Changelog for
python2-PyMySQL-0.7.11-lp152.3.2.noarch.rpm :
* Wed Aug 16 2017 Implement single-spec version- update to 0.7.11
* Fixed Connection.close() failed when failed to send COM_CLOSE packet.
* Cursor.executemany() accepts query ends with semicolon.
* ssl parameters can be read from my.cnf.- update to 0.7.10
*: Raise RuntimeError when received LOAD_LOCAL packet while ``loacal_infile=False``. (Thanks to Bryan Helmig)
* Raise SERVER_LOST error for MariaDB\'s shutdown packet (#540)
* Change default connect_timeout to 10.
* Add bind_address option (#529)- update to 0.7.9
* Fix PyMySQL stop reading rows when first column is empty string (#513) Reverts DEPRECATE_EOF introduced in 0.7.7.- update to 0.7.8
* Revert error message change in 0.7.7. (SQLAlchemy parses error message, #507)- update to 0.7.7
* Add new unicode collation (#498)
* Fix conv option is not used for encoding objects.
* Experimental support for DEPRECATE_EOF protocol.
* Tue Nov 15 2016 update to 0.7.6:
* Fix SELECT JSON type cause UnicodeError
* Avoid float convertion while parsing microseconds
* Warning has number
* SSCursor supports warnings
* Fix exception raised while importing when getpwuid() fails (#472)
* SSCursor supports LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE (#473)
* Fix encoding error happen for JSON type (#477)
* Fix test fail on Python 2.7 and MySQL 5.7 (#478)
* Fri Jun 03 2016 update to 0.7.4:
* Fix AttributeError may happen while Connection.__del__ (#463)
* Fix SyntaxError in test_cursor. (#464)
* frozenset support for query value. (#461)
* Start using
* Add read_timeout and write_timeout option.
* Support serialization customization by `conv` option.
* Unknown type is converted by `str()`, for MySQLdb compatibility.
* Support \'%%\' in `Cursor.executemany()`
* Support REPLACE statement in `Cursor.executemany()`
* Fix handling incomplete row caused by \'SHOW SLAVE HOSTS\'.
* Fix decode error when use_unicode=False on PY3
* Fix port option in my.cnf file is ignored.
* Thu Mar 24 2016 Add license and docs
* Thu Mar 24 2016 Update to 0.7.2
* Fix misuse of `max_allowed_packet` parameter. (#426, #407 and #397)
* Add %(name)s plceholder support to `Cursor.executemany()`. (#427, thanks to AATTWorldException)- Update to 0.7.1
* Fix auth fail with MySQL 5.1
* Fix escaping unicode fails on Python 2- Update to 0.7
* Faster binary escaping
* Add `\"_binary\" prefix` to string literal for binary types. binary types are: `bytearray` on Python 2, `bytes` and `bytearray` on Python 3. This is because recent MySQL show warnings when string literal is invalid for connection encoding.
* `pymysql.Binary()` returns `bytearray` on Python 2. This is required to distinguish binary and string.
* Auth plugin support.
* no_delay option is ignored. It will be removed in PyMySQL 0.8.- Update to 0.6.7
* Allow self signed certificate
* Add max_allowed_packet option
* Fix error when bytes in executemany
* Support geometry type
* Add coveralls badge to README
* Fix some bugs relating to warnings
* Add Cursor.mogrify() method
* no_delay option is deprecated and True by default
* Fix options from my.cnf overrides options from arguments
* Allow socket like object. (It\'s not feature for end users)
* Strip quotes while reading options from my.cnf file
* Fix encoding issue in executemany()
* Mon May 11 2015 update to version 0.6.6: Add context manager to cursor
* Fix can\'t encode blob that is not utf-8 on PY3. (regression of 0.6.4, Thanks to AATTwiggzz)- additional changes from version 0.6.4
* Support \"LOAD LOCAL INFILE\". Thanks AATTwraziens
* Show MySQL warnings after execute query.
* Fix MySQLError may be wrapped with OperationalError while connectiong. (#274)
* SSCursor no longer attempts to expire un-collected rows within __del__, delaying termination of an interrupted program; cleanup of uncollected rows is left to the Connection on next execute, which emits a warning at that time. (#287)
* Support datetime and time with microsecond. (#303)
* Use surrogateescape to format bytes on Python 3.
* OperationalError raised from connect() have information about original exception. (#304)
* `init_command` now support multi statement.
* `Connection.escape()` method now accepts second argument compatible to MySQL-Python.- additional changes from version 0.6.3
* Fixed multiple result sets with SSCursor.
* Fixed connection timeout.
* Fixed literal set syntax to work on Py2.6.
* Allow for mysql negative values with 0 hour timedelta.
* Added Connection.begin().- additional changes from version 0.6.2
* Fixed old password on Python 3.
* Added support for bulk insert in Cursor.executemany().
* Added support for microseconds in datetimes and dates before 1900.
* Several other bug fixes.- additional changes from version 0.6.1
* Added cursor._last_executed for MySQLdb compatibility
* Cursor.fetchall() and .fetchmany now return list, not tuple
* Allow \"length of auth-plugin-data\" = 0
* Cursor.connection references connection object without weakref- remove unwanted shebang of python files in test_MySQLdb
* Wed Oct 09 2013 update to 0.6: - Improved Py3k support - Improved PyPy support - Added IPv6 support - Added Thing2Literal for Django/MySQLdb compatibility - Removed errorhandler - Fixed GC errors - Improved test suite - Many bug fixes - Many performance improvements
* Mon Jul 22 2013 Initial version