content. - Sanity check our attempt to hack around broken text from Gecko. + General: - Improve presentation of Gtk+ editable combo boxes. - Attempt to handle children-changed:add event flood from menus. + MATE: Filter out focus events from widgets in windows which claim to be active, but actually are not. + Updated translations.
* Mon Feb 27 2017 Update to version 3.23.91: + Web: - Add structural navigation commands to move to start, end of current container. - Handle bogus/duplicate accessible-application instances we\'re seeing with Gecko apps built against Gtk+ 3 (eliminates double-presentation during caret-navigation). - Try to prevent SeaMonkey Mail composition from unexpectedly entering browse mode. - Fix issues getting stuck in visually-hidden MathML content. - Prevent generation of unrelated labels for web content (performance). - Fix several issues to improve our workarounds for bugs in Gecko\'s accessible-text interface. - More work on recovery from zombified elements (improves reliability). - Improve reliability of \"sticky\" browse mode. - Fix minor issues in new context-presentation support. - Don\'t present loading messages if document is neither showing nor visible. + MATE: - Work around MATE Panel\'s less-than-ideal event ordering and missing events in order to improve presentation of it\'s Applications menu. - Sanity-check windows which claim to be active and ignore bogus window:active events and state-changed:active events from frames. + General: - Don\'t present new ancestors of menu bars. - Don\'t use the pyatspi cache for descriptions to ensure we don\'t present stale information. - Don\'t treat insertions as auto-text events if the source is no longer focused. - Fix recent (unstable-version) regression in which labels which label other labels stopped being presented. - Update the active window and conditionally present mouse-triggered focus changes. + Updated translations.- Switch package to noarch.
* Tue Feb 07 2017 Drop typelib-1_0-Wnck-3_0 Requires: this is properly auto-detected since orca added the correct dependency in the code.
* Thu Feb 02 2017 Update to version 3.23.4: + Web: - Optionally announce when entering and leaving blockquotes, lists, tables, panels, forms, and landmarks. - Improve handling of pages where the content is rapidly and repeatedly destroyed and replaced. - Improve workarounds for several Gecko editable-text bugs. - Ensure we always announce ARIA landmark type before setting the caret. - Improve presentation of ARIA regions. - Add custom support for ARIA switch role. - Present messages resulting from use of aria-invalid. - Check for and filter out defunct objects when building elements list. - Eliminate double-speaking of line after document load. - Suppress presentation of irrelevant loading messages resulting from busy state-change events in SeaMonkey\'s mail client. - Eliminate double-speaking of inferred labels in SayAll. - Fix several instances where new document name was not being presented. - Handle (un)ordered lists in which item text falls outside the item element. - Descend images if they are imagemaps so that we don\'t fail to present their content. + LibreOffice: - Fix crash presenting certain Writer tables. - Handle LO\'s recently-corrected exposure of text attributes for spellcheck. - Handle change in LO\'s accessibility tree for dialogs. - Handle more cases of LO objects becoming defunct. - Don\'t assume we can always get a string value for Calc input line. - Yet another workaround for yet another missing state-changed event. + General: - Make spoken presentation of accessible description optional. - Work around missing focus-change events when focus changes due to a mouse click. - Use Unicode in translatable strings. - Fix several issues in which we incorrectly update our location based on bogus or redundant accessibility events. - Reduce chattiness associated with presentation of typeahead search. - Include infobar content when presenting status bar and default button. - Reduce chattiness associated with icons which incorrectly implement accessible text. - Improve presentation of editable comboboxes. - Fix bug in which Orca is silent on launch due to inability to access default screen. - Don\'t generate substring content unnecessarily (performance). - Don\'t treat an empty table as layout only if the user gives it focus. - Fix bug speaking punctuation when punctuation style is set to NONE. - Stop converting horizontal ellipses to \"...\" in braille. + Updated translations.
* Fri Nov 11 2016 Update to version 3.22.2: + Improve support for Icedove. + Work around broken accessibility trees causing flat review to fail. + Work around missing state-changed events for LibreOffice toggle buttons. + Updated translations.
* Tue Oct 11 2016 Update to version 3.22.1: + Terminal: Reduce some chattiness using vim. + Updated translations.
* Fri Sep 16 2016 Update to version 3.21.92: + Chat: - Fix performance issue with Pidgin channels with thousands of users. - Fix bug in presenting chatroom name when app is not active. - Add customization to present chat room name after incoming message. + Flat Review: - Make context menus flat-reviewable. - Improve filtering out of non-showing menu items in flat review. - Take possible margins/padding into account when looking for the descendant at a specified point (performance). - Do not treat collapsed table rows as leaf nodes if they have children. + Web: - Add explicit do-not-descend-for-caret check for ROLE_IMAGE so that we don\'t present useless information when authors use ARIA\'s img role on embedded SVG documents. - Handle another instance of broken accessibility trees. + Updated translations.
* Fri Sep 02 2016 Update to version 3.21.91: + Flat Review: - Automatically refresh content. - Improve accuracy with respect to what is truly on screen and where it is located. - Improve performance building context. - Fix reviewability of Gtk+ icon panels and Gtk+ spin button values. - Add toolkit-specific handling for special cases (and toolkit bugs). - Make menu-bar menus reviewable, including separators and disabled items which cannot be arrowed to natively. - Make objects which typically display text (but might not implement the text interface) reviewable by word and character. - Fix issue finding initial flat review location in Thunderbird. + Mouse Review: - Dig deeper to find object under pointer for page tab list descendants (So we don\'t just say \"Page Tab\"). - Fix issue causing Orca to say \"blank\" in text with embedded objects. - Add word support to all text objects; not just editable text objects. - Work around Gtk+ 3 exposing incorrect text range extents for entries. (So we present the actual word under the mouse). - Add logic to handle windows whose accessible name doesn\'t match the displayed name. - Add an announcement so that when the user toggles Mouse Review some confirmation is provided. + Terminal: - Fix instance where braille was not being refreshed. - Do not ignore deletion events resulting from BackSpace. - Update some cached information. - Filter out a spurious, unwanted text-delete event from VTE. - Don\'t treat inserted strings <= 1 char as a terminal autotext event. - Don\'t treat terminal insertion as command result if terminal isn\'t locusOfFocus. - Present terminal paste events like we do paste events from other apps. - Work around issues in the text support of VTE which was causing us to present cut-off text. - Attempt to filter out terminal pager text-change noise to reduce chattiness. - Present terminal pager text insertions when they result from a printable key. + Web: - Add a \"sticky\" browse mode and keybinding. - Do not descend ROLE_EMBEDDED objects for the caret (ARIA compliance). - Treat menu and toolbar descendants as focus mode widgets. - Create new localized role names for ARIA landmark roles. - Don\'t automatically update locusOfFocus to alerts; just present them. - Improve presentation of Roundcube Mail\'s list of messages. - Fix issue presenting stale content. - Don\'t present name and summary for page which is no longer showing or visible. - Attempt to hack around SeaMonkey\'s broken events for HTML input popups which was causing us to exit focus mode incorrectly. - Improve presentation and handling of editable ARIA combo boxes. + LibreOffice: - Don\'t treat present \"readonly\" state for paragraphs in read-only documents. - Add handling for GtkListBox items used by LibreOffice. - Work around a number of LibreOffice bugs which were causing us to to present the wrong thing. + Other: - Ensure we use the system voice for rolename info in WebKitGtk SayAll. - Create new localized rolenames for horizontal and vertical scrollbars bars, sliders, and splitters. - More aggressively verify if a message is from a focused chat. - Fix whereAmI presentation of Gtk+ 3.20 combo boxes. - Remove .desktop file. - Include tool bar when presenting context. - Improve reliability of profile-based synthesis switching. - Do not supress presentation of locking keys in password fields. - Make the progressbar update intervals independent so beeps are always presented when that is desired. + Updated translations.- Conditionally apply translations-update-upstream BuildRequires and macro for non-openSUSE only.
* Wed Jul 20 2016 Update to version 3.21.3: + Web: - Fix a couple of instances of Orca getting stuck during caret navigation. - Fix bug in setting position via element-list dialogs. - Eliminate double-presentation of inferred labels. - Add more caching for performance. + LibreOffice: Ignore object:state-changed:sensitive events for menu items because LibreOffice is flooding us. + General: - Eliminate hang resulting from AT-SPI2 crash. - Don\'t show as desktop application in Unity; Orca is part of Universal Access. - Take interfaces into account when looking for non-descendable descendants (helps with performance). - Handle more instances of objects going defunct, apps becoming non-responsive, and apps creating duplicate accessible objects. - Make the output of \'orca -l\' more verbose to identify non-responsive apps. - Ensure a script only registers one signal handler for clipboard changes. - Ensure synthesizer is changed when switching profiles via command. - Filter out more duplicate input events. - Support non-srcdir builds in - Miscellaneous code clean up. + Updated translations.- Stop using suse_update_desktop_files macro, upstream no longer ships stand-alone desktop file, and it\'s not needed for the autostart one.
* Wed Jul 20 2016 Update to version 3.21.1: + General: - Detect and handle row-reordered event spam so valid events can be presented. - Begin refactoring of keyboard event processing. + Updated translations.
* Wed Jul 20 2016 Update to version 3.20.3: + Web: Fix issue updating caret position during structural navigation. + General: - Don\'t try to catch SIGSEGV; use faulthandler to dump output from crash. This is needed to behave (slightly) better when AT-SPI2 crashes. - Do not supress presentation of locking keys in password fields. - Don\'t show desktop file in Unity. - Ignore object:state-changed:sensitive events for menu items (perf). - Handle another case of objects going defunct on us. + Updated translations.
* Mon May 16 2016 Update to version 3.20.2: + Performance: - Take interfaces into account when looking for non-descendable descendants. - Cache results of shouldInferLabelFor(). - Cache results when filtering contents for presentation. - Give findObjectInContents() smarts for embedded children. - Check setting before generating spoken indentation information. + General: - Add explicit handling for tree items. - Work around another instance of app-created duplicate accessible objects. - Eliminate double presentation of inferred labels. - Work around GNOME Shell\'s broken text interface for word echo. - Fix desktop file keywords in Slovenian translation. - Handle another instance of an app becoming non-responsive. + Updated translations.
* Thu May 12 2016 Require python3-gobject-Gdk, since gdk/gtk bindings are now split off from python-gobject.
* Mon Apr 25 2016 Update to version 3.20.1: + Gecko: - Fix presentation of title bar in Gecko apps. - Work around Google Maps killing the focused widget. - Fix offset used when evaluating text selection in content with embedded objects. - Don\'t set new focus to context object if context object is zombie. - Only update locusOfFocus to context replicant if locusOfFocus is a zombie. - Don\'t use generated text as name for web content which exposes a name, unless it\'s a combo box or spin button. - Cache label-related information for web content for performance. - Ignore events from Mozilla\'s self-repair hidden page. - Don\'t do SayAll for page fragments. - Prevent locusOfFocus change when navigating in SeaMonkey message list. + Unity Panel Service: - Work around labels reporting an index in parent of -1. - Work around label descriptions containing unwanted content. - Fall back on name when labels fail to implement the text interface. + Gtk+: - Handle changes in Gtk+ 3.20 combo boxes. - Only treat cells with non-whitespace chars as real active descendants. - Ignore row-reordered event spam. + General: - Fix a false positive with clipboard messages. - Don\'t re-present description if it was used as name fallback. - Handle unhandled case of objects becoming defunct. - Fix syntax error in Bulgarian help file. + Updated translations.- Add python3-brlapi BuildRequires: Needed for braille support now.
* Thu Apr 14 2016 Update to GNOME 3.20 Fate#318572
* Mon Mar 21 2016 Update to version 3.20.0: + Updated translations.
* Sun Mar 20 2016 Update to version 3.19.92: + Return early in allSelectedText() when entire document is selected (performance). + Fix restoration of location when returning to nested document after find in page. + Work around unforunate event order when switching page tabs in Gecko applications. + Eliminate several clipboard/selection-related-presentation false positives. + Treat terminal text insertions resulting from Alt-modified input event as command output. + Map MATE\'s notification daemon to the notification-daemon script. + Updated translations.
* Thu Mar 03 2016 Update to version 3.19.91: + General: - Fix several issues in presentation of clipboard notifications. - Ignore some uninteresting and spammy events (performance, chattiness). - Don\'t keep asking the registry for the desktop (performance). - Eliminate several instances of terminal chattiness. - Hack around Pidgin status toggle button bug. - Improve presentation of selection changes in layered panes. - Fix modifier keys being passed to application while in in learn mode. - Add a customization to present updates for status bar progress bars. - Make detailed whereAmI fall back on basic whereAmI presentation. - Speak popovers which are modal but do not claim focus. - Fix incorrect identification of commands entered on Cyrillic keyboards. - Fix presentation of first radio button in a functional (but not actual) group. - Use isSameObject() to detect widgets and windows which were recreated. + Gecko: - Work around multiple accessible objects for one functional window. - Add more, and more performant, zombie replicant recovery utilities. - Grab focus on entries when setting focus mode; not when positioning caret so we don\'t accidentally trigger popups. - Notify script when locusOfFocus is set from window to contenteditable objects so we\'re not silent. - Work around broken table interface Gecko issue. - Attempt to identify and present clipboard events caused by elements. - Let default script handle content editable during selection. - Clear content cache when Thunderbird window is deactivated so we don\'t mistakenly conclude we\'re in the same document frame. - Fix several caret navigation and structural navigation bugs. - Present object counts for all objects in detailed whereAmI page summary. + LibreOffice: - Update some heuristics to address changed roles in Calc 5.1.x. - Handle more cases of Calc becoming non-responsive or crashing. - Work around missing event from LibreOffice Calc. + Updated translations.- Add pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0) BuildRequires: new dependency.
* Thu Feb 18 2016 Update to version 3.19.90: + New Features and Options: - Present copy, cut, paste, undo, redo, selection deletion, and selection restoration. - Add progress bar beeps. - Add core support for sound-icons (not yet enabled). - Add option to present page summary upon load, and include landmarks in summary. - Speak visited state for links which have been visited. - Make Flat Review SayAll binding independent of focus-tracking SayAll binding. - Speak text indentation during selection. - Add a specific setting for speaking the misspelled indicator. + General: - Improve presentation of selected content in Gecko. - Fix bug in on-the-fly row reading for spreadsheets. - Update support for changes in Calc 5.1. - Fix failure to copy all characters when using flat review copy. - Present the new location when using PageUp/PageDown in web content. - Remove the old and broken-for-years console setup. - Work around broken text-insertion events from gnome-shell. - Handle missing events from Eclipse. - Work around focused links Gtk+ links reporting index in parent of -1.
* Sat Dec 19 2015 Update to version 3.19.3: + New Settings and Commands: - Create separate cell-vs-row reading options for tables in GUIs, text documents, and spreadsheets. - Add GUI option to configure capitalization style. + Web: - Improve performance of presentation of web listboxes. - Improve presentation of headings which contain embedded objects. - Improve presentation of non-empty anchors. + General: - Ensure the correct voice is used when generating current line of text. - Call gdk_notify_startup_complete(). - Fix several bugs related to presenting the locus of focus. - Fix double-presentation of top-level Gtk+ alerts. - Cache the string in addition to the offsets for selected text (perf.). - Add more sanity checks for defunct objects and applications. - Stop filtering out events from ROLE_FILLER (because some applications lack proper roles). - Don\'t treat a series of periods as an ellipsis. - Treat ROLE_PAGE as a top-level object when doing Zombie checks (fixes Evince issue). - Don\'t verbalize punctuation or capitalization for system messages.
* Fri Nov 27 2015 Update to version 3.19.2: + New Settings and Commands: - Add unbound commands to present selected text and link details. - Add GUI to enable rewind/fast-forward and structural navigation in Say All. - Make the use of color names configurable via GUI. - Make speech and braille message settings configurable via GUI. - Add preference and unbound keybinding to have Orca speak numbers as digits. - Add explicit time format option for 12-hour time with seconds. - Break up printable-keys keyecho into alpha, numeric, and punctuation. + Web: - Improve presentation of Twitter timeline items. - Fix several bugs related to navigation to fragments. - Filter out hidden elements when presenting content. - Use Gecko\'s onChildrenChanged callback for Thunderbird instead of the default (fixes issues related to cache management). - Use isLink() rather than a role check to eliminate false positive from anchors. - Don\'t look for replicant for zombie locusOfFocus when in focus mode. - Remove application from the list of ARIA landmark types (ARIA 1.1 compliance). + Gtk: - Present newly-shown GtkInfoBars. - Improve presentation of GtkEntryCompletion. - Generate all child widgets of GtkListBox items. + General: - Work around several issues related to identifying and keeping track of the active window. - Don\'t double/multi-present selection-state messages. - Fix bug in which text was not presented because object had a name. - Rewrite and fix several bugs in Orca\'s progress bar support. - Filter out some more useless/bogus events (for performance). - Handle more instances of the undead (zombies); start handling the dead (fixes various and sundry bugs resulting from objects going defunct on us). - Fix double-presentation and incorrect ordering of frame name changes. - Rewrite setLocusOfFocus and default script\'s onCaretMoved (improves performance, eliminates instances of not presenting new location). - Don\'t display shortcuts if braille verbosity is set to brief. - Add NotShowIn=GNOME; to the desktop file. + Updated translations.
* Tue Nov 10 2015 Update to version 3.18.2: + Web: - Fix typeahead search regression in the list-of-elements dialogs. - Fix a couple of issues associated with presenting \"busy\" pages. - Switch to sticky focus mode in top-level web apps like Google Docs. - Attempt to work around Google Docs editor exposed as ROLE_UNKNOWN. - Don\'t infer labels for form fields in web apps. - Present text changes resulting from onclick handlers. - Don\'t generate ancestors for MathML elements and filter out empty utterances (performance). - Eliminate several instances of Gecko chattiness. - Filter out more browser chrome event spam (performance). - Use Orca\'s web support to say word contents for editable messages in Thunderbird (works around broken text interface implementation). - Work around broken lists in web content. - Don\'t return the child of a \"non-descendable\" element as the last document object. - Don\'t descend links with author-provided names. + General: - Fix issue in which key presses were being echoed in a password field. - Add sanity check for broken accessibility trees when getting the focused child. - Update Gedit spellcheck support for 3.18 and improve heuristic performance. - Do not try to calculate node level for non-tree descendants. + Updated translations.
* Wed Oct 14 2015 Update to version 3.18.1: + Web: - Improve presentation of canvas elements which lack fallback content. - Fix for Orca filtering out text elements which have no size due to authoring. - Fix for Orca not doing SayAll on load when the focused object is the document frame. - Workaround several issues which was causing the caret to get \"stuck\". - Add another fallback \"guess\" to the label inference code for fields in poorly-authored forms. - Present Firefox \"door hanger\" alerts. - Filter out selection event spam from browser chrome autocompletes. - Prefer name over label when generating labelOrName (W3C compliance). - Ensure we present aria-roledescription for non-focusable landmarks. - Include object role in the list of landmarks dialog. - Don\'t treat objects with ROLE_LABEL as an ancestor (causes double presentation of widget name). - Process DOM changes more efficiently for performance. + Updated translations.
* Mon Sep 21 2015 Update to version 3.18.0: + Fix flatreview traceback. + Updated translations.
* Wed Sep 16 2015 Update to version 3.17.92: + Web: - Add support for aria-roledescription. - Work around missing object:state-changed:focused events from Gecko. - Fix several instances of Orca getting \"stuck\" in Gecko content. - Fix bug causing Orca to skip over nested iframe content during SayAll. + General: - Handle tracebacks resulting from Calc crashing. - Explicitly deregister keystroke listeners before shutting down. - Ignore state-changed:busy events seen when printing in Thunderbird. - Eliminate false positive identifying Thunderbird spellcheck dialog. - Fix a performance issue associated with appearance of dialogs with many widgets. - Save messages and add braille output to the notification-daemon script. + Updated translations.
* Thu Sep 03 2015 Update to version 3.17.91: + Web: - Treat (un)ordered HTML lists without list items as if they were divs. - Clear the cache and try once more when the next/previous context cannot be found. - Treat web documents as top-level roles for the purpose of Zombie detection. - Fix MathML line navigation issue. - Fix issue causing Orca to skip certain web content during Say All. - Improve caret navigation around images lacking content, interaction, and size. + General: - Updated documentation. - Add ability to override object role when generating tutorial messages. - Handle more event floods from LibreOffice and gnome-shell. - Handle several \"The process appears to be hung\" AT-SPI2 errors from Firefox and LibreOffice. - Work around broken custom comboboxes and listboxes which lack items. - Fix bug in presentation of chat messages from non-active applications. - Add option to speak 12-hour time without seconds. + Updated translations.
* Wed Aug 19 2015 Update to version 3.17.90: + Spellcheck: - Use Orca\'s spellcheck support in the LibreOffice script. - Perform normal WhereAmI at the end of spellcheck WhereAmI. - Present child position according to user preference. - Fix several chattiness issues. + Gecko: - Handle Gecko-specific text attribute name for misspelled. - Fix traceback getting into Thunderbird preferences. - Fix bug in line navigation of MathML content. - Don\'t generate ancestors beyond MathML math element. - Don\'t treat objects with tons of embedded objects as text \"chunks\". - Don\'t repeat document-loading message given multiple \"busy\" events. - Handle input type=\"number\" (which is not exposed like native version). - Ensure object mode navigation presents only content from one object. - Refine heuristic for ignoring object:selection-changed events. - Don\'t include empty text block elements in structural navigation. - Skip over anchors when looking for next/previous caret context. - Treat lists as text block elements in web content. - Improve how Orca works with Etherpad in Firefox. + LibreOffice: Fix several issues in which focused widgets were not presented. + General: - Use gi.require_version to address PyGIWarning. - Fix several bugs in _generateUnselectedCell(). - Don\'t sanity-check children if there are a huge number of them. - Don\'t generate availability for list items as it doesn\'t make sense. - Don\'t insist upon label visibility for status bar notifications. - Add support to navlist for specifying and jumping to a caret offset. - Begin cleaning up text-attribute-related code. - Eliminate some false positives in isLayoutOnly(). - Fix desktop file translations. - Fix typos in translator comments. + Updated translations.
* Thu Jul 23 2015 Update to version 3.17.4: + MathML: Implement speech support for MathML content in Gecko-based browsers. + Web: - Fix several regressions introduced by the new \"web\" script. - Don\'t set the locusOfFocus to non-focused link upon document focus. - Ignore state-changed:busy events from nested web documents. - Create a utility method to get and cache an element\'s tag. + General: - Handle some changes in the Thunderbird v.38 spellcheck dialog. - Add handling for ROLE_HEADER. - Add support for status bar notifications. - Remove the old \"inacessible\" metacity/marco hack. - Stop using - Mark several command-line strings for translation. - Enable toggling of speech via keybinding when speech is disabled. - Add handling for Evo\'s \"autocomplete\" popups. + Updated translations.
* Wed Jun 24 2015 Update to version 3.17.3: + Gecko: - Fix several issues in Orca\'s live region support to make Google Docs usable with Orca. - Rewrite Orca\'s structural navigation support to fix bugs and improve performance. - Create \"web\" script and use it for Gecko content. - Avoid navigating into tooltip-like popups in web apps. - Fix issues related to Gecko using ROLE_TEXT for static text elements. + General: - Improve performance associated with event floods and dead accessibles. - Fix presentation of newly-misspelled words in LibreOffice Writer. - Present the text of ROLE_FOOTER objects. - Add unbound keybindings to increase and decrease speech volume. - Fall back on parent autocomplete if entry lacks label and name. + Updated translations.
* Wed May 27 2015 Update to version 3.17.2: + Gecko: - Update spellchecking support to handle changes in recent releases of Thunderbird. - Fix several SayAll issues. - Fix failure to present the last line in a text area. - Fix failure to move to newly-loaded page fragment. - Fix failure to present expanded state change in ARIA content. - Fix failure to present correct radio button state in ARIA content. - Stop double-presenting find results. - Stop re-generating braille when not needed. - Fix issue presenting focus changes between document frame and child link. - Reset command state when Gecko script is deactivated in order to ensure content is presented after Alt+Tabbing back into Firefox. + General: - Fix several issues related to pyatspi cache not being updated. - Handle traceback when calling findAllDescendants in broken implementation. - Stop repeating tutorial messages when navigating amongst items of the same type. - Work around still more missing object:state-changed:focused events from Gtk+. + Updated translations.
* Tue May 12 2015 Update to version 3.16.2: + Fix traceback which can occur getting children via relationset. + Add explicit braille handling for ROLE_PAGE so we update the line in Evince. + Change default value of fallbackOnUnicodeData to False. + Attempt to eliminate verbal spewage for links which lack meaningful information. + Ignore text-selection-changed events from Gecko objects with no text. + Hack around yet another missing object:state-changed:focused event for Gtk+. + Provide a symbolic variant of the app icon. + Work around a missing object:state-changed:focused event from LibreOffice. + Fixes to work with newer Firefox, etc (bnc#932719). + Updated translations.
* Thu Apr 16 2015 Update to version 3.16.1: + Don\'t search for replicants for Gecko zombies when pages are being loaded because it can lead to a hang. + Don\'t present position in list for the top-level menu of a context menu. + Only present placeholder text if the entry lacks a value. + Use labelAndName instead of labelOrName with toggle buttons so that we fallback on description when name has not been provided. + Work around yet another missing object:state-changed:focused event from Gtk+. + Use datadir and localedir and not DATADIRNAME. + bgo#746400: Speak child position breaks Qt menu item presentation. + Fix issue where translated symbols were being presented in English. + Updated translations.
* Mon Mar 23 2015 Update to version 3.16.0: + Updated translations.
* Wed Mar 18 2015 Update to version 3.15.92: + Refine the heuristic used to identify layout tables. + Do not speak table details when verbosity level is brief. + Check for the new(ish) accessible roles for documents in structural navigation (needed for table navigation in recent versions of Writer). + Check for Zombie accessibles in Writer\'s onCaretMoved() so that we don\'t get tripped up by deleted paragraphs. + Be less aggressive weeding out layout-only siblings for position and set size, because getting it 100% right is non-performant. + Don\'t look for zombie replicants in ROLE_EMBEDDED objects (fixes hang with Firefox). + Use the default object generation for ROLE_EMBEDDED (fixes bogus information presentation with Firefox). + Correct outdated links to documentation in translator comments, and fix translator comment symbol for bowtie operator. + Present the line rather than all object contents when navigating by landmark. + Update our landmark role list to bring it into alignment with the ARIA spec. + Do not rely on displayedText() when determining if a table cell is blank. + Update position in Gecko content when SayAll is interrupted. + Several fixes related to Gecko killing accessible objects. + Updated translations.
* Tue Mar 03 2015 Update to version 3.15.91: + General: - Add optional start and end offset arguments for getTextLineAtCaret(). - Fix multiple issues related to presentation of widgets and web content. - Don\'t rely on pyatspi\'s cache for names. - Add support for XDG_VTNR for braille. - Add formatting strings for ROLE_LABEL so that they get presented. - Work around two cases of dead LibreOffice accessible objects. - Ignore text insertions from menus and menu items. - Add support to identify and present Evolution\'s Status column header. - Set sayAllOnLoad\'s default value to False for Evolution. - Add utility methods to identify WebKitGtk content in Evolution. - Add some sanity checking to handle dead accessibles from Evolution. - Validate reportedly-selected children. - Suppress bogus \"not selected\" presentation in Evo\'s Messages tree. - Handle a missing event from a mystery object in the Evolution GUI. - Add support for Evolution\'s GUI. - Implement ability to use structural navigation commands during SayAll. - Remove clickCount from - Move lastKeyEchoTime to + Updated translations.
* Wed Jan 28 2015 Update to version 3.15.4: + Implement ability to \"rewind\" and \"fast forward\" during SayAll. + Add support for presentation of mathematical alphanumeric symbols and operators. + Application-specific shortcut rebinding doesn\'t persist (bgo#742293). + Eliminate some false positives in the label inference code. + Fix several bugs related to sayAll. + Improve support for presentation of nested tables during structural navigation. + Updated translations.
* Wed Dec 03 2014 Update to version 3.14.3: + Gecko: - Fix several issues related to focus mode toggling on pages which set focus upon page load. - Exclude layout-only/presentational tables in structural navigation. + LibreOffice: Handle a false positive in isSameObject() which prevented paragraph presentation. + Updated translations.
* Tue Nov 11 2014 Update to version 3.14.2: + Gecko: - Update the position and command state after a mouse click. - Don\'t descend tables in findReplicant() - fixes a hang. - More hack removal and reworking of find{Next,Previous}Object(). - Don\'t switch to focus mode if the object is a text block element. - Check for both focusable and focused states when determining text block elements. - Only use focused format type for objects which are not text block elements. - Generate the rolename for links even if they were not \"just entered\". - Suppress tutorial messages for focus mode widgets when not in focus mode. - Prevent repeating of labels and tutorial messages in entries. - Speak text role for Gecko apps when not in document content. - Remove FOCUSED and SELECTED states as requirements for focus mode. + General: Do not present tutorial messages if the object is not the locusOfFocus. + Updated translations.