Changelog for python2-eventlet-doc-0.20.0-lp152.5.2.noarch.rpm :

* Fri Jan 12 2018 Add PR-459.patch. Hostname in /etc/hosts are not case-sensitive, this fixes HostsResolver() accordingly.
* Sun Dec 10 2017 fix enum-compat removal
* Sun Nov 26 2017 go back to a working version: downgrade to 0.20.0- add 0001-Fix-SSL-connection-reset-errors.patch to fix hangs on SSL connections
* Tue Oct 17 2017 add netcfg package to list of requirements
* Fri Oct 06 2017 update to 0.21.0:
* New timeout error API: .is_timeout=True on exception object It\'s now easy to test if network error is transient and retry is appropriate. Please spread the word and invite other libraries to support this interface.
* hubs: use monotonic clock by default (bundled package);
* dns: EVENTLET_NO_GREENDNS option is back, green is still default
* dns: hosts file was consulted after nameservers
* ssl: RecursionError on Python3.6+;
* wsgi: log_output=False was not disabling startup and accepted messages
* greenio: Fixed OSError: [WinError 10038] Socket operation on nonsocket
* dns: EAI_NODATA was removed from RFC3493 and FreeBSD
* fix mark_as_closed() wrong number of args
* green.zmq: socket.{recv,send}_
* signatures did not match recent upstream pyzmq
* New feature: Add zipkin tracing to eventlet
* db_pool: proxy Connection.set_isolation_level()
* green.zmq: support RCVTIMEO (receive timeout)
* green.profile: Python3 compatibility; Thanks to Artur Stawiarski
* support: upgrade bundled six to 1.10 (dbfbfc818e3d)
* python3.6: http.client.request support chunked_encoding- Use fdupes
* Tue Sep 05 2017 Ensure neutrality of description.
* Tue Sep 05 2017 remove dependency on metapackage \"enum-compat\" in favor of specifying this requirement the usual way via RPM requirement conditional on version
* Thu Aug 24 2017 singlespec auto-conversion
* Wed Jan 11 2017 update to 0.20.1:
* dns: try unqualified queries as top level
* test_import_patched_defaults bended to play with pyopenssl>=16.1.0
* Explicit environ flag for importing eventlet.__version__ without ignoring import errors
* Type check Semaphore, GreenPool arguments; Thanks to Matthew D. Pagel
* IMPORTANT: removed select.poll() function
* DNS resolving is always green with dnspython bundled in
* greenio: only trampoline when we block
* convenience: listen() sets SO_REUSEPORT when available; Thanks to Zhengwei Gao
* ssl: Fix \"TypeError: read() argument 2 must be read-write bytes-like object, not None\"
* greenio: _recv_loop behaviour with recv_into on closed sock
* ipv6: getaddrinfo would fail with scope index
* green.zmq: Support {send,recv}_{string,json,pyobj} wrappers
* greendns: Return answers from /etc/hosts despite nameserver errors
* patcher: fixed green existing locks fail (Python3)
* Add DAGPool, a dependency-driven greenthread pool
* wsgi: Unix socket address representation; Thanks to Samuel Merritt
* tpool: isolate internal socket from default timeout; Thanks to Alex VillacĂ­s Lasso
* wsgi: only skip Content-Type and Content-Length headers (GH-327)
* wsgi: 400 on blank Content-Length headers (GH-334)
* greenio: makefile related pypy socket ref counting
* ssl: Fix recv_into blocking when reading chunks of data
* websocket: support Gunicorn environ[\'gunicorn.socket\']
* Sat Dec 03 2016 update to 0.19.0:
* ssl: IMPORTANT DoS FIX do_handshake_connect=False in server accept();
* green.urllib2: missing patched ssl module;
* wsgi: environ[headers_raw] tuple of unmodified name: value pairs
* test against modern pyopenssl 16.0.0 for Python 2.7+;
* wsgi: document compatibility with python `logging`
* Minor grammatical improvements and typo fixes to the docs
* Fri Feb 26 2016 update to 0.18.4:
* wsgi: change TCP_NODELAY to TCP_QUICKACK, ignore socket error when not available
* wsgi: Use buffered writes - fixes partial socket.send without custom writelines(); Github issue #295
* wsgi: TCP_NODELAY enabled by default
* wsgi: Fix data loss on partial writes (socket.send); Thanks to Jakub Stasiak
* IMPORTANT: do not use Eventlet 0.18.0 and 0.18.1
* patcher: Fix AttributeError in subprocess communicate()
* greenio: Fix \"TypeError: an integer is required\" in sendto()
* IMPORTANT: do not use Eventlet 0.18.0 and 0.18.1
* greenio: Fixed a bug that could cause send() to start an endless loop on ENOTCONN; Thanks to Seyeong Kim
* wsgi: Fixed UNIX socket address being trimmed in \"wsgi starting\" log; Thanks to Ihar Hrachyshka
* ssl: Ported to Python 3; Thanks to Victor Stinner
* greenio: Made read() support buflen=-1 and added readall() (Python 3); Thanks to David Szotten
* wsgi: Made the error raised in case of chunk read failures more precise (this should be backwards compatible as the new exception class, wsgi.ChunkReadError, is a subclass of ValueError which was being used there before); Thanks to Samuel Merritt
* greenio: Fixed socket.recv() sometimes returning str instead of bytes on Python 3; Thanks to Janusz Harkot
* wsgi: Improved request body discarding
* websocket: Fixed TypeError on empty websocket message (Python 3); Thanks to Fukuchi Daisuke
* subprocess: Fixed universal_newlines support
* wsgi: Output of 0-byte chunks is now suppressed; Thanks to Samuel Merritt
* Improved the documentation; Thanks to Ramakrishnan G, ashutosh-mishra and Azhar Hussain
* greenio: Changed GreenFileIO.write() (Python 3) to always write all data to match the behavior on Python 2; Thanks to Victor Stinner
* subprocess: Fixed missing subprocess.mswindows attribute on Python 3.5; Thanks to Josh VanderLinden
* ssl/monkey patching: Fixed a bug that would cause merely importing eventlet to monkey patch the ssl module; Thanks to David Szotten
* documentation: Added support for building plain text documentation; thanks to Levente Polyak
* Mon Jun 22 2015 update to 0.17.4:
* ssl: incorrect initalization of default context; Thanks to stuart-mclaren
* Wed Apr 22 2015 update to 0.17.3:
* green.thread: Python3.3+ fixes; Thanks to Victor Stinner
* Semaphore.acquire() accepts timeout=-1; Thanks to Victor Stinner
* wsgi: Provide python logging compatibility; Thanks to Sean Dague
* greendns: fix premature connection closing in DNS proxy; Thanks to Tim Simmons
* greenio: correct fd close; Thanks to Antonio Cuni and Victor Sergeyev
* green.ssl: HTTPS client Python 2.7.9+ compatibility
* setup: tests.{isolated,manual} polluted top-level packages
* greendns: fix import and Python3 compatibility
* Tue Feb 24 2015 update to version 0.17.0
* Full Python3 compatibility
* greendns: IPv6 support, improved handling of /etc/hosts
* tpool: make sure we return results during killall
* semaphore: Don\'t hog a semaphore if someone else is waiting for it
* green.socket: create_connection() was wrapping all exceptions in socket.error
* Make sure SSL retries are done using the exact same data buffer
* greenio: shutdown already closed sockets without error
* Mon Feb 02 2015 update to version 0.16.1:
* Wheel build 0.16.0 incorrectly shipped removed module eventlet.util.
* Thu Jan 08 2015 update to 0.16.0:
* Fix SSL socket wrapping and Python 2.7.9 compatibility; Thanks to Jakub Stasiak
* Fix monkey_patch() on Python 3; Thanks to Victor Stinner
* Fix \"maximum recursion depth exceeded in GreenSocket.__del__\"; Thanks to Jakub Stasiak
* db_pool: BaseConnectionPool.clear updates .current_size #139; Thanks to Andrey Gubarev
* Fix __str__ method on the TimeoutExpired exception class.; Thanks to Tomaz Muraus
* hubs: drop Twisted support
* Removed deprecated modules: api, most of coros, pool, proc, processes and util
* Improved Python 3 compatibility (including patch by raylu); Thanks to Jakub Stasiak
* Allow more graceful shutdown of wsgi server; Thanks to Stuart McLaren
* wsgi.input: Make send_hundred_continue_headers() a public API; Thanks to Tushar Gohad
* tpool: Windows compatibility, fix ResourceWarning. Thanks to Victor Stinner
* tests: Fix timers not cleaned up on MySQL test skips; Thanks to Corey Wright- Remove README.twisted from docs (removed upstream)