Changelog for
libXi-devel-1.7.5-8.1.x86_64.rpm :
Fri Jul 21 14:00:00 2017
- U_SizeClassInfo-can-return-0-even-without-an-error.patch,
* Do not falsely return error for some devices (e.g. tablets).
It can also cause crashes in GTK applications. (bnc#1049681)
Wed Oct 5 14:00:00 2016
- U_Properly-validate-server-responses.patch
* insufficient validation of data from the X server can cause out
of boundary memory access or endless loops (Denial of Service).
(bnc#1002998, CVE-2016-7945, CVE-2016-7946)
Fri Sep 11 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version 1.7.5:
A couple of important bugfixes that have accumulated over the last
+ Fix version check in _XIAllowEvents
+ Advance the request buffer by the right amount in XIChangeHierarchy
+ Fix double unlock when _XiCheckExtInit return -1.
+ XIChangeHierarchy: Add missing unlock.
+ Do not return NoSuchExtension casted to pointer as an error.
+ XIGetClientPointer: Return False on error.
+ Fix logic in _XIAllowEvents and prevent double unlock.
+ Refactor XGetExtensionVersion.
+ XIGrabDevice: Unlock display in error path.
Fri Jul 18 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version 1.7.4
* Fix locking bugs with XIAllowTouchEvents() and XIUngrabTouchBegin()
Fri Jul 11 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version 1.7.3
* Two important patches fixing deadlocks when using XIPassiveGrab
requests. You\'re recommended to updated. Note that we now
require libX11 1.6, that\'s a new dependency over 1.7.2 but it\'s
over a year old by now anyway.
- added baselibs.conf as source to specfile
Wed Jul 3 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 1.7.2:
Only one minor change since the RC. Again, this release contains the fixes
for CVE-2013-1998, CVE-2013-1984 and CVE-2013-1995 so you\'re encouraged to
+ Remove check that can never be true.
Fri Jun 28 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version
First and likely only RC for libXi 1.7.2. This one has a bunch of changes
for CVE-2013-1998, CVE-2013-1984 and CVE-2013-1995. These relate to various
integer overflows and other corruption that happens if we trust the server
a bit too much on the data we\'re being sent.
On top of those fixes, the sequence number in XI2 events is now set
propertly too (#64687).
Fri Apr 5 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 1.7.1:
Only a single fix: including the XFixes header to get the typedef for
PointerBarrier. Naturally, this adds a pkgconfig build-time dependency on
Why? The header shipped with 1.7 typedef\'d PointerBarrier. If you #include
both XI and Xfixes headers, you will end up with a duplicate typedef.
This is not an issue on gcc >= 4.6 since the two typedef\'s are the same.
On earlier versions this will trigger an error. gcc 4.6 -pedantic-errors
will trigger the same error.
Tue Mar 19 13:00:00 2013
- Use more robust make install call
- Avoid calling fdupes outside of /usr
Thu Mar 7 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 1.7:
The feature added in this revision is pointer barrier events and releases.
Pointer barriers themselves are an XFixes 5 feature, XI 2.3 adds two
disctinct features to barriers:
+ the ability for clients to get notified if pointer movement is restricted
by a barrier
+ the ability for clients to allow a pointer to move through a barrier
after it was constrained by the barrier
For a more verbose explanation of these features please refer to:
Wed May 9 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 1.6.1:
+ Major bugs fixed:
- wrong button and mask copy
- raw event sourceid is now set
+ Small cleanups and bug fixes.
Wed Apr 11 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 1.6.0:
+ Implement XI 2.2 (which provides multitouch)
+ Various cleanups and bug fixes
- Changes from version 1.5.0:
+ Implement XI 2.1 (which provides smooth scrolling)
+ Various cleanups and bug fixes
+ Man page improvements
- Changes from version 1.4.2:
+ Various cleanups and bug fixes
+ Build configuration improvements
- Changes from version 1.4.1:
+ Important fixes for bugs that cause clients to misbehave.
Sun Feb 12 13:00:00 2012
- Update homepage URL and set a minimal package description
(found one in tarball announcement mails)
Fri Feb 10 13:00:00 2012
- improved -devel provides/obsoletes for openSUSE 12.2
Fri Feb 10 13:00:00 2012
- added provides/obsoletes for old libXi6-devel package
Thu Feb 9 13:00:00 2012
- Rename SRPM from libXi6 to libXi (no Obsoletes needed for BRPMs)
Sun Feb 5 13:00:00 2012
- Remove apparently unused (Build)Requires on Xau, Xdmcp, xtrans
- Add required runtime dependency on libXext-devel
(XInput2.h uses libXext-devel:Xge.h)
- Use pkgconfig() symbols to pull in BuildRequires
- Remove redundant tags/sections like %clean
- Parallel build with %_smp_mflags
Wed Nov 3 13:00:00 2010
- update to release 1.4.0
* This version doesn\'t add new features but has seen numerous
packaging cleanups and a number of miscellaneous fixes.
Sat Sep 4 14:00:00 2010
- update to release 1.3.1
A few minor build system cleanups but I\'ve cherry-picked only
those that didn\'t require a macros update for this version. The
requirements are thus the same as for 1.3.0.
A couple of random other fixes, most notably two display lock
fixes. The other fix that\'s quite prominent is the
initialization of the extension with a server-specific number of
events. Previously, libXi 1.3 running against a non-XI2 enabled
server would result in mishandling of events (pending extension
initialization order).
- update to release 1.3.2
Brown paper bag release. Just one commit, fixing up a erroneous
conflict resolution that resulted in an inverted condition for
the asciidoc/xmlto checks and an error when building man pages.
Fri Apr 2 14:00:00 2010
- use real version number instead of the one from X.Org
Sat Jan 16 13:00:00 2010
- created package