Changelog for python2-Werkzeug-0.12.2-lp150.2.3.1.noarch.rpm :

* Wed Aug 14 2019 Thomas Bechtold - Add 0001-unique-debugger-pin-in-Docker-containers.patch (bsc#1145383, CVE-2019-14806) When running the development server in Docker, the debugger security pin is now unique per container.
* Tue Aug 08 2017 update to 0.12.2: - Fix regression: Pull request ``#892`` prevented Werkzeug from correctly logging the IP of a remote client behind a reverse proxy, even when using `ProxyFix`. - Fix a bug in `safe_join` on Windows.
* Tue Apr 04 2017 update for singlespec- update to 0.12.1
* deprecate werkzeug.script
* Use `inspect.getfullargspec` internally when available as `inspect.getargspec` is gone in 3.6
* Added support for status code 451 and 423
* Improved the build error suggestions. In particular only if someone stringifies the error will the suggestions be calculated.
* Added support for uWSGI\'s caching backend.
* Fix a bug where iterating over a `FileStorage` would result in an infinite loop.
* Datastructures now inherit from the relevant baseclasses from the `collections` module in the stdlib. See #794.
* Add support for recognizing NetBSD, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, DragonFlyBSD platforms in the user agent string.
* Recognize SeaMonkey browser name and version correctly
* Recognize Baiduspider, and bingbot user agents
* If `LocalProxy`\'s wrapped object is a function, refer to it with __wrapped__ attribute.
* The defaults of ``generate_password_hash`` have been changed to more secure ones, see pull request ``#753``.
* Add support for encoding in options header parsing, see pull request ``#933``.
* ``test.Client`` now properly handles Location headers with relative URLs, see pull request ``#879``.
* When `HTTPException` is raised, it now prints the description, for easier debugging.
* Werkzeug\'s dict-like datastructures now have ``view``-methods under Python 2, see pull request ``#968``.
* Fix a bug in ``MultiPartParser`` when no ``stream_factory`` was provided during initialization, see pull request ``#973``.
* Disable autocorrect and spellchecker in the debugger middleware\'s Python prompt, see pull request ``#994``.
* Don\'t redirect to slash route when method doesn\'t match, see pull request ``#907``.
* Fix a bug when using ``SharedDataMiddleware`` with frozen packages, see pull request ``#959``.
* `Range` header parsing function fixed for invalid values ``#974``.
* Add support for byte Range Requests, see pull request ``#978``.
* Use modern cryptographic defaults in the dev servers ``#1004``.
* the post() method of the test client now accept file object through the data parameter.
* Color run_simple\'s terminal output based on HTTP codes ``#1013``.
* Fix self-XSS in debugger console, see ``#1031``.
* Fix IPython 5.x shell support, see ``#1033``.
* Thu Nov 17 2016 Include in SLE 12 (FATE#320818, bsc#979331)
* Fri Sep 16 2016 Fix download url.
* Thu Sep 15 2016 update to version 0.11.11:
* Fix JSONRequestMixin for Python3. See #731
* Fix broken string handling in test client when passing integers. See #852
* Fix a bug in \"parse_options_header\" where an invalid content type starting with comma or semi-colon would result in an invalid return value, see issue \"#995\".
* Fix a bug in multidicts when passing empty lists as values, see issue \"#979\".
* Fix a security issue that allows XSS on the Werkzeug debugger. See \"#1001\".- update to version 0.11.10:
* Fixed a bug that occurs when running on Python 2.6 and using a broken locale. See pull request #912.
* Fixed a crash when running the debugger on Google App Engine. See issue #925.
* Fixed an issue with multipart parsing that could cause memory exhaustion.- Update to 0.11.9 - Corrected an issue that caused the debugger not to use the machine GUID on POSIX systems. - Corrected an Unicode error on Python 3 for the debugger\'s PIN usage. - Corrected the timestamp verification in the pin debug code. Without this fix the pin was remebered until too long.- update to version 0.11.8:
* fixed a problem with the machine GUID detection code on OS X on Python 3.- changes from version 0.11.7:
* fixed a regression on Python 3 for the debugger.- changes from version 0.11.6:
* werkzeug.serving: Still show the client address on bad requests.
* improved the PIN based protection for the debugger to make it harder to brute force via trying cookies. Please keep in mind that the debugger
*is not intended for running on production environments
* increased the pin timeout to a week to make it less annoying for people which should decrease the change that users disable the pin check entirely.
* werkzeug.serving: Fix broken HTTP_HOST when path starts with double slash.- update to version 0.11.5:
* werkzeug.serving: Fix crash when attempting SSL connection to HTTP server.- update to version 0.11.4:
* Fixed werkzeug.serving not working from -m flag.
* Fixed incorrect weak etag handling.- Rebase 0001_create_a_thread_to_reap_death_process.patch- Split documentation into own subpackage to speed up build.
* Mon Feb 08 2016 Add 0001_create_a_thread_to_reap_death_process.patch Fixes bsc#954591
* Mon Feb 08 2016 update to 0.11.3: - Added reloader_paths option to run_simple and other functions in werkzeug.serving. This allows the user to completely override the Python module watching of Werkzeug with custom paths. - Many custom cached properties of Werkzeug’s classes are now subclasses of Python’s property type (issue #616). - bind_to_environ now doesn’t differentiate between implicit and explicit default port numbers in HTTP_HOST (pull request #204). - BuildErrors are now more informative. They come with a complete sentence as error message, and also provide suggestions (pull request #691). - Fix a bug in the user agent parser where Safari’s build number instead of version would be extracted (pull request #703). - Fixed issue where RedisCache set_many was broken for twemproxy, which doesn’t support the default MULTI command (pull request [#702]). - mimetype parameters on request and response classes are now always converted to lowercase. - Changed cache so that cache never expires if timeout is 0. This also fixes an issue with redis setex (issue #550) - Werkzeug now assumes UTF-8 as filesystem encoding on Unix if Python detected it as ASCII. - New optional has method on caches. - Fixed various bugs in parse_options_header (pull request #643). - If the reloader is enabled the server will now open the socket in the parent process if this is possible. This means that when the reloader kicks in the connection from client will wait instead of tearing down. This does not work on all Python versions. - Implemented PIN based authentication for the debugger. This can optionally be disabled but is discouraged. This change was necessary as it has been discovered that too many people run the debugger in production. - Devserver no longer requires SSL module to be installed. - Reloader: Correctly detect file changes made by moving temporary files over the original, which is e.g. the case with PyCharm (pull request #722). - Fix bool behavior of werkzeug.datastructures.ETags under Python 3 (issue #744).
* Mon Jun 22 2015 update to 0.10.4: - Re-release of 0.10.3 with packaging artifacts manually removed. - Re-release of 0.10.2 without packaging artifacts. - Fixed issue where ``empty`` could break third-party libraries that relied on keyword arguments (pull request ``#675``) - Improved ``Rule.empty`` by providing a ```get_empty_kwargs`` to allow setting custom kwargs without having to override entire ``empty`` method. (pull request ``#675``) - Fixed ```extra_files``` parameter for reloader to not cause startup to crash when included in server params - Using `MultiDict` when building URLs is now not supported again. The behavior introduced several regressions. - Fix performance problems with stat-reloader (pull request ``#715``). - Fixed regression with multiple query values for URLs (pull request ``#667``). - Fix issues with eventlet\'s monkeypatching and the builtin server (pull request ``#663``). - Changed the error handling of and improved testsuite for the caches in ``contrib.cache``. - Fixed a bug on Python 3 when creating adhoc ssl contexts, due to `sys.maxint` not being defined. - Fixed a bug on Python 3, that caused :func:`~werkzeug.serving.make_ssl_devcert` to fail with an exception. - Added exceptions for 504 and 505. - Added support for ChromeOS detection. - Added UUID converter to the routing system. - Added message that explains how to quit the server. - Fixed a bug on Python 2, that caused ``len`` for :class:`werkzeug.datastructures.CombinedMultiDict` to crash. - Added support for stdlib pbkdf2 hmac if a compatible digest is found. - Ported testsuite to use ``py.test``. - Minor optimizations to various middlewares (pull requests ``#496`` and ``#571``). - Use stdlib ``ssl`` module instead of ``OpenSSL`` for the builtin server (issue ``#434``). This means that OpenSSL contexts are not supported anymore, but instead ``ssl.SSLContext`` from the stdlib. - Allow protocol-relative URLs when building external URLs. - Fixed Atom syndication to print time zone offset for tz-aware datetime objects (pull request ``#254``). - Improved reloader to track added files and to recover from broken sys.modules setups with syntax errors in packages. - ``cache.RedisCache`` now supports arbitrary ``
*kwargs`` for the redis object. - ``werkzeug.test.Client`` now uses the original request method when resolving 307 redirects (pull request ``#556``). - ``werkzeug.datastructures.MIMEAccept`` now properly deals with mimetype parameters (pull request ``#205``). - ``werkzeug.datastructures.Accept`` now handles a quality of ``0`` as intolerable, as per RFC 2616 (pull request ``#536``). - ``werkzeug.urls.url_fix`` now properly encodes hostnames with ``idna`` encoding (issue ``#559``). It also doesn\'t crash on malformed URLs anymore (issue ``#582``). - ``werkzeug.routing.MapAdapter.match`` now recognizes the difference between the path ``/`` and an empty one (issue ``#360``). - The interactive debugger now tries to decode non-ascii filenames (issue ``#469``). - Increased default key size of generated SSL certificates to 1024 bits (issue ``#611``). - Added support for specifying a ``Response`` subclass to use when calling :func:`~werkzeug.utils.redirect`\\ . - ``werkzeug.test.EnvironBuilder`` now doesn\'t use the request method anymore to guess the content type, and purely relies on the ``form``, ``files`` and ``input_stream`` properties (issue ``#620``). - Added Symbian to the user agent platform list. - Fixed make_conditional to respect automatically_set_content_length - Unset ``Content-Length`` when writing to (issue ``#451``) - ``wrappers.Request.method`` is now always uppercase, eliminating inconsistencies of the WSGI environment (issue ``647``). - ``routing.Rule.empty`` now works correctly with subclasses of ``Rule`` (pull request ``#645``). - Made map updating safe in light of concurrent updates. - Allow multiple values for the same field for url building (issue ``#658``). - Fix unicode problems in ``werkzeug.debug.tbtools``. - Fix Python 3-compatibility problems in ``werkzeug.posixemulation``. - Backport fix of fatal typo for ``ImmutableList`` (issue ``#492``). - Make creation of the cache dir for ``FileSystemCache`` atomic (issue ``#468``). - Use native strings for memcached keys to work with Python 3 client (issue ``#539``). - Fix charset detection for ``werkzeug.debug.tbtools.Frame`` objects (issues ``#547`` and ``#532``). - Fix ``AttributeError`` masking in ``werkzeug.utils.import_string`` (issue ``#182``). - Explicitly shut down server (issue ``#519``). - Fix timeouts greater than 2592000 being misinterpreted as UNIX timestamps in ``werkzeug.contrib.cache.MemcachedCache`` (issue ``#533``). - Fix bug where ``werkzeug.exceptions.abort`` would raise an arbitrary subclass of the expected class (issue ``#422``). - Fix broken ``jsrouting`` (due to removal of ``werkzeug.templates``) - ``werkzeug.urls.url_fix`` now doesn\'t crash on malformed URLs anymore, but returns them unmodified. This is a cheap workaround for ``#582``, the proper fix is included in version 0.10. - The repr of ``werkzeug.wrappers.Request`` doesn\'t crash on non-ASCII-values anymore (pull request ``#466``). - Fix bug in ``cache.RedisCache`` when combined with ``redis.StrictRedis`` object (pull request ``#583``). - The ``qop`` parameter for ``WWW-Authenticate`` headers is now always quoted, as required by RFC 2617 (issue ``#633``). - Fix bug in ``werkzeug.contrib.cache.SimpleCache`` with Python 3 where add/set may throw an exception when pruning old entries from the cache (pull request ``#651``).
* Fri Jul 18 2014 Update to 0.9.6 - Added a safe conversion for IRI to URI conversion and use that internally to work around issues with spec violations for protocols such as ``itms-service``.- Update to 0.9.5 - Forward charset argument from request objects to the environ builder. - Fixed error handling for missing boundaries in multipart data. - Fixed session creation on systems without ``os.urandom()``. - Fixed pluses in dictionary keys not being properly URL encoded. - Fixed a problem with deepcopy not working for multi dicts. - Fixed a double quoting issue on redirects. - Fixed a problem with unicode keys appearing in headers on 2.x. - Fixed a bug with unicode strings in the test builder. - Fixed a unicode bug on Python 3 in the WSGI profiler. - Fixed an issue with the safe string compare function on Python 2.7.7 and Python 3.4.