Changelog for python2-pyudev-0.21.0-lp152.5.2.noarch.rpm :

* Tue Jan 30 2018 fix Requires and BuiildRequires
* Tue Jan 23 2018 Require libudev (bsc#1077282) Otherwise, an pyudev import fails with: ImportError: No library named udev
* Thu Aug 24 2017 singlespec auto-conversion
* Mon May 23 2016 Remove do_not_install_tests.patch- Require python-six
* Mon May 23 2016 update to 0.20.0:
* Remove parsing code added in previous release.
* No longer do CI for Python 2.6.
* Eliminate all wildcard imports and __all__ statements.
* No longer use deprecated Device.from_sys_path() method.
* Minor pylint induced changes.
* Documentation fixes.
* Restore raising KeyError by
* methods when attribute not found.
* Explicitly require six module.
* Never raise a DeviceNotFoundError when iterating over a device enumeration.
* Device.subsystem() now returns None if device has no subsystem.
* Add DeprecationWarnings to deprecated Device methods.
* Replace \"/\" with \"!\" in Device.from_name() sys_name parameter.
* Add some unstable classes for parsing some kinds of values.
* Make version info more like Python\'s including micro numbers and levels.
* Refactor some internal modules into subdirectories.
* Work on tests and reproducers.
* DeviceNotFoundError is no longer a subtype of LookupError
* Added support for pyqt5 monitor observer
* Added discover module, which looks up a device on limited information
* Attributes class no longer extends Mapping, extends object instead
* Attributes class no longer inherits [] operator, Mapping methods
* Attributes class objects are no longer iterable
* Attributes.available_attributes property added
* Attributes.get() method, with usual semantics, defined
* Device.from_
* methods are deprecated, uses Devices.from_
* methods instead
* Device.from_device_file() now raises DeviceNotFoundByFileError
* Device.from_device_number() now raises DeviceNotFoundByNumberError
* Devices.from_interface_index() method added
* Devices.from_kernel_device() method added
* Numerous testing infrastructure changes- Remove do_not_install_tests.patch . No longer needed.- Require libudev1 . Needed to use python-pyudev
* Wed Sep 23 2015 Added a patch (do_not_install_tests.patch) to not install the tests as a module (not needed). Fixes also file conflicts in Factory.
* Tue Sep 15 2015 Update to version 0.17:
* #52: Remove global libudev object
* #57: Really start the monitor on :meth:`pyudev.Monitor.poll()`
* #60: Do not use :meth:`` to avoid hitting its file descriptor limit
* #58: Force non-blocking IO in :class:`pyudev.Monitor` to avoid blocking on receiving the device
* #63: Set proper flags on pipe fds.
* #65: Handle irregular polling events properly.
* #50: Add :class:`pyudev.wx.MonitorObserver` and deprecate :class:`pyudev.wx.WxUDevMonitorObserver`
* #50: Add :class:`pyudev.glib.MonitorObserver` and deprecate :class:`pyudev.glib.GUDevMonitorObserver`
* #50: Add :class:`pyudev.pyqt4.MonitorObserver` and deprecate :class:`pyudev.pyqt4.QUDevMonitorObserver`
* #50: Add :class:`pyudev.pyside.MonitorObserver` and deprecate :class:`pyudev.pyside.QUDevMonitorObserver`
* Add a wrapper function to retry interruptible system calls.
* Thu Oct 24 2013 Require python-setuptools instead of distribute (upstreams merged)
* Tue Nov 20 2012 Build HTML documentation- Fix SLE_11_SP2 build (not noarch)
* Sun Nov 18 2012 Update to version 0.16.1:
* #53: Fix source distribution
* #54: Fix typo in test From version 0.16:
* Remove :meth:`pyudev.Monitor.from_socket`.
* Deprecate :meth:`pyudev.Device.traverse()` in favor of :attr:`pyudev.Device.ancestors`.
* #47: Deprecate :meth:`pyudev.Monitor.receive_device` in favor of :attr:`pyudev.Monitor.poll`.
* #47: Deprecate :attr:`pyudev.Monitor.enable_receiving` in favor of :attr:`pyudev.Monitor.start`.
* #47: Deprecate :attr:`pyudev.Monitor.__iter__` in favor of explicit looping or :class:`pyudev.MonitorObserver`.
* #49: Deprecate ``event_handler`` to :class:`pyudev.MonitorObserver` in favour of ``callback`` argument.
* #46: Continuously test pyudev on Travis-CI.
* Add :attr:`pyudev.Device.ancestors`.
* Add :attr:`pyudev.Device.action`.
* #10: Add :attr:`pyudev.Device.sequence_number`.
* #47: Add :meth:`pyudev.Monitor.poll`.
* #47: Add :attr:`pyudev.Monitor.started`.
* #49: Add ``callback`` argument to :class:`pyudev.Monitor`.
* :meth:`pyudev.Monitor.start` can be called repeatedly.
* #45: Get rid of 2to3
* #43: Fix test failures on Python 2.6
* Fix signature in declaration of ``udev_monitor_set_receive_buffer_size``.
* #44: Test wrapped signatures with help of ``gccxml``.
* Fix compatibility with udev 183 and newer in :class:`pyudev.Context`.
* :meth:`pyudev.MonitorObserver.stop` can be called from the observer thread.- Removed python-setuptools and added python-distribute as build requirement.